George Floyd


Senior Member

Wed, Jun 3, 2020 9:20 AM
posted by Automatik

Or you could just raise kids to not buy into that. Or just not send them at all. 

This, too. 
My parents raised me to be whoever I want to be (even though they’re pretty damn conservative). Went to college (OU), super liberal professors, and not liberal at all. Weird!


Senior Member

Wed, Jun 3, 2020 9:44 AM
posted by SportsAndLady

This, too. 
My parents raised me to be whoever I want to be (even though they’re pretty damn conservative). Went to college (OU), super liberal professors, and not liberal at all. Weird!

So its your parents fault how you turned out and act on here? Good to know.


With all of these mass gatherings/riots/protests what do y all think will happen in terms of the Rona?

1.  Severe outbreak in cases and deaths in the next couple of weeks?

2.  Realization this whole thing was blown way out of proportion?








Senior Member

Wed, Jun 3, 2020 9:49 AM

Just like from day 1, hospitals ability to handle cases will dictate and it will be a on a by-region basis.

I do believe the lockdown implemented on lesser hit areas was overzealous, so no way that happens again. 


Kosh B'Gosh

Wed, Jun 3, 2020 10:20 AM
posted by SportsAndLady

You really think people like that chick are going to go to college and learn that their racist thoughts/feelings are wrong and change for the better? Maybe a couple might, but I think the majority of them will allow college to make that ideology they have stronger. 

I've only worked and been around the college setting for 17+ years now. I know how good it can be for people.

posted by BR1986FB

No reference to racism but if I were a parent, I'd cringe at the thought of sending kids to college with all of the liberal bullshit they have force fed to them.

Saying "college = liberal" is a massive over-generalization. It truly is unnecessary to do that.



Reppin' the 330/216/843

Wed, Jun 3, 2020 10:26 AM
posted by like_that


Probably were told to not be on the sidewalk.

Here is one of the dumbest arrests I have seen, and it is from where I live. Wasn't in a cops face, wasn't swearing, makes no sense. He had even showed up that morning (Sunday) to help clean up the destruction from the night before.


Senior Member

Wed, Jun 3, 2020 10:33 AM
posted by justincredible

They really need to do a better job of picking their battles. I get they’re at their boiling point but hitting people for seemingly no reason isn’t going to help anything. Need to just chill out and let people do their thing and engage only when someone’s in danger. 

Al Bundy

Senior Member

Wed, Jun 3, 2020 10:43 AM
posted by SportsAndLady

You really think people like that chick are going to go to college and learn that their racist thoughts/feelings are wrong and change for the better? Maybe a couple might, but I think the majority of them will allow college to make that ideology they have stronger. 

I don't know anything about that girl, but often kids are exposed to a bigger world and much more life experience by going to college. They learn that there are great people of all backgrounds (race, sexual orientation, religion, etc.). Hopefully they grow as a person from 17 to 21.


Senior Member

Wed, Jun 3, 2020 11:25 AM
posted by iclfan2

Are people done condoning this shit yet or no? A 77 year old black man is dead from looters. But keep donating to bail funds idiots. 

Who’s condoning murder?

I think people support the peaceful protests. I think 99.999% of those protesting are doing it peacefully. I think the .001% who are committing murder are criminals and should be put in jail for life. 


Senior Member

Wed, Jun 3, 2020 11:52 AM

wtf....people are so lazy.

A few idiots spout their support for violence on Twitter, now we condone it? People LOVE to paint with that broad brush. Again...LAZY.

Al Bundy

Senior Member

Wed, Jun 3, 2020 11:59 AM
posted by SportsAndLady

Who’s condoning murder?

I think people support the peaceful protests. I think 99.999% of those protesting are doing it peacefully. I think the .001% who are committing murder are criminals and should be put in jail for life. 

New York City has a population of 8,000,000. Let's assume that everyone protested (they didn't). 0.001% of 8,000,000 is 80. Do you really think that it was only 80 people who caused all of the violence and destruction in NYC?


Senior Member

Wed, Jun 3, 2020 12:01 PM

That's definitely a stretch.

Plenty of peaceful protesters have been arrested during this throughout the country. 



Senior Member

Wed, Jun 3, 2020 12:08 PM
posted by justincredible

Be sure to watch the video in the second tweet as well. You actually see it go boom.

Got in a right hook before leaving also!!


Honorable Admin

Wed, Jun 3, 2020 12:12 PM
posted by Spock

Got in a right hook before leaving also!!

Missed that the first time. Nice.


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Wed, Jun 3, 2020 12:18 PM
posted by Automatik

wtf....people are so lazy.

A few idiots spout their support for violence on Twitter, now we condone it? People LOVE to paint with that broad brush. Again...LAZY.

If you are donating to bail people out of jail, you are condoning it. No doubt some peaceful protestors have been arrested, but the majority committed a crime. And don’t be silly, there are numerous blue checks who said burn it down. 


Senior Member

Wed, Jun 3, 2020 12:20 PM

Numerous, does not mean all. Some donations does not mean all. Be better.


Son of the Sun

Wed, Jun 3, 2020 12:24 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

This, too. 
My parents raised me to be whoever I want to be (even though they’re pretty damn conservative). Went to college (OU), super liberal professors, and not liberal at all. Weird!

As someone who also went to OU, I think the "going to college makes you catch teh lib'rulism" deal might be one of the more stupid anti-education concepts out there.

First, if a college has a super-liberal reputation, it usually isn't some huge secret, so anyone who is worried their uber-conservative gene pool might get corrupted can, I don't know, not go to that particular place. Second, if you're finding yourself up in arms over all the liberalism and you didn't blunder into a super-liberal campus, odds are you're the sort of over-the-top asshole conservative who gets upset and bitchy whenever other viewpoints are given respect, so you're in full-on confrontation mode whenever someone has an opinion you disagree with. Third, if you're upset because your kid went to college and came back with different viewpoints, that seems like a "you" problem and not one with them.

The purpose of things like "going to college" and "getting a job" and "growing up" are to determine your path in the world. If that leads to you changing your views on certain things, cool. If later on in life, you come back to the conclusion that those old views that got changed may have been right after all, cool. That's what life is about. But there's just something pathetic about a "I don't want them to go to one of those colleges because they'll wind up getting 'corrupted' by opinions that aren't mine!!!!" viewpoint.


Senior Member

Wed, Jun 3, 2020 12:27 PM
posted by Al Bundy

New York City has a population of 8,000,000. Let's assume that everyone protested (they didn't). 0.001% of 8,000,000 is 80. Do you really think that it was only 80 people who caused all of the violence and destruction in NYC?

So you’re putting murder on the same level as “violence and destruction”?


Because I was talking about murder. 


Senior Member

Wed, Jun 3, 2020 12:30 PM
posted by Heretic

As someone who also went to OU, I think the "going to college makes you catch teh lib'rulism" deal might be one of the more stupid anti-education concepts out there.

First, if a college has a super-liberal reputation, it usually isn't some huge secret, so anyone who is worried their uber-conservative gene pool might get corrupted can, I don't know, not go to that particular place. Second, if you're finding yourself up in arms over all the liberalism and you didn't blunder into a super-liberal campus, odds are you're the sort of over-the-top asshole conservative who gets upset and bitchy whenever other viewpoints are given respect, so you're in full-on confrontation mode whenever someone has an opinion you disagree with. Third, if you're upset because your kid went to college and came back with different viewpoints, that seems like a "you" problem and not one with them.

The purpose of things like "going to college" and "getting a job" and "growing up" are to determine your path in the world. If that leads to you changing your views on certain things, cool. If later on in life, you come back to the conclusion that those old views that got changed may have been right after all, cool. That's what life is about. But there's just something pathetic about a "I don't want them to go to one of those colleges because they'll wind up getting 'corrupted' by opinions that aren't mine!!!!" viewpoint.

Lol, yeah. Being upset that your child went to college and came back, GASP, a liberal, is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard. We may not agree with liberals, but they’re still for the most part good people just with different viewpoints. 
This idea that liberals are these mutated creatures who are on earth to HARM THE POPULATION is fucking stupid. 

Al Bundy

Senior Member

Wed, Jun 3, 2020 12:33 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

So you’re putting murder on the same level as “violence and destruction”?


Because I was talking about murder. 

No, but you said that 99.999% were peaceful. 


Senior Member

Wed, Jun 3, 2020 12:33 PM
posted by Automatik

Numerous, does not mean all. Some donations does not mean all. Be better.

ICL just doesn’t get it. You’re right, he’s lazy. 
Taking ONE example or maybe even 50 examples, and completely ignoring the MILLIONS of opposite examples is just pure laziness. 
And seeing a 70 year old police chief get shot in the fucking chest and die and then putting that on the same level as kids looting a Nike store is just pure laziness and stupidity. And no I don’t condone the looting or violence, but stop finding examples of fucking HOMICIDES and going “see, I was right, the looting is wrong!!” 
Fucking idiots. 


Senior Member

Wed, Jun 3, 2020 12:36 PM
posted by Al Bundy

No, but you said that 99.999% were peaceful. 

Well, Al, I didn’t exactly pull out my calculator and find the exact % of murderers to peaceful protestors. However, I did do a quick “well there’s millions of people protesting peacefully, and about 10 homicides due to protestors (and maybe that number is wrong, idk, but it could not be much higher than that), I just kinda came up with a number. Yes, it may be off by a bit. Lol