2020 Presidential Election thread

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Reppin' the 330/216/843

Thu, Aug 13, 2020 9:52 AM
posted by SportsAndLady

You’ve completely missed the point, which is you guys are blasting Biden for saying dumb shit or speaking incoherently when you’ll turn around and vote for Trump despite him saying dumb shit and speaking incoherently  

It’s not that you’re wrong about Biden, it’s that you’re being hypocritical

It is not hypercritical to point out Biden can’t speak at all. No one said they’re voting for Trump bc of it. No one here is even defending Trump, we all know he says dumb shit and goes on tangents about nothing. You defending Biden makes no fucking sense. It’s funny that you don’t think you are a liberal. 

It’s been a quiet month, glad we can get back to arguing. 


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Thu, Aug 13, 2020 9:53 AM
posted by Fab4Runner

 He's a bumbling idiot, but people call him a genius all day long. 

Who has ever called him a genius?


Senior Member

Thu, Aug 13, 2020 9:55 AM

Do you not browse the internet or talk to Trump supporters? People literally worship Donald Trump. He's infallible to them. It's bizarre beyond words.


Tits McGee

Thu, Aug 13, 2020 9:56 AM
posted by iclfan2

Who has ever called him a genius?

Many, many of his supporters. We needed a genius businessman running the country, he's playing chess not checkers, etc. 


Senior Member

Thu, Aug 13, 2020 9:58 AM
posted by iclfan2

It is not hypercritical to point out Biden can’t speak at all. No one said they’re voting for Trump bc of it. No one here is even defending Trump, we all know he says dumb shit and goes on tangents about nothing. You defending Biden makes no fucking sense. It’s funny that you don’t think you are a liberal. 

It’s been a quiet month, glad we can get back to arguing. 

?? I’m not defending Biden at all...AGAIN, pointing out the hypocrisy of blasting Biden for being a bumbling idiot when you won’t do the same for trump or you’ll turn around and vote for trump  

And please ICL, don’t try and tell me you won’t be voting for Trump lol. BHS admittedly she’s voting for Trump. Obviously CC and QO will vote/masturbate for Trump. I’m sure a few others on here Will, too. And we won’t see any posts from you guys posting videos of Trump being an incoherent moron. It’s only of Biden. It’s politics, and hypocrisy in its finest form


1st Team All-PWN

Thu, Aug 13, 2020 9:58 AM
posted by Automatik

Do you not browse the internet or talk to Trump supporters? People literally worship Donald Trump. He's infallible to them. It's bizarre beyond words.

This is not a shocker and not exclusive to Trump.  People did/do the same shit with Hillary and Obama.  On a lesser scale people did/do the same shit with RBG, Bernie, Mueller, etc.   

It's pathetic in general how anyone worships any public servant.


Senior Member

Thu, Aug 13, 2020 9:58 AM
posted by iclfan2

Who has ever called him a genius?

You can’t be serious 


333 - I'm only half evil

Thu, Aug 13, 2020 10:00 AM
posted by SportsAndLady

You’ve completely missed the point, which is you guys are blasting Biden for saying dumb shit or speaking incoherently when you’ll turn around and vote for Trump despite him saying dumb shit and speaking incoherently  

It’s not that you’re wrong about Biden, it’s that you’re being hypocritical

Since Biden was announced as the forerunner, point to me one single thing I've said about him, besides the one thing I said last night.

You'll not find it because I haven't had anything to day about him. Ptown specifically said he doesn't believe Biden has dementia. I specifically said that as a caretaker of my mother who has Alz, I see certain tells.

Oh wait. I did say that I thought he'd pick AOC as a running mate since he was going for the identity politics. And then Ptown reminded me about age limits. 

I also said that I wasn't going to vote for JoJo because she fell in with the woke crowd. Perhaps there is some "muh hypocrisy!" in that also? I don't know, you be the judge.


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Thu, Aug 13, 2020 10:00 AM
posted by SportsAndLady

?? I’m not defending Biden at all...AGAIN, pointing out the hypocrisy of blasting Biden for being a bumbling idiot when you won’t do the same for trump or you’ll turn around and vote for trump  

And please ICL, don’t try and tell me you won’t be voting for Trump lol. BHS admittedly she’s voting for Trump. Obviously CC and QO will vote/masturbate for Trump. I’m sure a few others on here Will, too. And we won’t see any posts from you guys posting videos of Trump being an incoherent moron. It’s only of Biden. It’s politics, and hypocrisy in its finest form

Of course I’m voting for Trump. He could literally be retarded but why would I change my entire political view just bc of the President? Why would I vote for someone who would further progressive ideology? I don’t blame Dems for having to vote for Biden either , even though he’s only going to last a year. It is what it is, and why our country is a fucking shit show. And I’ve posted Trump being an idiot multiple times. 


333 - I'm only half evil

Thu, Aug 13, 2020 10:05 AM
posted by iclfan2

Of course I’m voting for Trump. He could literally be retarded but why would I change my entire political view just bc of the President? Why would I vote for someone who would further progressive ideology? I don’t blame Dems for having to vote for Biden either , even though he’s only going to last a year. It is what it is, and why our country is a fucking shit show. And I’ve posted Trump being an idiot multiple times. 

I think the bolded section is the reason why any moderate would vote for Trump. 

I think one of the biggest problems with political narratives is that people have the habit of labeling everybody on the left as "liberal". Which does a disservice to liberals and gives camo to the bolsheviks lol



Thu, Aug 13, 2020 10:31 AM
posted by SportsAndLady

?? I’m not defending Biden at all...AGAIN, pointing out the hypocrisy of blasting Biden for being a bumbling idiot when you won’t do the same for trump or you’ll turn around and vote for trump  

And please ICL, don’t try and tell me you won’t be voting for Trump lol. BHS admittedly she’s voting for Trump. Obviously CC and QO will vote/masturbate for Trump. I’m sure a few others on here Will, too. And we won’t see any posts from you guys posting videos of Trump being an incoherent moron. It’s only of Biden. It’s politics, and hypocrisy in its finest form

Dude posting only Biden gaffes is being objective they already told you that 


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Thu, Aug 13, 2020 10:34 AM
posted by geeblock

Dude posting only Biden gaffes is being objective they already told you that 

Lol pot meet kettle. Dude who needs links posted for him bc his news sources don't show what actually goes on in the world.


Senior Member

Thu, Aug 13, 2020 10:43 AM
posted by iclfan2

Lol pot meet kettle. Dude who needs links posted for him bc his news sources don't show what actually goes on in the world.

He’s right though.


1st Team All-PWN

Thu, Aug 13, 2020 10:53 AM
posted by geeblock

Dude posting only Biden gaffes is being objective they already told you that 

Are you implying that you are objective?


Senior Member

Thu, Aug 13, 2020 11:00 AM
posted by Automatik

Do you not browse the internet or talk to Trump supporters? People literally worship (insert Obama, Clinton etccc). He's infallible to them. It's bizarre beyond words.

I corrected your post for accuracy


Senior Member

Thu, Aug 13, 2020 11:07 AM

TY for being a prime example.

You're middle aged and you idolize Donald Fucking Trump. 



Thu, Aug 13, 2020 12:40 PM
posted by like_that

Are you implying that you are objective?

By definition I don’t think any person can call themselves objective. Other people have to give you that title. You don’t see me out here crying and defending Biden tho 


Senior Member

Thu, Aug 13, 2020 12:47 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

You’ve completely missed the point, which is you guys are blasting Biden for saying dumb shit or speaking incoherently when you’ll turn around and vote for Trump despite him saying dumb shit and speaking incoherently  

It’s not that you’re wrong about Biden, it’s that you’re being hypocritical

I think Justin's post summed it up well. We've had four years to make fun of Trump, and most everyone has. I said a month or two ago that what's the point anymore? He says something dumb, outrages people, his supporters won't care, and the next day it happens again. At this point most everyone is just looking forward to November 3rd. Silence doesn't necessarily mean we agree with him. Plus, no one on here is tripping over themselves to defend him, except Spock/QO, and who cares what those fucking idiots think. 

You can dislike Biden but also dislike Trump. You can not vote for Biden and also not vote for Trump. 



Thu, Aug 13, 2020 1:00 PM
posted by friendfromlowry

I think Justin's post summed it up well. We've had four years to make fun of Trump, and most everyone has. I said a month or two ago that what's the point anymore? He says something dumb, outrages people, his supporters won't care, and the next day it happens again. At this point most everyone is just looking forward to November 3rd. Silence doesn't necessarily mean we agree with him. Plus, no one on here is tripping over themselves to defend him, except Spock/QO, and who cares what those fucking idiots think. 

You can dislike Biden but also dislike Trump. You can not vote for Biden and also not vote for Trump. 

I agree with that. 

My other point on Biden and dementia is people are just saying he has it based off his actions/ words, yet he is doing largely the same shit that Trump is doing.  Biden makes a gaffe: dementia! Trump makes a gaffe: It is Trump being Trump. 

Biden makes a physical odd motion: dementia! Trump can't hold water the right way or can't walk down a ramp: it is Trump being Trump. 

Both are gaffe machines and are not the greatest speakers. 

The theory that Biden has dementia is not a medical opinion, it is people's own personal views projected on their views of Biden. There is no real medical evidence of the claim. Just because you had a family member that had it does not mean Biden does. 

That said, I do think questions on physical and mental aspects of a candidate should be asked and answered by them. Biden does seem to brush those aside, which he should answer for them. Trump does the same thing, noting how fit he is and that he is so smart and healthy, yet we have not seen a detailed medical report like we have seen previous Presidents. 


Senior Member

Thu, Aug 13, 2020 1:31 PM
posted by Automatik

TY for being a prime example.

You're middle aged and you idolize Donald Fucking Trump. 

No I am middle aged and i idolize small government that stays out of my wallet.  

I vote with my wallet.


Senior Member

Thu, Aug 13, 2020 2:42 PM
posted by Spock

No I am middle aged and i idolize small government that stays out of my wallet.  

I vote with my wallet.

2017 broke the record for federal spending.

2018 did the same.

2019 also

2020 would have (or as you say "would of") as well, even without Covid.

WTF are you talking about?


Senior Member

Thu, Aug 13, 2020 3:10 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

The theory that Biden has dementia is not a medical opinion, it is people's own personal views projected on their views of Biden. There is no real medical evidence of the claim.

You don't find it remotely odd that his aides have abruptly ended multiple interviews when he starts wandering off the reservation?  Or that the two(?) press conferences he's done took a only a handful of pre-planned, pre-approved questions?

If he's mentally fit, as you claim, then why does his campaign appear to be working so hard to limit his exposure to controlled environments?  Why are liberal commentators coming up with excuses for him NOT to debate?



Thu, Aug 13, 2020 3:43 PM
posted by gut

You don't find it remotely odd that his aides have abruptly ended multiple interviews when he starts wandering off the reservation?  Or that the two(?) press conferences he's done took a only a handful of pre-planned, pre-approved questions?

If he's mentally fit, as you claim, then why does his campaign appear to be working so hard to limit his exposure to controlled environments?  Why are liberal commentators coming up with excuses for him NOT to debate?

Oh, you mean when that happens to every candidate? All staffs do that when a candidate starts to get off topic, except Trump. He just does his own thing. Trump has warped the political norms. All staffs also make sure there are pre-planned questions and rarely take actual questions except in things like debates. 

Also, who the hell is saying he shouldn't debate Trump? I haven't read that. 


Senior Member

Thu, Aug 13, 2020 3:54 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Also, who the hell is saying he shouldn't debate Trump? I haven't read that. 

LOL, wow.  Try googling "why Biden shouldn't debate".  CNN, WaPo and NYT and others have all had stories on it.  That's really hard to believe you haven't seen this.  You're trying way too hard to make this seem like some right wing conspiracy when plenty of Democrats have been seeing it and fumbling for explanations.

No, aides don't pull candidates away regularly.  Schedules be damned - people WAIT for the candidate not the other way around.  Pulling him away makes him look weak.  And the idea that everyone does choreographed pressers is also complete BS.  Nothing like what Biden has done.

Also, you're contention there is no medical evidence is, also, an assumption.  We haven't seen it, but many people believe it exists based on what they've seen from Dementia Joe.


Senior Member

Thu, Aug 13, 2020 3:55 PM
posted by Fab4Runner

I don't even have an opinion on Biden's so-called mental decline/dementia. I'm not an expert and I haven't watched many of his statements or interviews. And yes, I know you'll all say that's because he isn't doing any, which may be valid. I just think it's funny that Trump can't put more than two coherent sentences together and his supporters are just fine with it. He's a bumbling idiot, but people call him a genius all day long. 

Name anyone on this board not named Spock or QO that has said Trump is a genius.