Disgusted With Obama Administration.
Oh trust me. You and your generation will turn that 60 trillion that's laying around into 120 trillion or more. And it will happen sooner than later. Your generation have the same 2 parties to choose from...and you will elect them...whether you like it or not. You hammer the boomers for what they did, but you haven't reflected one bit on the choices we had to elect. Since I was voting eligible, we could have voted for a Republican administration that increased the national debt about 600%...or we could have selected a Democrat who have collectively increased the national debt about 650%.sleeper;1183293 wrote:I don't mean to imply that my generation isn't full of morons, but that my generation doesn't have +60 trillion or so to mess around with. In fact, we have to try to get by with -60 trillion. It's much easier for stupid people to get by with a decent life with the former and not the latter.
Taking this one step further, it is YOUR generation...18 years of age.....through those that are in their early 30's that have been complicit with the other generations in driving the debt from 5 trillion to 16 trillion. Take a fuckin bow. You and yours are now a part of the problem...and not part of the solution. -
So...what your implying is that Pinnochio's well deserved basement dwelling is somehow the work of his being blamed by the curent administration? Is that what you're implying?gut;1192235 wrote:Really a remarkable accomplishment for Obama - let's not set the bar too high. But we'll see what 4 years of being blamed by his successor will do to the current perception.
Let's not forget that Pinnochio limped out of office with an approval rating of 25% or so. Given that his performance stench has been for the most part been readily forgotten since he left, the forgive and forget people have escalated his approval rating up to a ridiculously high 43%.
Lesson here. Don't lie about reasons for war. And don't shit on the Geneva Conventions agreements that was signed by the US and was part of our bilaws in war during war time engagements.... and implement torture as the status quo. -
We won't have a choice. My generation will have to deal with the issue because it'll become unmanageable. A majority of boomers will be dead along with the country they "built" on the backs on future generations. It's a joke. If you are a boomer and you have children, might as well just punch them in the mouth and kill their first born. It's almost the same thing.Footwedge;1192239 wrote:Oh trust me. You and your generation will turn that 60 trillion that's laying around into 120 trillion or more. And it will happen sooner than later. Your generation have the same 2 parties to choose from...and you will elect them...whether you like it or not. You hammer the boomers for what they did, but you haven't reflected one bit on the choices we had to elect. Since I was voting eligible, we could have voted for a Republican administration that increased the national debt about 600%...or we could have selected a Democrat who have collectively increased the national debt about 650%.
Taking this one step further, it is YOUR generation...18 years of age.....through those that are in their early 30's that have been complicit with the other generations in driving the debt from 5 trillion to 16 trillion. Take a fuckin bow. You and yours are now a part of the problem...and not part of the solution.
Enjoy your legacy! -
Same to you as I replied to Sleeper.....Manhattan Buckeye;1191420 wrote:Holy crap, I'm agreeing with Sleeper.
Yeah the boomers had it rough, free sex, no consequences, pensions, retirement, etc. Just push it down. It will be your children that pay for this. We're looking at a US$20T to US$25T debt (if President Choomgange gets re-elected) within 4 years, within 15 years it might explode to US$35T.
I generally agree with Believer and HitsRus, but on the other hand, our society has peaked because we can't control our profligate spending.
"Retirement" will be out of Webster's dictionary for younger people - it won't happen. We can't pay people for 30 years after working for 35. There will be no retirement going forward. If some people are bitter, I can't blame them.
Oh trust me. You and your generation will turn that 60 trillion that's laying around into 120 trillion or more. And it will happen sooner than later. Your generation have the same 2 parties to choose from...and you will elect them...whether you like it or not. You hammer the boomers for what they did, but you haven't reflected one bit on the choices we had to elect. Since I was voting eligible, we could have voted for a Republican administration that increased the national debt about 600%...or we could have selected a Democrat who have collectively increased the national debt about 650%.
Taking this one step further, it is YOUR generation...18 years of age.....through those that are in their early 30's that have been complicit with the other generations in driving the debt from 5 trillion to 16 trillion. Take a fuckin bow. You and yours are now a part of the problem...and not part of the solution. -
Hey 23 year old something, the social security Ponzi Scheme started decades before Boomers were born. So why prove your political ignorance in blaming us, and us only? Take a remedial course in American history. And in case you haven't noticed, you and yours elected people that have been continuing the tradition of deficit spending. Why don't your people change it? LOLOLOLOL.sleeper;1182898 wrote:Who raised my generation? LOL
Sorry, but books are already being written about the baby boomers and how their entitlement mentality has destroyed this country. You claim to care about the future of your children but all you've done is burden them with debt they will never be able to pay for. Your generation has enjoyed the highest standard of living ever for your entire life because you've mortgaged the future generations with terrible debt. Your kids are big trouble, but as long as you get your pension, you are all set.
I only point out the Christian faith in you because you are a hypocrite.
And by the way, have fun decomposing while Believer and I enjoy our eternal life. -
The problem was noticed decades ago and you did nothing to fix it other than spend far more than you've brought in.Footwedge;1192262 wrote:Hey 23 year old something, the social security Ponzi Scheme started decades before Boomers were born. So why prove your political ignorance in blaming us, and us only? Take a remedial course in American history. And in case you haven't noticed, you and yours elected people that have been continuing the tradition of deficit spending. Why don't your people change it? LOLOLOLOL.
And by the way, have fun decomposing while Believer and I enjoy our eternal life.
Do you have kids footwedge? You must hate them because there's no way I could leave my children with unmanageable debt and ruin their lives. My people are changing it; we are voting for Obama so that he can continue the deficit spending and drive us off the cliff sooner so that the boomers can live in a 3' by 2' room for the rest of their lives, eating nothing but bread and water because that's all they will be able to afford and that's all they deserve. -
lol Footie, we often disagree but on this one...reps.Footwedge;1192262 wrote:And by the way, have fun decomposing while Believer and I enjoy our eternal life. -
sleeperYou may or may not enjoy eternal life, but I'm enjoying the life I do have to the fullest and not following some unproven doctrine and its rules for that life. Enjoy only having sex with 1 woman and donating your money to a cult. I'll be living the high life.
LJThis thread will not turn into a religious discussion.
[video=youtube;3bQnxlHZsjY][/video]LJ;1192274 wrote:This thread will not turn into a religious discussion. -
gutWell, like the UAW and other ponzi schemes, you'll take your reduced benefit whether you like it or not. I mean, a $15T deficit pales in comparison. And cutting the $650B annually in medicare/medicaid that was never paid for goes a long way toward deficit reduction.
They did pass a budget, it was just not one massive vote for the FY blank budget. Instead, they cut it up into section, or by committee. So, Defense, State Dept. DHS, Intelligence, HHS, etc.gut;1190215 wrote:The first two years they had nearly 60 Dems and STILL couldn't pass a budget.
Like I said, there are already significant tax hikes in the pipeline with the expiration of the Bush tax cuts. It's the Dems that aren't giving any ground. The budget has increased over 30% from just 2007 - they're spending MORE without even passing a budget. Spending cuts? LMAO they've ACCELERATED spending. It all comes down to a failure of leadership - Reid and Obama.
Just the other day the House and Senate both approved part of the Defense budget.
The notion that the Government has been working without a budget for the past 3+ years makes no sense and ignores the budget process. -
I finally had time to check out your link....and I'm sorry to say there is nothing in there about $100 trillion of unfunded liabilities nor of the impossibility of correcting the course. The article you cited does talk about policy changes that are necessary....exactly what I was saying in my above posts, specifically about the biggest entitlement program of them all...SSI.Social security isn't the only piece of the puzzle, son. Doomsdayer link? How about the CBO? http://www.cbo.gov/publication/43288
What should be obvious, is that we, as a country, cannot afford another entitlement program at least until we are capable of managing the ones we already have. The current administration rammed thru a healthcare program and ignored any attempt at fixing Social Security, even though it was obvious 4 years ago that it needed to be addressed a soon as possible. Moreover, the current administration seems oblivious to adding tons of more general debt with huge deficit spending with no plans in the immediate future of an attempt to cut the deficit let alone balance the budget. If this administration was the least bit serious about deficit reduction, it would insist upon a tax increase across the board in addition to spending restraint rather than playing class warfare politics by pushing for a tax increase only on the upper 5% and implying this a solution.
We simply cannot afford to give this group a mandate for 4 more years of this crap.
I suspect that probably if you drop the generational 'warfare' from your arguement and agree to disagree that it this debt crisis is actually 'fixable'....you and I might not be all that far off. I would suggest that your approach to problem solving needs a brush up. You cannot solve a huge multi-year problem in one swoop. You have to approach it in a series of accomplishable steps.
Those steps would be:
1) Remove the current administration in November.
2) repeal Obama's healthcare fiasco
3) restrain government spending/balanced budget amendment
4) fix Social Security -
sleeperWrite it down HitsRus. If you are under 50, you will not be getting SS/Medicare/Medicaid. Mark it down.
http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2011-06-06-us-owes-62-trillion-in-debt_n.htm -
Manhattan BuckeyeI agree with all of this:
You cannot solve a huge multi-year problem in one swoop. You have to approach it in a series of accomplishable steps.
Those steps would be:
1) Remove the current administration in November.
2) repeal Obama's healthcare fiasco
3) restrain government spending/balanced budget amendment
4) fix Social Security"
The issue I have is that shared sacrifice isn't even on the table. The DEMS won't touch their sacred cow SS until it bankrupts us all, the GOPers don't want to be the party that cuts grandma's SS checks (which she likely didn't earn). It is just one push down after another until we spend ourselves broke. The US$100T number is a conservative estimate, all of us are being promised money down the road that we are currently running deficits in today's funding - how is this going to work 40 years from now? -
Sleeper has agreed to sacrifice his fair share. That should do it.Manhattan Buckeye;1192819 wrote:The US$100T number is a conservative estimate, all of us are being promised money down the road that we are currently running deficits in today's funding - how is this going to work 40 years from now? -
IggyPride00Saw that the Supreme Court approval rating has now fallen to a historical low of only 44%.
In 1994 it was at 80%.
Should be interesting when they throw Obamacare out this month about the fall out.
BHO will likely open up a line of attack on them as an issue to fire up his base.
It is sad in a way that the court's stature among the public has fallen like it has. It has always been a political institution, but it at least used to have the hint of impartiality. Now a days though it has just become an extension of the political parties with each appointee basically carrying out the political agenda of the party that appointed them (with a few occasional exceptions). -
I have a hunch if and when they do confirm the unconstitutionality of the "must purchase" mandate, we'll likely see the SCOTUS approval rating climb well above 50% regardless of the fact that the Obama re-election campaign staff will jump on this to demonize the the court for overturning Barry's chance at a lasting legacy.IggyPride00;1193000 wrote:Saw that the Supreme Court approval rating has now fallen to a historical low of only 44%.
In 1994 it was at 80%.
Should be interesting when they throw Obamacare out this month about the fall out.
BHO will likely open up a line of attack on them as an issue to fire up his base.
It is sad in a way that the court's stature among the public has fallen like it has. It has always been a political institution, but it at least used to have the hint of impartiality. Now a days though it has just become an extension of the political parties with each appointee basically carrying out the political agenda of the party that appointed them (with a few occasional exceptions).
But as usual it will backfire on the pathetic and inept Barry Bunch. -
Are you Ayn Rand's grandson? You know, the selfish, ugly, atheistic bitch that invented Objectivism? It all makes sense to me now.sleeper;1192271 wrote:You may or may not enjoy eternal life, but I'm enjoying the life I do have to the fullest and not following some unproven doctrine and its rules for that life. Enjoy only having sex with 1 woman and donating your money to a cult. I'll be living the high life. -
I'm not sure how much fallout there will be, (at least negative fallout) considering that the most recent numbers show 68% of the country wanting at least the mandate tossed, and 41% the entire law.IggyPride00;1193000 wrote:Saw that the Supreme Court approval rating has now fallen to a historical low of only 44%.
In 1994 it was at 80%.
Should be interesting when they throw Obamacare out this month about the fall out.
BHO will likely open up a line of attack on them as an issue to fire up his base.
It is sad in a way that the court's stature among the public has fallen like it has. It has always been a political institution, but it at least used to have the hint of impartiality. Now a days though it has just become an extension of the political parties with each appointee basically carrying out the political agenda of the party that appointed them (with a few occasional exceptions). -
IggyPride00"The ONE" had his "the fundamentals of the economy are strong" moment today.
"The Private sector is fine" he decreed when speaking about the economy.
Hello President Willard.
Never has America been stuck with 2 men farther out of touch with normal people than the choice we have this fall. -
ptown_trojans_1Yeah, that is a damning quote.
Major ouch.
The private sector is not fine. It is waiting on guidance and on edge. -
gutOn the other hand, Barry and a gridlocked Congress might not be a terrible option. They won't be able to agree on how to do more damage.
I like how they are spinning his fiscal discipline as "raising spending less than any other recent POTUS". That's some nice fuzzy math among other shenanigans, because you'll note the $800B in one-time stimulus somehow became part of other budgets, and then some. All that on top of TARP/bailouts, which was also supposed to be one-time. I'd love to know where all that money has gone, because growth is STILL lagging no matter what excuses you want to make.IggyPride00;1193443 wrote:"The ONE" had his "the fundamentals of the economy are strong" moment today. -
After 3 1/2 years I'm still waiting for my stimulus check.gut;1193521 wrote:I like how they are spinning his fiscal discipline as "raising spending less than any other recent POTUS". That's some nice fuzzy math among other shenanigans, because you'll note the $800B in one-time stimulus somehow became part of other budgets, and then some. All that on top of TARP/bailouts, which was also supposed to be one-time. I'd love to know where all that money has gone, because growth is STILL lagging no matter what excuses you want to make.