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1st Team All-PWN

Tue, Apr 23, 2019 8:12 AM
posted by SportsAndLady

Even fellow dems were like “uhhh...what?” On that Boston bomber answer. 

Then Pete B just responded “No” 

like I said, even though I don’t agree with everything Pete B believes/endorses, he seems to get “it” when it comes to this stuff. You cannot answer yes to that question, you just can’t. 

He definitely knows how to play the game, not to mention he is differentiating himself from everyone else.  Kamala couldn't simply say no, so she used the classic Obama patented "we need to have a discussion" line to actually avoid giving a real answer regarding the Boston bomber voting. 


Senior Member

Tue, Apr 23, 2019 8:29 AM
posted by queencitybuckeye

Perhaps actual, workable answers to real-world problems could be a more productive way to go.


This is an election...rarely will you get ACTUAL answers from politicians to anything. This is all marketing. 

Plus, he’s not answering every question with “I’m gay” like some on here want you to believe. 


Senior Member

Tue, Apr 23, 2019 8:30 AM
posted by like_that

He definitely knows how to play the game, not to mention he is differentiating himself from everyone else.  Kamala couldn't simply say no, so she used the classic Obama patented "we need to have a discussion" line to actually avoid giving a real answer regarding the Boston bomber voting. 

And she stared at the floor the entire answer. Lol did these people not take public speaking 101 in college?


Senior Member

Tue, Apr 23, 2019 9:39 AM
posted by SportsAndLady


This is an election...rarely will you get ACTUAL answers from politicians to anything. This is all marketing. 

Plus, he’s not answering every question with “I’m gay” like some on here want you to believe. 

I don’t think anyone said that he is leading with “I’m gay” at all. If anyone did it was QO and we all ignore him anyway. 


I truly like/liked Mayor Pete but he is using his sexual orientation/exploiting it with manufacturing a feud with Pence that has never happened and doesn’t exist. 


I believe him and Gabbard are the two smartest people running on either side of the aisle even if I disagree with some of their platform. Unfortunately because they are the best fit for the job, they will both do poorly in the primaries. Just like Rand and Ron Paul, etc. 


Senior Member

Tue, Apr 23, 2019 10:10 AM
posted by jmog

I don’t think anyone said that he is leading with “I’m gay” at all. If anyone did it was QO and we all ignore him anyway. 


I truly like/liked Mayor Pete but he is using his sexual orientation/exploiting it with manufacturing a feud with Pence that has never happened and doesn’t exist. 


I believe him and Gabbard are the two smartest people running on either side of the aisle even if I disagree with some of their platform. Unfortunately because they are the best fit for the job, they will both do poorly in the primaries. Just like Rand and Ron Paul, etc. 

Do you have any specific examples of him “exploiting his sexual orientation”? Serious question. 

Mans ICL made comments about him leading with he’s gay


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Tue, Apr 23, 2019 10:24 AM
posted by SportsAndLady

Do you have any specific examples of him “exploiting his sexual orientation”? Serious question. 

Mans ICL made comments about him leading with he’s gay

Wasn't me. I just said he's an idiot who agreed with the New Green deal and some of the other socialist garbage. Other than that I mostly agree that he's more of a moderate and at least isn't bat shit crazy like Bernie or a complete loser like Warren/ Harris/ Booker/ Beto. 


Senior Member

Tue, Apr 23, 2019 11:03 AM

Bernie and Warren are literally crazy.  There is no way that the polling for Bernie could be right.  



Senior Member

Tue, Apr 23, 2019 2:54 PM
posted by jmog

I don’t think anyone said that he is leading with “I’m gay” at all. If anyone did it was QO and we all ignore him anyway. 


I haven’t said one word about Pete; get your God damn facts straight.


333 - I'm only half evil

Tue, Apr 23, 2019 2:58 PM

It was ME who say that I liked the fact that he doesn't lead with "I'm gay!". But then he brought that up a few times and I had my doubts about saying it. 
Other than what I said, I don't know if anybody else has mentioned it.


Senior Member

Tue, Apr 23, 2019 2:59 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

Do you have any specific examples of him “exploiting his sexual orientation”? Serious question. 

Mans ICL made comments about him leading with he’s gay

Yes, he has created a feud that doesn’t exist with Mike Pence and when asked about it on  cable news he came right out and said “Pence has a problem with me because I am gay. The feud will continue until he chances his stances on LGTBQ rights.” (I somewhat paraphrased). 


All Pence has ever said about the mayor is how great of a person and mayor he is. When Pence was asked about the “feud” he directly said he has nothing against the mayor and that the mayor really knows how Pence feels about him. 

Every single social media or statement Pence has ever made about Mayor Pete has been completely complimentary, yet Pete comes out and says that Pence doesn’t like him because he is gay.

Someone is telling Pete he  needs this media bump by creating a fake feud and he is taking the bad advice.





333 - I'm only half evil

Tue, Apr 23, 2019 3:22 PM
posted by Spock

Bernie and Warren are literally crazy.  There is no way that the polling for Bernie could be right.  


Kids go into $200,000.00 debt for a degree in speech pathology at an ivy league and when they graduate they realize they aren't going to pay that off with any ease for a looooooooong time, can't get a job that will pay them what they thought they ought to be paid and before you know it putting that cost onto every taxpayer looks damn attractive.


Senior Member

Tue, Apr 23, 2019 3:41 PM
posted by jmog

Yes, he has created a feud that doesn’t exist with Mike Pence and when asked about it on  cable news he came right out and said “Pence has a problem with me because I am gay. The feud will continue until he chances his stances on LGTBQ rights.” (I somewhat paraphrased). 


All Pence has ever said about the mayor is how great of a person and mayor he is. When Pence was asked about the “feud” he directly said he has nothing against the mayor and that the mayor really knows how Pence feels about him. 

Every single social media or statement Pence has ever made about Mayor Pete has been completely complimentary, yet Pete comes out and says that Pence doesn’t like him because he is gay.

Someone is telling Pete he  needs this media bump by creating a fake feud and he is taking the bad advice.




Is that it? I’m aware of the pence/pete “feud”, but is there other examples where he leads with “I’m gay!”? Because I’ve never heard he does that. 


Senior Member

Tue, Apr 23, 2019 3:41 PM
posted by iclfan2

Wasn't me. I just said he's an idiot who agreed with the New Green deal and some of the other socialist garbage. Other than that I mostly agree that he's more of a moderate and at least isn't bat shit crazy like Bernie or a complete loser like Warren/ Harris/ Booker/ Beto. 

Sorry, it was chs. My bad


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Tue, Apr 23, 2019 3:45 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

Sorry, it was chs. My bad

No worries. When are the debates for the dems going to start? And how the hell are they going to narrow the field to who is allowed on them?  Gonna be such a shit show


333 - I'm only half evil

Tue, Apr 23, 2019 4:10 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

I don't really know too much about him. But he's obviously got a good following to be just behind Biden and Sanders. I do appreciate that he doesn't lead with "I'm gay" and has been called out because he hasn't done it. But those kinds of people who do that are goofy.

Ok so I've started looking more into Mayor Pete. Now I have to wonder if I wasn't mistaken when I said that he doesn't lead with "I'm gay!". Not sure if that's because I wasn't paying attention to him or if this is a new thing, because he's certainly doing it now. It also could be that his campaign people are pushing him into this, I don't know.

What I've said about Pete B., for clarification. 


Senior Member

Tue, Apr 23, 2019 5:13 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

Is that it? I’m aware of the pence/pete “feud”, but is there other examples where he leads with “I’m gay!”? Because I’ve never heard he does that. 

That’s literally the only time I said he has led with it. Is making up a feud with Pence. 


Senior Member

Tue, Apr 23, 2019 6:26 PM
posted by jmog

That’s literally the only time I said he has led with it. Is making up a feud with Pence. 

Yep, you are right. Just re-read your post and read it wrong. 

I guess chs then—what areyou seeing that made you post that? I’m only asking because I hate that shit, so if he is doing that, I’ll stop saying nice things about him!


333 - I'm only half evil

Tue, Apr 23, 2019 6:46 PM

Five days ago, dude. I can't remember what I was looking at 10 minutes ago haha! But I'll go look at my twitter feed because I think that I might have replied to a quote tweet about him. Let me go see.

Yeah, not seeing that I replied to anything. I probably just saw the tweet. Not sure. But there for a few days, seems like every blue check mark was talking about it.


Senior Member

Tue, Apr 23, 2019 7:09 PM

I was out running today thinking about Bernie saying "The Boston bomber should get to vote"......damn that is a terrible statement and there would be no way he should survive that comment.


I can see the ads now with crying parents of dead little children from rapist killers.


Honorable Admin

Wed, Apr 24, 2019 9:03 AM

I saw my first non-Trump 2020 bumper sticker last night, and it was for Boot-edge-edge.


Senior Member

Wed, Apr 24, 2019 9:56 AM
posted by CenterBHSFan

Five days ago, dude. I can't remember what I was looking at 10 minutes ago haha! But I'll go look at my twitter feed because I think that I might have replied to a quote tweet about him. Let me go see.

Yeah, not seeing that I replied to anything. I probably just saw the tweet. Not sure. But there for a few days, seems like every blue check mark was talking about it.

So you decided to say that Pete starts everything with “I’m gay!” Because you saw one tweet. And you guys wonder why I say this place can sometimes be a right wing cesspool. Smearing a democratic candidate for leading with his sexuality when in fact he doesn’t do it. Not a good look


333 - I'm only half evil

Wed, Apr 24, 2019 10:17 AM
posted by SportsAndLady

So you decided to say that Pete starts everything with “I’m gay!” Because you saw one tweet. And you guys wonder why I say this place can sometimes be a right wing cesspool. Smearing a democratic candidate for leading with his sexuality when in fact he doesn’t do it. Not a good look

Um, no. That's not what I was saying. I saw several people quote tweeting and thought I had replied to one, but I didn't find it (what I thought I had replied to), so I just thought that i had just saw it. I didn't spend a lot of time looking for it, either, just glanced down through a few scrolls.
I also never said anything about "one tweet" and I certain never smeared the guy. Why would you even say that? You can believe all you want to that this is "a right wing cesspool" but at least be fair in your assessment. 

I see this on this site all the time - people misrepresenting what others have said. How about stop it? It's hard enough to try to be fair and have a decent discussion without that kind of jackassery. Mistakes can happen often enough, no need to misrepresent just for the sake of making a point.


Senior Member

Wed, Apr 24, 2019 10:23 AM
posted by CenterBHSFan

Um, no. That's not what I was saying. I saw several people quote tweeting and thought I had replied to one, but I didn't find it (what I thought I had replied to), so I just thought that i had just saw it. I didn't spend a lot of time looking for it, either, just glanced down through a few scrolls.
I also never said anything about "one tweet" and I certain never smeared the guy. Why would you even say that? You can believe all you want to that this is "a right wing cesspool" but at least be fair in your assessment. 

I see this on this site all the time - people misrepresenting what others have said. How about stop it? It's hard enough to try to be fair and have a decent discussion without that kind of jackassery. Mistakes can happen often enough, no need to misrepresent just for the sake of making a point.

Lol. You quoted your own post. You were attempting to smear him because he leads with his sexuality. When in fact he doesn’t. 

How are we supposed to have a fair and decent conversation when you (sometimes) post non-factual info? 


333 - I'm only half evil

Wed, Apr 24, 2019 10:48 AM

SnL, if you think you can narrow down all of my thoughts about Buttigieg in two posts about him leading/not leading with "I'm gay!" then I'll give you a billion dollars to give me the same kind of crystal ball that you have lol!

I've said nothing about the fact that I think his military experience is a plus (I've always thought this about various presidents and people who were running), I like the fact that he thinks the left are edging towards authoritarianism and that freedom shouldn't be owned by the republicans right now. I like the fact that he doesn't think terrorists should have the right to vote. 

I don't like the fact that he led with "I'm gay!" once or a thousand times. Because IMO it's just a sexuality and I'm not into the identity politics thing; which both the left and right are partaking of lately. 

For the record, in one of my quotes, I was very willing to give HIM the benefit of the doubt and said that maybe it was the people who are running his campaign that ran with his sexuality and that I didn't know. But sure, I smeared him. Ok.

But of course, that makes me part of the cesspool. But go ahead and keep dragging this out, it's obviously giving you something, whatever that something is is immaterial. After all, this forum is just as much for your enjoyment as it is anybody elses.


Senior Member

Wed, Apr 24, 2019 11:02 AM
posted by CenterBHSFan

SnL, if you think you can narrow down all of my thoughts about Buttigieg in two posts about him leading/not leading with "I'm gay!" then I'll give you a billion dollars to give me the same kind of crystal ball that you have lol!

I've said nothing about the fact that I think his military experience is a plus (I've always thought this about various presidents and people who were running), I like the fact that he thinks the left are edging towards authoritarianism and that freedom shouldn't be owned by the republicans right now. I like the fact that he doesn't think terrorists should have the right to vote. 

I don't like the fact that he led with "I'm gay!" once or a thousand times. Because IMO it's just a sexuality and I'm not into the identity politics thing; which both the left and right are partaking of lately. 

For the record, in one of my quotes, I was very willing to give HIM the benefit of the doubt and said that maybe it was the people who are running his campaign that ran with his sexuality and that I didn't know. But sure, I smeared him. Ok.

But of course, that makes me part of the cesspool. But go ahead and keep dragging this out, it's obviously giving you something, whatever that something is is immaterial. After all, this forum is just as much for your enjoyment as it is anybody elses.

Lol, you don’t have to get so worked up over this. You guys wanted an example of why I thought this place is heavily right winged, and I provided one. Relax