Game of Thrones Final Season Discussion Thread


Senior Member

Thu, Apr 25, 2019 5:12 PM
posted by Automatik

I'm updating my guaranteed death prediction to add Brienne. 

It's hard to argue any of this analysis:

Plus, I've decided everyone in the crypts are toast.  Bran is a tough one, since he's making a last stand by the Weir Tree(?), which I think is encircled by walls....but I have a feeling he'll get airlifted by a dragon at the last minute.  Except his usefulness may have run it's course, both to the story and as a plot device.

The Hound is interesting.  I feel like Cleganbowl is still coming, and he promised his brother he'd kill him at the end of last season.  But then there's a certain girl who may find the faces of The Hound and Jaime useful in completing her hit list (which still gives us a Cleganbowl, sort of).


12th Son of the Lama

Thu, Apr 25, 2019 7:38 PM


Senior Member

Thu, Apr 25, 2019 8:56 PM

I keep trying to think how this all plays out.  If they eliminate the Night King, how will they have anything left to defeat Cersei's armies?  But if the Night King wins, he adds to his army and becomes pretty much unstoppable?

1) Arya assassinating Cersei seems just too easy and convenient.

2) Interesting theory I saw was the Night King is actually going to take out King's Landing while Team Winterfell is distracted fighting [most of] his army.  Remember, Dany had a vision of the Iron Throne in cold, snowy ruins....Looking back, too many other hints to dismiss this idea.

3) The Golden Company "has famously never broken a contract", which might balance the scales.  Otherwise, even with Dorne I don't think it would be enough.


Some combination of all 3 would be fun.  The Golden Company suddenly switching sides would feel contrived.  But if they are already marching north, then they conveniently aren't wiped out by the Night King and provide needed reinforcements.



Fri, Apr 26, 2019 12:12 AM

The Night King wasn’t shown at the end of E2. My guess is he is in Kings Landing. Just a gut feeling.


Senior Member

Fri, Apr 26, 2019 12:51 AM
posted by Laley23

The Night King wasn’t shown at the end of E2. My guess is he is in Kings Landing. Just a gut feeling.

Sounds like you read the same analysis I did.

I wouldn't normally put any stock in him being absent from the preview.  Except there's a whole bunch of other breadcrumbs/foreshadowing suggesting that's what happens.  And it's a logical path to conclusion - I said before the season it would seem anti-climatic if this ends with a war with Cersei.

But one question - what exactly would a "withe" Mountain be?  He's kind of already dead....


Senior Member

Fri, Apr 26, 2019 9:07 AM
posted by gut

I keep trying to think how this all plays out.  If they eliminate the Night King, how will they have anything left to defeat Cersei's armies?  If Dany still has Drogon she still has a weapon of mass destruction. She and whatever forces remain keep Cercie's forces occupied  while a small force, shown the way by Tyrion and/or Arya, sneaks into the Red Keep tasked with two things; taking out Cercie and any scorpions. If the Night King is still around can the Golden Company/Lannister Armies fight a two front war?  

1) Arya assassinating Cersei seems just too easy and convenient.  See above

2) Interesting theory I saw was the Night King is actually going to take out King's Landing while Team Winterfell is distracted fighting [most of] his army.  Remember, Dany had a vision of the Iron Throne in cold, snowy ruins....Looking back, too many other hints to dismiss this idea.            Right vision but wrong baby and wrong baby daddy?

3) The Golden Company "has famously never broken a contract", which might balance the scales.  Otherwise, even with Dorne I don't think it would be enough. There is a first time for everything, If Cercie goes "Mad Queen" and threatens to burn the city and take out the Golden Company with it? If I was Jon Connington I'd put a sword thru her.


Some combination of all 3 would be fun.  The Golden Company suddenly switching sides would feel contrived.  But if they are already marching north, then they conveniently aren't wiped out by the Night King and provide needed reinforcements.



Senior Member

Fri, Apr 26, 2019 9:28 AM

Potential Episode 3 titles. Some serious and some in jest.

The Great War, War(or Battle) of Ice and Fire, The Long Night, War(or Battle) for the Dawn, Battle of Six Armies, Craster's Bastards, Gilly and Little Sam's Family Reunion, Hodor: The Return of Hodor

I think it will be one of the first two.


12th Son of the Lama

Fri, Apr 26, 2019 9:36 AM
posted by Laley23

The Night King wasn’t shown at the end of E2. My guess is he is in Kings Landing. Just a gut feeling.

I rewatched Episode 2 last night, as well as the preview for 3.  In the preview, there was reference from the Winterfell folk specifically of the night king, and the WW Dragon was shown.  Doesn't mean that that dragon couldn't have been south, but the preview would lead one to believe the NK and dragon are at Winterfell.  Again, does not eliminate a bait and switch.


Senior Member

Fri, Apr 26, 2019 12:49 PM
posted by ernest_t_bass

 Again, does not eliminate a bait and switch.

Some other stuff I read, in addition to Dany's vision, was that they've mentioned a few times how there are "1 million people in King's Landing", which would be an unstoppable army for the NK.  And you have Cersei's comment somewhere along the lines of "let them take on the undead army and then we'll ride in to clean up the pieces" - like, we're all sure that's a good plan.

There was a bunch of other nuggets I'm forgetting.  I really have no idea.  But it is a safe bet that this is the main conflict with the dead given what we know about filming and the cost.....doesn't rule out a much more stealth/strategic plan to do an end-around an army of 1M.


Senior Member

Fri, Apr 26, 2019 1:46 PM

Will Dany's dragons survive the battle?

I have a feeling Drogon buys it....and then Dany will think 1 remaining dragon will still give her the throne, not realizing that Rhaegal has actually become Jon's dragon.



Fri, Apr 26, 2019 3:44 PM
posted by gut

So I got an invitation to a GoT death pool....

Not sure how to play this.  Obviously Jon and Dany are going to survive.  And, I'd guess, Arya.  Torisbane or whatever his name is and Sir Tall Woman haven't been shipped yet....And, of course, the Hound has to go to Cleganebowl...


Hmmm, maybe this isn't so tough afterall.  When you consider the above, Jaimie is one of the few that can die with an emotional impact.  And Sansa.  Reek is a clear goner.  Bran clearly has to survive.


I think they take four minor players next episode - Grey Worm, Reek, Sir Jorah....and Jaimie is the headliner.

Actually seeing a lot of theories that say dany dies and joins the night king which is actually her father then is defeated by Jon. Thus the title a song of fire and ice 


12th Son of the Lama

Fri, Apr 26, 2019 4:41 PM

Knight King is way too old to be Dany's father.  Reference: Bran says that the Knight King has gone after many 3ER before him.


Senior Member

Fri, Apr 26, 2019 5:10 PM
posted by ernest_t_bass

Knight King is way too old to be Dany's father.  Reference: Bran says that the Knight King has gone after many 3ER before him.


Yeah, that's why I don't bother to read much reddit because trying to outdo people ends-up with theories like that.

Although, Dany becoming his queen doesn't sound that implausible....but Cersei makes more sense there.  But the biggest argument against this, at least for this episode, is there has not been a satisfactory resolution/confrontation over Jon's claim to the throne.  Jon tells Dany about his lineage, and it hangs out there, and then she just dies in the next episode?

Seems like they are foreshadowing a clear conflict/betrayal with Dany.  I figure Ep.4 will sort that out....maybe, after Dany has no soldiers or dragons allegiant to her, Team Winterfell exploits that to set a trap for Cersei (who would still think Dany is calling the shots).


Senior Member

Sun, Apr 28, 2019 7:46 PM

I'm rethinking the Sansa prediction. Lone wolf dies...pack survives.

And I'm wondering if something to do with the crypts/dead is why "there must always be a Stark in Winterfell"


Senior Member

Sun, Apr 28, 2019 9:52 PM

The blur motion effect is beyond annoying.


12th Son of the Lama

Sun, Apr 28, 2019 10:50 PM

I'm so glad it was Arya.  Now 3 more episodes to wrap this thing up.  I'm thinking 2 episodes for the next battle.  Eps. 4 will get the ducks in a row, Eps. 5 for the battle, Eps. 6 to wrap everything up.



Sun, Apr 28, 2019 10:53 PM

So a wight couldn’t even get out of a wooden box, but these 1000 year old bones can punch through a tomb? 


12th Son of the Lama

Sun, Apr 28, 2019 10:56 PM

Hot Pie is going to take the throne.


Senior Member

Sun, Apr 28, 2019 11:13 PM
posted by Laley23

So a wight couldn’t even get out of a wooden box, but these 1000 year old bones can punch through a tomb? 

It was Valerian wood.


Senior Member

Sun, Apr 28, 2019 11:33 PM

Fucking Melisandre ruined my entire bracket


Senior Member

Sun, Apr 28, 2019 11:38 PM

But many key players actually died?   NK - ok, that was sort of a very polarized 50/50.  Frozen Vizerion was a given.

Jorah, Beric, Lady Mormont and Theon were all givens.  But who else of note died?  Edd was kind of expected, but really more of a bubble pick.  I think there are more, but it wasn't shown tonight.


Maybe the twist is the NK isn't actually dead.



Sun, Apr 28, 2019 11:42 PM
posted by gut

But many key players actually died?   NK - ok, that was sort of a very polarized 50/50.  Frozen Vizerion was a given.

Jorah, Beric, Lady Mormont and Theon were all givens.  But who else of note died?  Edd was kind of expected, but really more of a bubble pick.  I think there are more, but it wasn't shown tonight.


Maybe the twist is the NK isn't actually dead.

Not enough died. And I’m not saying they had to die to make it a good episode. But if you aren’t going to kill Jaime/Brienne/Pod/Sam etc then don’t put them in impossible spots on camera. There is really no logical explanation for them living. 



Senior Member

Sun, Apr 28, 2019 11:49 PM

I'm not really disappointed that more important people didn't die. Part of the buildup was wondering who was going to make it. I loved that lady Mormont took out the giant and hated when her eyes went blue. Did Tormund or Grey Worm make it? I feel like Grey Worm did not, but they didn't show his death. 


Senior Member

Sun, Apr 28, 2019 11:50 PM
posted by Laley23

Not enough died. And I’m not saying they had to die to make it a good episode. But if you aren’t going to kill Jaime/Brienne/Pod/Sam etc then don’t put them in impossible spots on camera. There is really no logical explanation for them living.

I kind of agree - they clearly don't need to die, but then don't tease [multiple times] they are going to die.  Aside from not NEEDING to die, what do you do with all these players still left?  Just assume Tormund and Brienne get busy even if we never see them again?

Can't really complain.  Maybe the most anticipated TV episode ever, and it totally delivered.  I am a little let down if that's really the end of the NK. - I know I'm not alone in thinking fighting Cersei for the throne is anti-climactic.

Otherwise, loved it.  Should probably rename it "A girl kicks ass and takes names"


Senior Member

Sun, Apr 28, 2019 11:55 PM
posted by FatHobbit

 Did Tormund or Grey Worm make it?

I don't know, but I'm 95% sure Tormund made it....about 80% for Grey Worm. The most likely reason Grey Worm is toast is that Missandrei survived.

Theon and Jaime were lead pipe locks to bite it.  But somehow Jaime survives, I assume so Bronn can fire Chekov's arrow....