
Can Science and Religion co exist?

  • queencitybuckeye
    sleeper;1602674 wrote:Does it matter?
    Other than for my own knowledge, not particularly.
  • sleeper
    queencitybuckeye;1602677 wrote:Other than for my own knowledge, not particularly.
    In that case, just pick whatever answer you want since its all made up anyway.
  • cruiser_96
    sleeper;1602681 wrote:In that case, just pick whatever answer you want since its all made up anyway.
    Kind of like your answers.

    ps: All life comes from God. Or would you like that(life) to spontaneously generate as well? Ha! What am I thinking??? You probably spontaneously generated! I mean, let's face it, if everything we see now can, you surely would fit under that umbrella, right!?
  • DeyDurkie5
    cruiser_96;1602704 wrote:ps: All life comes from God.
    Prove it.

    Point, durkie.
  • cruiser_96
    So you believe in spontaneous generation as well?

  • Automatik
    Thoughts on other religions? Just disregarded? More products of God?
  • Mohican00
    cruiser_96;1602713 wrote:So you believe in spontaneous generation as well?

    I don't know why you keep calling it that. To be cute?

    Spontaneous generation is an obsolete body of thought on the ordinary formation of living organisms without descent from similar organisms (maggots created from rotten meat) that was dismissed in the 19th century. Linking any current theories of abiogenesis to spontaneous generation is completely facile.
  • cruiser_96
    Because that's what it is? Nothing to something = spontaneous generation.

    If you can give me another term that hits the nail on the head like that term does, I'm all for it.

    EDIT: Not trying to be cute at all.
  • Mohican00
    cruiser_96;1602726 wrote:Because that's what it is? Nothing to something = spontaneous generation.

    If you can give me another term that hits the nail on the head like that term does, I'm all for it.

    EDIT: Not trying to be cute at all.
    Abiogenesis. Life arose from non-living matter. In fact, using spontaneous generation the way you are would surmise you know more about the process than the people who study it by giving the generation of life a spontaneous beginning.
  • cruiser_96
    So rocks - non living matter - turn into life. This just keeps getting better! (THAT was being cute (unsuccessfully, I'm sure). Disregard that comment.)

    Non-life to life, in my mind, is the next step. I'd like to know how that "non-living matter" got there. I don't care what it was, don't care what it became - I would only like to know how it got there. Nothing to something does not happen.
  • DeyDurkie5
    cruiser_96;1602713 wrote:So you believe in spontaneous generation as well?

    I don't believe in anything until it's proven when it comes to this whole religion thing. That's why I'm not an idiot, like most of you.

    Also, if you believe that the odds of some random god magically appearing out of nothing, creating a vast universe that(for now) only has one inhabitable planet, and then never appearing to man just so people can have "faith", well then so be it. But spontaneous generation as you like to call it is a bit more believable than that.
  • Tiernan
    By last count there were over 2000 acknowledged "Supreme Gods" associated with recognized faiths throughout the world. How do Christians particularly have the audacity to believe "their God" is truly the one true God? It would laughable if it weren't so repugnant.
  • DeyDurkie5
    That's because Christians are arrogant fucks.
  • cruiser_96
    They can all be wrong, but they cannot all be right.
  • Mohican00
    cruiser_96;1602743 wrote:So rocks - non living matter - turn into life. This just keeps getting better! (THAT was being cute (unsuccessfully, I'm sure). Disregard that comment.)

    Non-life to life, in my mind, is the next step. I'd like to know how that "non-living matter" got there. I don't care what it was, don't care what it became - I would only like to know how it got there. Nothing to something does not happen.
    Rocks turn to life is just a faulty generalization. If anything it shows that you aren't even trying or capable of discussing the matter without resorting to ridiculous assumptions.

    As for "non living matter" or any matter (which is what you should just say), I could point to Big Bang nucleosynthesis to nucleosynthesis to supernova nucleosynthesis and cosmic ray spallation to which you would argue "where did all of that come from, nothing?" - and I'd say I don't know because science doesn't know.....yet. However not knowing =/= "welp, it must be a creator." That is laziness

    Lastly, if you want to pursue creation as a plausible response to everything then at least read up on the topic of anthropic principle of existence instead of repeating endlessly about, heh, spontaneous generation. At the very least your argument would be permissibly erudite and credible.
    If that is true, it could help explain why our universe seems so special. The mass of the electron, for example, appears to be completely random—this value is not predicted by any known physics. And yet if the electron were any heavier or lighter than it is, atoms could not form, galaxies would be impossible, and life would not exist. The same goes for many other constants of nature, especially the cosmological constant—the theorized, but unverified, source of the so-called dark energy that is propelling the acceleration of the expansion of the universe. If the cosmological constant were different, and dark energy was more or less powerful, the universe would be drastically altered. and life as we know it wouldn’t be possible.

    If our universe is the only one in existence, then we need some explanation for why it seems so fine-tuned for us to exist.
  • jmog
    sleeper;1602604 wrote:So Jonah and the Whale happened? And there was a great flood? All of these are deeply rooted in the history of the people who follow God but nowhere else.

    The event I'm talking about is the extinction event that happened millions of years ago.
    i would venture to say that if nearly every ancient culture has a global flood story, and most of the key parts of the story are the same, that there would be some credence to it being a historical possibility or fact.

    There are literally 20+ flood legends across the ancient world. Greek, Roman, Persia, Hawaii, China, Australia, Egypt, Peru, Mexico, et al, all ancient civilizations with global flood stories. So what is more likely? An event happened that got passed down through generations by word of mouth or writings as people migrated to the farthest parts of the globe? Or somehow, magically, many ancient civilizations dreamed up nearly the same story well before the internet would allow copy/paste?
  • jmog
    DeyDurkie5;1602637 wrote:God created everything, yet only made one planet that is able to handle human life. God is one terrible architect.
    Who said that Earth was the only planet that could or does support life?
  • DeyDurkie5
    jmog;1602798 wrote:Who said that Earth was the only planet that could or does support life?
    Who says your god is the right one?

    Who says some ancient greek mythical god didn't create this entire universe and god just hopped on the coat-tails of these gods?

    That's the thing that pisses me off about believers like you. Not only do you think your shit is actually true, but you deny any credibility that your god may not be the one who created this entire existence. In fact, you don't even acknowledge the fact that your god isn't right. Their are thousands of gods, yet you claim yours as factual. That is what's so frustrating about your little "world" jmog. Believe in what you want, but shut the fuck up when it comes to "proving" it, because it will never happen. Unless, of course, your all magical god shows himself and proves that not only he's real, but that the other thousand or so gods aren't the true gods and they are all full of shit.
  • cruiser_96
    Mohican - I should have typed "disregard that comment". Oh, wait! I did!

    when I look out my window, I see a car, a light pole, a house, a fence and a sidewalk, among other things. Amazingly, all of those things got there from something outside of the creation placing it there. Why should we think we are any different?

    its not laziness. It is accepting the fact that EVERYTHING is pointing the way of creation from a creator.

    And honestly, no need for the additional terminology when the end result is no more or less of nothing into something, or as I've stated, spontaneous generation.
  • OSH
    DeyDurkie5;1602802 wrote:Who says your god is the right one?

    Who says some ancient greek mythical god didn't create this entire universe and god just hopped on the coat-tails of these gods?

    That's the thing that pisses me off about believers like you. Not only do you think your shit is actually true, but you deny any credibility that your god may not be the one who created this entire existence. In fact, you don't even acknowledge the fact that your god isn't right. Their are thousands of gods, yet you claim yours as factual. That is what's so frustrating about your little "world" jmog. Believe in what you want, but shut the fuck up when it comes to "proving" it, because it will never happen. Unless, of course, your all magical god shows himself and proves that not only he's real, but that the other thousand or so gods aren't the true gods and they are all full of shit.
    That's the "faith" behind the believer. Believers have the faith that their God is the "god." The Christian God is also the same God of Judaism. The Christian God is also (by their beliefs) the same God as Islam. Then, you have all the different denominations in Christianity that worship the same God.

    To me, it's not that hard to accept the fact that people believe different things (whether that is pro-religion or anti-religion). While I hope there are more in the pro-Christianity side, I know that won't be the case. I also do not fault people for thinking there needs to be something "proven" in order to believe. I'm not that way -- maybe with ghosts or aliens I am. I enjoy a lot of science, much of it is beyond my grasp. But, I also do believe there are limitations to science. There are always things that change. But, I have faith in my God.
  • jmog
    DeyDurkie5;1602802 wrote:Who says your god is the right one?

    Who says some ancient greek mythical god didn't create this entire universe and god just hopped on the coat-tails of these gods?

    That's the thing that pisses me off about believers like you. Not only do you think your shit is actually true, but you deny any credibility that your god may not be the one who created this entire existence. In fact, you don't even acknowledge the fact that your god isn't right. Their are thousands of gods, yet you claim yours as factual. That is what's so frustrating about your little "world" jmog. Believe in what you want, but shut the fuck up when it comes to "proving" it, because it will never happen. Unless, of course, your all magical god shows himself and proves that not only he's real, but that the other thousand or so gods aren't the true gods and they are all full of shit.
    if you can show me where I even once said that I can prove that "my god" is the right god I would appreciate it so that I can correct my mistake.

    If not you just look like sleeper yelling crap that doesn't make sense and no one actually said.
  • Manhattan Buckeye
    There's also a slight bit more of documented history in Judeo-Christianism. Not too many people think a Greek god was buried under the Parthenon.
  • Tiernan
    So when a big silver saucer finally does land on the White House lawn and little green guys walk down the ramp (and I do believe this will happen in some form at some point in time...) when that does happen...does ALL religion as we know it on earth today end at that moment? Or do the Christians re-construct the story of Jesus to say he died for the little green guy's souls too?
  • jmog
    Tiernan;1602921 wrote:So when a big silver saucer finally does land on the White House lawn and little green guys walk down the ramp (and I do believe this will happen in some form at some point in time...) when that does happen...does ALL religion as we know it on earth today end at that moment? Or do the Christians re-construct the story of Jesus to say he died for the little green guy's souls too?
    Can you find the part of the Bible that currently states that there is no life anywhere else and that there was/is no salvation plan (Jesus/etc) for said possible aliens?

    I get a kick out of people who think that if aliens ever show up it immediately squashes Christianity when the Bible never excludes the possibility.
  • Tiernan
    But if the little green guys say "ZOG created everything" WTF is Jesus going to do about it?