
Disgusted With Obama Administration.

  • HitsRus
    Apparently we are just a bunch of spoiled brats.
    You got that part right.
    History books have already been written about how the boomers have ruined this country through greed and selfishness
    History books?

    You are the one who prides yourself on your 'logic' and reason....explain your gross generalization that links all boomers to the problems facing our country today.
  • HitsRus
    pmoney25;1213536 wrote:We are trying to work on solutions. We are trying to get real conservatives elected. We are trying to get people elected who believe in liberty, believe in fiscal conservatism and believe in following the constitution. I believe in the next 4-8 you will start to see an influx of Libertarian leaning politicians in this country at all levels. People who actually believe in freedom and believe in small government. But for now we have to put up with the " Elect Romney because he is not Obama, not because he is actually any good." Great example set by the older generation for sure.
    good post until the last line. Sad truth is is that 66% of those under 30 voted for Obama...the guy running the trillion dollar deficits, compared to only 50% of those over 30.

    Sad truth is that we all are to blame, and the sooner you realize your generation's own culpability, the sooner solutions can come.
  • believer
    HitsRus;1213561 wrote:History books?

    You are the one who prides yourself on your 'logic' and reason....explain your gross generalization that links all boomers to the problems facing our country today.
    When Sleeper speaks it, it is so. That's just how super smart this 20-something is.
  • believer
    HitsRus;1213570 wrote:good post until the last line. Sad truth is is that 66% of those under 30 voted for Obama...the guy running the trillion dollar deficits, compared to only 50% of those over 30.

    Sad truth is that we all are to blame, and the sooner you realize your generation's own culpability, the sooner solutions can come.
    He shoots, he scores! Dead on accurate statement.
  • sleeper
    Yeah most of my generation hasn't even voted yet.Boomer's have seen the problem their entire life and keep kicking the can down the road.

    The legacy of the boomers is the worst generation in world history. If you can sleep at night with that label, then good for you.
  • Sage
    lol it really is baffling to watch ppl pin the ENTIRE HISTORY OF THE DEFICIT on president obama. wow this is amazing. and yes, baby boomers are fucking terrible. this is known.
  • Sage
    btw maybe people under 30 voted for obama because conservatism is a dying thread in america? ho ho ho. grim reaper waits for u boomers. ho ho ho.
  • sleeper
    Sage;1213603 wrote:lol it really is baffling to watch ppl pin the ENTIRE HISTORY OF THE DEFICIT on president obama. wow this is amazing. and yes, baby boomers are fucking terrible. this is known.
    Obama isn't to blame for the deficit. Although he has spent quite a bit of money we don't have to exacerbate the problem and has offered zero solutions to fix the problem either.
  • gut
    Sage;1213603 wrote:lol it really is baffling to watch ppl pin the ENTIRE HISTORY OF THE DEFICIT on president obama.
    No, only like half of it :laugh:
  • HitsRus
    grim reaper waits for u boomers.
    grim reaper waits for you one is getting out of this alive.
    One thing is for sure....death and taxes. It's just with your ilk....the taxes are higher.
  • believer
    sleeper;1213579 wrote:Yeah most of my generation hasn't even voted yet.
    Then the Whiner Generation shouldn't bitch about how terrible your lives have been.
  • derek bomar
    we'd be in good shape if we just let old people die instead of trying to prolong their lives for no reason.
  • QuakerOats
    Sage;1213603 wrote:lol it really is baffling to watch ppl pin the ENTIRE HISTORY OF THE DEFICIT on president obama. wow this is amazing. and yes, baby boomers are ****ing terrible. this is known.
    Who is blaming the "entire history of the deficit" on obama? What he is to be blamed for is the FACT that he is the MOST PROLIFIC DEBT CREATOR IN WORLD HISTORY ..... heaping SIX TRILLION ($6,000,000,000,000) of NEW DEBT onto the American public in just 3 1/2 years ----- simply astounding.

    Time to bone up on math, history, and facts kid.
  • tk421
    believer;1213667 wrote:Then the Whiner Generation shouldn't bitch about how terrible your lives have been.
    Maybe our parents and grandparents should have had some fucking fiscal responsibility instead of passing the buck onto their kids and grandchildren. Whiner Generation my ass, the "greatest" generation is nothing of the sort. More like the greatest spending generation. Thanks for nothing.
  • believer
    tk421;1213955 wrote:Maybe our parents and grandparents should have had some fucking fiscal responsibility instead of passing the buck onto their kids and grandchildren. Whiner Generation my ass, the "greatest" generation is nothing of the sort. More like the greatest spending generation. Thanks for nothing.
    QQ sniffle
  • jmog
    sleeper;1213579 wrote:Yeah most of my generation hasn't even voted yet.Boomer's have seen the problem their entire life and keep kicking the can down the road.

    The legacy of the boomers is the worst generation in world history. If you can sleep at night with that label, then good for you.
    If you think "our" generation is better right now you are retarded. The younger generation is who got Obama elected, of all age groups the highest percentage of vote that went for Obama was under 30. Think about that for a minute.
  • jmog
    Sage;1213603 wrote:lol it really is baffling to watch ppl pin the ENTIRE HISTORY OF THE DEFICIT on president obama. wow this is amazing. and yes, baby boomers are ****ing terrible. this is known.
    Nope, just about $4.5 trillion out of the roughly $16. However, $4.5 trillion in less than 4 years is an alarming RATE of debt accumulation, it makes the gross amount of debt accumulated under Bush's 2nd term (of which Obama himself called unpatriotic) pale in comparison.
  • sleeper
    jmog;1214904 wrote:If you think "our" generation is better right now you are retarded. The younger generation is who got Obama elected, of all age groups the highest percentage of vote that went for Obama was under 30. Think about that for a minute.
    I don't think our generation is better. I think our generation doesn't have a choice and will have to deal with the consequences left by the worst generation in history. It's completely an unethical disaster for someone to push Armageddon like debt onto a generation that is barely born yet and has voted for one disaster of a President. Look at Ron Paul's base, its mostly young people. What?! Young people wanting to curb the fiscal insanity of the nation? The horror.

    I hope that slash SS/Medicare to 10%. Let the boomers suffer for the mess they have created.
  • jmog
    Sleeper, I will say it again. Our generation must be even worse than the boomers because the young voters had the highest amount of Obama voters among all age groups in 2008
  • queencitybuckeye
    tk421;1213955 wrote:Maybe our parents and grandparents should have had some fucking fiscal responsibility instead of passing the buck onto their kids and grandchildren. Whiner Generation my ass, the "greatest" generation is nothing of the sort. More like the greatest spending generation. Thanks for nothing.
    Unless your parents and grandparents were members of Congress, or POTUS, maybe your brush should be a little less broad.
  • QuakerOats
    It is getting simply unbelievable ........ let's just spend more millions on advertising for food stamps.

    [LEFT]"While spending on the food stamp program has increased 100 percent under President Barack Obama, the government continues to push more Americans to enroll in the welfare program.
    The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has embraced entire promotional campaigns designed to encourage eligible Americans to participate in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), or food stamps.
    A pamphlet currently posted at the USDA website encourages local SNAP offices to throw parties as one way to get potentially eligible seniors to enroll in the program.
    “Throw a Great Party. Host social events where people mix and mingle,” the agency advises. “Make it fun by having activities, games, food, and entertainment, and provide information about SNAP. Putting SNAP information in a game format like BINGO, crossword puzzles, or even a ‘true/false’ quiz is fun and helps get your message across in a memorable way.”

    Read more:
  • sleeper
    jmog;1215146 wrote:Sleeper, I will say it again. Our generation must be even worse than the boomers because the young voters had the highest amount of Obama voters among all age groups in 2008
    Let me put this in another way. You are given 2 groups, A and B. X will stand for average years voting. Q will stand for level of ignorance.

    Group A:
    X = 40
    Q = 10

    Group B:
    X = 8
    Q = 10

    Who's more to blame for the 100 trillion in unfunded liabilities? Which group got the benefits of spending 100 trillion more than they brought in? And finally, which group will have to pay for that spending?
  • QuakerOats
    By: Ridley|June 29, 2012No Comments
    I like to believe that when I write these blogs that there is a mixture of encouragement, accountability, love and maybe even wisdom. I like to share my thoughts and feelings and, even though you may not always agree with me, at least it gives us a starting point to talk. This morning I read a piece from Mike Huckabee’s (former governor of Arkansas) column. I don’t think I could make my point any better. But I have a thought to share once you read his piece.
    As if the soda ban didn’t prove this already, there is nothing too small for the government to regulate. CBS reports that the Justice Department’s new regulations under the Americans with Disabilities Act have gone into effect. Among them: All amusement park rides must have at least one seat built for someone in a wheelchair. The slopes on at least 50 percent of all miniature golf holes cannot exceed a steepness ratio of 1 to 48. And all businesses must accept miniature horses as guide animals for the disabled. So remember, you can’t bring a bottle of shampoo onto a plane, but you can bring a horse. The Justice Department may not be able to keep weapons out of the hands of Mexican gangsters, or even try to keep the gangsters out of America. But at least it’s good to know that they’re out there working hard to protect our right to play miniature golf with a miniature horse.
    I, like many of you, am frustrated and outraged by the many ways that our government has overstepped its power. Regulating soft drinks? Forcing health insurance? Passing mandates for small businesses that really don’t make sense? I’m not exactly sure where the common sense fits in any more. Why do you regulate the size of a soft drink and not beers at a baseball game? Which one has more potential for harm–a 16 oz soda in the hand of a 12 year old or a 6-pack of beer in the body of a 45 year old driving home from a ball game? I read this week that there is a small town in Utah where their airport is being destroyed by prairie dogs. Yep, the cute little diggers you see on commercials some times. They are undermining fences, landing strips and other airport fixtures. But they can’t do anything about it because–you guessed it–the federal government has protected the critters. The same government that says you have a right to kill a baby if she is inconvenient for your lifestyle.

    Says it all.
  • stlouiedipalma
    Huckabee?? Really? That tells me all I need to know about where you get your ideas.
  • QuakerOats
    I didn't think you could argue or refute any of the substance, as usual.