Impressed by the Trump administration part II

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333 - I'm only half evil

Mon, Mar 12, 2018 10:03 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

North Korea: Interesting....I'm cautious....but North Korea has wanted to meet a sitting U.S. President for 30 years. So, now, we just agreed to that. Seems like it validates everything North Korea has done the last 30 years...But whatever. The devil is in the details...every single North Korean agreement has been broken maybe this will work. Might as well give it a shot. 

I can't believe the day has come when you are more optimistic about Trump than me. 



Senior Member

Tue, Mar 13, 2018 10:18 AM
posted by O-Trap

"Fair trade?"  "Hardball?"

What do you consider fair trade?  Apparently, you don't believe it's something that free market capitalism can supply, instead leaning on government intervention.

And here I thought you believed government intervention was a bad idea and not the solution to problems that arise.

So, government seizure of weighted percentages from international trade is a meritorious proposal for achieving "fair trade," but government seizure of weighted percentages from income brackets is not a meritorious proposal for ensuring people pay their "fair share."

Tariffs are anti-free market and restrictive to businesses by manipulating the natural order of supply and demand (in this case, of materials).

I'm honestly not sure Trump could do anything at this point that you wouldn't support ...

... except switch parties.



Free market capitalism has been distorted by government intervention.  It was government intervention and interference that created the horrific trade deals that destroyed our mfg base.  I guess you forgot about all that.  So now we are finally firing a few shots over the bow to inform the world that those days are over.  Ultimately we can unwind unfair trade deals thrust upon US manufacturers by a government full of ignorant bureaucrats who never built a widget in their entire life, and maybe it takes a few tariffs to start the ball rolling.  


Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Tue, Mar 13, 2018 10:33 AM

Oompa Loompa Doopidy Doo

I've got another puzzle for you

Ooompa Loompa Dooida Dee

If you are wise you'll listen to me

What do you get when you call the boss a f-ing moron

Causing him to tweet about you on and on

What do you get when you solo steer State

A boss who's willing to publicly castrate

I don't like the sound of that


Senior Member

Tue, Mar 13, 2018 10:49 AM



Son of the Sun

Tue, Mar 13, 2018 11:22 AM

Dude fired another guy (Tillerson), so I'm impressed by his sheer inability to keep a remotely cohesive staff around for any length of time.


1st Team All-PWN

Tue, Mar 13, 2018 11:25 AM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

Oompa Loompa Doopidy Doo

I've got another puzzle for you

Ooompa Loompa Dooida Dee

If you are wise you'll listen to me

What do you get when you call the boss a f-ing moron

Causing him to tweet about you on and on

What do you get when you solo steer State

A boss who's willing to publicly castrate

I don't like the sound of that

Are you getting this thru some baby boomer email chain, or is this your own work?

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Tue, Mar 13, 2018 12:14 PM
posted by like_that

Are you getting this thru some baby boomer email chain, or is this your own work?

That was my own work.  I don't think I'm ready to go pro yet.  


1st Team All-PWN

Tue, Mar 13, 2018 1:39 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

That was my own work.  I don't think I'm ready to go pro yet.  

Yeah, I wouldn't quit your day job.


1st Team All-PWN

Tue, Mar 13, 2018 1:40 PM
posted by Heretic

Dude fired another guy (Tillerson), so I'm impressed by his sheer inability to keep a remotely cohesive staff around for any length of time.

That's what he gets for being a fucking idiot and having Bannon in his ear when his set up his cabinet. 


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Tue, Mar 13, 2018 1:55 PM
posted by QuakerOats


Free market capitalism has been distorted by government intervention.  It was government intervention and interference that created the horrific trade deals that destroyed our mfg base.  I guess you forgot about all that.  So now we are finally firing a few shots over the bow to inform the world that those days are over.  Ultimately we can unwind unfair trade deals thrust upon US manufacturers by a government full of ignorant bureaucrats who never built a widget in their entire life, and maybe it takes a few tariffs to start the ball rolling.  


Who said anything positive about the prior trade deals?  Did I miss a comment where someone was commending those?

You're supporting manipulation of free trade through government intervention, and you're trying to justify it by vilifying manipulation of free trade through government intervention.

So, which is it that you think is better: manipulation of the market through government intervention or free market?  Because they're mutually exclusive.


Senior Member

Tue, Mar 13, 2018 2:32 PM

It was government intervention that screwed it up to begin with; so now it will take government intervention to unwind government from its involvement.  Perhaps you did not understand my prior statement. 

Ultimately I hope we get where we need to be. 

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Tue, Mar 13, 2018 2:51 PM
posted by QuakerOats

It was government intervention that screwed it up to begin with; so now it will take government intervention to unwind government from its involvement.  Perhaps you did not understand my prior statement. 

Ultimately I hope we get where we need to be. 

Globalization of economies has been inevitable for decades.  While government rules can have an effect, heavy manufacturing losses have come about from forces a lot more powerful than anything our government can muster.  


Senior Member

Tue, Mar 13, 2018 3:25 PM

The Resistance is missing the boat. Donald Trump is the hero that liberals have been fighting for decades. Can you believe it? Donald Trump has gotten "conservatives" to enthusiastically cheer some of the most non-conservative policies in ways that I could have never imagined. 

1. He has managed to move the Overton Window on Guns by openly proposing to take guns from or prevent certain individuals from purchasing them and GOP controlled legislatures are passing gun control when the did nothing in the wake of numerous mass shootings while Obama was in charge. Truly staggering to me. I never thought I'd see the day. Conservative gun advocates quietly make the same arguments as always but largely shrug - nowhere near the resistance or outrage. 

Consider this - Trump's open willingness for gun control probably accomplished more than Diane Feinstein will have achieved in her entire life on guns. 

2. We always knew the GOP debt and deficit outrage was fake but even I'm amazed. Crickets when people thought economic collapse was inevitable 8 years ago. Blowin up the deficit and cheering on the economy. Yahoo!

3. Donald Trump erases 30 years of conservative dogma on trade and enacts tariff's that Sherrod Brown and Marcy Kaptur never would have realistically thought possible in their life times - and a few never-Trumpers whine but the GOP mostly shrugs and embraces leftist rhetoric on trade. 

4. He hasn't gotten there yet but pushing for an amnesty for the dreamers in exchange for a wall (more deficit stimulus) - will the Democrats take the deal?

5. Doing what Obama wanted to do with North Korea (and was panned for it) and having an opportunity to become one of the greatest president's of all time if he can some how find a way to get the little rocket man to give up his nukes - throwing foreign policy wisdom out the window as the U.S. as wild card could potentially lead to a more stable world overall when pursuant to the Trump Doctrine - the world has to step up to the plate when the U.S. recedes and refuses to foot the bill anymore. 

Donald J. Trump - all you have to do to achieve progressive policy goals is put politically incorrect GOP window dressing on it and hippie punch some libs. Too bad he can't stop stepping on his own dick with all of the buffoonery cus we're Making America Great Again!


"conservatives" nationwide to endorse


Senior Member

Tue, Mar 13, 2018 3:31 PM

Actually he has implemented 2/3rds of the conservative agenda espoused by the Heritage Foundation, in 1 year no less. 



But, carry on ....


Senior Member

Tue, Mar 13, 2018 3:31 PM
posted by BoatShoes

The Resistance is missing the boat. Donald Trump is the hero that liberals have been fighting for decades. Can you believe it? Donald Trump has gotten "conservatives" to enthusiastically cheer some of the most non-conservative policies in ways that I could have never imagined. 

1. He has managed to move the Overton Window on Guns by openly proposing to take guns from or prevent certain individuals from purchasing them and GOP controlled legislatures are passing gun control when the did nothing in the wake of numerous mass shootings while Obama was in charge. Truly staggering to me. I never thought I'd see the day. Conservative gun advocates quietly make the same arguments as always but largely shrug - nowhere near the resistance or outrage. 

Consider this - Trump's open willingness for gun control probably accomplished more than Diane Feinstein will have achieved in her entire life on guns. 

2. We always knew the GOP debt and deficit outrage was fake but even I'm amazed. Crickets when people thought economic collapse was inevitable 8 years ago. Blowin up the deficit and cheering on the economy. Yahoo!

3. Donald Trump erases 30 years of conservative dogma on trade and enacts tariff's that Sherrod Brown and Marcy Kaptur never would have realistically thought possible in their life times - and a few never-Trumpers whine but the GOP mostly shrugs and embraces leftist rhetoric on trade. 

4. He hasn't gotten there yet but pushing for an amnesty for the dreamers in exchange for a wall (more deficit stimulus) - will the Democrats take the deal?

5. Doing what Obama wanted to do with North Korea (and was panned for it) and having an opportunity to become one of the greatest president's of all time if he can some how find a way to get the little rocket man to give up his nukes - throwing foreign policy wisdom out the window as the U.S. as wild card could potentially lead to a more stable world overall when pursuant to the Trump Doctrine - the world has to step up to the plate when the U.S. recedes and refuses to foot the bill anymore. 

Donald J. Trump - all you have to do to achieve progressive policy goals is put politically incorrect GOP window dressing on it and hippie punch some libs. Too bad he can't stop stepping on his own dick with all of the buffoonery cus we're Making America Great Again!


"conservatives" nationwide to endorse

I have said for over a year that Trump is not a conservative and been made fun of mostly by liberals/Ds but also some Rs as well.


I agree with your post 100%, and it just proves that both sides are so partisan they really only want their "guy" to win rather than the actual policy. This is a condemnation of both sides actually. The Ds would be LOVING these policies if it was Hillary presenting them as POTUS, and the Rs would be wanting to impeach of it was Hillary presenting them as POTUS.


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Tue, Mar 13, 2018 3:42 PM
posted by jmog

I have said for over a year that Trump is not a conservative and been made fun of mostly by liberals/Ds but also some Rs as well.

He is barely a "republican", let alone a conservative. 


Son of the Sun

Tue, Mar 13, 2018 4:09 PM

He's a republican in that he panders to the lowest common denominator of voters on that side --- the right-wing voter version of those "Obama gonna pay for my cell phone" living memes from 2008. But policy-wise, he's his own deal, going by his own intuition, whether it be good, bad or WTF ridiculous. Puts him in this weird class where he'd probably be fairly well approved overall (not counting the far "NO Rs EVEEEEEEEERRRRRRRR" left) if not for his personality and constant social media ranting. Most people can take only so much self-praise and "poor me" persecution complex shit.


Senior Member

Tue, Mar 13, 2018 4:40 PM
posted by iclfan2

He is barely a "republican", let alone a conservative. 

"Barely a Republican" but enjoys the support of 80% of Republicans.

Nobody supports him more than the most conservative Republicans and they deride his GOP detractors as Never Trumpers. 



Senior Member

Tue, Mar 13, 2018 5:01 PM
posted by BoatShoes

"Barely a Republican" but enjoys the support of 80% of Republicans.

Nobody supports him more than the most conservative Republicans and they deride his GOP detractors as Never Trumpers. 


For the last time, he has implemented 2/3rds of the most conservative group's policy agenda - Heritage Foundation - in less than a year; and he is just getting started.  So you tell me, why should conservatives not be happy? 


From taxes, to regulations, to court appointments, to military support, his ACTIONS are as conservative, or more conservative, than just about anyone who has held the office.  Does he throw a bone to the middle of the spectrum sometimes, sure; but overall he has achieved more of the conservative agenda than perhaps anyone in such a short span of time. 


Get in the game.


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Tue, Mar 13, 2018 5:47 PM
posted by QuakerOats

It was government intervention that screwed it up to begin with; so now it will take government intervention to unwind government from its involvement.  Perhaps you did not understand my prior statement. 

Ultimately I hope we get where we need to be. 

Do you hear how insane this sounds?  Government intervention screwed things up, so government intervention is the solution?

If deficit spending screws things up, then I suppose deficit spending is the solution?

Hell, if taxes get too high, we'll just have to implement more taxes to fix it.

If government intervention caused the problem, then REMOVING government intervention would be a solution.  Not adding or diversifying the intervention.

posted by BoatShoes

The Resistance is missing the boat. Donald Trump is the hero that liberals have been fighting for decades. Can you believe it? Donald Trump has gotten "conservatives" to enthusiastically cheer some of the most non-conservative policies in ways that I could have never imagined. 

1. He has managed to move the Overton Window on Guns by openly proposing to take guns from or prevent certain individuals from purchasing them and GOP controlled legislatures are passing gun control when the did nothing in the wake of numerous mass shootings while Obama was in charge. Truly staggering to me. I never thought I'd see the day. Conservative gun advocates quietly make the same arguments as always but largely shrug - nowhere near the resistance or outrage. 

Consider this - Trump's open willingness for gun control probably accomplished more than Diane Feinstein will have achieved in her entire life on guns. 

2. We always knew the GOP debt and deficit outrage was fake but even I'm amazed. Crickets when people thought economic collapse was inevitable 8 years ago. Blowin up the deficit and cheering on the economy. Yahoo!

3. Donald Trump erases 30 years of conservative dogma on trade and enacts tariff's that Sherrod Brown and Marcy Kaptur never would have realistically thought possible in their life times - and a few never-Trumpers whine but the GOP mostly shrugs and embraces leftist rhetoric on trade. 

4. He hasn't gotten there yet but pushing for an amnesty for the dreamers in exchange for a wall (more deficit stimulus) - will the Democrats take the deal?

5. Doing what Obama wanted to do with North Korea (and was panned for it) and having an opportunity to become one of the greatest president's of all time if he can some how find a way to get the little rocket man to give up his nukes - throwing foreign policy wisdom out the window as the U.S. as wild card could potentially lead to a more stable world overall when pursuant to the Trump Doctrine - the world has to step up to the plate when the U.S. recedes and refuses to foot the bill anymore. 

Donald J. Trump - all you have to do to achieve progressive policy goals is put politically incorrect GOP window dressing on it and hippie punch some libs. Too bad he can't stop stepping on his own dick with all of the buffoonery cus we're Making America Great Again!


"conservatives" nationwide to endorse


^ This.  Trump is the best president the Democrats have ever had in office in my lifetime.

He sided with Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren on the TPP when he put the kibosh on it.

On more than one occasion, he's pushed for increased federal spending in infrastructure.

He has supported requiring businesses to offer paid maternity leave.

He's signed INSPIRE and the PWEA.

Bombed the Syrian base (of which Hillary Clinton was a big fan) last year.

Suspended the debt ceiling and extended the federal government's borrowing limit in September.

Worked with Pelosi and Schumer to maintain the protections outlined in DACA, though with variations.

And now he's endorsing prohibitive taxes on US businesses who wish to allow the free market determine what they pay for materials.

If Obama had done these things, some GOPers on here'd be comparing him to the Soviets.  I swear, they'd support a single-payer healthcare law if Trump signed it.



posted by BoatShoes

"Barely a Republican" but enjoys the support of 80% of Republicans.

Nobody supports him more than the most conservative Republicans and they deride his GOP detractors as Never Trumpers. 


I don't think it's any mystery that most voters are blindly partisan, not to mention the fact that not supporting him (at least "compared to Hillary") would be an egg-on-the-face statement.


HOF on coattails

Junior Member

Tue, Mar 13, 2018 5:56 PM
posted by like_that

That's what he gets for being a fucking idiot



Senior Member

Tue, Mar 13, 2018 6:06 PM
posted by like_that

That's what he gets for being a fucking idiot and having Bannon in his ear when his set up his cabinet. 

Maybe I wasn't paying very close attention, but I was pretty surprised to see Tillerson was fired.

Does he even have a single cabinet member left that's actually been there from the beginning (a whole whopping 14 months)?


Senior Member

Tue, Mar 13, 2018 8:40 PM

I wish he’d fire Betsy DeVos

HOF on coattails

Junior Member

Tue, Mar 13, 2018 8:43 PM

Learned today Mexican criminals, especially those carrying drugs, are also professional climbers.  Thanks Donald.  

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Wed, Mar 14, 2018 9:04 AM
posted by QuakerOats

It was government intervention that screwed it up to begin with; so now it will take government intervention to unwind government from its involvement.  Perhaps you did not understand my prior statement. 

Ultimately I hope we get where we need to be. 

It is pretty humorous watching you try and justify exceptions to you basic tenets. Ms. Ayn would never approve.