
The Clash of Clans thread

  • McFly1955
    jmog;1726991 wrote:Upgrading question...

    If you see yourself playing this game long term (several more months, a year+, etc.), then it is good to upgrade them to max sooner than later, obviously.

    However, up until late TH9 I was farming all the time and didn't feel like it was worth upgrading my mines and pumps at that time since I was always swimming in loot from farming....I had level 7/8/9 mines and pumps until late TH9 when my farming finally slowed and I just took a couple weeks and totally maxed them all. I'm glad I did because I farm less now, but back when I was playing all the time I didn't care....
  • jmog
    My only "problem" right now is I raid so often that I am MUCH higher in trophies than I "should" be. I have a lvl 5 TH and have been as high as 1270 trophies (currently at 1200).

    So, when I look around at everyone else in the 1200-1400 trophy 'league' (Silver 1) they are all much higher in TH and builds/defenses in general.

    When I get attacked I get completely wiped almost every time. I have mostly full storage and lower level than those 'around' me so I just get drilled.

    Reading some wiki's with a TH 5 I should be less than 1000 trophies.

    I guess over the next 2 weeks while I upgrade collectors and mines, I could just try to get to 1400 trophies and really be out of my league ;).

    Also, due to my full collectors and lower level in Silver 1, I literally get attacked within 30 seconds of any shield being off, and then it is nearly a full wipe (my defenses aren't bad, in clan wars I do pretty well against those my 'level').
  • O-Trap
    jmog;1727178 wrote:My only "problem" right now is I raid so often that I am MUCH higher in trophies than I "should" be. I have a lvl 5 TH and have been as high as 1270 trophies (currently at 1200).

    So, when I look around at everyone else in the 1200-1400 trophy 'league' (Silver 1) they are all much higher in TH and builds/defenses in general.

    When I get attacked I get completely wiped almost every time. I have mostly full storage and lower level than those 'around' me so I just get drilled.

    Reading some wiki's with a TH 5 I should be less than 1000 trophies.

    I guess over the next 2 weeks while I upgrade collectors and mines, I could just try to get to 1400 trophies and really be out of my league ;).

    Also, due to my full collectors and lower level in Silver 1, I literally get attacked within 30 seconds of any shield being off, and then it is nearly a full wipe (my defenses aren't bad, in clan wars I do pretty well against those my 'level').
    You can always lose trophies on purpose. Just find a person to attack, drop one archer or barb, and then quit the attack.
  • jmog
    O-Trap;1727183 wrote:You can always lose trophies on purpose. Just find a person to attack, drop one archer or barb, and then quit the attack.
    I hate losing in anything though, I can't do that. If I am going to lose, I am throwing 135 barbs and archers at someone and hoping for a 1
  • O-Trap
    jmog;1727187 wrote:I hate losing in anything though, I can't do that. If I am going to lose, I am throwing 135 barbs and archers at someone and hoping for a 1
    In that case, find some schmuck who has a scat ton of loot, but whose defenses are formidable. You might not get a star, but if you attack well, you'll get enough loot to not feel like you lost.
  • jmog
    O-Trap;1727190 wrote:In that case, find some schmuck who has a scat ton of loot, but whose defenses are formidable. You might not get a star, but if you attack well, you'll get enough loot to not feel like you lost.
    Only works well if my storage units aren't already full.

    Maybe I let someone wipe me out first, then go attack? lol
  • O-Trap
    So I tried to redesign my war base to better defend against GoWiPe. This was what I came up with. Let me know your thoughts.
  • McFly1955
    O-Trap;1727200 wrote:So I tried to redesign my war base to better defend against GoWiPe. This was what I came up with. Let me know your thoughts.
    If you're goal is to stop 2* gowipe, it might stump the first person, but the 2nd attack should 2* star no problem....External teslas are good for the element of surprise, but once that is known your core is weak. A decent attacker shoulder be able to 2* it on the first pass, you also have a lot of "free" percentage around the perimeter of the base that can be picked off cheaply with minions/archers.

    The cc looks like an expensive lure, so that's good, people probably won't bother luring.

    you are susceptible to gowiwi and lavaloon...Big open bases like this get wrecked by Gowiwi due to the minimal compartments and giving the golems free roam over the base.

    Lavaloon would be "shattered" lavaloon (for those that don't know that is 2 golems, some wiz and heroes at the beginning of the raid). That would take out AQ, AD, Inferno Tower, CC troops (with lightning) and anything else in that NW area...Then proceed clockwise with 3 hounds and loons. It looks like your sweeper is pointing north...If this type of attack hits you, you would want the sweeping pointing East/Southeast.....But then again you could also be hit by the "spammy" lava/minion/hound attack, in which case you would want it pointed towards the TH...It sounds like you are hit with ground attacks usually, so none of this probably matters..

    We face some higher level attackers that do this stuff...Not sure what your matchups are like.

    It's worth giving it a shot and seeing how it performs and tweaking from there...I'm a big fan of "custom" made bases vs. copying popular online forum bases.
  • O-Trap
    McFly1955;1727209 wrote:If you're goal is to stop 2* gowipe, it might stump the first person, but the 2nd attack should 2* star no problem....External teslas are good for the element of surprise, but once that is known your core is weak. A decent attacker shoulder be able to 2* it on the first pass, you also have a lot of "free" percentage around the perimeter of the base that can be picked off cheaply with minions/archers.

    The cc looks like an expensive lure, so that's good, people probably won't bother luring.

    you are susceptible to gowiwi and lavaloon...Big open bases like this get wrecked by Gowiwi due to the minimal compartments and giving the golems free roam over the base.

    Lavaloon would be "shattered" lavaloon (for those that don't know that is 2 golems, some wiz and heroes at the beginning of the raid). That would take out AQ, AD, Inferno Tower, CC troops (with lightning) and anything else in that NW area...Then proceed clockwise with 3 hounds and loons. It looks like your sweeper is pointing north...If this type of attack hits you, you would want the sweeping pointing East/Southeast.....But then again you could also be hit by the "spammy" lava/minion/hound attack, in which case you would want it pointed towards the TH...It sounds like you are hit with ground attacks usually, so none of this probably matters..

    We face some higher level attackers that do this stuff...Not sure what your matchups are like.

    It's worth giving it a shot and seeing how it performs and tweaking from there...I'm a big fan of "custom" made bases vs. copying popular online forum bases.
    Yeah, I worry about the lavaloonion attack with how spread out the base is, but my last one (keyed against the lavaloonion attack) was getting perpetually 2-starred by GoWiPe and GoWiWi attacks. My hope with this one to hold off the golem-based attacks was to enable my X-Bows to cover the internal walls (hopefully preventing wallbreakers from being able to reach them) and getting the golems to chase the defenses around the internal walls, since they're relatively close together, and there are no walls separating them. Sort of forcing them into a "run-around-the-center" path instead of going into it. Obviously, this doesn't help with wizards, since they can attack over the walls, so I'd worry a bit about the golems clearing a path to the walls and the wizards busting through. I'll have to just see how it does.

    I do have a couple cookie-cutter bases in reserve for the next war, in case this one doesn't work well. I've essentially reserved myself to being okay with getting 1-starred by attacks hitting the outside, with as spread out as this is. We'll see.
  • McFly1955
    It's tough to block 2 star gowipe at TH10, but if you can that can be the difference in war.

    I generally get 55ish% 2 starred...I've modded the base each war and the last few have been mid 40% 1-stars..The key on my base is they come from the side that the TH is closer to, which is heavy guarded..They just scrape by getting the TH but there isn't free % anywhere to pick up after that....A smart attacker should 2 star it if they spread out enough and plan properly, but a lot of people lately have been dumb and going straight at the TH and blowing their whole load there.

    I'll post a pic later if I remember.
  • Glory Days
    jmog;1727187 wrote:I hate losing in anything though, I can't do that. If I am going to lose, I am throwing 135 barbs and archers at someone and hoping for a 1
    Even though I lose trophies when I raid, I generally gain them all back when people attack. I have woken up in the morning and gained 50-60 trophies just on defense.
  • O-Trap
    McFly1955;1727287 wrote:It's tough to block 2 star gowipe at TH10, but if you can that can be the difference in war.

    I generally get 55ish% 2 starred...I've modded the base each war and the last few have been mid 40% 1-stars..The key on my base is they come from the side that the TH is closer to, which is heavy guarded..They just scrape by getting the TH but there isn't free % anywhere to pick up after that....A smart attacker should 2 star it if they spread out enough and plan properly, but a lot of people lately have been dumb and going straight at the TH and blowing their whole load there.

    I'll post a pic later if I remember.
    Damn. Had him if he hadn't brought a jump spell. Gonna have to tweak.
  • Dr. KnOiTaLL
    Gosh dang... this guy in my clan is a major newb. He's been playing way longer than me, is significantly further along in upgrades and defenses than me, but I swear he can't get more than 1 star, maybe 2, when attacking 4 spots below his. He constantly drops his spells where he deploys his troops instead of leading them, and I don't even know what his troop strategy is. Seems like he just makes a few of everything. How could you be playing that long and never really figure it out? lol
  • McFly1955
    Dr. KnOiTaLL;1728964 wrote:Gosh dang... this guy in my clan is a major newb. He's been playing way longer than me, is significantly further along in upgrades and defenses than me, but I swear he can't get more than 1 star, maybe 2, when attacking 4 spots below his. He constantly drops his spells where he deploys his troops instead of leading them, and I don't even know what his troop strategy is. Seems like he just makes a few of everything. How could you be playing that long and never really figure it out? lol
    Amount of time played does not equal war attacking skill...You'd think some people would at least improve over time, but some people just don't.

    We had a guy that was the only person that we have ever kicked for poor performance...He had months to improve and listen but he just wouldn't listen or change anything. Using 60-80 troop space for the lure and kill sometimes, failing as a TH9 to 3 star TH8's....He would drop a buttload of loons all in one place and just randomly rage...It was so frustrating to watch.
  • O-Trap
    McFly1955;1728990 wrote:Amount of time played does not equal war attacking skill...You'd think some people would at least improve over time, but some people just don't.

    We had a guy that was the only person that we have ever kicked for poor performance...He had months to improve and listen but he just wouldn't listen or change anything. Using 60-80 troop space for the lure and kill sometimes, failing as a TH9 to 3 star TH8's....He would drop a buttload of loons all in one place and just randomly rage...It was so frustrating to watch.
    Yikes. Yeah, if you're going to use a balloon-based attack, you've gotta spread them out.

    Separate Note:
    I figured out a base that seems to be doing well against the GoWiPe attack. It's essentially a three-layer base. Most of the defenses are on the outside layer, without a full wall around them (just partial walls that forces them to attack at the corners). Inside that, I have a layer of useless buildings (when it comes to war, anyway). The golems play ring-around-the-rosie with the outer layer. The wizards and PEKKAs do the same with the second layer. Then, the teslas and the inferno towers (in the center, with the TH) take out the PEKKAs and golems, while they and the rest of the defenses pick off the wizards. It still gets 2-starred once in awhile, but mostly holds attacks to the 50-80% damage range without taking out the TH. Had a few successful defenses, but even those get to the mid-high 40% range.

    It's a weird-looking base, but it seems to be holding okay, particularly with the inferno towers set to single.
  • Dr. KnOiTaLL
    McFly1955;1728990 wrote:Amount of time played does not equal war attacking skill...You'd think some people would at least improve over time, but some people just don't.

    We had a guy that was the only person that we have ever kicked for poor performance...He had months to improve and listen but he just wouldn't listen or change anything. Using 60-80 troop space for the lure and kill sometimes, failing as a TH9 to 3 star TH8's....He would drop a buttload of loons all in one place and just randomly rage...It was so frustrating to watch.
    Yeah, I very politely asked him why he drops his spells where he deploys his troops, and he said he uses the spell (rage specifically) to breach the exterior walls with his giants. I was like, you can still lead them so they can do some damage inside? I suggested a different strategy, but he continues to use his and typically 1 stars TH6-7 when he's an 8
  • McFly1955
    O-Trap;1728992 wrote:Yikes. Yeah, if you're going to use a balloon-based attack, you've gotta spread them out.

    Separate Note:
    I figured out a base that seems to be doing well against the GoWiPe attack. It's essentially a three-layer base. Most of the defenses are on the outside layer, without a full wall around them (just partial walls that forces them to attack at the corners). Inside that, I have a layer of useless buildings (when it comes to war, anyway). The golems play ring-around-the-rosie with the outer layer. The wizards and PEKKAs do the same with the second layer. Then, the teslas and the inferno towers (in the center, with the TH) take out the PEKKAs and golems, while they and the rest of the defenses pick off the wizards. It still gets 2-starred once in awhile, but mostly holds attacks to the 50-80% damage range without taking out the TH. Had a few successful defenses, but even those get to the mid-high 40% range.

    It's a weird-looking base, but it seems to be holding okay, particularly with the inferno towers set to single.
    Yeah, that style of base can be tough to crack..It's called a "ringus" style base.

    That style became popular when hogs were super OP...You build a ring of defenses so the hogs path round the ring, and fill in giant bombs/springs between the defenses.

    The key to beating it is to break the ring on the sides so that your troops will have no choice to go up the middle, but even knowing that it can be tough to do sometimes...I'm not a fan of attacking that style of base.
  • Uz2Bon36
    Anyone also try Boom Beach?
  • Glory Days
    Uz2Bon36;1729404 wrote:Anyone also try Boom Beach?
    I play. I like it because there is no shield. so you can attack whenever without any downside to losing a shield or anything.
  • bases_loaded
    OB1 , you need to return to the clan man...bring your friend
  • SportsAndLady
    bases_loaded;1730112 wrote:OB1 , you need to return to the clan man...bring your friend
    Are you in Dover clan? Can't remember who's who lol

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  • bases_loaded
  • SportsAndLady
    What's your name on there?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  • bases_loaded
    I'm the one that prompted the mass exodus over that shithead red eagle. j***ind*i
  • GOONx19
    bases_loaded;1730136 wrote:I'm the one that prompted the mass exodus over that shithead red eagle. j***ind*i
    S&L wasn't there yet, but thank you for that.