George Floyd


Senior Member

Tue, Jun 9, 2020 12:27 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Hey man, that is your view and I said that is fine I guess. I mean they are not doing any protesting on the field or during games, so I'm not sure what you are really complaining about. All of these statements are before games and are not impacting the play on the field, so you can continue your escape from reality. Like I said, you can just watch Red Zone for pure games. You are really complaining about things not related to the field of play. 

I do think that concept of sports/ entertainment as not having anything to do with protests or commentary on the social ills of the day is misguided. History is filled with sports bleeding over into politics. Jesse Owens, Joe Louis, 1980 US Mens Hockey Team, and baseball post 9/11 are all examples of sports addressing or commenting on the social issues of the day. Trying to separate the two is fine for you, you can continue to do that, but to suggest that the two should remain separate is a misrepresentation of history. 

Yup. Sports is littered with examples of players taking political stances. It’s fine if you don’t care for it, but saying “sports is for athletes to play sports and that’s it!” Is just a dumb redneck thing to say. 
I don’t really care for it, personally, but that’s because I’m not really effected by injustices that I want someone to speak up about. But I 100% understand that others may want them to say something. And who cares if they do? If you’re seriously effected by that, well you’re a moron. 

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Tue, Jun 9, 2020 12:38 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

Yup. Sports is littered with examples of players taking political stances. It’s fine if you don’t care for it, but saying “sports is for athletes to play sports and that’s it!” Is just a dumb redneck thing to say. 
I don’t really care for it, personally, but that’s because I’m not really effected by injustices that I want someone to speak up about. But I 100% understand that others may want them to say something. And who cares if they do? If you’re seriously effected by that, well you’re a moron. 

Why do you have to call people who disagree with you on here "racist", "POS, and "moron"?  Why can't you just say your peace and leave it there. That kind of hostility online is causing the whole cancel culture. 


1st Team All-PWN

Tue, Jun 9, 2020 12:54 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

Yup. Sports is littered with examples of players taking political stances. It’s fine if you don’t care for it, but saying “sports is for athletes to play sports and that’s it!” Is just a dumb redneck thing to say. 
I don’t really care for it, personally, but that’s because I’m not really effected by injustices that I want someone to speak up about. But I 100% understand that others may want them to say something. And who cares if they do? If you’re seriously effected by that, well you’re a moron. 

Social issues and politics have definitely been in sports a lot longer than the past few years.  The difference is now  everything is so polarizing and everyone wants to turn EVERYTHING into a social or political issue.  Everything we do, we have to be pitted against each other on two "teams." It's almost impossible to get away from it unless you want to to be a recluse.  Whether you agree with it or not, sports is the one thing where people view as an escape from today's reality.  It's also something that brings people together.  Look at when the Cavs when the title.  I had friends there and read stories about how it didn't matter if you were white/black/asian/man/woman that night in Cleveland.  Everyone was hugging each other.  You're not going to see that shit at an opera (side rant: this is why I hate on bandwagon/fair weather fans, because they will never truly understand that feeling). 

I also don't really care for it personally, but it's not enough for me to stop watching sports.  At least live sports. For example,  it's much easier to stop watching the bullshit ESPN produces outside of live sports.  ESPN has been hurting because of it. As far as the kneeling goes, I think both sides miss the irony in it.  One side brings up the disrespect of the men/women who protect our nation, without realizing they have fought for our rights to protest even against the flag.  The other side wants to portray the US as the worst country in the world, without realizing the irony that protesting the flag and anthem would get them killed or put in jail in many countries.  

The only time this stuff irks me is when the narrative becomes bullshit.  I.e. Kaep who lost out to Blaine Gabbert was not and is not capable of starting for a legitimate playoff caliber team in the NFL.  You can argue he could maybe have started on a shitty ass team (i.e. 0-16 Browns) or backup a good team, but you would be making that argument without actually thinking if signing him makes any sense for those teams.  The 0-16 Browns needed to draft as high as possible, so why would they sign Kaep to maybe win 3 games?  A playoff caliber team is not going to want the media circus with Kaep as a backup.  It's no different than Tebow being a backup.  Another example is when the NBA goes full woke to lecture the rest of the US, but then shows their true colors with China, because China brings in a lot of $$$$$ for them.  



Senior Member

Tue, Jun 9, 2020 1:03 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

Why do you have to call people who disagree with you on here "racist", "POS, and "moron"?  Why can't you just say your peace and leave it there. That kind of hostility online is causing the whole cancel culture. 

Thavoice is actually a racist scumbag POS though. That’s why I said it. 


Son of the Sun

Tue, Jun 9, 2020 1:05 PM
posted by thavoice


I, like millions of Americans, watch sports (and movies, music) for the event and not for some political/activist statement.    I want to hear and see what pertains to the game/product on the field and not a stance any player is making on political events.

When I go to a concert, I dont want the singer to bloviate about a cause or political event, even if it is what I believe in.


Sports should be an escape from the every day monotony of life.   


If a player wants to use his platform outside the lines, then so be it and I am all for that.  

Once you get onto, and into, the playing fields just go and play.   Employers have every right to censor what their employees say and do, especially while "on the clock".  

Let's see....

1. As stated before, high-profile athletes in high-profile situations have used sports as a form of peaceful protest for ages. And leagues regularly use their product as a means of promoting various causes from anti-cancer to patriotism. It isn't something new, it isn't something that started with NFL players and anti-police excessive force sentiments..

2. The concept of "OMG!?! I'm gonna have to just watch from kickoff to game end because of this!!!!" is just so hilariously whiny. Acting like it's a hassle to use a mute button or switch channels because a TV station is running something in the moment that you don't want to see. FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS LOL!!!!

3. And the "I, like millions of Americans..." bit is just funny. Seems like right now, millions of Americans are in support of that message. And I'd be willing to bet that another "millions" grouping is at least neutral/tolerant/accepting of it in that "doesn't personally effect me, but it does suck that entire groups of people are in fear of it" sort of way.

Not personally digging it is a person's business. Acting like it's a problem or absolutely detracts from the sports watching experience -- that probably says more about you than anything else.


Senior Member

Tue, Jun 9, 2020 1:08 PM
posted by like_that

Social issues and politics have definitely been in sports a lot longer than the past few years.  The difference is now  everything is so polarizing and everyone wants to turn EVERYTHING into a social or political issue.  Everything we do, we have to be pitted against each other on two "teams." It's almost impossible to get away from it unless you want to to be a recluse.  Whether you agree with it or not, sports is the one thing where people view as an escape from today's reality.  It's also something that brings people together.  Look at when the Cavs when the title.  I had friends there and read stories about how it didn't matter if you were white/black/asian/man/woman that night in Cleveland.  Everyone was hugging each other.  You're not going to see that shit at an opera (side rant: this is why I hate on bandwagon/fair weather fans, because they will never truly understand that feeling). 

I also don't really care for it personally, but it's not enough for me to stop watching sports.  At least live sports. For example,  it's much easier to stop watching the bullshit ESPN produces outside of live sports.  ESPN has been hurting because of it. As far as the kneeling goes, I think both sides miss the irony in it.  One side brings up the disrespect of the men/women who protect our nation, without realizing they have fought for our rights to protest even against the flag.  The other side wants to portray the US as the worst country in the world, without realizing the irony that protesting the flag and anthem would get them killed or put in jail in many countries.  

The only time this stuff irks me is when the narrative becomes bullshit.  I.e. Kaep who lost out to Blaine Gabbert was not and is not capable of starting for a legitimate playoff caliber team in the NFL.  You can argue he could maybe have started on a shitty ass team (i.e. 0-16 Browns) or backup a good team, but you would be making that argument without actually thinking if signing him makes any sense for those teams.  The 0-16 Browns needed to draft as high as possible, so why would they sign Kaep to maybe win 3 games?  A playoff caliber team is not going to want the media circus with Kaep as a backup.  It's no different than Tebow being a backup.  Another example is when the NBA goes full woke to lecture the rest of the US, but then shows their true colors with China, because China brings in a lot of $$$$$ for them.  


There are hypocrisies involved, of course. I’m not saying it’s perfect. The China/NBA thing is just laugh out loud funny in the “they have no clue how hypocritical they are” kinda way. 

And yes, the Kaep situation wasn’t exactly what he makes it out to be. But his kneeling in protest of injustices against black people inspires a LOT of black people around the country/world—it just has no effect on most non-black people. But instead of just letting it happen and not saying anything about it, a lot of non-black people will speak AGAINST his non violent protest and thus causes the divide. BOTH sides cause the divide that we have as a country, IMO. 


Senior Member

Tue, Jun 9, 2020 2:47 PM

Do they even show the national anthem on TV anymore? Seems like they run commercials up until the very last possible moment then bring the game back right before kickoff. 

The Kaepernick thing is stupid. Idk why people act like it’s a racist conspiracy to keep him out of the league. He worked out publicly last year - and many teams attended - and still passed on him. Plus I think he’d want more money than you want to pay your backup QB. 

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Tue, Jun 9, 2020 3:07 PM
posted by friendfromlowry

Do they even show the national anthem on TV anymore? Seems like they run commercials up until the very last possible moment then bring the game back right before kickoff. 

The Kaepernick thing is stupid. Idk why people act like it’s a racist conspiracy to keep him out of the league. He worked out publicly last year - and many teams attended - and still passed on him. Plus I think he’d want more money than you want to pay your backup QB. 

The guys that own NFL teams are first and foremost capitalists.  A dude can be a convicted wife-beating felon and they'll give him a shot if they think he can win games.  They subscribe to the "act now, apologize later" philosophy.  If they thought Kaepernick could win them games, they'd give him a contract right now.  The fact that they haven't tells you exactly how they evaluate his ability.  


Senior Member

Tue, Jun 9, 2020 3:32 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

Why do you have to call people who disagree with you on here "racist", "POS, and "moron"?  Why can't you just say your peace and leave it there. That kind of hostility online is causing the whole cancel culture. 

That is his M.O.

Dont agree, attack attack attack.   

He always reaffirms why most on here consider him a POS.


Son of the Sun

Tue, Jun 9, 2020 3:34 PM
posted by friendfromlowry

Do they even show the national anthem on TV anymore? Seems like they run commercials up until the very last possible moment then bring the game back right before kickoff. 

The Kaepernick thing is stupid. Idk why people act like it’s a racist conspiracy to keep him out of the league. He worked out publicly last year - and many teams attended - and still passed on him. Plus I think he’d want more money than you want to pay your backup QB. 

Typically just the big national event kinds of games, but not your typical 1 p.m. regional coverage on CBS/FOX ones. At least on the average; if there was a planned mass player kneel-down for a week, I'd guess they'd show it. If it continued every week, they probably wouldn't show it every time, at least not live.

As for Kaep, Like That did a good job summing it up, with the comparison to Tebow being particularly apt. I think he's a guy who'd have success (and has had success) in the right system with good talent around him. And I think it can easily be said that he was blackballed due to being all activist, all the time. But, like Tebow, he was at a point where his publicity and celebrity came more from his beliefs than his on-field skill and if you're going to be a marginal starter or a back-up, NFL teams generally want a guy who's all about fitting a role on the team; not someone who'll be getting tons of interviews and attention as an individual for stuff that isn't team-related. Anyone can make a great case that a Kaep or Tebow would be a better quarterback to have on a roster than some total trash player like Mike Glennon or Nathan Peterman, but with those two, you'll have anonymous back-ups who won't attract any attention unless your team is unlucky enough to have to use them for an extended period of time. With a Kaep/Tebow, you'll have them getting tons of attention and you'll have a large segment of people trying to anoint them as the "should be" starter anytime they do something good or the actual starter has a bad day due to that non-football popularity.


Senior Member

Tue, Jun 9, 2020 3:45 PM
posted by friendfromlowry

Do they even show the national anthem on TV anymore? Seems like they run commercials up until the very last possible moment then bring the game back right before kickoff. 

The Kaepernick thing is stupid. Idk why people act like it’s a racist conspiracy to keep him out of the league. He worked out publicly last year - and many teams attended - and still passed on him. Plus I think he’d want more money than you want to pay your backup QB. 

Especially after seeing what starting QBs like Dalton and Winston signed for, and likely what Newton will sign.

He was a complete PUNK for changing the workout location at the last minute and many teams basically said fuck off and didnt go see it.

Then the video of his workout he really did not loot that good with his mechanics.

I was one that was ALL OVER saying he was getting blackballed.  Search here I believe and Yappi, I was all over that he was getting screwed over , and if Nathan Pederson, or Pederman or WTF his name is, had a backup gig then CK should as well.

I originally thought the owners were screwing him over big time.   The last straw was that workout where he changed the location, did not look good, and other peripherals. I was late to the party in in joining many others in the belief that he didnt want to play.  

The sports shows right now are unwatchable with this shit going on, and I just hope once games start we can talk about the freaking games, and not some political and racial shit.


1st Team All-PWN

Tue, Jun 9, 2020 3:47 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

The guys that own NFL teams are first and foremost capitalists.  A dude can be a convicted wife-beating felon and they'll give him a shot if they think he can win games.  They subscribe to the "act now, apologize later" philosophy.  If they thought Kaepernick could win them games, they'd give him a contract right now.  The fact that they haven't tells you exactly how they evaluate his ability.  

Thank you.  I forgot this point as well.  Plenty of pieces of shit in the NFL still playing and getting paid, because they actually contribute.





Tue, Jun 9, 2020 7:01 PM
posted by thavoice


I, like millions of Americans, watch sports (and movies, music) for the event and not for some political/activist statement.    I want to hear and see what pertains to the game/product on the field and not a stance any player is making on political events.

When I go to a concert, I dont want the singer to bloviate about a cause or political event, even if it is what I believe in.


Sports should be an escape from the every day monotony of life.   


If a player wants to use his platform outside the lines, then so be it and I am all for that.  

Once you get onto, and into, the playing fields just go and play.   Employers have every right to censor what their employees say and do, especially while "on the clock".  

So basically in a nutshell you support their right to protest somewhere where no one has to see it and it can be easily ignored so as not to annoy you and ruin your day. That’s hil


Senior Member

Tue, Jun 9, 2020 7:31 PM
posted by geeblock

So basically in a nutshell you support their right to protest somewhere where no one has to see it and it can be easily ignored so as not to annoy you and ruin your day. That’s hil

You’ll have to excuse thavoice, he’s a racist scumbag POS


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Tue, Jun 9, 2020 7:34 PM

It’s a bit ironic that while everyone is protesting police, the murder rates in some cities are sky rocketing. LA, Chicago to name 2. 



Tue, Jun 9, 2020 8:43 PM
posted by iclfan2

It’s a bit ironic that while everyone is protesting police, the murder rates in some cities are sky rocketing. LA, Chicago to name 2. 

Serious question. What is the irony? Also didn’t trump just tweet yesterday that the crime numbers were the lowest ever?



Tue, Jun 9, 2020 10:24 PM

I like how Candace Owens stated it.


Senior Member

Tue, Jun 9, 2020 10:37 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

You’ll have to excuse thavoice, he’s a racist scumbag POS

How so?  Will have to ask one of my best buddies, who is black, if I am racist.   

But of course, you must know me better than he does because, as we all know on here,  if you toe the line of what sports lady says then ya must be a racist and a jackass.   You have proven that over and over on here.....






Tue, Jun 9, 2020 10:40 PM
posted by thavoice

How so?  Will have to ask one of my best buddies, who is black, if I am racist.   

But of course, you must know me better than he does because, as we all know on here,  if you toe the line of what sports lady says then ya must be a racist and a jackass.   You have proven that over and over on here.....


Having a black friend doesn’t make you not a racist, fyi. Even a black best friend.


Senior Member

Tue, Jun 9, 2020 10:42 PM
posted by Laley23

Having a black friend doesn’t make you not a racist, fyi. Even a black best friend.

Lol, was just about to say that. “Guys I’m not racist, my best friend is black” -what racists say when convincing others they’re not racist. 



Tue, Jun 9, 2020 10:43 PM

Sports being politicized happened decades ago, by the greedy owners. All the military stuff they do — exploiting the Armed Forces for profit; camo jerseys; giant flags on the field. It’s a joke.

Playing the anthem in general is the dumbest fucking thing ever. I remember asking my dad why we had to sit through it every game. It’s so dumb. Has nothing to do with sports. Should be eliminated from sporting events. 


Senior Member

Tue, Jun 9, 2020 11:02 PM

True, having a black friend does not make one not a racist.

Sport lady MO is to throw inflammatory statements to whomever does not agree with him.   I've seen a lot of folks on here finally noticing that the last few months since he came back from throwing his hissy fit.   


His elitist shit for brains attitude is perfect for a place like Chicago.   There he just seem as normal.



Senior Member

Tue, Jun 9, 2020 11:45 PM
posted by thavoice

True, having a black friend does not make one not a racist.

Sport lady MO is to throw inflammatory statements to whomever does not agree with him.   I've seen a lot of folks on here finally noticing that the last few months since he came back from throwing his hissy fit.   


His elitist shit for brains attitude is perfect for a place like Chicago.   There he just seem as normal.


Ok racist 


1st Team All-PWN

Wed, Jun 10, 2020 3:35 AM
posted by Laley23

Having a black friend doesn’t make you not a racist, fyi. Even a black best friend.

Counterpoint: A racist (white hates black/black hates white/etc) typically isn't going to spend his/her free time and get to know someone of another race on a very personal level.

I am not saying it is impossible to have friends of another race and be racist, but it is pretty rare to be friends with people of other races and also hate them at the same time.  

posted by SportsAndLady

Ok racist 

Thavoice isn't my favorite poster.  I still think he is a bandwagon redneck Steelers fan with his nuts occupied in his wife's jar.  I don't even come close to seeing eye to eye with most of his posts.  With that being said, how is a post like this any different than all the people we make fun of in the progressive thread?

I legitimately don't recall thavoice being racist, but I am down to see some evidence that would indicate he is a racist.  If you're going to make a serious accusation at least back it up.  Simply associating rednecks to all racists isn't cutting it. 



Senior Member

Wed, Jun 10, 2020 5:22 AM

Another day another pos tweet from our president.  75 year old man that was pushed by the police, smacked his head on the ground and is still in the hospital is an Antifa plant. Disgusting.