
Disgusted With Obama Administration.

  • gut
    believer;1193547 wrote:After 3 1/2 years I'm still waiting for my stimulus check.
    Well, why not - the libs are trying to make that $800B in new permanent spending disappear into "it's Bush's fault". 24-25% of GDP is insane.
  • BoatShoes
    There's an article on bloomberg today lauding how "free market Sweden" is out-growing the rest of europe. Free market Sweden with still the government spending more than 50% of gap taxing 48% of gap and having the most social spending in the world????

    80% of their workforce is unionized!

    People on the right will officially say anything.
  • believer
    BoatShoes;1193797 wrote:There's an article on bloomberg today lauding how "free market Sweden" is out-growing the rest of europe. Free market Sweden with still the government spending more than 50% of gap taxing 48% of gap and having the most social spending in the world????

    80% of their workforce is unionized!

    People on the right will officially say anything.
    Even blind squirrels occasionally find an acorn.
  • gut
    BoatShoes;1193797 wrote:There's an article on bloomberg today lauding how "free market Sweden" is out-growing the rest of europe. Free market Sweden with still the government spending more than 50% of gap taxing 48% of gap and having the most social spending in the world????
    Compared to Europe, that's a really low hurdle. I mean, TX is doing even better in the states (actually, the US in total is doing a fair bit better than Sweden). CA, much much worse.

    Sweden is a country that has managed to top 2% growth - in a single quarter - ONCE in the past 20 years. Yeah, hell of a system they got there.
  • Manhattan Buckeye
    Or they lie and people believe it. Sweden? Sweden! Uh, horribly racist and don't bother immigrating unless you're a muslim immigrant willing to work for pennies.

    Europe is dying.
  • jhay78
    Pat Caddell joined Stephen K. Bannon on the "Victory Sessions" and told him that National Security Advisor Tom Donilon is likely the source of recent intelligence leaks that have prompted calls for an investigation by Democrat Senator Diane Feinstein. Caddell explains that he is certain Donilon is the source of the leaks because of his background as a political operative and a known "leaker". The full interview is included in this clip. Caddell names Tom Donilon at the 8:40 mark.
  • QuakerOats
    The beat goes on:

    “Never in the history of the CWA has federal regulation defined ditches and other upland features as ‘waters of the United States,’” said Rep. John Mica (R-Fla.), chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, Rep. Nick Rahall (D-W.Va.), the ranking committee member, and Rep. Bob Gibbs (R-Ohio), chairman of the Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment.
    “This is without a doubt an expansion of federal jurisdiction,” the lawmakers said in a May 31 letter to House colleagues.
    The unusual alliance of the powerful House Republicans and Democrat to jointly sponsor legislation to overturn the new guidelines signals a willingness on Capitol Hill to rein in the formidable agency.
    “The Obama administration is doing everything in its power to increase costs and regulatory burdens for American businesses, farmers and individual property owners,” Mica said in a statement to Human Events. “This federal jurisdiction grab has been opposed by Congress for years, and now the administration and its agencies are ignoring law and rulemaking procedures in order to tighten their regulatory grip over every water body in the country.”
    “But this administration needs to realize it is not above the law,” Mica said.

    Change we can believe in ....
  • Ty Webb

    President Obama up 13 on Big Willie
  • fish82
    Ty Webb;1206356 wrote:

    President Obama up 13 on Big Willie
    Yeah....that's legit. :rolleyes:
  • BGFalcons82
    Ty Webb;1206356 wrote:

    President Obama up 13 on Big Willie
    There isn't one pollster that does polling for a living that is anywhere near this margin. Methinks you are trolling...again.

    BTW-did you see how they asked about how people feel about the candidates? "Not Favorable" and "Not Unfavorable". Who the hell uses double negatives in a poll question?
  • believer
    fish82;1206493 wrote:Yeah....that's legit. :rolleyes:
    Webby searches the Internet high and low for Obama-favorable polls and then when he thinks he's found one, he lets us know. That's why he rarely posts these days.
  • ptown_trojans_1
    Umm, anyone that knows anything about what's going on in Egypt understands the military is still in power. It was the military after all that dismissed National Assembly in which the Muslim Brotherhood had the majority.
    So, the President has no power yet, no Constitution, and no assembly. Far from the misleading headlines per usual in the U.S. media on Egypt.
  • Belly35
    Obama the city he calls home Chicago and the future of America
    Very good article:
  • QuakerOats
    ^^^ "So let’s get this straight. Chicago’s economy is collapsing. Taxes are soaring. Criminals roam the streets freely. Violence is out of control. Public schools are failing. Government employee pensions have gone rogue. Black children are helpless, hopeless and inundated by drugs and gangs, while waiting for change that has never come. And all of this is built around the most corrupt political system in the country -- with four of the last five governors serving prison time. Close your eyes. Are you sure I’m not talking about a third world country?
    So let’s forget Kenya and the whole birth certificate thing. Let’s concentrate on our own third world disgrace.
    Obama’s Chicago is fast becoming hell on earth. There is no hope, and there is no change left in anyone’s pockets. There are only drugs, murder and corruption. Forget Kenya, Chicago is the third world geography that seals Obama’s fate."

    Change we can believe in ....
  • Sage
    ptown_trojans_1;1211492 wrote:Umm, anyone that knows anything about what's going on in Egypt understands the military is still in power. It was the military after all that dismissed National Assembly in which the Muslim Brotherhood had the majority.
    So, the President has no power yet, no Constitution, and no assembly. Far from the misleading headlines per usual in the U.S. media on Egypt.
    1. The Military is no longer allowed to detain Egyptian citizens.

    2. The Muslim Brotherhood, whose leader was educated in the Unite dStates has restored parliament.

    3. They definitely have a President now.
  • Sage
    QuakerOats;1211977 wrote:^^^ "So let’s get this straight. Chicago’s economy is collapsing. Taxes are soaring. Criminals roam the streets freely. Violence is out of control. Public schools are failing. Government employee pensions have gone rogue. Black children are helpless, hopeless and inundated by drugs and gangs, while waiting for change that has never come. And all of this is built around the most corrupt political system in the country -- with four of the last five governors serving prison time. Close your eyes. Are you sure I’m not talking about a third world country?
    So let’s forget Kenya and the whole birth certificate thing. Let’s concentrate on our own third world disgrace.
    Obama’s Chicago is fast becoming hell on earth. There is no hope, and there is no change left in anyone’s pockets. There are only drugs, murder and corruption. Forget Kenya, Chicago is the third world geography that seals Obama’s fate."

    Change we can believe in ....
    You guys realize Obama is President of the United States, not the Mayor of Chicago, right? Lmao. Chicago's problems existed long before Obama was born and will be there long after he was gone.

    Yikes, are you guys pulling at straws now. Nobody believes Obama is up 13%, but he is going to smash Romney in November. LOL if u think otherwise.
  • fish82
    Sage;1212245 wrote:You guys realize Obama is President of the United States, not the Mayor of Chicago, right? Lmao. Chicago's problems existed long before Obama was born and will be there long after he was gone.

    Yikes, are you guys pulling at straws now. Nobody believes Obama is up 13%, but he is going to smash Romney in November. LOL if u think otherwise.
    LOL @ anyone who thinks anybody's getting "smashed." Neither guy is going to sniff 285.
  • jmog
    Sage;1212245 wrote:You guys realize Obama is President of the United States, not the Mayor of Chicago, right? Lmao. Chicago's problems existed long before Obama was born and will be there long after he was gone.

    Yikes, are you guys pulling at straws now. Nobody believes Obama is up 13%, but he is going to smash Romney in November. LOL if u think otherwise.
    Don't let historical facts get in the way of your biased opinion. No President, as far back as Truman, has got re-elected with an approval rating below 50. Every President, since Truman, that had an approval rating (nearing the election) above 50 got re-elected. Obama is currently at about 48.
    Year Incombant Approval Result
    1948 Truman 70 W
    1956 Eisenhower 75 W
    1964 Johnson 73 W
    1972 Nixon 58 W
    1976 Ford 49 L
    1980 Carter 33 L
    1984 Reagan 58 W
    1992 Bush I 45 L
    1996 Clinton 58 W
    2004 Bush II 52 W
    2012 Obama 48 ??
  • sleeper
    It amazes me that he still has 48% of this country approving Obama. Do any of these 48 have jobs? Do any of these 48 have a brain?

    It should be about 30% right now; for the unemployed people who are lazy and don't want to work and want unlimited hand outs on the backs of the rich and middle class.
  • gut
    For those of you wondering who to vote for, I've come-up with this easy-to-follow guide as the mainstream media sees your choices:
    1) Are you hispanic or African-American? If yes, vote Democrat

    2) Are you gay/lesbian/bisexual? Democrat

    3) Are you currently unemployed? Democrat

    4) Are you female? Democrat

    5) Are you a white male with a high school education? Democrat

    6) Are you a recent college grad? Democrat

    7) Do you collect SS/Medicare? Democrat

    8) Are you dead? Democrat

    Shame on the rest of you for voting Republican.
  • sleeper
    Lol'd at #8
  • Pick6
    I don't talk politics much, but I suppose I'll give a try.

    I'm curious to see WHY people think a guy who:
    1) is the 1st candidate who will likely outspend the President in campaigning
    2) ran not one, two, or three, but four businesses into the ground.
    3) when governor of Mass, ranked 47th out of 50 in job creation
    4) left Mass with more debt per person than any other state supposed to save our country?