Game of Thrones Final Season Discussion Thread



Mon, Apr 22, 2019 1:24 AM

Well, as we expected, the set up for next week is complete. And damn it looks like it was worth it.


12th Son of the Lama

Mon, Apr 22, 2019 6:41 AM

Lots of good dialogue in last night's episode.  I'm hoping that Dany becomes the villain, and Jon takes her out.


Senior Member

Mon, Apr 22, 2019 4:36 PM

I loved this episode. Going to be very exciting to see how it all plays out. Didn’t see the night king with the army at the end. I wonder if the whole army is there or if some are heading somewhere else like Kings Landing. Lots of soldiers for the army of the dead there. 


Senior Member

Mon, Apr 22, 2019 7:39 PM

One of my favorite episodes in the category of "episodes with no action"

The dialogue was so good, and I laughed out loud several time. I cannot wait for next week


Senior Member

Tue, Apr 23, 2019 7:07 AM

So, who will die next episode? I have a feeling Brienne and Jamie will die fighting together. Jamie might make it but I don't think Brienne will. I could also see some shit going down in the crypts where Sam, Tyrion and some others die fighting to give Dany and the rest of them time to get away.



Tue, Apr 23, 2019 10:32 AM
posted by Rotinaj

So, who will die next episode? I have a feeling Brienne and Jamie will die fighting together. Jamie might make it but I don't think Brienne will. I could also see some shit going down in the crypts where Sam, Tyrion and some others die fighting to give Dany and the rest of them time to get away.

Brienne, Beric, Theon, Grey Worm, Jorah, Tormund, Lyanna, girl who talked to Davos all gonna die.

Jaime, Gendry, Arya, Ghost, Hound I wouldn’t be surprised to see any of them go either. All those storylines kind of had a finishing touch last episode. Arya not completely wrapped up though. 



12th Son of the Lama

Tue, Apr 23, 2019 10:48 AM

I don't see Arya dying.  Too much emphasis on her list to just off her in the battle.  I don't see a girl dying until the list is complete.


Senior Member

Tue, Apr 23, 2019 10:54 AM

I think Tormund makes it out.

My only prediction for definite death next week is Sam. 


Senior Member

Tue, Apr 23, 2019 11:47 AM

Jorah will survive the episode. There is a reason he is now wielding a sword named "Heartsbane" and it's not to sacrifice himself for his cousin who will up past her bedtime.

Alys Karstark, Yohn Royce,  Dolorous Edd,  Lyanna Mormont, Tormund, Beric, Grey Worm, Missandie, Theon, Pod, Ghost and Sam are goners imo. And either Davos or Varys. 

 And I think there will be a big shocker that sends the fandom into a frenzy....








Senior Member

Tue, Apr 23, 2019 12:02 PM
posted by bigorangebuck22

Jorah will survive the episode. There is a reason he is now wielding a sword named "Heartsbane" and it's not to sacrifice himself for his cousin who will up past her bedtime.

Alys Karstark, Yohn Royce,  Dolorous Edd,  Lyanna Mormont, Tormund, Beric, Grey Worm, Missandie, Theon, Pod, Ghost and Sam are goners imo. And either Davos or Varys. 

 And I think there will be a big shocker that sends the fandom into a frenzy....







Sansa dying would make me so happy.  


12th Son of the Lama

Tue, Apr 23, 2019 1:18 PM

I can think of quite a few things for Sansa to do, that would make me very happy.



Tue, Apr 23, 2019 2:31 PM
posted by Automatik

I think Tormund makes it out.

My only prediction for definite death next week is Sam. 

Interesting. I think Tormund is the most likely casualty. Of course, in an episode that is going have around 10 major deaths, maybe most likely doesn’t matter.




Tue, Apr 23, 2019 2:56 PM

I loved Sunday's episode. I thought it was a good farewell to a number of folks. It was also classic Thrones of great people talking in rooms. 

I agree we are going to lose a lot of people, no one would be a shock to me. 

My money is on the following people to not make it: Greyworm, Theon, Beric, Brienne, Jorah, Davos, and Tormund. 

I think Sam has to live as he is the story teller. I also think there will be a twist in that someone will appear to die, but something magical will happen to either transform them or bring them back to life. 


Son of the Sun

Tue, Apr 23, 2019 3:29 PM

Overall, I liked the episode, but I think I'll appreciate it and last week's more whenever I re-watch it. Been a long wait for the final season, so having the first two episodes of a six-episode season be the shortest two and basically do nothing other than have various characters talk with each other while nothing major happened and the most impactful death was of a minor lord who was in maybe 1-2 episodes for a brief moment or two in S7. I mean, this week was basically last week, but 100% at Winterfall with Jaime and (to a lesser extent) Theon added to the conversations.

But it did succeed in getting people to wonder just how many people will die next week, as a lot of characters had those "closure" moments and speeches to where, even if tropes say they logically should live, it wouldn't be surprising to see them die. Like, logically, you'd have Jaime end with confronting Cersei or Theon with Euron or the Hound with Undead Gregor, but the last episode did a good job of potentially being a send-off for any of those guys.


12th Son of the Lama

Tue, Apr 23, 2019 7:56 PM

Yeah, the Hounds still has to face the Mountain.  Cleganebowl is yet to happen...


Senior Member

Thu, Apr 25, 2019 12:04 AM

So I got an invitation to a GoT death pool....

Not sure how to play this.  Obviously Jon and Dany are going to survive.  And, I'd guess, Arya.  Torisbane or whatever his name is and Sir Tall Woman haven't been shipped yet....And, of course, the Hound has to go to Cleganebowl...


Hmmm, maybe this isn't so tough afterall.  When you consider the above, Jaimie is one of the few that can die with an emotional impact.  And Sansa.  Reek is a clear goner.  Bran clearly has to survive.


I think they take four minor players next episode - Grey Worm, Reek, Sir Jorah....and Jaimie is the headliner.


Senior Member

Thu, Apr 25, 2019 3:32 PM

Help me out's just who dies in the next episode for my death pool.

What are the odds that the Night King has a backdoor into the Crypts, and slaughters everyone hiding out there?  Apparently, Bran the Builder focused all his efforts on building the Crypts, so it makes a stealth attack seem unlikely.  Except it would be a convenient way to kill off a bunch of minor players (and a few major ones).


Son of the Sun

Thu, Apr 25, 2019 3:38 PM
posted by gut

Help me out's just who dies in the next episode for my death pool.

What are the odds that the Night King has a backdoor into the Crypts, and slaughters everyone hiding out there?  Apparently, Bran the Builder focused all his efforts on building the Crypts, so it makes a stealth attack seem unlikely.  Except it would be a convenient way to kill off a bunch of minor players (and a few major ones).

Would he even need to have a back door? Hardhome showed that he can raise the dead via proximity, so if he's just in the general Winterfell area, would that be close enough to raise the dead Starks as his soldiers?



Thu, Apr 25, 2019 4:01 PM

What exactly is he raising? Ned Stark is the only one who would (possibly) even be bones. A pile of dust gonna take someone out? 

I’d be more concerned with them being in closed quarters and being slaughtered without anyone to truly protect them. Not the dead Starks raising up. 


Senior Member

Thu, Apr 25, 2019 4:05 PM
posted by Heretic

Would he even need to have a back door? Hardhome showed that he can raise the dead via proximity, so if he's just in the general Winterfell area, would that be close enough to raise the dead Starks as his soldiers?

Wow, that's a really good prediction.  I haven't read much on it, but apparently Jon had nightmares about the crypts.  With Tyrion and Samwell down there, with the foreshadowing about their fighting, it's a chance to give them heroic deaths. 

This death pool is hard!  I have Mellisandre, for instance, who has foreseen her and Varys death in do I go all in on that, or rank her near the bottom since she's not there currently (another prediction I saw, which is interesting, is that she's coming with a bunch of Red Priestesses - and possibly Daario - to help swing the battle)?


Senior Member

Thu, Apr 25, 2019 4:13 PM
posted by Laley23

What exactly is he raising? Ned Stark is the only one who would (possibly) even be bones. A pile of dust gonna take someone out? 

I’d be more concerned with them being in closed quarters and being slaughtered without anyone to truly protect them. Not the dead Starks raising up. 

Also good points.  I think this is probably the key bet I have to make.  Unless we think they are all getting slaughtered regardless, I would otherwise assume they are safe.

Although, you are 100% correct - if Team Dragon gets surrounded, or beaten into retreat, then the Night King goes right thru Winterfell.  Maybe I should assume everyone in the Crypts is going to die?


Senior Member

Thu, Apr 25, 2019 4:48 PM

They took Rickon to the crypt. He is juicier than Ned. Ned's bones were cleaned and delivered to Caitlyn when she met with Renley.

Bran had the encounter with re-animated skeletons in front of the 3ER cave.

I'm not saying Ned is going to walk again but the wights were shown moving on the ceiling of the 3ER cave. Getting some Starks out of stone crypts won't be a problem if that's what the show is gonna do.

I keep going back to Dany's line in the preview. "The dead are already here." 


Son of the Sun

Thu, Apr 25, 2019 4:58 PM
posted by Laley23

What exactly is he raising? Ned Stark is the only one who would (possibly) even be bones. A pile of dust gonna take someone out? 

I’d be more concerned with them being in closed quarters and being slaughtered without anyone to truly protect them. Not the dead Starks raising up. 

Possibly Catelyn and Robb, although those two may never have actually been returned to Winterfell after Red Wedding Fun Time. Although the show hasn't always lived by the "this logically should NOT happen" rule, so that may or may not matter.

Catelyn would at least kinda, sorta appease the book fans pissed that Lady Stoneheart never appeared on the show.


Senior Member

Thu, Apr 25, 2019 5:01 PM

Ya'll are getting crazy. Ned Stark's head was on a fucking spike the last we saw of him. He's not coming back.

I'm updating my guaranteed death prediction to add Brienne.