
Can we just shut the government down already?

  • IggyPride00
    sleeper;1509953 wrote:Is it next November for Midterm elections? I don't really follow it but is the House/Senate up for a potential switch of control?
    Next Novemeber for mid-terms is correct.

    The Republicans have a solid majority in the House likely until at least 2022 regardless of what happens because after 2010's wave they were able to redraw Congressional districts very favorably for themselves.

    O'bummer comfortably won Ohio last fall, and yet Ohio has a 12-4 Republican seat advantage in Congress because of the redistricting. It is a massive advantage, and why the House can be so bold right now in the funding fight. They are all in safe districts and don't have to worry about voter backlash over a shutdown.

    The Senate could be up for grabs provided the Tea Party isn't allow to trot out candidates like Akin, Christine O'Donnell, Ken Buck, Joe Miller and others that have turned what should be slam dunk wins into Democrat seats.

    Republicans would actually have control of the Senate right now were it not for the Tea Party and some of the wackadoodle candidates that have made it through the primaries in recent years that were totally unelectable.

    So to answer your original question, there is little to zero chance of any meaningful switch in control as the Republicans will control the House for probably the next decade.
  • sleeper
    Thanks Iggy. It would be interesting to see a complete Republican controller Congress with Obama as President. I wonder how many bills they can get him to veto lol.
  • WebFire
    Since I am trying to sell my house, I rather not have a shut down.
  • QuakerOats
    Actually the dems are highly vulnerable in the Senate in Nov '14. Hence, at least a one year delay in obamaKare could then dovetail nicely with the R's taking over the senate, after which meaningful ways to permanently get rid of it can develop.
  • IggyPride00
    QuakerOats;1509973 wrote:Actually the dems are highly vulnerable in the Senate in Nov '14. Hence, at least a one year delay in obamaKare could then dovetail nicely with the R's taking over the senate, after which meaningful ways to permanently get rid of it can develop.
    There is no way to get rid of it until 2017 most likely as BHO will never agree to defund his signature achievement.

    By that point its tentacles will be firmly entrenched into the lives of every American.

    That is why this last election was so pivotal, and such a waste.
  • sleeper
    Perhaps I don't understand how a CR works but if the last budget was passed 5 years ago, how does a CR fund Obamacare?
  • IggyPride00
    sleeper;1509995 wrote:Perhaps I don't understand how a CR works but if the last budget was passed 5 years ago, how does a CR fund Obamacare?
    Cr stands for Continuing resolution.

    Basically it just keeps the status quo in place.

    When Obamacare was passed into law it was done with certain funding mechanisms which all kicked in based on whatever the law said. It has to be actively stripped out at this point for it to go away.
  • BGFalcons82
    sleeper;1509995 wrote:Perhaps I don't understand how a CR works but if the last budget was passed 5 years ago, how does a CR fund Obamacare?
    This "CR" is criminal. 5 fucking years to come up with a budget and we still operate on "emergency" legislation. They should all be arrested for being ball-less and not performing their duties. How long should it go on? 10 years? 20? Why fucking even have a "budget"? Oh wait...I grows on printing presses and they don't have to give 2 shits about any of it. The People are the problem apparently. Why send these asshats back year after year? Oh wait...I forgot...Iggy says the TEA Party types are doofuses for nominating them. THEY are to blame, not the dipshits in DC intoxicated on the fumes of Boat's never ending money-making presses.
  • IggyPride00
    Oh wait...I forgot...Iggy says the TEA Party types are doofuses for nominating them.
    The Tea Party is directly responsible for about 5 Senate seats I can think of at minimum off the top of my head right now in the past 3 years that would otherwise have a republican in them right now instead of another vote for Harry Reid.

    Joe Miller/Ken Buck/O'Donnell/Mourdock/Akin were all totally extreme, and threw away states that were totally winnable with a sane candidate. Just those 5 seats (Alaska/Colorado/Maryland/Indiana/Missouri) would have Mitch McConnell as Senate majority leader.

    This shutdown would look totally different if it was a Republican Congress vs. the President instead of a split congress.

    That is the irony in the whole budget fight right now. The Tea Party is trying to make a stand but they are responsible for being in the position they are by nominating unelectable candidates.
  • BGFalcons82
    IggyPride00;1510038 wrote:The Tea Party is directly responsible for about 5 Senate seats I can think of at minimum off the top of my head right now in the past 3 years that would otherwise have a republican in them right now instead of another vote for Harry Reid.

    Joe Miller/Ken Buck/O'Donnell/Mourdock/Akin were all totally extreme, and threw away states that were totally winnable with a sane candidate. Just those 5 seats (Alaska/Colorado/Maryland/Indiana/Missouri) would have Mitch McConnell as Senate majority leader.

    This shutdown would look totally different if it was a Republican Congress vs. the President instead of a split congress.

    That is the irony in the whole budget fight right now. The Tea Party is trying to make a stand but they are responsible for being in the position they are by nominating unelectable candidates.
    Sure. I knew it was our fault. Just like ObamaKare is the TEA Party's fault. I get the blame game, as saaaaaaaad as it can be.

    Hmmm...Good 'ol Republicans. Like McCain? Linsey Grahamnesty? Corker? Those guys who seem to be liking their ride on the Obama Waterboy team? We need more of those, eh? You talk about Whackadoodles from the TEA Party and yet, nutcases like Schumer, Pelosi, the Rep who thought Guam would tip over, Reid, et al are perfectly fine. How do they get elected anyway? I'm off subject.

    I don't think it would look different because the R's you are fawning over love to just be there so they can get along. As much as I want this travesty of a "law" to be de-funded, having it pass will ultimately allow conservatives to walk right over their socialist counterparts. And I thought you to be a Libertarian and here you are wishing the wishy-washy moderate R's some lovin. Weird.
  • Belly35
    Shut it down ... Until ObamaCare is done and gone and Democrats are prepared to do what right for American Prosperity and the will of the Majority of the Citizen of America

    Locked, loaded and prepared to defend my country again.
  • IggyPride00
    BGFalcons82;1510064 wrote: And I thought you to be a Libertarian and here you are wishing the wishy-washy moderate R's some lovin. Weird.
    I am more libertarian in my leanings, however I value having a few RINO's and a speaker McConnell more than I value a pure minority and a Speaker Reid.

    At some point you have to have numbers to get anything done.

    Democrats detested the blue dogs when they made their lives miserable, and yet now that they are in the minority in the House they would give anything to have to deal with DINO's and Speaker Pelosi instead of their pure minority and Speaker Boehner.

    Pragmatism has to mix with political philosophy at some point if the hope is to ever dream of advancing a more conservative agenda.
  • QuakerOats
    Pragamatism, read conservatives caving to democrats, is a large contributing factor leading to our $17 trillion debt, $75 trillion in unfunded liabilities, and annual deficits ad nauseum.

    Some people decided it was time to wake up America and demand a little fiscal sanity. And for this they are villified, chastised, and demonized, all by those who benefit from the status quo gravy train. Screw the status quo / screw BIG government. Sorry.
  • BGFalcons82
    QuakerOats;1510083 wrote:Pragamatism, read conservatives caving to democrats, is a large contributing factor leading to our $17 trillion debt, $75 trillion in unfunded liabilities, and annual deficits ad nauseum.

    Some people decided it was time to wake up America and demand a little fiscal sanity. And for this they are villified, chastised, and demonized, all by those who benefit from the status quo gravy train. Screw the status quo / screw BIG government. Sorry.
    Meeting the egalitarian do-gooders halfway since they set sail in Johnson's Great Society has led us to today. We are so tilted to the social justice gang that fighting to keep our Constitutional Rights is seen as mean-spirited, "whackadoodle", terrorism, nut-case, neanderthal, redneck, and obscenely racist.

    You are dead-on, sir. What the socialists, moderates and get-along gangs fail to realize is that the piper is due his payment...very very soon. Those fighting against it are seen as you've described.
  • gut
    I actually think the Dems want to delay Obamakare, but if you have a govt shutdown they can demagogue AND "take the high road" appearing to be the reasonable ones coming to the table and agreeing to delay Obamakare for the sake of getting the govt back to work for America.

    I don't really think anyone believes widespread Obamakare success is going to carry Dems in 2014 elections. I think they want to delay it.
  • QuakerOats
    "Senate Democrats reject House amendments that would delay ObamaCare by a year and repeal an unpopular medical device tax, sending bill to avert shutdown back to the House."

    As expected, the real party of 'no' says no again to We the People. When was the last time the democrats reached across the aisle and negotiated and compromised with republicans? What a joke.
  • Me?
    Not raising the debt ceiling WILL create economic chaos. We've dug our own grave. Made our own bed. Time to lay in it. What you fucking retards who are all for the "raising the debt ceiling is a failure of leadership" President's plea to raise the debt ceiling don't seem to realize is that raising it is just a band aid. That's it. We have to speak for this at some point. We will go through a terrible economic decline and it will be chaotic. The longer we put it off, the worse it's going to get. We're already in a shitty economic situation, might as well just blow it up and start from scratch. The problem is government created it and the ruling class (that includes most people affiliated with the pathetic GOP) wants the government to fix it. FUCK THE GOVERNMENT. I'm no anarchist, I believe firmly that government has a role to play and that it is laid out very specifically and simply in the Constitution. We just have to stop looking to Congress and the White House every time we have a problem. All three branches are out of control. I'm ready for a shutdown. I hope it's long and it hurts too. Maybe people will wake up. It isn't going to impact my life one bit. This is much bigger than the bullshit party rhetoric at this point. We need to tear the system down and reassert the Constitution. Period. If you aren't for that, if you're a Progressive that thinks the Constitution is for suckers or whatever the fuck you think...please do one of two things: A. (This is preferable) KILL YOURSELF. Tonight. As soon as you get home. In the most painful way possible. OR B. MOVE to some God forsaken country that your ideology has already destroyed. You're fucking asshats and that's putting it lightly. We have a disease in this country and it's called progressiveism. I hate to say it, because I don't care at all for resorting to violence, but when the day comes that we start shooting at each other--it may present the only opportunity to eradicate the disease. They'll wish they hadn't allowed Piers Morgan to mold their opinion of the 2nd amendment then. In all seriousness though, big central government, less liberty and the socialized EVERYTHING progressive system has completely taken over one party and has taken over the establishment of the other. It's a SERIOUS problem and it has to be addressed. My biggest hope right now is that a government shutdown happens, which basically means that almost no one's life drastically changes, and people start to see maybe we don't need such a huge run away federal government...especially when we're 17 trillion dollars in debt.

  • Me?
    CR is another way of Congress telling everyone they're fucking worthless and they have ZERO control over fiscal policy. They just do whatever the hell they want. Haven't thought about consequences for 100 years.
  • gut
    Got get the gravy while you can...that ship could very well be sailing in a few days.
  • believer
    gut;1510099 wrote:I actually think the Dems want to delay Obamakare, but if you have a govt shutdown they can demagogue AND "take the high road" appearing to be the reasonable ones coming to the table and agreeing to delay Obamakare for the sake of getting the govt back to work for America.

    I don't really think anyone believes widespread Obamakare success is going to carry Dems in 2014 elections. I think they want to delay it.

    Without question. I loath everything the Dems are trying to accomplish but I'll give credit where it's due.

    These clowns know Obamacare is doomed to failure but they're hoping to delay the failure until after they are re-elected so they can blame it on inept pathetic Congressional Repubs. Meantime they can point the finger of blame for "shutting down the government" at the inept pathetic Congressional Repubs.

    And the lapdog media will be more than happy to help them paint that picture in the pea-brained minds of the Mericun sheeple.
  • IggyPride00
    House moderate Republicans are revolting right now apparently led by Peter King of New York.

    Claims he has 25 votes that are going to bring down whatever bill Boehner was planning on voting on tonight.

    King wants a clean CR at this point to keep government funded, and if his gang has the votes he says coupled with Democrat votes it is going to box Boehner in worse than he already is.
  • IggyPride00
    Kings moderates bailed on him leaving him with egg on his face.

    We are back to square one. The shutdown is happening.
  • like_that
    IggyPride00;1510194 wrote:Kings moderates bailed on him leaving him with egg on his face.

    We are back to square one. The shutdown is happening.

    That was quick smh.