2020 Presidential Election thread

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Senior Member

Wed, Apr 10, 2019 7:31 PM
posted by QuakerOats



You forgot about liberals being charitable and generous with the resources they have, so no doubt he gives most of it away because of love for others and sense of guilt from being a winner in life’s lottery. 

I am sure Bernie writes an extra check to the IRS also every year to pay his "fair" share


Senior Member

Thu, Apr 11, 2019 10:10 AM


Heard Pocahontas this morning literally advocating for the theft of property ….sneaky, slimy, dangerous person.


333 - I'm only half evil

Mon, Apr 15, 2019 6:31 PM

So here is where the democrats are polling at right now, if you choose to buy into it (really early to be even somewhat accurate I guess)


Senior Member

Mon, Apr 15, 2019 6:51 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

So here is where the democrats are polling at right now, if you choose to buy into it (really early to be even somewhat accurate I guess)

unreal the amount of financial waste that comes with all these windbags.

Between Jeb and HC they spent $500,000,000 and didnt beat DT.  These ass clowns arent coming close


333 - I'm only half evil

Mon, Apr 15, 2019 6:55 PM
posted by Spock

unreal the amount of financial waste that comes with all these windbags.

Between Jeb and HC they spent $500,000,000 and didnt beat DT.  These ass clowns arent coming close

The two people I would be interested in hearing out probably won't make the main stage. That's Yang and Gabbard. I don't really agree with their overall politics, but they do have some ideas that I can agree with. Such as Yang's cutting down bureacracy and Gabbard's ending nation building/regime change/wars. The mainstream press just isn't all that interested in them.
Who knows, they might feel cute and give them some airtime later, IDK


Senior Member

Mon, Apr 15, 2019 7:36 PM

Wouldn’t be surprised if Pete B moved up. He seems to have a huge head of steam lately. And isn’t a complete moron. 


333 - I'm only half evil

Mon, Apr 15, 2019 7:48 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

Wouldn’t be surprised if Pete B moved up. He seems to have a huge head of steam lately. And isn’t a complete moron. 

I don't really know too much about him. But he's obviously got a good following to be just behind Biden and Sanders. I do appreciate that he doesn't lead with "I'm gay" and has been called out because he hasn't done it. But those kinds of people who do that are goofy.


Senior Member

Mon, Apr 15, 2019 8:13 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

I don't really know too much about him. But he's obviously got a good following to be just behind Biden and Sanders. I do appreciate that he doesn't lead with "I'm gay" and has been called out because he hasn't done it. But those kinds of people who do that are goofy.


I wouldn’t vote for him, and I know most on here will hate him. Supports green new deal, gun reform, and Medicare for all. Also wants electoral college eliminated. Not a good candidate for the OC. Lol


Senior Member

Mon, Apr 15, 2019 8:38 PM

I took a politician quiz on I side with

My top 5:

James Delaney 

John kasich 

Gary Johnson 

andrew yang

corey booker

AKA, all over the place



Senior Member

Mon, Apr 15, 2019 8:44 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

 Also wants electoral college eliminated.

To me, that's some of the funniest bullshit coming from the left.  Get rid of the electoral college because it's unfair, but only last year did they strip super delegates role in nominating their Presidential candidate.  However, the rest of that nominating process uses as a significant factor - wait for it - the electoral college.

But it's even MORE unfair than that.  The Dems assign delegates to states based 50% on electoral votes for that states, and 50% based on essentially how many people in that state vote for the Dem candidate.  In other words, the more consistently bluer the state the MORE Dems count that vote in their nomination process.

It's obvious to everyone that the electoral college issue is purely about winning elections, on both sides.  It has nothing to do with fairness.  But someone can support the EC purely on non-partisan grounds: it helps guard against state rights being trampled by a simple national majority/plurality.


Senior Member

Tue, Apr 16, 2019 7:30 AM
posted by SportsAndLady


I wouldn’t vote for him, and I know most on here will hate him. Supports green new deal, gun reform, and Medicare for all. Also wants electoral college eliminated. Not a good candidate for the OC. Lol

Sounds like the OC believes in the Constitution, man these posters are morons and suck balls. 


Senior Member

Tue, Apr 16, 2019 7:51 AM
posted by jmog

Sounds like the OC believes in the Constitution, man these posters are morons and suck balls. 

Are you that miserable IRL, too?


Senior Member

Tue, Apr 16, 2019 9:14 AM
posted by SportsAndLady

Are you that miserable IRL, too?

Quoted for irony.


Senior Member

Tue, Apr 16, 2019 9:26 AM
posted by CenterBHSFan

So here is where the democrats are polling at right now, if you choose to buy into it (really early to be even somewhat accurate I guess)


John F. Kennedy is spinning in his grave.


Senior Member

Tue, Apr 16, 2019 9:54 AM
posted by QuakerOats


John F. Kennedy is spinning in his grave.

Hell Barack and Clinton are shaking their heads.  They really messed this party up


1st Team All-PWN

Tue, Apr 16, 2019 11:52 AM
posted by Spock

unreal the amount of financial waste that comes with all these windbags.

Between Jeb and HC they spent $500,000,000 and didnt beat DT.  These ass clowns arent coming close

HC spent close to $1.5B alone to beat DT.  

posted by SportsAndLady

Wouldn’t be surprised if Pete B moved up. He seems to have a huge head of steam lately. And isn’t a complete moron. 


He is trending, but I predict he will finish 4th at best.  He once said all lives matter, which is EXTREMELY problematic.

posted by SportsAndLady


I wouldn’t vote for him, and I know most on here will hate him. Supports green new deal, gun reform, and Medicare for all. Also wants electoral college eliminated. Not a good candidate for the OC. Lol


Forget all the other dumb shit, if anyone legitimately supports the green deal they need to be shot.

posted by gut

To me, that's some of the funniest bullshit coming from the left.  Get rid of the electoral college because it's unfair, but only last year did they strip super delegates role in nominating their Presidential candidate.  However, the rest of that nominating process uses as a significant factor - wait for it - the electoral college.

But it's even MORE unfair than that.  The Dems assign delegates to states based 50% on electoral votes for that states, and 50% based on essentially how many people in that state vote for the Dem candidate.  In other words, the more consistently bluer the state the MORE Dems count that vote in their nomination process.

It's obvious to everyone that the electoral college issue is purely about winning elections, on both sides.  It has nothing to do with fairness.  But someone can support the EC purely on non-partisan grounds: it helps guard against state rights being trampled by a simple national majority/plurality.

I said this before, but it's incredible how many people don't understand basic civics and the purpose of the EC.  Not to mention the fact we aren't a true democracy.  Our founding fathers did their research and saw how a 100% democracy completely derailed ancient Greece.  As otrap mentioned, if anything the EC should be reformed, not abolished.  It's also interesting to see the left speak in absolutes as they always do. Even if we abolished the EC, do they think this will always be in their favor?  Conservatives are outbreeding liberals and Gen Z allegeldy is leaning conservative. The same group that cries disenfranchisement with voter ID, somehow can't see the irony of a select few bubble cities making decisions for the rest of the country.



1st Team All-PWN

Tue, Apr 16, 2019 11:54 AM

BTW, I will give Bernie some credit for have the balls to go onto FOX News for a townhall, even though they gave him a Bernie friendly crowd.  It's not often a Democrat plays an "away" game.  With that being said, whoever told Bernie this was a good idea should be fired.  The GOP has plenty of clips they will be playing if Bernie ends up winning the primary. 


Senior Member

Tue, Apr 16, 2019 12:04 PM
posted by like_that

I said this before, but it's incredible how many people don't understand basic civics and the purpose of the EC.

It's going to be a clown show.  Apparently, if no one gets a majority of delegates (which is very likely, given the Dem nomination process), then Super Delegates are going to end-up nominating the winner (even under their new rules).  The party of "every vote should count" is going to have 800 insiders choose its nominee.


1st Team All-PWN

Tue, Apr 16, 2019 12:11 PM
posted by gut

It's going to be a clown show.  Apparently, if no one gets a majority of delegates (which is very likely, given the Dem nomination process), then Super Delegates are going to end-up nominating the winner (even under their new rules).  The party of "every vote should count" is going to have 800 insiders choose its nominee.

lol, I didn't know this.  If nobody gets a majority, Biden will 100% be the candidate.  Book it.


Senior Member

Tue, Apr 16, 2019 12:16 PM
posted by like_that

lol, I didn't know this.  If nobody gets a majority, Biden will 100% be the candidate.  Book it.

The insiders would most likely choose a candidate they believe can win.

I have no idea if Bernie could beat Trump, but I don't think he can.  But if Bernie gets a plurality and the Super Delegates tip the scales to someone else, it will be a full-on revolt in that party.  And when the Bernie supporters take their ball and go home, it will hand an easy victory to Trump.


Senior Member

Tue, Apr 16, 2019 12:30 PM

We should have seen if Bernie could beat trump last election, but the shady dems put a stop to that. I’ll never understand how the dem’s didn’t take more heat for practically admitting (via hacked emails, sure, but still...) they rigged the primary for Hillary to win.  


1st Team All-PWN

Tue, Apr 16, 2019 1:28 PM
posted by gut

The insiders would most likely choose a candidate they believe can win.

I have no idea if Bernie could beat Trump, but I don't think he can.  But if Bernie gets a plurality and the Super Delegates tip the scales to someone else, it will be a full-on revolt in that party.  And when the Bernie supporters take their ball and go home, it will hand an easy victory to Trump.

I think Biden is their only shot to beat Trump amongst their current crop of candidates.  A Biden/Beto ticket would be favored to win imo.

posted by SportsAndLady

We should have seen if Bernie could beat trump last election, but the shady dems put a stop to that. I’ll never understand how the dem’s didn’t take more heat for practically admitting (via hacked emails, sure, but still...) they rigged the primary for Hillary to win.  

This, but I don't think it would have been close.  There were a lot of people who silented voted for Trump over Clinton in 2016 and there is no doubt there would be more of those silent votes if Bernie is the candidate threatening everything. 



Senior Member

Tue, Apr 16, 2019 1:29 PM
posted by like_that

BTW, I will give Bernie some credit for have the balls to go onto FOX News for a townhall, even though they gave him a Bernie friendly crowd.  It's not often a Democrat plays an "away" game.  With that being said, whoever told Bernie this was a good idea should be fired.  The GOP has plenty of clips they will be playing if Bernie ends up winning the primary. 

2 things at play:


1.  Bernie didnt really answer any questions.  Just deflected and changed the topics.

2.  Fox knows what they are doing....they want Bernie to win so they are giving him the press.  THere is no way this country elects a socialist.


Senior Member

Tue, Apr 16, 2019 5:55 PM
posted by Spock

2.  Fox knows what they are doing....they want Bernie to win so they are giving him the press.  THere is no way this country elects a socialist.

Pretty sure Fox is inviting everyone.  They've already had Schultz, maybe Corey Booker and one or two others.



Senior Member

Tue, Apr 16, 2019 6:02 PM
posted by gut

Pretty sure Fox is inviting everyone.  They've already had Schultz, maybe Corey Booker and one or two others.


Nah man. Fox News is super smart. They know what they’re doing!