2020 Presidential Election thread

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Reppin' the 330/216/843

Thu, Oct 17, 2019 10:01 AM
posted by Heretic

At this stage of the game, they're more or less worthless unless you're just looking for some sort of soundbite to make your point about how one or more people either gets it or is delusional. There just are too many people looking for air time and too little time to elaborate on points to make them have any real meaning beyond that. They're a bit more worthwhile when the field is trimmed to 2-3 primary contenders or it's the actual presidential ones, but I still find skipping them and just hooking myself up with a few articles on what happened to be far more palatable than listening to people give canned answers to generic questions, while trying to throw in whatever catchphrases they're working on as often as possible.

Pretty spot on. I can't imagine anyone watching the whole debate though. Twitter politicos post all the relevant clips to make the other side look crazy. I think it actually hurts the left to still let people like Beto up there, because his gun confiscation talk is not good for them. We all know it is going to be Warren, Biden, and Bernie, the rest is just noise.


Senior Member

Thu, Oct 17, 2019 10:54 AM
posted by iclfan2

Pretty spot on. I can't imagine anyone watching the whole debate though. Twitter politicos post all the relevant clips to make the other side look crazy. I think it actually hurts the left to still let people like Beto up there, because his gun confiscation talk is not good for them. We all know it is going to be Warren, Biden, and Bernie, the rest is just noise.

for sure.....Beto makes just completely illegal points and it just makes the rest of them either agree or move further left.


Honorable Admin

Thu, Oct 17, 2019 11:18 AM

Watching Beto get dragged by CNN and MSNBC for his gun control scheme is pretty funny. That guy is definitely a liability for the Dems.


Senior Member

Thu, Oct 17, 2019 11:26 AM
posted by iclfan2

Pretty spot on. I can't imagine anyone watching the whole debate though. Twitter politicos post all the relevant clips to make the other side look crazy. I think it actually hurts the left to still let people like Beto up there, because his gun confiscation talk is not good for them. We all know it is going to be Warren, Biden, and Bernie, the rest is just noise.



If they really wanted to give themselves any chance at all they would draft Bloomberg.


Honorable Admin

Thu, Oct 17, 2019 11:37 AM
posted by QuakerOats

If they really wanted to give themselves any chance at all they would draft Bloomberg.

Talk about a nanny-stater.


Senior Member

Thu, Oct 17, 2019 1:32 PM

Yep …but the only one with a chance to at least be somewhat formidable.



Thu, Oct 17, 2019 2:08 PM
posted by iclfan2

Pretty spot on. I can't imagine anyone watching the whole debate though. Twitter politicos post all the relevant clips to make the other side look crazy. I think it actually hurts the left to still let people like Beto up there, because his gun confiscation talk is not good for them. We all know it is going to be Warren, Biden, and Bernie, the rest is just noise.

I'd agree, these debates are largely worthless. Looks like those three above with maybe a wildcard like Pete making a run. I didn't even watch any of the debate, I cared way more about the Nats clinching. I'll really start to care once we get close to Iowa and once we start counting votes. 

posted by QuakerOats

Yep …but the only one with a chance to at least be somewhat formidable.

I don't think so, as poll after poll show Trump in a tight battle or behind against most of the front runners. 



333 - I'm only half evil

Fri, Oct 18, 2019 6:55 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1


I don't think so, as poll after poll show Trump in a tight battle or behind against most of the front runners. 


I'm not sure if you watch any Tim Pool but he recently had this to say/show:


While you can only take that with a grain of salt you've got to look at who he's running against:

- Warren who got caught appropriating culture (lol)
- Bernie with a heart attack
- Joe Biden with quid pro quo stuff not to mention bleeding eyes and can't speak without jumbling
- Beto who won't be happy until there are Ruby Ridge's everywhere
- All of the dems promising "muh free shit!" with Executive Orders

Those are the dems who have gotten the most eye views. So I don't know. Polls would be about as useful right now as the study Tim Pool shows.


1st Team All-PWN

Fri, Oct 18, 2019 8:59 AM

I haven't paid attention to many polls, but I still believe Biden is their only chance to win.  Maybe Bloomberg if he really enters the race.


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Fri, Oct 18, 2019 9:05 AM

The national polls are useless. Really just need Ohio, PA, FL, and the other swing states. 


Senior Member

Fri, Oct 18, 2019 9:46 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

I'd agree, these debates are largely worthless. Looks like those three above with maybe a wildcard like Pete making a run. I didn't even watch any of the debate, I cared way more about the Nats clinching. I'll really start to care once we get close to Iowa and once we start counting votes. 

posted by QuakerOats

Yep …but the only one with a chance to at least be somewhat formidable.

I don't think so, as poll after poll show Trump in a tight battle or behind against most of the front runners. 





Take care.


Senior Member

Fri, Oct 18, 2019 10:20 AM

“Warren has a problem: The central message of her campaign is that the economy is working for the very wealthy but it is not working for ordinary Americans. Unfortunately for her, ordinary Americans disagree.

A Marist poll asked voters whether "the economy is working well for you personally." Nearly two-thirds of Americans said yes. This includes large majorities in almost every demographic group.

Sixty-seven percent of college graduates and 64 percent of those without a college education say the economy is working for them. So do 68 percent of whites and 61 percent of nonwhite people.”


Case closed.





Senior Member

Fri, Oct 18, 2019 10:57 AM

The only chance the Dems have is a Pete/Tulsi ticket.


Seriously......young, articulate and not crazy.


Son of the Sun

Fri, Oct 18, 2019 10:59 AM
posted by CenterBHSFan

I'm not sure if you watch any Tim Pool but he recently had this to say/show:


While you can only take that with a grain of salt you've got to look at who he's running against:

- Warren who got caught appropriating culture (lol)
- Bernie with a heart attack
- Joe Biden with quid pro quo stuff not to mention bleeding eyes and can't speak without jumbling
- Beto who won't be happy until there are Ruby Ridge's everywhere
- All of the dems promising "muh free shit!" with Executive Orders

Those are the dems who have gotten the most eye views. So I don't know. Polls would be about as useful right now as the study Tim Pool shows.

Which would all mean A LOT if whomever wins out of the group was going against a beloved, respected president who doesn't regularly use social media to act like an overly-entitled teen girl who just found out her boyfriend was banging her best friend. But since the D candidate is not going against such a person, that just means things are pretty wide open. If the Ds could find something better than either Democrat Trump (Biden, with the gropes and jumbled speech and comparable popularity with the hardcore progressive movers-n-shakers) or hardcore progressives (the rest), it'd have the potential to be a slam dunk, depending on how unhinged Trump acts over the next year, but since this is the "best" they felt compelled to do because, apparently, placating the 10-15% farthest to the left is more important than trying to court moderates, 2020 has all the potential to be one of those coin flips where the loser spends infinity plus a few years claiming they were robbed.


333 - I'm only half evil

Fri, Oct 18, 2019 12:49 PM
posted by Heretic

placating the 10-15% farthest to the left is more important than trying to court moderates, 2020 has all the potential to be one of those coin flips where the loser spends infinity plus a few years claiming they were robbed.

Well, whoever "wins" will also be robbed. Let's face it, everybody's screwed.


Son of the Sun

Fri, Oct 18, 2019 1:28 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

Well, whoever "wins" will also be robbed. Let's face it, everybody's screwed.

Pretty much. Except for the blind partisans on whichever side is given the presidency. They'll tell themselves they're winning, regardless of what is actually happening. Some people on this site (as well as any social media site or other corner of the Internet) have proven to be VERY proficient at playing that "my perception >>>>>>>>>> reality" game to the degree they legit are capable of ignoring ANYTHING that goes against what they want to hear, or immediately deflecting to a real or perceived issue on the other side. Whether they're screwed or not, they'll go out of their way to tell you they're not!

As for the election, it all really comes down to whether the D's candidate has the same "get people who don't regularly vote to the polls" effect that Obama did. When you consider that roughly 50% of eligible voters didn't turn out in '16, there's a lot of room for the eventual nominee to at least be notably superior to Hillary at getting people to care enough to vote. And with the swing states being the only ones that really matter, that makes it trickier for them, as a swing state is a swing state because it, overall, is more diverse and balanced than a state that's primarily left or right --- which, to me, would make it tougher for some goofy far-left progressive to get sufficient support, regardless of how weary a lot of people are with Trump and his wacky ways, because moderates would be more likely to side with him than the person wanting to increase their taxes and/or try to push through a "no guns for you" law.


Senior Member

Fri, Oct 18, 2019 2:11 PM





The trend is your friend!


Senior Member

Fri, Oct 18, 2019 2:14 PM

If Trump would just be an adult, he probably would win in a landslide.  Instead he acts like a 3rd grade bully and has a cloud of corruption swirling around him.

And he still might win if the Dems put up a far left socialist.  Not sure Biden can beat him any more.

If Biden gets pressured to drop out (because maybe donors start abandoning him), that could open the door for Buttigieg.  Otherwise, I don't see how Warren doesn't win the nomination.


Senior Member

Fri, Oct 18, 2019 4:37 PM



Hillary says Tulsi is an ‘asset’ being ‘groomed’ by Moscow. 


What a way to end the week.  LOL


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Fri, Oct 18, 2019 5:55 PM
posted by QuakerOats



Hillary says Tulsi is an ‘asset’ being ‘groomed’ by Moscow. 


What a way to end the week.  LOL

Tulsi ripped her on twitter. She’s dead within a week.


Senior Member

Fri, Oct 18, 2019 6:10 PM
posted by iclfan2

Tulsi ripped her on twitter. She’s dead within a week.

This is what is truly disgusting about propaganda arm of the Dem's media.  Tulsi in the debate called out, CNN And NYT [I think], for associating her with Russia.  I forget the exact context, but here comes Hillary to echo it almost verbatim and add credibility and legs to the smear.

Which begs the question of where and how that story originates.  Tulsi is way down in the polls - why is she suddenly being attacked by NYT and Clinton?  I can only guess she may be a leading VP candidate and the DNC kingmakers don't want that.

Just bizarre.  I assume this is fake news, but I can't understand why.  And, incidentally, it appears calling someone a Russian agent is a new addition to the "identity politics" toolkit.  New trigger word for herding useful idiots.


Son of the Sun

Fri, Oct 18, 2019 6:32 PM
posted by gut

This is what is truly disgusting about propaganda arm of the Dem's media.  Tulsi in the debate called out, CNN And NYT [I think], for associating her with Russia.  I forget the exact context, but here comes Hillary to echo it almost verbatim and add credibility and legs to the smear.

Which begs the question of where and how that story originates.  Tulsi is way down in the polls - why is she suddenly being attacked by NYT and Clinton?  I can only guess she may be a leading VP candidate and the DNC kingmakers don't want that.

Just bizarre.  I assume this is fake news, but I can't understand why.  And, incidentally, it appears calling someone a Russian agent is a new addition to the "identity politics" toolkit.  New trigger word for herding useful idiots.

Yeah, with her a non-entity in the polls, her being a potential VP nod would be the only reason I could gather her being attacked by Clinton. Logically, she'd somewhat fit in with Biden (more moderate than the crowd in general and a ticket that wouldn't turn off moderates like a number of combinations would...although it'd also make the far-lefters gnash their teeth about how their party "betrayed" them) and could be shoehorned into another candidate's ticket as a moderate counterbalance to their loopy overly-left ways in an inverted R 2008, when that party's fears of McCain being too moderate caused them to counterbalance him with a representative of the batshit crazy element of their party in Palin.

But still, all of that is, as far as I know, conjecture that I might be making up out of my ass. Hillary just randomly attacking a low-polling contestant who's going nowhere in the race to be the D nominee is...well, one of many weird ass news stories out of this year in politics, but it's ONE of them!


333 - I'm only half evil

Sat, Oct 19, 2019 4:28 AM

Well, I think it's because a lot of republican/conservative types actually like Tulsi's foreign policy ideas - which rocks the boat on the establishment's habits. I've even seen republicans and libertarians say that she would be a good VP or a Sec of State. 
This election is even more topsy turvy than what we saw in '16


Senior Member

Sat, Oct 19, 2019 1:35 PM

Could this be an elaborate scheme to give Tulsi a bump?  This little tift is getting her a lot of attention, mostly positive.

Because I know Hillary has had some delusional and crazy ideas about how she lost 2016, but calling Tulsi and Stein "russian assets" is completely out of leftfield nutjob.  Throwing Stein in there makes me think she's actually serious since she probably blames Stein for losing (eventhough Stein didn't get enough votes to affect the outcome in any state).

Biden is done, but probably won't bow out gracefully.  Bernie and Warren are too crazy.  And America just isn't ready for a gay couple in the WH.  That leaves Tulsi as pretty much the only option, so this kind of smells like a coordinated "intervention" to lift her campaign.  At this point, Tulsi is probably the Dems best chance to re-take the WH.

Hillary is still not popular, and this gives Tulsi someone to attack.....someone who's not in the race and probably pulls their punches [if it is actually all orchestrated].  This has the potential to suck all the oxygen out of the air of all the other campaigns.