Protests, Riots, Police trashiness cont.


Senior Member

Mon, Jun 29, 2020 8:18 PM
posted by Spock
posted by SportsAndLady
posted by Spock
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Wait, were the protests in St. Louis destroying things before or after they strolled by that house? Do we know that for sure? I've seen a few vidoes and everyone seemed calm. 

As far as I know, most or nearly all of these protests are peaceful. There are not mobs rolling through the streets breaking shit. 

Have you watched any TV the past 3 weeks?  Plenty of looting, rioting, vandalism and assaults going on .  

Okay show proof of houses being vandalized in their neighborhood by the protestors  

you can’t just say “over the last 3 weeks, BLM protestors have vandalized a lot of stuff! Therefore, these protestors in St. Louis were definitely going to destroy property!”

The idiots were met with guns, their wasnt any vandalism.  They were breaking the law anyways without tearing up the place.  So there is no "proving" anything.


Hey maybe you can walk down the hall this fall and see if there’s an extra seat for you in language arts class? I mean, you’ll need to get someone to teach gym for you while you’re gone, but prettty much anyone can do that so you should be fine. 


Senior Member

Mon, Jun 29, 2020 8:21 PM

I can’t post a picture from my phone...justin any suggestions? Says error when I click on it from my phones gallery. It’s a pretty funny image


Honorable Admin

Mon, Jun 29, 2020 8:27 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

I can’t post a picture from my phone...justin any suggestions? Says error when I click on it from my phones gallery. It’s a pretty funny image

I haven't added that yet, even though the Upload Image button is there. I referenced that in the update thread. Basically it's a new service that I need to write an API for and just haven't yet. 

Email it to me and I'll add it.


Senior Member

Mon, Jun 29, 2020 9:02 PM
posted by justincredible
posted by SportsAndLady

I can’t post a picture from my phone...justin any suggestions? Says error when I click on it from my phones gallery. It’s a pretty funny image

I haven't added that yet, even though the Upload Image button is there. I referenced that in the update thread. Basically it's a new service that I need to write an API for and just haven't yet. 

Email it to me and I'll add it.

Just’s a perfect microcosm for how social media is these days about these things. 


Honorable Admin

Mon, Jun 29, 2020 9:07 PM

LOL. Here it is. Cheong and Nasheed are both insufferable. This is hilarious.


Senior Member

Mon, Jun 29, 2020 10:53 PM
posted by SportsAndLady
posted by iclfan2
posted by SportsAndLady

I read some attorney in Missouri tweeting about how there will 100% be charges against the woman at some point. Basically saying she can’t just go up protestors with a gun and point it at them, because they didn’t constitute a real threat. 

I heard the man and woman are actually attorneys too and could be in some trouble if they get charged. 

They’re multi millionaire attorneys themselves. The protestors were on a private street, which means they were trespassing, and when they told them that they threatened them. Just saw this article, and if he’s telling the truth he won’t be getting charged with anything. Where does that attorney get off saying “they didn’t constitute a real threat”? Still pretending the protestors are all peaceful?

Lol wtf did you just send? “The only thing stopping them was my gun!” That’s the most white trash Missouri trash statement ever. Stop them from what? Did the protestors destroy the other houses on the block? Did they assault their neighbors? (The answer is no). The only threat constituted was from the inbred couple. 

Should the protestors have gone onto their property? No, of course not. Should the hilljack couple have gone outside with guns pointing them in the faces of the protestors? No. Both those statements can be true at the same time. Everyone in this situation was in the wrong

I think you missed the part where they crashed through a private property gate. Its not peaceful anymore at that point.


Senior Member

Mon, Jun 29, 2020 10:56 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Wait, were the protests in St. Louis destroying things before or after they strolled by that house? Do we know that for sure? I've seen a few vidoes and everyone seemed calm. 

As far as I know, most or nearly all of these protests are peaceful. There are not mobs rolling through the streets breaking shit. 

This particular protest had to break through a private property gate right in front of this house. At that point it wasn't peaceful anymore. 

Don't get me wrong, based on the video the wife should probabaly be charged but not the husband.


Senior Member

Mon, Jun 29, 2020 11:01 PM
posted by justincredible

I think it's a stretch to say what WOULD HAVE (props for not saying 'would of') happened. But I can understand why the couple was on edge given violent attacks earlier in the day in St Louis. That said, the lady did this couple no favors. The guy was mostly fine. The wife needs to invest in some training.

Agree 100%.

They were right/had the right to come out with the guns. They were not morons/inbreds for doing so due to the earlier riots in StL and the fact that this protest had just broke through a private gate in front of their house. 

However, the wife looks like a total hilljack waving that gun around, just in nicer clothes. She needs at least a 1 day class in proper gun control. She could face charges for pointing the gun while her finger was on the trigger, which is totally stupid unless you are fearing for your life and about to unload all 13 rounds into someone.


Senior Member

Mon, Jun 29, 2020 11:19 PM
posted by jmog
posted by SportsAndLady
posted by iclfan2
posted by SportsAndLady

I read some attorney in Missouri tweeting about how there will 100% be charges against the woman at some point. Basically saying she can’t just go up protestors with a gun and point it at them, because they didn’t constitute a real threat. 

I heard the man and woman are actually attorneys too and could be in some trouble if they get charged. 

They’re multi millionaire attorneys themselves. The protestors were on a private street, which means they were trespassing, and when they told them that they threatened them. Just saw this article, and if he’s telling the truth he won’t be getting charged with anything. Where does that attorney get off saying “they didn’t constitute a real threat”? Still pretending the protestors are all peaceful?

Lol wtf did you just send? “The only thing stopping them was my gun!” That’s the most white trash Missouri trash statement ever. Stop them from what? Did the protestors destroy the other houses on the block? Did they assault their neighbors? (The answer is no). The only threat constituted was from the inbred couple. 

Should the protestors have gone onto their property? No, of course not. Should the hilljack couple have gone outside with guns pointing them in the faces of the protestors? No. Both those statements can be true at the same time. Everyone in this situation was in the wrong

I think you missed the part where they crashed through a private property gate. Its not peaceful anymore at that point.

Crashed through? I didn’t see any crashing through of a gate. I saw them walking through the gate, and obviously they Would have had to break the gate open. But I don’t think that constitutes coming outside with a gun the way she did.


Senior Member

Mon, Jun 29, 2020 11:22 PM
posted by jmog
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Wait, were the protests in St. Louis destroying things before or after they strolled by that house? Do we know that for sure? I've seen a few vidoes and everyone seemed calm. 

As far as I know, most or nearly all of these protests are peaceful. There are not mobs rolling through the streets breaking shit. 

This particular protest had to break through a private property gate right in front of this house. At that point it wasn't peaceful anymore. 

Don't get me wrong, based on the video the wife should probabaly be charged but not the husband.

Isn’t that what I said? The wife should probably be charged? 

I think the protestors were wrong for breaking through the gate. The couple were wrong for coming outside and waiving a gun around. Maybe just the woman was in the wrong, but the dude definitely didn’t need to pull out an assault rifle for protestors walking by their house  



Mon, Jun 29, 2020 11:23 PM
posted by Spock
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Wait, were the protests in St. Louis destroying things before or after they strolled by that house? Do we know that for sure? I've seen a few vidoes and everyone seemed calm. 

As far as I know, most or nearly all of these protests are peaceful. There are not mobs rolling through the streets breaking shit. 

Have you watched any TV the past 3 weeks?  Plenty of looting, rioting, vandalism and assaults going on .  

Man, get off your crazy websites...



Mon, Jun 29, 2020 11:28 PM
posted by jmog
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Wait, were the protests in St. Louis destroying things before or after they strolled by that house? Do we know that for sure? I've seen a few vidoes and everyone seemed calm. 

As far as I know, most or nearly all of these protests are peaceful. There are not mobs rolling through the streets breaking shit. 

This particular protest had to break through a private property gate right in front of this house. At that point it wasn't peaceful anymore. 

Don't get me wrong, based on the video the wife should probabaly be charged but not the husband.

From what I read, they were on their way to the mayor's house. Was the gate for their particular property or for the neighborhood? I mean if it was for the hood, that is a little more complicated. Was the group actually on their property too?

I mean they can protect their property, but that seems like quite the escalation for a group that peaceful except for a gate to head to the mayors place to protest. 


Senior Member

Mon, Jun 29, 2020 11:37 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

I mean they can protect their property, but that seems like quite the escalation for a group that peaceful except for a gate to head to the mayors place to protest.

Scary part is, it only takes one guy to fire a shot at him and then he unloads on the crowd with his AK-47.  That's going to happen, somewhere, at some point.

And it's a pretty reckless move to confront them with guns, because you don't know if some idiot is going to shoot at you.  I would have left the gun just inside the door an arm's length away.   What are you going to do, anyway, if someone does shoot at your or throws something?  You've got no cover.


Senior Member

Mon, Jun 29, 2020 11:52 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1
posted by jmog
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Wait, were the protests in St. Louis destroying things before or after they strolled by that house? Do we know that for sure? I've seen a few vidoes and everyone seemed calm. 

As far as I know, most or nearly all of these protests are peaceful. There are not mobs rolling through the streets breaking shit. 

This particular protest had to break through a private property gate right in front of this house. At that point it wasn't peaceful anymore. 

Don't get me wrong, based on the video the wife should probabaly be charged but not the husband.

From what I read, they were on their way to the mayor's house. Was the gate for their particular property or for the neighborhood? I mean if it was for the hood, that is a little more complicated. Was the group actually on their property too?

I mean they can protect their property, but that seems like quite the escalation for a group that peaceful except for a gate to head to the mayors place to protest. 

Why are you trying to justify this?  They went on private property.  End of story.  Whatever happens after that is karma.


Senior Member

Mon, Jun 29, 2020 11:54 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1
posted by Spock
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Wait, were the protests in St. Louis destroying things before or after they strolled by that house? Do we know that for sure? I've seen a few vidoes and everyone seemed calm. 

As far as I know, most or nearly all of these protests are peaceful. There are not mobs rolling through the streets breaking shit. 

Have you watched any TV the past 3 weeks?  Plenty of looting, rioting, vandalism and assaults going on .  

Man, get off your crazy websites...

Get off my websites?  Have you turned on the TV?  EVERY station shows nothing but violence, looting, fires, vandalism...what do you think people in those neighborhoods are expecting when they see a mob break down a gate and enter their property?

To insinuate that I have been brainwashed from Breitbart is fake news by you.


Senior Member

Mon, Jun 29, 2020 11:57 PM
posted by Spock
posted by ptown_trojans_1
posted by jmog
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Wait, were the protests in St. Louis destroying things before or after they strolled by that house? Do we know that for sure? I've seen a few vidoes and everyone seemed calm. 

As far as I know, most or nearly all of these protests are peaceful. There are not mobs rolling through the streets breaking shit. 

This particular protest had to break through a private property gate right in front of this house. At that point it wasn't peaceful anymore. 

Don't get me wrong, based on the video the wife should probabaly be charged but not the husband.

From what I read, they were on their way to the mayor's house. Was the gate for their particular property or for the neighborhood? I mean if it was for the hood, that is a little more complicated. Was the group actually on their property too?

I mean they can protect their property, but that seems like quite the escalation for a group that peaceful except for a gate to head to the mayors place to protest. 

Why are you trying to justify this?  They went on private property.  End of story.  Whatever happens after that is karma.

You’re such a moron


Senior Member

Tue, Jun 30, 2020 1:02 AM
posted by SportsAndLady

Crashed through? I didn’t see any crashing through of a gate. I saw them walking through the gate, and obviously they Would have had to break the gate open. But I don’t think that constitutes coming outside with a gun the way she did.

So you say they broke through but they didn’t crash through?

You can’t be serious. 


Senior Member

Tue, Jun 30, 2020 1:57 AM
posted by jmog

So you say they broke through but they didn’t crash through?

You can’t be serious. 

You’re acting like they fucking Lord of the Rings smashed their way through the gate like theyre a bunch of Orcs.

There’s a picture of the gate under that video. They simply broke the gate open and went through lol. 


Senior Member

Tue, Jun 30, 2020 2:07 AM
posted by SportsAndLady

I like a few stories down the guy who jumped on a police SUV with it's lights on and said "tHe POliCe rEn InTO mUH!!!!"

Fox keeps running a clip of Thurston Howell III where you can clearly see the "violent" protestors trying to get people to ignore him and move along.


Senior Member

Tue, Jun 30, 2020 2:43 AM
posted by SportsAndLady

You’re acting like they fucking Lord of the Rings smashed their way through the gate like theyre a bunch of Orcs.

There’s a picture of the gate under that video. They simply broke the gate open and went through lol. 

No, if I said "they crashed through like orcs" then you could say that. You are playing word games. If someone broke through my front door of my home, saying they crashed in is synonymous. 

You know this to be true, but being a troll will never admit it.


Senior Member

Tue, Jun 30, 2020 2:44 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Man, get off your crazy websites...

To be fair, in the post you quoted, Spock isn't wrong. There have been a ton of looting, rioting, etc in the last few weeks.


Senior Member

Tue, Jun 30, 2020 2:44 AM
posted by jmog

No, if I said "they crashed through like orcs" then you could say that. You are playing word games. If someone broke through my front door of my home, saying they crashed in is synonymous. 

You know this to be true, but being a troll will never admit it.

We literally said the same thing on this subject.  you’re just arguing just to argue. 


Senior Member

Tue, Jun 30, 2020 2:48 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

From what I read, they were on their way to the mayor's house. Was the gate for their particular property or for the neighborhood? I mean if it was for the hood, that is a little more complicated. Was the group actually on their property too?

I mean they can protect their property, but that seems like quite the escalation for a group that peaceful except for a gate to head to the mayors place to protest. 

From what I understand the gate was private property as that was a private road. As soon as they broke through the gate and was on the road they were trespassing. 

This house was basically the first house past the gate, meaning the gate was broken through and this house was the first one on the private road. I also understand they were not just on the private road, which was still trespassing, but they were also on these people's lawn.


Senior Member

Tue, Jun 30, 2020 2:49 AM
posted by SportsAndLady

Isn’t that what I said? The wife should probably be charged? 

I think the protestors were wrong for breaking through the gate. The couple were wrong for coming outside and waiving a gun around. Maybe just the woman was in the wrong, but the dude definitely didn’t need to pull out an assault rifle for protestors walking by their house  

Wasn't an assault rifle, due to it not being an automatic rifle. For your information, an AR-15 is not an assault rifle as it can only shoot 1 bullet for each time you pull the trigger.


Senior Member

Tue, Jun 30, 2020 2:50 AM
posted by gut

Scary part is, it only takes one guy to fire a shot at him and then he unloads on the crowd with his AK-47.  That's going to happen, somewhere, at some point.

And it's a pretty reckless move to confront them with guns, because you don't know if some idiot is going to shoot at you.  I would have left the gun just inside the door an arm's length away.   What are you going to do, anyway, if someone does shoot at your or throws something?  You've got no cover.

So a protest breaks into your private neighborhood and onto your lawn, with EVERYTHING going on lately and you don't believe a gun for defense is a proper response?

I believe it was an AR-15, not AK-47, but that's semantics as I was just going off what it looked like.