Progressives, part 3...

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Thu, Feb 29, 2024 7:40 AM
posted by CenterBHSFan

Are we seriously going to be bringing up slavery abolition incrementalism and the 2/3 compromise *again*?

Like those things weren't explained in minute detail countless times already?

Are we going to pretend that we don't have a clue again, all for the sake of appeasing feelings of events that none of us have personally lived through or witnessed in real time? 

Well, alright then. I suppose it won't hurt all that much and it will give this site a bump in traffic. 

this is where the thread went off the hinges when none of this was said.  Its like they just made up a whole conversation that didnt happen and everyone went with it.



Thu, Feb 29, 2024 7:42 AM
posted by geeblock
this is where the thread went off the hinges when none of this was said.  Its like they just made up a whole conversation that didnt happen and everyone went with it.

justin mentioned prohibition and how it came and went and i mentioned the same with black people and cbhs lost her shit

then jmog never actually reading posts, and looking for a chance to argue comes of the top rope with his whole spiel that had nothing to do with what was actually said but he obviously has been waiting to pull out.


Senior Member

Thu, Feb 29, 2024 8:50 AM
posted by geeblock

Ill Try to say it slower..

1. I never mentioned slavery or that it affected my life. Please go back and actually read my posts.  They never mention slavery, they never mention my life.

2. Posters jumped in and brought up slavery and said it never affected my life.  I have no idea why they did that.  The conversation was about being governed by god or man and the relationship with god/government and government using religion for their own purposes.  I said religion was often used for control or to oppress other groups and mentioned black people.  Never said slavery, never said i was talking about myself or anything that was happening or ever happened to me.

3.  Once it was brought up by others not me, i did wonder why it was brought up because it clearly didnt apply to the conversation and was actually never said by me.  So then I responded that the only reason it must have been brought up was to say that the lingering racism and effects of racism didnt have an effect on my life in some ways. So I mentioned a few ways that it did.  I never asked for anyone to feel sorry for me but tried to educate the relationship between slavery and years of oppression that followed.

4. You guys must have been just sitting on the 'no one alive has been affected by slavery' schtick and waiting for a chance to talk to a black person and bring it out, but not once did I mention slavery, not once was i talking about how slavery effected my life or anything even close.  I even clarified it several times that other examples like the crusades or manifest destiny would also apply.  Never played the race card , never brought up slavery, never brought up my life.  I did respond that I think that the statement is "low brow"  meaning very unsophisticated which it is.  Im sorry if you guys are that fragile and the conversation hurt your feelings.  Jesus Christ

You still won't admit that NO ONE said "black people aren't affected by racism" will you? 

Be a man, admit you made shit up that wasn't actually said.

And "I didn't bring up slavery" is half hearted when you didn't say the actual word slavery yet you were talking about how the founding fathers used "god" to say black men weren't fully men/human which is the argument they made for the institution of slavery. 

You somehow took "slavery doesn't affect anyone's lives right now" to mean I meant "racism doesn't exist" which is about the dumbest take you have ever made, which is saying something.

You wrote 4 paragraphs of explaining away why you just plain made shit up, just admit you were wrong and move on. No one said black people aren't affected by racism. Take that statement back as an error made by you.



Thu, Feb 29, 2024 10:04 AM
posted by jmog

You still won't admit that NO ONE said "black people aren't affected by racism" will you? 

Be a man, admit you made shit up that wasn't actually said.

And "I didn't bring up slavery" is half hearted when you didn't say the actual word slavery yet you were talking about how the founding fathers used "god" to say black men weren't fully men/human which is the argument they made for the institution of slavery. 

You somehow took "slavery doesn't affect anyone's lives right now" to mean I meant "racism doesn't exist" which is about the dumbest take you have ever made, which is saying something.

You wrote 4 paragraphs of explaining away why you just plain made shit up, just admit you were wrong and move on. No one said black people aren't affected by racism. Take that statement back as an error made by you.

sure if you can explain why you said it then


Senior Member

Thu, Feb 29, 2024 10:16 AM
posted by geeblock

However at some point “god” said black people did not qualify as real people which was decided by “men”? 

This was a direct reference to how some people in the1600s-1800s justified enslaving black people. Your comment here was an indirect reference to how slavery was justified in North America from 1600s to 1800s. So you did bring up slavery, just didn't say the word slavery. You just mentioned how it was justified.

So yes, I said that no one alive today, including yourself, has been affected by slavery that ended almost 200 years ago now. I did not say racism, I did not say Jim Crow (which is basically the same as racism, it was legally allowed racism).

You made shit up, said that I said "no black person has been affected by racism" when I said "no one alive now has been affected by slavery" which, to be fair, isn't exactly true as there are still slaves across the world, I was obviously referring to the slavery practice specifically in the US from 1600s to 1860s.



Thu, Feb 29, 2024 10:57 AM
posted by jmog

This was a direct reference to how some people in the1600s-1800s justified enslaving black people. Your comment here was an indirect reference to how slavery was justified in North America from 1600s to 1800s. So you did bring up slavery, just didn't say the word slavery. You just mentioned how it was justified.

So yes, I said that no one alive today, including yourself, has been affected by slavery that ended almost 200 years ago now. I did not say racism, I did not say Jim Crow (which is basically the same as racism, it was legally allowed racism).

You made shit up, said that I said "no black person has been affected by racism" when I said "no one alive now has been affected by slavery" which, to be fair, isn't exactly true as there are still slaves across the world, I was obviously referring to the slavery practice specifically in the US from 1600s to 1860s.

First of all it was used way after slavery as the basis for segregation and other laws in this country so no i wasnt just referring to slavery, and Jim crow wasnt just "racism" it was actual LAWS on the books in many states.  You made that inference which was not correct.

 Second, we were discussing religion and government and how religion was at times used in government. The comment really wasnt about slavery or racism but rather religion and government.

 Why would you feel the need to jump in and say it never affected my life and where did i say it did?  How does that even remotely relate to the conversation?  ill answer for you .  It didnt.

Prohibition was also mentioned, I notice u didn’t feel the need to jump in and argue that no one alive today was effected by that so what made u so upset when the same point was made even if I was talking about slavery? U just like to argue with me 

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Thu, Feb 29, 2024 12:26 PM

Pretty good thread so far.


Senior Member

Thu, Feb 29, 2024 2:06 PM
posted by geeblock

First of all it was used way after slavery as the basis for segregation and other laws in this country so no i wasnt just referring to slavery, and Jim crow wasnt just "racism" it was actual LAWS on the books in many states.  You made that inference which was not correct.

 Second, we were discussing religion and government and how religion was at times used in government. The comment really wasnt about slavery or racism but rather religion and government.

 Why would you feel the need to jump in and say it never affected my life and where did i say it did?  How does that even remotely relate to the conversation?  ill answer for you .  It didnt.

Prohibition was also mentioned, I notice u didn’t feel the need to jump in and argue that no one alive today was effected by that so what made u so upset when the same point was made even if I was talking about slavery? U just like to argue with me 

A whole lot of words to avoid the point. 

You made shit up that wasn't actually said. Admit you made it up, that I didn't actually say that black people aren't affected by racism.

Address that point, you keep avoiding it and obfuscating around it.


333 - I'm only half evil

Thu, Feb 29, 2024 7:43 PM

Do you all think that the progressives would be happy if Israel just disintegrated as a nation state and just let Palestinians run roughshod?


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Fri, Mar 1, 2024 9:34 AM
posted by CenterBHSFan

Do you all think that the progressives would be happy if Israel just disintegrated as a nation state and just let Palestinians run roughshod?



Senior Member

Fri, Mar 1, 2024 11:11 AM

History is rife with nations struggling with how to deal with the Jewish "problem".  In this country the Christian right favors support of Israel.  So double the happiness for progressives if Israel goes away.

Israel has Hamas cornered in Gaza hiding behind civilians in Rafah.  The usual perpetrators are out in full force to keep them from finishing them off. 


Senior Member

Fri, Mar 1, 2024 11:22 AM
posted by majorspark

In this country the Christian right favors support of Israel.  So double the happiness for progressives if Israel goes away.

I still don't understand how 70% of American Jews vote reliability Democrat. 

It looks like Palestinians in Michigan WON'T be voting Democrat this cycle, but they probably still will.


Senior Member

Fri, Mar 1, 2024 12:06 PM
posted by gut

I still don't understand how 70% of American Jews vote reliability Democrat. 

It looks like Palestinians in Michigan WON'T be voting Democrat this cycle, but they probably still will.

Well when the alternative is voting for an antisemite with islamophobia who is a christian nationalist what choice do you have?


333 - I'm only half evil

Fri, Mar 1, 2024 5:48 PM
posted by majorspark

Well when the alternative is voting for an antisemite with islamophobia who is a christian nationalist what choice do you have?

Ok, I admit that I chuckled 


Senior Member

Fri, Mar 1, 2024 6:13 PM
posted by majorspark

Well when the alternative is voting for an antisemite with islamophobia who is a christian nationalist what choice do you have?

LOL identity politics is complicated...

The really evil, alarming thing is they focus group the hell out of these talking points.  "Well, calling Trump "Hitler" gained 6 points with blacks, but lost us 10 points with Jews...but when we refer to him as Putin's Puppett, both groups are +15"


Senior Member

Fri, Mar 1, 2024 6:20 PM

WSJ article I think finally captured what Trump really is - not the end of Democracy and whatever other over-the-top hyperbolic demagogue the Dems would have us believe, but the real problem is how polarizing he is bringing out the worst in people.

I mean, just look at how quickly and easily the Dems chose to ignore the law and, well, Democracy to "get him".  Literally started the day after the election.  And on the other side, Republicans terrified of losing elections can't call out even the most blatant and obvious abuses.


Senior Member

Fri, Mar 1, 2024 6:50 PM

Democrats will make whatever republican running into an evil racist. When everyone thought Desantis was going to be the nominee we saw the attacks going at him. 

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Fri, Mar 1, 2024 10:18 PM
posted by sportchampps

Democrats will make whatever republican running into an evil racist. When everyone thought Desantis was going to be the nominee we saw the attacks going at him. 

It’s what both parties do.  They are one in the same, and the leaders couldn’t give two shits about you  

I can’t understand why some people on here seem to only see abuses by democrats and then turn around and happily support a party every bit as manipulative, greedy and deceitful.  Wake up, there are no lesser of two evils here.


Senior Member

Sat, Mar 2, 2024 1:14 AM
posted by gut

WSJ article I think finally captured what Trump really is - not the end of Democracy and whatever other over-the-top hyperbolic demagogue the Dems would have us believe, but the real problem is how polarizing he is bringing out the worst in people.

I mean, just look at how quickly and easily the Dems chose to ignore the law and, well, Democracy to "get him".  Literally started the day after the election.  And on the other side, Republicans terrified of losing elections can't call out even the most blatant and obvious abuses.

Solid assessment. One good thing about Trump is exposing the bare bones of the parties.  Sadly an opportunity missed.


333 - I'm only half evil

Sat, Mar 2, 2024 10:03 AM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

It’s what both parties do.  They are one in the same, and the leaders couldn’t give two shits about you  

I can’t understand why some people on here seem to only see abuses by democrats and then turn around and happily support a party every bit as manipulative, greedy and deceitful.  Wake up, there are no lesser of two evils here.

A few things:

Selective memory is a thing. Probably the biggest thing. Just about every non-democrat on this site has bitched about Republicans over and over. But in a blink of an eye, people choose to forget that fact.

Whataboutism, Sideism and Yeah, butism and Inclusionism.

Overton Window. When the big cities and medias are almost completely team players - I imagine that seeing 4 or 5 people in this site pointing out what the the tenets of fascism being played out in real time looks like it probably does seem easier to say that that means that they (checks notes) "happily support" Republicans. 

I'd guess that most people here are politically homeless at this time. The difference between people at this point is that most shitlibs aren't able to say "what the Dems are doing is pretty bad and they shouldn't be doing it".  It is much less painful for them to be ideologically possessed, even when they know deep down inside that it will eventually come for them, too.

In summary:

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Sat, Mar 2, 2024 12:44 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

A few things:

Selective memory is a thing. Probably the biggest thing. Just about every non-democrat on this site has bitched about Republicans over and over. But in a blink of an eye, people choose to forget that fact.

Whataboutism, Sideism and Yeah, butism and Inclusionism.

Overton Window. When the big cities and medias are almost completely team players - I imagine that seeing 4 or 5 people in this site pointing out what the the tenets of fascism being played out in real time looks like it probably does seem easier to say that that means that they (checks notes) "happily support" Republicans. 

I'd guess that most people here are politically homeless at this time. The difference between people at this point is that most shitlibs aren't able to say "what the Dems are doing is pretty bad and they shouldn't be doing it".  It is much less painful for them to be ideologically possessed, even when they know deep down inside that it will eventually come for them, too.

In summary:

If there are shitlibs, as you call them, you are blind if you don’t see an equal number of “shitcons”.  You don’t need to worry about big city media (where a lot of people do not get there news).  Just look around the people in your daily existence.  I have plenty of shitlibs in my daily experience.  They’re mindless, entitled, out of reality, Trump-hating people who cannot be reasoned with.  Then I also have plenty of shitcons in there too.  They’re equally mindless, out of reality, Biden/Obama-hating people who can’t be reasoned with.  Both groups like to offer that their “guy” or their “side”, while not great, is at least not criminal like the other guy/side.  They practically read from the same script.


333 - I'm only half evil

Sat, Mar 2, 2024 4:10 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

If there are shitlibs, as you call them, you are blind if you don’t see an equal number of “shitcons”.  You don’t need to worry about big city media (where a lot of people do not get there news).  Just look around the people in your daily existence.  I have plenty of shitlibs in my daily experience.  They’re mindless, entitled, out of reality, Trump-hating people who cannot be reasoned with.  Then I also have plenty of shitcons in there too.  They’re equally mindless, out of reality, Biden/Obama-hating people who can’t be reasoned with.  Both groups like to offer that their “guy” or their “side”, while not great, is at least not criminal like the other guy/side.  They practically read from the same script.

Well, you just proved some of my points. Thanks!


Senior Member

Sat, Mar 2, 2024 4:40 PM

One of the symptoms of TDS is thinking only MAGA is immune to it.

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Sat, Mar 2, 2024 4:40 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

Well, you just proved some of my points. Thanks!

I wasn’t  trying to prove or disprove anything.  


Senior Member

Sun, Mar 3, 2024 7:30 AM

So "shitlib" is a term meaning economically retarded?