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Sun, Jan 30, 2022 10:19 AM
posted by iclfan2
I still wonder what his friends must be like if he’s the middle of the road. I also still laugh that he’s the only person I’ve ever heard of that has multiple people he works with using dumb ass pronouns. He must live in a snow globe of liberalism 

Maybe you should venture out of your own bubble more...

I have lived in Delaware County, Ohio now for over a year...so yeah snow globe of liberalism. 

I do find it funny for people that work in fiance you have not come across it more, or are in denial of it. I have worked for a large international construction firm, and now a national engineering firm and come across it from time to time. I have traveled up and down the east coast, FL to NY, so my experiences are based on that. 

As for my friends, my best friend is a die hard libertarian from Orange County, Ca. Justin, you and him would get along great. My other really good friend is an old school Republican from Missouri, who still donates to conservative causes. My other friends are a mix of old school liberals and very, very liberals. A good number of them voted for Larry Hogan in Maryland and some for Dewine here in Ohio. 

The neighborhood I also live in is a mix of Republicans and Democrats. Point being, the bubble I live in is pretty diverse. Sound like yours, and a lot of people's on here is not. 


Honorable Admin

Sun, Jan 30, 2022 11:08 AM

I dunno. If there’s one thing libertarians hate more than anything else, it’s other libertarians. 


Senior Member

Sun, Jan 30, 2022 1:00 PM

Is having a libertarian friend anything like having a black friend?


Senior Member

Sun, Jan 30, 2022 3:22 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

You do know there is a difference between being old and having dementia right? 

Biden is old, too old frankly, but to say he has dementia is completely different. 

In the post you quoted I said he was incoherent, I didn’t say anything about dementia.

Try again.


Senior Member

Sun, Jan 30, 2022 3:24 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Maybe you should venture out of your own bubble more...

I have lived in Delaware County, Ohio now for over a year...so yeah snow globe of liberalism. 

I do find it funny for people that work in fiance you have not come across it more, or are in denial of it. I have worked for a large international construction firm, and now a national engineering firm and come across it from time to time. I have traveled up and down the east coast, FL to NY, so my experiences are based on that. 

As for my friends, my best friend is a die hard libertarian from Orange County, Ca. Justin, you and him would get along great. My other really good friend is an old school Republican from Missouri, who still donates to conservative causes. My other friends are a mix of old school liberals and very, very liberals. A good number of them voted for Larry Hogan in Maryland and some for Dewine here in Ohio. 

The neighborhood I also live in is a mix of Republicans and Democrats. Point being, the bubble I live in is pretty diverse. Sound like yours, and a lot of people's on here is not. 

The problem is, your posts lean “very very liberal” yet you claim to be “middle of the road”. So you are either lying or playing Devils advocate specifically for Spock and QO.

Devils Advocate

Brudda o da bomber

Sun, Jan 30, 2022 4:41 PM

He must be lying because I call QQ a spastic partisan retard. 

CC is harder to define because to call it a retard, would be a disservice to retards. No one can be that stupid. So I will go with syphilitic imbecile.


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Sun, Jan 30, 2022 5:29 PM

You can have a diverse bubble and still not give in to wokeism. Pronouns are virtue signaling nonsense, especially when you “identify” with your obvious gender. And they/ them is simply fantasy land stuff. There is no reason to give in to any of it. 


Senior Member

Sun, Jan 30, 2022 5:51 PM
posted by iclfan2

You can have a diverse bubble and still not give in to wokeism. Pronouns are virtue signaling nonsense, especially when you “identify” with your obvious gender. And they/ them is simply fantasy land stuff. There is no reason to give in to any of it. 

And are we not allowed to be offended if someone asks us our pronouns?  The implication is that you think I might have a mental disorder.



Sun, Jan 30, 2022 6:37 PM
posted by Devils Advocate

He must be lying because I call QQ a spastic partisan retard. 

CC is harder to define because to call it a retard, would be a disservice to retards. No one can be that stupid. So I will go with syphilitic imbecile.

Blow me


1st Team All-PWN

Mon, Jan 31, 2022 12:09 PM
posted by justincredible

I dunno. If there’s one thing libertarians hate more than anything else, it’s other libertarians. 

So true. The LP is the embodiment of this too.


Honorable Admin

Mon, Jan 31, 2022 12:41 PM
posted by like_that

So true. The LP is the embodiment of this too.

The LP is useless. As is Cato. As is Reason.


Senior Member

Mon, Jan 31, 2022 1:39 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

You do know there is a difference between being old and having dementia right? 

Biden is old, too old frankly, but to say he has dementia is completely different. 

Anyone who has cared for a parent with dementia knows that biden has some form of dementia.  Generally speaking, it only gets worse, so I don't see him completing his term, unless the handlers more fully 'lock him away' and cover it up. 

The family should be held accountable for elder abuse. 



Mon, Jan 31, 2022 7:29 PM
posted by QuakerOats

Anyone who has cared for a parent with dementia knows that biden has some form of dementia.  Generally speaking, it only gets worse, so I don't see him completing his term, unless the handlers more fully 'lock him away' and cover it up. 

The family should be held accountable for elder abuse. 

I have had relatives in my family wither away and die from dementia.  There is no doubt he is into it deep.  Not just early stages.  When he is actually speaking on point (reading a teleprompter)  he is loaded up on meds to keep him on task.


Senior Member

Tue, Feb 1, 2022 10:26 AM

Apparently yesterday he was really, really bad on a conference call with the governors 

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Tue, Feb 1, 2022 10:47 AM
posted by QuakerOats

Apparently yesterday he was really, really bad on a conference call with the governors 

Thanks for the update.  Please keep them coming.  


Senior Member

Tue, Feb 1, 2022 11:58 AM
posted by QuakerOats

Apparently yesterday he was really, really bad on a conference call with the governors 

Video or just conjecture?


Senior Member

Tue, Feb 1, 2022 1:06 PM

I should probably be careful of buying into potential fake news before the actual facts emerge, but it's starting to look like there WAS an actual conspiracy to overturn the election.

I remember the Left hoping that some unfaithful electors would give the election to Hillary (because apparently some, or most, aren't bound to the actual state vote).  And it sounds like a number of Republican electors were prepared to do exactly that, if Pence had refused to certify the results.

Plus, there was that really awful phone call with the Georgia folks.


Senior Member

Tue, Feb 1, 2022 1:08 PM

I also remember people crying about Obama playing king maker behind the scenes.  He even refused to turn over his donor list to the DNC.  I remember the Right being pretty upset over that.

But I can't recall Obama doing a whole lot, financially, other than to attend a few fundraisers and the occasional campaign event.  Meanwhile, Trump apparently has amassed $150M, and is putting it to work.  Including trying to primary some Repubs who were mean to him.


Senior Member

Fri, Jun 7, 2024 11:39 AM
posted by iclfan2

I think the FBI has the laptop. It supposedly came from a computer shop where someone just left it (which already sounds like bs). Supposedly some of the emails have been confirmed (by Fox fwiw) but I don’t know which ones. Either way, if it was trump we’d never hear the end of it so the left just pretending people shouldn’t look into it is ridiculous. And when one member of the press finally asked Biden about it he had a little hissy fit. 

The FBI has just entered THE LAPTOP into evidence in the Hunter Biden felony trial.  My, my how we've come full circle, and it has only been almost 4 years since the initial story popped by the NY Post and then the hysterical media/political establishment powers went to work to squelch it, lie about it, and have it censored by Big Tech.  It was all true, and all the related criminality is all true.  Yet, one of the largest election interference schemes went into full mode (only outdone by the Russia Hoax 4 years prior, although that one did not alter the outcome of a national presidential election, rather just led to impeachment and years of fake news).  Between the lies and the fraudulent media reporting, along with the ballot harvesting, we got what we got.


Looking back at the media bullshit now is beyond hilarious.  What a massive bunch of saps.

And the comments on this thread from around page 138 to 148 are pretty priceless as well.  




333 - I'm only half evil

Fri, Jun 7, 2024 3:44 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

BTW, does Biden still have dementia? 

I can't keep track of all the right wing bullshit. 



333 - I'm only half evil

Fri, Jun 7, 2024 3:51 PM
posted by QuakerOats

And the comments on this thread from around page 138 to 148 are pretty priceless as well.  



It reminds me of the fact that ptown will automatically believe any report that any govt agency puts out. Without critical thought or any question. 

We have been shown that this is not a good idea. Fact.


Senior Member

Fri, Jun 7, 2024 4:12 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

It reminds me of the fact that ptown will automatically believe any report that any govt agency puts out. Without critical thought or any question. 

We have been shown that this is not a good idea. Fact.

Rewatching the media clips telling us it was Russian disinformation is beyond priceless.  What a bunch of absolute hacks. 


333 - I'm only half evil

Fri, Jun 7, 2024 6:23 PM

To be fair to Ptown, it wasn't in the far distant past when most of us appreciated when he took the time to read a shit ton of govt agency reports and relayed the summaries back to us. We weren't all as bastardly pessimistic as, for example, Heretic was and is. No offense meant, Heretic lol!

But then Russiagate happened and then the subsequent Mueller report. That led to a veritable list of governmental lies that were exposed. We all read the Twitter Files, yeah?

Then the government agencies using all the social medias to censor and ban any questioning or disputing the Covid narrative, lockdowns, the vaccines, the fines, the vaccine passports, etc. 

Same thing with the Hunter Laptop Story. The govt agencies again colluded with all the social medias to censor and ban that story. Remember when Biden said that he had 51 govt Spooks to collaborate that the story was a lie?

Let's not forget how these same agencies propped up Hillary Clinton and then gave her a pass on mishandling top secret govt documents. Tens of thousands of them.

Let's not forget that Biden, who did not have the Presidential Prerogative at the time, took top secret govt files to his private residence. And then showed them to some ghost writer, who most likely didn't have that type of clearance to even know of their existence, much less peruse them at their leisure. He too got a pass.

And that is only part of the list. I can list more, but the point is proven.

So yeah, we might be super critical of govt and all the agencies. And we appreciated ptowns input on their reports. He was the go to guy. The difference now is we don't believe them as easily, if at all, at this point. Ptown probably still does. Maybe not. But if he does, maybe not as much as he used to. 


Senior Member

Mon, Jun 10, 2024 9:32 AM

x blinkin cia hunter laptop lie no consequences secretary of state job