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1st Team All-PWN

Thu, Oct 8, 2020 12:02 PM

lol, no shocker ptown downplayed it.  If you get beyond QO's tinfoil shit (I understand this is difficult) and you're hatred for orange man, it is pretty damning shit what they did to Trump.  You don't need to like him to realize it.  Ptown is living proof that it's ok if the government weaponizes against it's citizens as long it's favorable in his eyes.  Same shit he did for Obama, and same shit he will do for Biden (Obama admin 2.0).  Book it. 

Btw, notice how ptown downplays the report because the DNI is a hack, but every unverified gossip girl report ptown reads is 100% credible?  



Thu, Oct 8, 2020 12:28 PM
posted by like_that

lol, no shocker ptown downplayed it.  If you get passed QO's tinfoil shit and you're hatred for orange man, it is pretty damning shit what they did to Trump.  You don't need to like him to realize it,.  Ptown is living proof that it's ok if the government weaponizes against it's citizens as long it's favorable in his eyes.  Same shit he did for Obama, and same shit he will do for Biden (Obama admin 2.0).  Book it. 

Btw, notice how ptown downplays the report because the DNI is a hack, but every unverified gossip girl report ptown reads is 100% credible?  

Let's go down this road. 

1. If this was so bad, why is it now only getting "declassified"? Why was it not included in any of the Congressional reports? Why now? Is it because Trump is down and he wants to play the hits, like Clinton scandal and spying instead of Covid? Come on Mr. Cynical. Even you have to admit this is fishy timing. 

2. Why did the previous DNI's like Coats not declassify it? Were they part of the coverup as well? Why not others? Is it now because the adults are out of the room? 

3. If it came from a deliberate intergovernmental process that vetted the intelligence, with coordination from all the agencies like is normally done, I would have taken it seriously. Instead the President tweets it and the DNI just says here you go. It reeks of politics not actual policy and process. Anyone who had any idea how the IC process works would understand that. 

I've talked with my friends and colleagues you are former IC and they said this reeks of political BS. 

4. Do you seriously buy the Obama spying line? You just buy the right wing talking points? Even you Mr. Cynical? Even the bipartisan Congressional committee and reports are not going down that road. You are just mixing up and conflating what a messy complicated story the whole thing is from the start. To think the FBI spied on Trump directly and his campaign is just a gross exaggeration of the story and process.  

5.  I never said the military story was 100% true. I just said it falls in line with what Trump has actually said on the record. You do know it is possible to read a story and believe most of it and not discredit the whole thing right? You know who also has not denied the story, fucking Mike Pence. He deflected on it last night. In the end, it does not matter, because we all know Trump is just a massive asshole. 

6. I missed your other post, but yeah, you are pretty much a dick and an asshole. I try and be civil on here, but fuck it. 

7. I find this whole thread hilarious because it is a right wing fantasy and makes it laugh because it is so far removed from reality. 


Senior Member

Thu, Oct 8, 2020 12:57 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

That I think it is the move by a hack of a DNI with zero intelligence experience made by a President who is way down in the polls, wanting to change the narrative less than a month away from election day. 

I do enjoy this thread though. 

I'm sure the arrests are right around the corner! 

So all of that makes the evidence not evidence?  Makes it all untrue?  The vacumn you live in is strong.


Senior Member

Thu, Oct 8, 2020 12:59 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Let's go down this road. 

1. If this was so bad, why is it now only getting "declassified"? Why was it not included in any of the Congressional reports? Why now? Is it because Trump is down and he wants to play the hits, like Clinton scandal and spying instead of Covid? Come on Mr. Cynical. Even you have to admit this is fishy timing. 

2. Why did the previous DNI's like Coats not declassify it? Were they part of the coverup as well? Why not others? Is it now because the adults are out of the room? 

3. If it came from a deliberate intergovernmental process that vetted the intelligence, with coordination from all the agencies like is normally done, I would have taken it seriously. Instead the President tweets it and the DNI just says here you go. It reeks of politics not actual policy and process. Anyone who had any idea how the IC process works would understand that. 

I've talked with my friends and colleagues you are former IC and they said this reeks of political BS. 

4. Do you seriously buy the Obama spying line? You just buy the right wing talking points? Even you Mr. Cynical? Even the bipartisan Congressional committee and reports are not going down that road. You are just mixing up and conflating what a messy complicated story the whole thing is from the start. To think the FBI spied on Trump directly and his campaign is just a gross exaggeration of the story and process.  

5.  I never said the military story was 100% true. I just said it falls in line with what Trump has actually said on the record. You do know it is possible to read a story and believe most of it and not discredit the whole thing right? You know who also has not denied the story, fucking Mike Pence. He deflected on it last night. In the end, it does not matter, because we all know Trump is just a massive asshole. 

6. I missed your other post, but yeah, you are pretty much a dick and an asshole. I try and be civil on here, but fuck it. 

7. I find this whole thread hilarious because it is a right wing fantasy and makes it laugh because it is so far removed from reality. 

Holy wow......a new level reached here.  


1st Team All-PWN

Thu, Oct 8, 2020 1:07 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Let's go down this road. 

1. If this was so bad, why is it now only getting "declassified"? Why was it not included in any of the Congressional reports? Why now? Is it because Trump is down and he wants to play the hits, like Clinton scandal and spying instead of Covid? Come on Mr. Cynical. Even you have to admit this is fishy timing. 

2. Why did the previous DNI's like Coats not declassify it? Were they part of the coverup as well? Why not others? Is it now because the adults are out of the room? 

3. If it came from a deliberate intergovernmental process that vetted the intelligence, with coordination from all the agencies like is normally done, I would have taken it seriously. Instead the President tweets it and the DNI just says here you go. It reeks of politics not actual policy and process. Anyone who had any idea how the IC process works would understand that. 

I've talked with my friends and colleagues you are former IC and they said this reeks of political BS. 

4. Do you seriously buy the Obama spying line? You just buy the right wing talking points? Even you Mr. Cynical? Even the bipartisan Congressional committee and reports are not going down that road. You are just mixing up and conflating what a messy complicated story the whole thing is from the start. To think the FBI spied on Trump directly and his campaign is just a gross exaggeration of the story and process.  

5.  I never said the military story was 100% true. I just said it falls in line with what Trump has actually said on the record. You do know it is possible to read a story and believe most of it and not discredit the whole thing right? You know who also has not denied the story, fucking Mike Pence. He deflected on it last night. In the end, it does not matter, because we all know Trump is just a massive asshole. 

6. I missed your other post, but yeah, you are pretty much a dick and an asshole. I try and be civil on here, but fuck it. 

7. I find this whole thread hilarious because it is a right wing fantasy and makes it laugh because it is so far removed from reality. 

Well, well who is the cynic now?  Or is it skeptic, since it's coming from you?

1-4.  If you recall, I told you I always approach every report with skepticism.  I rather be a skeptic than a useful idiot.  You can look at all my posts in this thread and other threads.  I never hopped onto the hyperbolic wagon saying Obama spied on the campaign, Hillary should be in jail, and whatever all shit QO has posted on here.   I can however look at all the evidence that has mounted up for the last 4 years and conclude it is pretty fucked up how our government behaved and if they can do it to our POTUS they can easily do it to regular citizens.  You definitely bring up valid points, but if you look at all the evidence from the lat 4 years and can't bring yourself to think our Government should not be acting this way, then you might be wearing blue tinted glasses.  That's probably why you were silent and downplayed whenever Obama weaponized the Government.  I can't blame you though, most people like you think his only controversy is wearing a tan suit. Congrats on having friends in your echo chamber that work in the intelligence community though?  Sick DC drop, bro. 

5. lol bullshit.  You were 100% defending the story, because Goldberg is "credible," while conveniently ignoring the fact many "credible" reporters have lost their credibility the last four years.  You sure as hell didn't bring the same skepticism to that report as everything else that has come up with Trump and Russia. 

6. I am not sure which other post you're referring to, but I am glad you took my advice and just called me an asshole instead of passive aggressively implying it for 5 straight posts.  I guess I struck a nerve, when I said this is the same shit you did for Obama and will do for Biden.  This is not even a bold prediction.  If you stick around this site, there is 100% chance you will not hold the Biden administration to the same standard. 

7. I find this thread hilarious too, but I find it funnier that you fall for QO's bait every single time. 


Senior Member

Thu, Oct 8, 2020 3:31 PM

I’m mean we are living in a time where democrats want to get rid of the filibuster, pack the courts, and eliminate the electoral college all because they lost the White House for four years. Are you surprised they could ignore this.


Senior Member

Thu, Oct 8, 2020 4:40 PM
posted by Spock

Holy wow......a new level reached here.  

Beyond belief.

The overwhelming pattern of abuse of power from the obama/biden administration is not even debatable:  the weaponization of federal agencies to go after innocent Americans just because they were political opponents is beyond shocking. And then they top it off with literal spying on innocent citizens to throw a presidential election, and when that fails they try to burn it all down with multiple coup attempts, all aided and abetted by the establishment media and the whole of the swamp.

It is without question, the largest criminal conspiracy in the history of the republic.  But I guess if you've been peddling lies for 4 years, there is no turning back now. 

Let 'em all burn; fuck the radical left, the media, and all the phony pukes in DC.


Senior Member

Thu, Oct 22, 2020 9:52 AM

The Biden laptop was actually subpoenaed by the FBI in late '19 in connection with a money laundering investigation.  Imagine that.

And the ex-partner of HB says Joe stood to cash in big-time on the China deal.  Imagine that.

Move along.


Senior Member

Thu, Oct 22, 2020 12:21 PM
posted by QuakerOats

The Biden laptop was actually subpoenaed by the FBI in late '19 in connection with a money laundering investigation.  Imagine that.

And the ex-partner of HB says Joe stood to cash in big-time on the China deal.  Imagine that.

Move along.

Still smelling a lot like a Republican versions of "Russia Gate", complete with sympathetic intel officials.  Entirely predictable after 3.5 years of Russian Collusions conspiracies.

I do notice, however, that hardly any media outlets are covering this.  Than ran thousands of bogus Russia Collusion stories, but are oddly silent now.  This has more smoke - including corroboration from actual named sources - than Russia Collusion ever had.  Maybe that's why the mainstream media doesn't like the story - it has real sources.


Senior Member

Thu, Oct 22, 2020 1:41 PM

Real evidence

Real corroboration

Real criminality

Yet, the media suppression may be worse.

It is unimaginable that the deep state swamp has this much control over the media. 

Perhaps Trump's greatest achievement (among so many) is his revealing how corrupt the media and the DC swamp truly is.  We've never needed '4 More Years' any more than we do now.


Senior Member

Thu, Oct 22, 2020 2:06 PM
posted by QuakerOats

Perhaps Trump's greatest achievement (among so many) is his revealing how corrupt the media and the DC swamp truly is.  We've never needed '4 More Years' any more than we do now.

No, most of my family still thinks CNN is trustworthy and reliable despite the many, many times I've pointed they've run fake stories into the ground.  But they hate Trump, and so they tune-in because CNN caters to that.  Conversely, they can't stand Fox mainly, as far as I can tell, because Fox doesn't bring the same level of irrational hate to all stories Trump.


Senior Member

Thu, Oct 22, 2020 2:10 PM

Also, as far as Hunter Biden neither The Hill nor WSJ have weighed in.  WSJ is supposedly running a story that has been "forthcoming" for several days.  That they haven't released it with a debate tonight makes me think their investigation was a dud.

Plus, some of the "bombshells" from that story involve Biden as a private citizen after he left office.  Nothing illegal or untoward about that.  EXCEPT it was pretty obvious he was most likely going to run in 2020.  To me, they DEFINITELY were pedaling influence.

But nothing may come of it because now that they got caught they might say "tough luck" on the quid pro quo.  The larger issue, IMO, is neither the Repubs nor Dems really want to touch this because dozens of them, if not more, have similar deals in place with friends & family both domestically and abroad. 

There will be no appetite for this story after the election because no one wants to de-rail the gravy train.


Senior Member

Fri, Nov 6, 2020 1:07 PM

looks like all the crooks are getting away with it now.  



Fri, Nov 6, 2020 7:20 PM
posted by Spock

looks like all the crooks are getting away with it now.  

Maybe because, and hear me out, it and this whole thread was complete bullshit. 


Senior Member

Sun, Nov 8, 2020 8:14 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Maybe because, and hear me out, it and this whole thread was complete bullshit. 

You are an idiot.


Senior Member

Tue, Dec 1, 2020 3:26 PM

Barr appoints special counsel to investigate origins of Russia hoax.



Senior Member

Tue, Dec 1, 2020 4:58 PM
posted by QuakerOats

Barr appoints special counsel to investigate origins of Russia hoax.


i heard he actually did this on October and it was never announced.  Seems like the republicans lose every time when it comes to guessing what the public perceptions of this kind of stuff is.  


Son of the Sun

Tue, Dec 1, 2020 5:50 PM
posted by QuakerOats

Barr appoints special counsel to investigate origins of Russia hoax.


Barr also said there's no evidence of that "major voting fraud" you keep trying to pretend exists.



Senior Member

Tue, Dec 1, 2020 6:23 PM
posted by QuakerOats

Barr appoints special counsel to investigate origins of Russia hoax.

Narrowly focused on the conduct of FBI agents involved.

So looks like those heads you kept promising us are never going to roll.

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Tue, Dec 1, 2020 8:50 PM
posted by gut

Narrowly focused on the conduct of FBI agents involved.

So looks like those heads you kept promising us are never going to roll.

Sodom will fall soon. 


Senior Member

Thu, Dec 10, 2020 11:14 AM

The money laundering and, no doubt, tax evasion is certainly one thing; then there is the highest US officials being corrupted, compromised, and bought by the communist Chinese.


Senior Member

Thu, Dec 10, 2020 11:16 AM
posted by Heretic

Barr also said there's no evidence of that "major voting fraud" you keep trying to pretend exists.


The word "yet" was used in the same sentence.  And most would contend it was not hugely widespread, but rather finely targeted in the few key cities that were necessary to swing the election:  Milwaukee, Detroit, Philadelphia, Atlanta, and Las Vegas.


Son of the Sun

Thu, Dec 10, 2020 12:01 PM
posted by QuakerOats

The word "yet" was used in the same sentence.  And most would contend it was not hugely widespread, but rather finely targeted in the few key cities that were necessary to swing the election:  Milwaukee, Detroit, Philadelphia, Atlanta, and Las Vegas.

By "most", you mean dipshits like you whose first reaction to losing is: "WAHHHHH!!!!! THE BAD MAN STEALEDED FROM ME!!!!!!!", I presume. I mean, when your side actually offers something more concrete than "wE kNoW iT WeRe A tHEfT!!!!!", then I'll listen, but right now, it's all nothing more than really whiny noise by a bunch of people with no self respect.

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Thu, Dec 10, 2020 12:07 PM

If the election was stolen, why didn't they do it in 2016 as well?  I assume they didn't just learn how to steal elections in the last couple of years.  Also, why'd they not steal the congressional elections?  If the left was in the business of stealing, wouldn't they have prevented all of the dems from being bumped from the legislature?