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Wed, Jan 3, 2018 4:26 PM
posted by QuakerOats

Bill probably dropped his joint after taking care of the maid. 

Cigar. Get it right. 


Senior Member

Tue, Jan 9, 2018 2:35 PM

An attorney for the co-founder of opposition research firm Fusion GPS revealed during a closed-door interview this summer with congressional investigators that “somebody's already been killed” as a result of the publication of the anti-Trump dossier. 

More on this: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/01/09/somebodys-already-been-killed-because-trump-dossier-fusion-gps-rep-revealed.html





Imagine that


Senior Member

Fri, Jan 19, 2018 10:17 AM

Incredible ..........look forward to the documents being made public, and the swamp being drained!


GOP lawmakers demand that 'alarming' memo on FISA abuses be made public

By Catherine Herridge | Fox News


A four-page memo circulating in Congress that reveals alleged United States government surveillance abuses is being described by lawmakers as “shocking,” “troubling” and “alarming,” with one congressman likening the details to KGB activity in Russia.

Speaking with Fox News, the lawmakers said they could not yet discuss the contents of the memo they reviewed on Thursday after it was released to members by the House Intelligence Committee. But they say the memo should be immediately made public.

“It is so alarming the American people have to see this,” Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan said.

“It's troubling. It is shocking,” North Carolina Rep. Mark Meadows said. “Part of me wishes that I didn't read it because I don’t want to believe that those kinds of things could be happening in this country that I call home and love so much.”

Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz said he believed people could lose their jobs after the memo is released.

“I believe the consequence of its release will be major changes in people currently working at the FBI and the Department of Justice,” he said, referencing DOJ officials Rod Rosenstein and Bruce Ohr.

“You think about, ‘is this happening in America or is this the KGB?’ That's how alarming it is,” Pennsylvania Rep. Scott Perry said.

The House Intelligence Committee on Thursday approved a motion by New York Rep. Pete King to release the memo on abuses of FISA, or the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, to all House members.

A source close to the matter said the memo details the Intelligence Committee’s oversight work for the FBI and Justice, including the controversy over unmasking and FISA surveillance.  

The vote Thursday morning on releasing the memo to lawmakers was along party lines, with Democrats voting against making it available for all members.

The process for releasing it to the public involves a committee vote, a source said. If approved, it could be released as long as there are no objections from the White House within five days. 

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., told Fox News in December that his investigators have already uncovered evidence of abuse in the U.S. government's surveillance practices.

“I believe there's evidence that abuses have occurred," Nunes said at the time.

Nunes pointed to the leaked conversation of former national security adviser, Gen. Mike Flynn with the Russian ambassador.

On Thursday, the Senate voted 65-34 to reauthorize a FISA provision that allows U.S. spy agencies to conduct surveillance on foreign targets abroad for six years. The bill, which already has been passed by the House, now heads to the White House,where President Donald Trump has said he will sign it into law.

Fox News’ Alex Pappas, Anne Marie Riha and Chad Pergram and The Associated Press contributed to this report.


Senior Member

Fri, Jan 19, 2018 12:36 PM

Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz said he believed people could lose their jobs after the memo is released.


Why do people only lose their job if it is "released"?


Senior Member

Fri, Jan 19, 2018 2:30 PM

Lois Lerner and the IRS were essentially weapons against The People pursuant to orders from the obama regime; she is drawing a taxpayer-funded pension.  This is just one example.  

It is stunning to hear the media describe Trump as some type of authoritarian / demagogue; when obama was the one actually abusing power in weaponizing the IRS, DoJ, EPA, Interior, and other federal agencies to literally attack, fine, imprison, and/or squelch the rights of free and innocent people.  

I think we are close to finding out the degree to which this horrific abuse extended once the documents are made public.  It will mark one of the darkest periods in our time.  

Drain the swamp.





Senior Member

Fri, Jan 19, 2018 2:44 PM

And then there's the 'gift' that keeps on giving:



“The fact that Hillary Clinton and her agents tried to destroy or hide emails shows how she flagrantly and knowingly violated the laws that protect classified information and government records,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement. “And these new emails refute Hillary Clinton’s repeated claims of having little or no knowledge about her email system. She clearly was fully in charge of setting up her outlaw email system and overseeing its use.”


new batch of emails ................same story; destruction of evidence, lying, covering up 


Senior Member

Fri, Jan 19, 2018 2:54 PM

Hmmmm, really interesting.  Some fishy things going on:

1)  You have the usual suspects from the Repub side spouting off.....Then I see Rosenstein's name - isn't he the one really in charge of the Russia investigation and Mueller's appointment?

2) Why do the Dems oppose the release - likely because it exposes some really shady shit from the Dems many of us have suspected/read.  And may cast a shadow over what remains of the Obama legacy after Trump is done dismantling the rest.


3) More comically [sadly]....Congress can't agree or get anything else done, but maybe this can trigger another series of investigations of itself and other departments.  While I doubt Boehner meant it in a serious way, Congress SHOULD be reviewing and revising existing laws rather than squabbling about new crap to ram down the pipeline.


1st Team All-PWN

Fri, Jan 19, 2018 4:53 PM

It seems like a lot of people on the right (including the representatives who read it) are really gidy about the memo.  What do you all think?  Will it be a bombshell or a nothing burger?  Will it even be released?


Son of the Sun

Fri, Jan 19, 2018 4:55 PM
posted by like_that

It seems like a lot of people on the right (including the representatives who read it) are really gidy about the memo.  What do you all think?  Will it be a bombshell or a nothing burger?  Will it even be released?

Seems like whether it be Clinton stuff or Trump stuff, someone's giddy about something every day. When I see actual results, I'll believe it -- until then, QQ is this site's version of Seth Abramson and his daily 395406578-tweet threads about how BAD SHIT IS COMING DOWN FOR TRUMP!!!1!!


Senior Member

Fri, Jan 19, 2018 5:43 PM
posted by Heretic

Seems like whether it be Clinton stuff or Trump stuff, someone's giddy about something every day. When I see actual results, I'll believe it 

We won't get there in 2018, but maybe by 2020 after 8 years of Obama and 4 years of Trump....all the doomsdayers and wingnuts might finally realize Congress is the problem and STOP RE-ELECTING those asshats.

Oprah, Kid Rock, Hulk Hogan, George Clooney, Mark Cuban....looks like we are entering the era of the celebrity politician.  And it's really not very far from the Clinton/Obama era of the politician becoming a celebrity.


Senior Member

Fri, Jan 19, 2018 5:45 PM
posted by like_that

It seems like a lot of people on the right (including the representatives who read it) are really gidy about the memo.  What do you all think?  Will it be a bombshell or a nothing burger?  Will it even be released?

I don't know.  It's been so long ago I've forgotten exactly who and what, but the one guy had to recuse himself from the committee after seeing some bombshell intel from the White House, which I vaguely recall was something about FISA and unmasking.  But then that seemed to fade away as a big nothingburger (though this is possibly IT, or related to it).

If it's what I think it is, or what it sounds like it could be....Republicans are giddy because this is going to cook Rosenstein and the Mueller investigation.  It's REALLY critical to the Dems that the investigation drag on at least thru the 2018 elections.


1st Team All-PWN

Fri, Jan 19, 2018 6:06 PM
posted by gut

I don't know.  It's been so long ago I've forgotten exactly who and what, but the one guy had to recuse himself from the committee after seeing some bombshell intel from the White House, which I vaguely recall was something about FISA and unmasking.  But then that seemed to fade away as a big nothingburger (though this is possibly IT, or related to it).

If it's what I think it is, or what it sounds like it could be....Republicans are giddy because this is going to cook Rosenstein and the Mueller investigation.  It's REALLY critical to the Dems that the investigation drag on at least thru the 2018 elections.

I think passing a FISA extension is very telling imo.  Most likely a nothing burger.


Btw, I would take Mark Cuban from the list of celebs you listed. 


Senior Member

Fri, Jan 19, 2018 6:12 PM
posted by like_that

Btw, I would take Mark Cuban from the list of celebs you listed. 

I'd take Cuban, too.  Not sure what his politics are....I think if someone says they would "probably" run as a Repub that means they are either a libertarian or independent.  "Social centrist and fiscal conservative" sounds closer to libertarian than anything, but Cuban probably knows running Libertarian is a lost cause.


Senior Member

Fri, Jan 19, 2018 6:14 PM

As long as the left stream media fails to cover the real issues in our government.....the people are slaves to DC


Senior Member

Fri, Jan 19, 2018 6:19 PM
posted by like_that

I think passing a FISA extension is very telling imo.  Most likely a nothing burger.

We'll see.  FISA is a rubber stamp (not supposed to be).  Unmasking is supposed to be a very high bar (it's not).  And every day that goes by sounds more and more like the slanderous Dossier was critical to the FISA warrants - which is how you go from people just being fired to people going to jail (as a few Repubs are crying).  If this leads to Rosenstein's termination, invalidates the FISA warrants and merely suggests the collusion investigation may have been politically motivated....then I think Mueller is done.

While the media has overplayed and sensationalized the Mueller investigation, for the most part Dems HAVE NOT.  I don't think the Repubs would overplay their hand here, but who knows.  Smart money goes down the middle - bad for Obama, bad for Democrats, no one goes to jail and Mueller continues.

Rosenstein has been rumored on the hot seat for months.  I think he's done.


Senior Member

Mon, Jan 22, 2018 3:59 PM
posted by QuakerOats


Then there is this ...

Some Dems are calling that memo baseless lies completely lacking in evidence.  Which, umm, is a pretty fantastic claim flirting with slander.  We'll see, I think it will be disappointing but hardly a nothingburger.

The losts texts are pretty damning, albeit very circumstantial (read the FBI blamed it on a server upgrade).  But every week this looks more and more like a manufactured witchhunt, and a cover-up.


Senior Member

Mon, Jan 22, 2018 7:28 PM

Bleachbit must be real good


Senior Member

Mon, Jan 22, 2018 11:01 PM
posted by gut

Some Dems are calling that memo baseless lies completely lacking in evidence.  Which, umm, is a pretty fantastic claim flirting with slander.  We'll see, I think it will be disappointing but hardly a nothingburger.

Here is your spin.  You got to love throwing in the Russian bots pushing this.

CNN is reporting that House repulican leaders are pushing for as much of the underlying evidence to be revealed as possible to back up the memo.  This Schiff guy is a liar.  I am sure this Schiff guy would be right on board with releasing some of the underlying evidence that will prove the memo to be a partisan hack job he claims it to be.



Senior Member

Mon, Jan 22, 2018 11:17 PM
posted by like_that

I think passing a FISA extension is very telling imo.  Most likely a nothing burger.

I would like to see congressmen called on the carpet on this.  Were they privy to the allegations in this memo prior to voting.  If not would they reconsider their vote.



Tue, Jan 23, 2018 10:27 AM

Secret Society LOL......

Way to go guys, we are now in full blown conspiracy theory mode. I'm surprised it did take this long. 

Is this the same society that has Obama's real birth certificate? Are they tied to the New World Order?