2020 Presidential Election thread

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1st Team All-PWN

Fri, Aug 14, 2020 4:01 AM
posted by Heretic

She said "people" call him a genius.

So, of course, move the goalposts to "people ON THIS BOARD who ARE NOT the people who always praise him".

Actually that might be one of this site's most hilariously inept moving of the goalposts since you took "people" down to a very tiny sample size while also admitting that a couple people of that tiny sample size do so. What's next: Because Ptown is on the record as saying he's not convinced that Biden is senile, EVERY LIBERAL THINKS HIS BRAIN IS TOTALLY FLAWLESS?

This is no different than some going after low hanging fruit cc/QO and then crying that the site has turned into a far right cesspool.

I am fine with setting this “people” precedent, but so far that means anecdotal experiences (I.e. Fab saying the military is full of trump worshippers, because her marine friend is one), comments we see on social media (most recently auto referred to Trump supporters on Facebook, but a lot of posters here talk about social media posts), and what we see thru the media in general.

If those are the parameters we are establishing, that’s fine with me, but nobody will have a leg to stand on when they cry about how it’s “oNLy a FeW CraZiEs.”


Senior Member

Fri, Aug 14, 2020 8:01 AM
posted by like_that

This is no different than some going after low hanging fruit cc/QO and then crying that the site has turned into a far right cesspool.

I am fine with setting this “people” precedent, but so far that means anecdotal experiences (I.e. Fab saying the military is full of trump worshippers, because her marine friend is one), comments we see on social media (most recently auto referred to Trump supporters on Facebook, but a lot of posters here talk about social media posts), and what we see thru the media in general.

If those are the parameters we are establishing, that’s fine with me, but nobody will have a leg to stand on when they cry about how it’s “oNLy a FeW CraZiEs.”

If you can’t see that this site is pretty far leaning, then maybe that’s because you’re also pretty far right leaning?

This isn’t a site full of “Trump is our savior!!!” people, but it’s a site full of anti-progressive movement, all lives matter, blue lives matter, “Muh rights” coronavirus people, VERY pro 2nd amendment, and a site that pretty much shits on every democratic candidate or person. Hell you’ve got posters who believe that George Soros created coronavirus in a lab (kint), a 50 page thread on pizzagate and other dem conspiracies, and yes like you said two complete Trumper morons in CC and QO that spew his propaganda nonsense all over this site  

Now, is everyone on here doing all of those things^, no of course not. But this site is pretty far right leaning and like I said if you can’t see that, then maybe that’s because you blend in. 



Fri, Aug 14, 2020 8:30 AM
posted by gut

LOL, wow.  Try googling "why Biden shouldn't debate".  CNN, WaPo and NYT and others have all had stories on it.  That's really hard to believe you haven't seen this.  You're trying way too hard to make this seem like some right wing conspiracy when plenty of Democrats have been seeing it and fumbling for explanations.

No, aides don't pull candidates away regularly.  Schedules be damned - people WAIT for the candidate not the other way around.  Pulling him away makes him look weak.  And the idea that everyone does choreographed pressers is also complete BS.  Nothing like what Biden has done.

Also, you're contention there is no medical evidence is, also, an assumption.  We haven't seen it, but many people believe it exists based on what they've seen from Dementia Joe.

Ehh, it was typical BS Op-ed writers, not anyone of importance from the campaign or stories from campaign officials on background stating they do not want to debate. So, I don't take any stock in that. Now, if the campaign in stories is putting putting out there stories that they do not want to debate, then yeah, I would take it seriously.

Also, man, you are really going into conspiracy territory here, which you normally do not go into. "Many people believe...." Ok.....

Let's just play this out if Joe has a mental disease. The Democratic Party and his campaign is purposefully withholding that information from the American public. That would mean...over the course of the primary, no one brought this up at all from numerous campaigns and there were zero leaks about the fact that the leading candidate for the party has a mental disease. There were no press stories on it, nor any other staff member from another campaign like Bernie going out saying it to a credible source. So, you are saying there is a massive cabal/ conspiracy to withhold this information?  

OR....the most logical explanation.....Joe sucks at speaking like he always has... is still not great with technology like most people in their 70s. 

Yet, the posters on here who are not doctors are stating their own non-medical, personal view stating...yep Joe has dementia. 

I mean..I could go down this route and just say, based off of his statements and physical actions..I think Trump has a mental disease. See how easy that is. Let's try and stay off the conspiracy theory bullshit. 


1st Team All-PWN

Fri, Aug 14, 2020 8:36 AM
posted by SportsAndLady

If you can’t see that this site is pretty far leaning, then maybe that’s because you’re also pretty far right leaning?

This isn’t a site full of “Trump is our savior!!!” people, but it’s a site full of anti-progressive movement, all lives matter, blue lives matter, “Muh rights” coronavirus people, VERY pro 2nd amendment, and a site that pretty much shits on every democratic candidate or person. Hell you’ve got posters who believe that George Soros created coronavirus in a lab (kint), a 50 page thread on pizzagate and other dem conspiracies, and yes like you said two complete Trumper morons in CC and QO that spew his propaganda nonsense all over this site  

Now, is everyone on here doing all of those things^, no of course not. But this site is pretty far right leaning and like I said if you can’t see that, then maybe that’s because you blend in. 

Other than being pro 2A, everything you listed is coming from CC and Spock lmao. No doubt this site is right leaning, so if you’re saying those two skew things to the far right, then I guess I can see that weak argument.  

In general I think most of the right leaning posters are pretty close to right moderate or libertarian. Being pro 2A is not even close to being far right.  Is as close to being as an originalist as you can get. I’d also say most of everyone’s views did not change for the last 4+ years. You know, that entire time period you agreed with most of us and didn’t go full sleeper and try to pull a compete 180?  If you can’t see that, maybe this QO and CC broke your brain. 


Senior Member

Fri, Aug 14, 2020 8:41 AM
posted by like_that

Other than being pro 2A, everything you listed is coming from CC and Spock lmao. No doubt this site is right leaning, so if you’re saying those two skew things to the far right, then I guess I can see that weak argument.  

In general I think most of the right leaning posters are pretty close to right moderate or libertarian. Being pro 2A is not even close to being far right.  Is as close to being as an originalist as you can get. I’d also say most of everyone’s views did not change for the last 4+ years. You know, that entire time period you agreed with most of us and didn’t go full sleeper and try to pull a compete 180?  If you can’t see that, maybe this QO and CC broke your brain. 

Yeah, the 100 page anti progressive thread is just CC and QO


1st Team All-PWN

Fri, Aug 14, 2020 8:53 AM
posted by SportsAndLady

Yeah, the 100 page anti progressive thread is just CC and QO

Ok, I acknowledged this site is right leaning. What it comes down to is you’re upset that a site that doesn’t lean left has a thread that bashes progressives? 

I think most of us here are ok with true liberals. I wish those liberals would come out of hiding. Leftists and “progressives” on the other hand....

Edit: I don’t think this site has any wacko leftists remaining fwiw.


Senior Member

Fri, Aug 14, 2020 9:24 AM
posted by like_that

Ok, I acknowledged this site is right leaning. What it comes down to is you’re upset that a site that doesn’t lean left has a thread that bashes progressives? 

I think most of us here are ok with true liberals. I wish those liberals would come out of hiding. Leftists and “progressives” on the other hand....

Edit: I don’t think this site has any wacko leftists remaining fwiw.

I’m not upset at all. I don’t care what threads are started.

Just calling a spade a spade (that the OC is a pretty heavily right-leaning website)  

You obviously disagree, fine by me. 


Senior Member

Fri, Aug 14, 2020 10:06 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Ehh, it was typical BS Op-ed writers.... 

LMFAO.  Where to start with this post.  First you said "no one was saying that", and now you've moved the goal post after you've been shown CNN and NYT - who last I checked have quite a bit of influence - HAVE said that.  Editorials are often where influence shaping begins and trial balloons are floated.

As for Biden being Biden.  No, just stop.  Stop with the obfuscations already.  This is like when you would pretend to criticize Obama, and then qualify and make excuses to explain it away.

People on the right and left have noticed something off with Biden.  That is an absolute fact.  And it goes back to the early days of his campaign.  Maybe there is nothing there, but you can't pretend like this is nothing more than his typical gaffes.  He may still qualify as competent, but I seriously seriously doubt he will serve more than 2 years, unless the White House basement becomes Weekend At Bernie's.

Trump has always been a used car salesman, has passed extensive medical reviews, has been called "above average intelligence" by Comey in a Senate hearing, not to mention 3+ years of people calling for Article 25.  The fact is, Trump has remained the same and there are no examples anyone has noticed of an actual mental decline.  If there was, it's an absolute guarantee he would have been removed from office.

It's been explained multiple times by multiple people, and there's nothing more to be said about it.  You have your head in the sand, as evidenced by being completely oblivious to calls for no debates.


Senior Member

Fri, Aug 14, 2020 10:17 AM

The point isn’t that Biden “misspeaks” just like he always has and Trump says dumb shit.

The point, and many Democrats have noticed this as well, is that Biden is far worse now, over the last year, than he was even when he was VP.

That is the point, not that Trump says dumb shit too. Trump has always said dumb shit and while some of you won’t admit it, everyone on this site not named CC and QO have made fun of Trump’s dumb shit for 4+ years.

Your “bias” comments would have merit if we had been defending Trump’s stupid shit for 4 years but we have not, so really makes you look unaware of our beliefs by saying that.

Biden now vs Biden a few years ago is a stark difference, Trump has been the same. That is the issue. 


Senior Member

Fri, Aug 14, 2020 10:17 AM

I dont understand why all of you are trying to vet both these guys.  Everyone knew Trump wasnt a politician.  He isnt going to act like what we think.  He was elected because I think people wanted that.  DC is a swamp and it sucks.

Opposite for Biden, he is a career politician who has a terrible record.  As for his decline......he is going to be 80.  THis country deserves better.


Senior Member

Fri, Aug 14, 2020 10:23 AM
posted by Spock

THis country deserves better.

Unfortunately we get who we vote for.

And it's not about Trump not being a politician.  He's a savant at branding, and to some extent influence.  Facts are often irrelevant in marketing/branding.  This is why Trump repeats the same lies over and over, because repetition is a key aspect of messaging in the marketing/branding world.  Pretty lousy quality to have when the POTUS one job is arguably communication.

But there's no excuse for the 3rd grade vulgarity and bullying.


Senior Member

Fri, Aug 14, 2020 10:28 AM
posted by Spock

Opposite for Biden, he is a career politician who has a terrible record.

Actually, he's responsible for almost every agreement Obama made with Repubs.  He's probably one of the last few politicians with a history of bipartisanship.

But it doesn't matter because Kamala, or someone else, is going to be running things.


Senior Member

Fri, Aug 14, 2020 11:54 AM
posted by Spock

I dont understand why all of you are trying to vet both these guys.  Everyone knew Trump wasnt a politician.  He isnt going to act like what we think.  He was elected because I think people wanted that.  DC is a swamp and it sucks.

Opposite for Biden, he is a career politician who has a terrible record.  As for his decline......he is going to be 80.  THis country deserves better.

He’ll be 77 on Election Day and your husband will be 74. Quit acting like one is significantly better than the other. 


Senior Member

Fri, Aug 14, 2020 12:12 PM

3 years at that age is alot.  Both are old and both will be at or over the average life expectancy in the US.  


Senior Member

Fri, Aug 14, 2020 12:54 PM

Going to have Susan Rice and Hillary in his administration.  He's not putting the gang back to together, he thinks it's still 2012 - remember when he referred to himself as VP?

LOL, just playing off the right-wing talk of the day.


Honorable Admin

Fri, Aug 14, 2020 12:54 PM

Might as well be an alt right website. 


Senior Member

Fri, Aug 14, 2020 1:07 PM
posted by justincredible

Might as well be an alt right website. 


So a poll of who you’re  voting for president is the only determining factor of right/left. Haha got it! And yeah I mean I definitely said “alt-right” 


Senior Member

Fri, Aug 14, 2020 1:12 PM
posted by SportsAndLady


So a poll of who you’re  voting for president is the only determining factor of right/left. Haha got it! And yeah I mean I definitely said “alt-right” 

You didn't call it alt-right, but the more accurate description - which the poll would seem to confirm - is that the board is not left-leaning.  Libertarians are disproportionately represented, while the Dem/Repub voters would appear to be within the margin of error.

The people you describe would not be voting for Biden, so 7-6 does show the board has more moderate or left-leaning people than you acknowledge.

In your defense, Libertarians are often grouped with Conservatives, but that's what the Left tends to do with anyone who isn't Progressive.


Senior Member

Fri, Aug 14, 2020 1:25 PM
posted by SportsAndLady


So a poll of who you’re  voting for president is the only determining factor of right/left. Haha got it! And yeah I mean I definitely said “alt-right” 

His poll is actual evidence against the site being “far right” which is what you said.

It’s better than just your opinion anyway.


Senior Member

Fri, Aug 14, 2020 1:27 PM
posted by gut

You didn't call it alt-right, but the more accurate description - which the poll would seem to confirm - is that the board is not left-leaning.  Libertarians are disproportionately represented, while the Dem/Repub voters would appear to be within the margin of error.

The people you describe would not be voting for Biden, so 7-6 does show the board has more moderate or left-leaning people than you acknowledge.

In your defense, Libertarians are often grouped with Conservatives, but that's what the Left tends to do with anyone who isn't Progressive.

People who lump libertarians with conservatives are morons. But you are not wrong, the left does lump them together.


Honorable Admin

Fri, Aug 14, 2020 1:32 PM
posted by SportsAndLady


So a poll of who you’re  voting for president is the only determining factor of right/left. Haha got it! And yeah I mean I definitely said “alt-right” 

I’m giving you a hard time, Cheech. Why so serious?


Honorable Admin

Fri, Aug 14, 2020 1:32 PM
posted by jmog

People who lump libertarians with conservatives are morons. But you are not wrong, the left does lump them together.

RePuBlIcAnS wHo SmOkE wEeD


Senior Member

Fri, Aug 14, 2020 1:45 PM
posted by jmog

His poll is actual evidence against the site being “far right” which is what you said.

It’s better than just your opinion anyway.

Lol, yes, hard evidence. You crack me up 



Fri, Aug 14, 2020 1:49 PM

I think Justin is the best example of a libertarian and an objective person. Others no so much 


Senior Member

Fri, Aug 14, 2020 1:55 PM
posted by justincredible

I’m giving you a hard time, Cheech. Why so serious?

Okay monster man