Uranium One / Clinton Foundation / obama DoJ corruption

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Senior Member

Thu, May 7, 2020 4:52 PM

So Flynns original attorneys were from a firm where Eric Holder was a partner?  No wonder they convinced him to plea.  Holy hell the swamp is DEEP.


The timeline is pretty damning for Comey, Obama and Biden.

Jan 4- FBI informs DOJ that there is no case on FLynn and that he didnt lie about anything .

Jan 5- Sztrok convinces Comey to keep the case open and Comey meets at the WH with Obama, Biden.  

Jan 6- FBI walks into WH and traps Flynn in a "meeting" to answer questions.


Senior Member

Fri, May 8, 2020 11:48 AM


Goes all the way to the top.


obama/Holder ………treasonous sleaze balls


Senior Member

Fri, May 8, 2020 12:02 PM
posted by QuakerOats


Goes all the way to the top.


obama/Holder ………treasonous sleaze balls

Sounds like something to throw in Bidens face during a debate.  


Senior Member

Fri, May 8, 2020 12:31 PM
posted by Spock

Sounds like something to throw in Bidens face during a debate.  

If we ever have a debate.

The ironic thing is that Biden can't hit Trump where he's most vulnerable.  He can't bring up Russia for a bunch of obvious reasons.  He can't talk about women.  He will probably try to talk about race, but Trump has some good answers for that.  Biden can't talk about corruption or impeachment, because Trump will hit him on Hunter's paychecks.

It's going to be mostly a debate about the coronavirus.  A lot of people seem to be completely ignorant of the data coming in, young & healthy individuals who think they have a significant risk of dying.  And the Dems are exploiting that to instill fear that sending ANYONE back to work is going to kill hundreds of thousands of people.

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Fri, May 8, 2020 12:44 PM
posted by gut

If we ever have a debate.

The ironic thing is that Biden can't hit Trump where he's most vulnerable.  He can't bring up Russia for a bunch of obvious reasons.  He can't talk about women.  He will probably try to talk about race, but Trump has some good answers for that.  Biden can't talk about corruption or impeachment, because Trump will hit him on Hunter's paychecks.

It's going to be mostly a debate about the coronavirus.  A lot of people seem to be completely ignorant of the data coming in, young & healthy individuals who think they have a significant risk of dying.  And the Dems are exploiting that to instill fear that sending ANYONE back to work is going to kill hundreds of thousands of people.

I think Biden has no chance.  He is a terrible candidate.  Even before the sexual assault mess.  They guy is clearly beyond the mental stage where he is a viable option.  Guys at his stage tend to deteriorate rapidly, so I can't imagine what he'll be like in a year, let alone four years.  He's completely made his bed on the sexual assault because of previously going on record saying we must believe accusers.  And he has absolutely no ability criticize Trump's dealings with other countries after his Hunter fiasco.  I cannot believe the democratic party couldn't come up with anyone besides him.  

Coronavirus is a false issue.  You can say everyone failed and you could say it's no one's fault and you be right both times.  I think Biden's dementia is going to be the deciding factor and will make him irrelevant to undecided voters who will either vote for Trump or not vote at all.  


Senior Member

Fri, May 8, 2020 12:57 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

I think Biden has no chance.  He is a terrible candidate.  Even before the sexual assault mess.  They guy is clearly beyond the mental stage where he is a viable option. 

I don't know.  He did pretty well in the last debate.  Can he string together 3 good Presidential debates?  It's possible.

And as far as dementia, the people who are really paying attention are a small % of the voters.  Most people are oblivious to his gaffes, and have already decided to vote "not Trump".

Where Biden is weak, now, is the assault allegations are going to cause some of his women voters to stay home.  And I think some of the Bernie Bros are going to stay home again, too.  He's polling ahead of Trump in key swing states, but I think he might be behind where Hillary was polling in those states.

But I'm still not convinced he'll actually be on the ticket come November.  His VP is going to be a very interesting pick.  I don't think Warren or Kamala will actually help him.  Gov Whitmer has pretty much taken herself out of the running through incompetence.  Hillary would be a joke.  I doubt Michelle is interested.  Does that leave anyone other than Klobuchar?  He already has the black vote, so I don't think it will be a minority.


Senior Member

Fri, May 8, 2020 6:39 PM

Biden isn’t great, but he’s got something that can’t be ignored and that’s that a lot of people in this country really, really hate Donald trump. I know a lot of people did in 2016, too but a) not as many people hated him then as they do now and b) a lot of people also didn’t like Hillary which helped trump. No one really hates Biden—besides the far right whackos that wouldn’t have voted for anyone but trump anyway. I honestly don’t think there’s any way Trump beats Biden, and that’s sad because Biden is a truly terrible candidate. 



Senior Member

Fri, May 8, 2020 6:48 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

....and that’s sad because Biden is a truly terrible candidate.

Yeah, well.....

I do think it's hilarious that people have spent 3+ years saying how Trump is mentally unfit....and are going to elect Biden who actually IS mentally unfit.


Senior Member

Fri, May 8, 2020 9:24 PM

So who is going to take a plea deal and testify against all the deep state DOJ and FBI guys that tried a coup on Trump?


My guess is McCabe or Page


Senior Member

Mon, May 11, 2020 11:48 AM


Who knows, but obama has now been directly implicated.  The largest political scandal and government abuse of power and corruption is about to get blown out of the water.



1st Team All-PWN

Mon, May 11, 2020 11:54 AM
posted by SportsAndLady

Biden isn’t great, but he’s got something that can’t be ignored and that’s that a lot of people in this country really, really hate Donald trump. I know a lot of people did in 2016, too but a) not as many people hated him then as they do now and b) a lot of people also didn’t like Hillary which helped trump. No one really hates Biden—besides the far right whackos that wouldn’t have voted for anyone but trump anyway. I honestly don’t think there’s any way Trump beats Biden, and that’s sad because Biden is a truly terrible candidate. 


I hate Biden and I won't be voting for Trump.  


Senior Member

Mon, May 11, 2020 11:58 AM
posted by like_that

I hate Biden and I won't be voting for Trump.  

Uhh, sorry buddy. You’re far right. 


1st Team All-PWN

Mon, May 11, 2020 12:00 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

Uhh, sorry buddy. You’re far right. 

Oh yeah?  Please tell me more about how I am far right?


Senior Member

Mon, May 11, 2020 12:23 PM
posted by QuakerOats


Who knows, but obama has now been directly implicated.  The largest political scandal and government abuse of power and corruption is about to get blown out of the water.


It wont get interesting until Clinton gets implicated and a few people commit suicide


Son of the Sun

Mon, May 11, 2020 12:42 PM
posted by QuakerOats


Who knows, but obama has now been directly implicated.  The largest political scandal and government abuse of power and corruption is about to get blown out of the water.


It'll be great when nothing of note happens and it's five years later and you're still banging this drum as a way to distract from however your side is fucking up whatever they're fucking up at that time.

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Mon, May 11, 2020 12:45 PM
posted by QuakerOats


Who knows, but obama has now been directly implicated.  The largest political scandal and government abuse of power and corruption is about to get blown out of the water.


There is no evidence of this being more than a questionable judgement and the current AG pressuring to have his bosses will done.  Don't forget that Flynn lied to the FBI, that can't be changed.  


Senior Member

Mon, May 11, 2020 2:34 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

There is no evidence of this being more than a questionable judgement and the current AG pressuring to have his bosses will done.  Don't forget that Flynn lied to the FBI, that can't be changed.  

He plead to a lie that wasnt a lie.  Lets not use CNN talk.  What they entrapped him on was "misrepresenting" a conversation he had with the Russian guy and when they pinched his son on BS charges he plead to whatever they put in front of him.  BTW, his lawyers were crooked as hell and held evidence from him while this plea was happening.  The same law firm that Eric Holder (Obama AG) is a partner.  


Give me a break.  Its all BS, the WH is culpable in this coup attempt.


Senior Member

Mon, May 11, 2020 4:10 PM




Who unmasked General Flynn?


Who ordered it?


Senior Member

Tue, May 12, 2020 9:21 AM


DNI declassifying the names involved with the unmasking.  Should they be released, look out.  But they must be released.


The People deserve to see who was involved with spying and framing innocent Americans, even if it takes us to the oval office.