2020 Presidential Election thread

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Senior Member

Thu, Mar 5, 2020 3:23 PM
posted by majorspark

Schumer's the guy who warned the President that the intelligence agencies have "six ways from Sunday to get back at you".  These guys love the idea of weaponizing government against their political enemies.

I've often said what they really hate about Trump is he doesn't cower to their bullshit - when the Left calls you racist or misogynist, you're supposed to back down and apologize.  But even worse, Trump plays their same game, and he's often better at it.

Schumer makes comments about the court.  Obama made comments.  Trump does it - OMG impeach him for abuse of power!!!

I always laugh at how Bill Maher whines that "Dems need to fight dirty....They don't do it enough".  And I wonder what planet he's on, because it's pretty much been the exact opposite.  And, again, the real threat the Left sees with Trump is if Republicans start adopting his tactics and it becomes a fair fight....


Senior Member

Thu, Mar 5, 2020 3:29 PM
posted by gut

I've often said what they really hate about Trump is he doesn't cower to their bullshit - when the Left calls you racist or misogynist, you're supposed to back down and apologize....

Like Trent Lott who held the same position as Schumer did and made some off comments at Strom Thurmond's 100yr birthday party.  He folded like a cheap lawn chair.  You are 100% right on this.


Senior Member

Thu, Mar 5, 2020 3:34 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Also, the D front runner, Biden, is trying to make a play about returning to decency....


Will Biden be condemning Schumer's comments?  Will he demand some sort of action be taken?  Will he go to Schumer in private and ask him to gracefully want to spend more time with his family?  If the answer is none of the above then you are right returning to decency is nothing more than a play.


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Thu, Mar 5, 2020 3:36 PM
posted by QuakerOats


A guy from Toledo was sentenced for a threat made on facebook against AOC.  Chuck U. Schumer deserves similar medicine. “No one is above the law”, right.

That a person was sentenced for an idle threat made on Facebook is absurd (which I'm sure you'd agree with).  So why are you supporting the same idea, just because it happens to be someone you loathe politically?  Better instead to point out how ridiculous it is in both cases and be ideologically consistent.

posted by majorspark

Most people know exactly what he was threatening.  And it was not their lives.  But Democrats have been telling us that rhetoric needs toned down and simple common words used in political discourse like "target", "crosshairs", or the like could inspire the unhinges nutjob to take that as a literal order.

That's because they're ridiculous.  I'd think those of us who aren't in that camp should aim to be a little more unclenched.

posted by gut

I get it.  I think he was threatening impeachment, or perhaps stacking the SCOTUS.  In either event, those things are arguably far bigger abuses of power than anything Trump has done.  Does that game end any other way than one that nullifies or renders the courts virtually impotent?  The Constitution intended it to be an equal branch, so anyone who would take the actions Schumer appears to be suggesting should be removed from office.  Words I don't think rise to that level, but censure would be appropriate.

There's hidden fascism growing on the left that's being justified as necessary because the ignorant/uneducated/bigoted/backward right-wing is keeping the country from moving forward.  As usual, they don't fucking think and don't appear to grasp the consequences of the things they're proposing.

Oh, those things are far bigger abuses indeed.  As you said, it's fascism to combat the lack of progress.  It's precisely what we saw when they were suddenly all in support of the use of the EO to bludgeon through the ACA.

Of course, they'd forget that and call using an EO a gross abuse of power if it were used for something they didn't like.

It just perpetuates the idea that there's no such thing as too much power as long as the office is held by 'the right person'.

posted by ptown_trojans_1

Agreed. It was so fucking dumb what he said. Especially as the Ds were also roasting Trump just last week for his remarks about the court. 

Also, the D front runner, Biden, is trying to make a play about returning to decency....

Oh sweet Moses!

A return to decency ...

... brought to you by the guy who uncomfortably touches and smells people on stage, in front of the cameras.



Senior Member

Thu, Mar 5, 2020 3:45 PM
posted by majorspark

Will Biden be condemning Schumer's comments? 

Speaking of Biden, I'm starting to think he would resign soon after taking office.  I don't know if that was always the plan, but he seems to be slipping (and fairly quickly).

I'm sorry, but Jill Biden saying "you're ok you're ok"....I think most people associate those words and tone with that commonly used to reassure someone of diminished capacity.  Yeah, yeah I'm sure that's a right-wing talking point, but it happens to be true.



Thu, Mar 5, 2020 3:55 PM
posted by O-Trap


posted by ptown_trojans_1

Agreed. It was so fucking dumb what he said. Especially as the Ds were also roasting Trump just last week for his remarks about the court. 

Also, the D front runner, Biden, is trying to make a play about returning to decency....

Oh sweet Moses!

A return to decency ...

... brought to you by the guy who uncomfortably touches and smells people on stage, in front of the cameras.


LOL. And from the guy who's wife will throw down to protect her man. 


Senior Member

Thu, Mar 5, 2020 3:57 PM

Also where is the media in all this?  When Trump makes a dumbass comment they make their rounds to all the Republicans for comment.  Where is Romney?  What is his take?


Senior Member

Thu, Mar 5, 2020 4:03 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

LOL. And from the guy who's wife will throw down to protect her man. 

Image result for jill biden protects husband


Senior Member

Thu, Mar 5, 2020 4:08 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

LOL. And from the guy who's wife will throw down to protect her man. 

She did handle that like a real pro.


Senior Member

Thu, Mar 5, 2020 4:10 PM

On a related note, will Sanders really take the gloves off to go after the nomination?  Or has he already been bought off?

But, LOL, the Dems are down to a guy who may be in the early stages of dementia, vs. the guy who just had a heart attack.


Over/under that their medical records suddenly end-up in the same vault with Trump's tax returns?



Thu, Mar 5, 2020 4:19 PM
posted by gut

On a related note, will Sanders really take the gloves off to go after the nomination?  Or has he already been bought off?

But, LOL, the Dems are down to a guy who may be in the early stages of dementia, vs. the guy who just had a heart attack.


Over/under that their medical records suddenly end-up in the same vault with Trump's tax returns?

Sanders will try over the next two weeks. But, if Biden wins MI and then FL, OH, and Illi, it is over.  

There will not be enough states that Sanders can win for him to overcome the delegate lead Biden has. It is even possible that Biden will reach a majority of delegates going into the convention. 

On your last point, yeah, but I think Biden is the least bad option to go against Trump. All the others shit the bed or could not rally the different groups.  And yes, medical questions are legit with these three dudes vying for the Presidency. 



Chief Shenanigans Officer

Thu, Mar 5, 2020 4:42 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

LOL. And from the guy who's wife will throw down to protect her man. 

She low-key scares me a little bit.  I think Joe married crazy, and he just doesn't remember that anymore.

posted by gut

On a related note, will Sanders really take the gloves off to go after the nomination?  Or has he already been bought off?

But, LOL, the Dems are down to a guy who may be in the early stages of dementia, vs. the guy who just had a heart attack.


Over/under that their medical records suddenly end-up in the same vault with Trump's tax returns?

I do recall that it was a topic of discussion with McCain.



Senior Member

Thu, Mar 5, 2020 4:43 PM
posted by gut

I've often said what they really hate about Trump is he doesn't cower to their bullshit - when the Left calls you racist or misogynist, you're supposed to back down and apologize.  But even worse, Trump plays their same game, and he's often better at it.

Schumer makes comments about the court.  Obama made comments.  Trump does it - OMG impeach him for abuse of power!!!

I always laugh at how Bill Maher whines that "Dems need to fight dirty....They don't do it enough".  And I wonder what planet he's on, because it's pretty much been the exact opposite.  And, again, the real threat the Left sees with Trump is if Republicans start adopting his tactics and it becomes a fair fight....


They cannot control Trump; that drives them absolutely crazy.


Senior Member

Thu, Mar 5, 2020 4:46 PM
posted by O-Trap

That a person was sentenced for an idle threat made on Facebook is absurd (which I'm sure you'd agree with).  So why are you supporting the same idea, just because it happens to be someone you loathe politically?  Better instead to point out how ridiculous it is in both cases and be ideologically consistent.



Supposedly the guy owned some firearms too; so a weapons charge to boot…cuz Lord knows you can’t have any weapons.  I’m just saying Chuck U. Schumer is above the law, apparently, just weeks after he repeatedly said no one is above the law.


Senior Member

Thu, Mar 5, 2020 4:48 PM
posted by gut

On a related note, will Sanders really take the gloves off to go after the nomination?  Or has he already been bought off?

But, LOL, the Dems are down to a guy who may be in the early stages of dementia, vs. the guy who just had a heart attack.


Already has 3 homes from the last go-around.




Reppin' the 330/216/843

Thu, Mar 5, 2020 4:55 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Sanders will try over the next two weeks. But, if Biden wins MI and then FL, OH, and Illi, it is over.  

On your last point, yeah, but I think Biden is the least bad option to go against Trump. All the others shit the bed or could not rally the different groups.  And yes, medical questions are legit with these three dudes vying for the Presidency. 

Bernie has no chance in Florida. And Bernie has already backtracked about releasing his medical records. No chance Biden does. I don't really blame them since there is no rule that they have to. Why give Trump more ammo?

As a citizen I think there should be some sort of health check with a possible president, but I have no idea how you could satisfy both sides that the Dr or team of Dr's is non-partisan. 


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Thu, Mar 5, 2020 4:59 PM
posted by QuakerOats

Supposedly the guy owned some firearms too; so a weapons charge to boot…cuz Lord knows you can’t have any weapons.  I’m just saying Chuck U. Schumer is above the law, apparently, just weeks after he repeatedly said no one is above the law.

Eh, that's fair, I suppose.

And I'd imagine we agree that Schumer is basically a big bag of hot air connected to a talking head.



Senior Member

Thu, Mar 5, 2020 5:11 PM
posted by O-Trap

And I'd imagine we agree that Schumer is basically a big bag of hot air connected to a talking head.


That's just it he is not.  He is one of the most powerful people in the Federal government.  You have the minority leader of the US Senate standing on the steps of the SCOTUS calling out associate justices by name that if they do not vote the way he wants political bad things are going to happen to them.


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Thu, Mar 5, 2020 5:42 PM
posted by majorspark

That's just it he is not.  He is one of the most powerful people in the Federal government.  You have the minority leader of the US Senate standing on the steps of the SCOTUS calling out associate justices by name that if they do not vote the way he wants political bad things are going to happen to them.

I'm referring to his substance.  Not his position.

Like the difference between a leader and a boss.  Leader has to do with character.  Boss has to do with position.

He's a big bag of hot air who people somehow decided to put into a position his competence doesn't warrant.

Then again ...

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Thu, Mar 5, 2020 6:22 PM
posted by QuakerOats



Supposedly the guy owned some firearms too; so a weapons charge to boot…cuz Lord knows you can’t have any weapons.  I’m just saying Chuck U. Schumer is above the law, apparently, just weeks after he repeatedly said no one is above the law.

The guy threatened to shoot AOC. That's probably why his guns came into play. 


Common sense says that Schumer wasn't making that type of threat. But he's a jackass anyway n


Senior Member

Thu, Mar 5, 2020 7:29 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

LOL at Trump followers parroting the nicknames he assigns.  

It's kind of like what you think is an annoying commercial jingle then you end up constantly playing it in your head.  We all do it and its quite affective.


Senior Member

Thu, Mar 5, 2020 9:58 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

Common sense says that Schumer wasn't making that type of threat. But he's a jackass anyway n

True, but it did provoke the the Chief Justice of the SCOTUS to issue a public statement that his comments rose above simple political jackassery but were actually dangerous.


Honorable Admin

Thu, Mar 5, 2020 10:24 PM
posted by majorspark

It's kind of like what you think is an annoying commercial jingle then you end up constantly playing it in your head.  We all do it and its quite affective.


"Co-stanza!" If you're a Seinfeld fan you'll get the reference.


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Fri, Mar 6, 2020 1:14 AM
posted by majorspark

True, but it did provoke the the Chief Justice of the SCOTUS to issue a public statement that his comments rose above simple political jackassery but were actually dangerous.

Politicking at its finest.