Uranium One / Clinton Foundation / obama DoJ corruption

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Senior Member

Wed, Apr 17, 2019 9:38 PM
posted by gut

So who was attempting to seize power then?  Mike Pence?

Trump must be pretty stupid to pick a VP who conspired to overthrow him.

Is this a serious question??  You really dont know who was behind the fsiled attempt to frame a sitting president with basically treason?

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Wed, Apr 17, 2019 9:41 PM
posted by gut

Are you saying you believe an investigation into the foundations and merits of this spying operation is unnecessary?  You're 100% convinced that this was all above board?

Investigate all you want. That’s fine. I’m saying that framing it as an attempted coup by “deep state” forces (whatever those are) is melodramatic nonsense. 


Senior Member

Wed, Apr 17, 2019 10:05 PM
posted by Spock

Is this a serious question??  You really dont know who was behind the fsiled attempt to frame a sitting president with basically treason?

Yes, because a coup is about seizing power, and Mike Pence is next in line.

So, do you believe Pence was the mastermind, or merely a puppet?


Senior Member

Thu, Apr 18, 2019 7:15 AM
posted by gut

Yes, because a coup is about seizing power, and Mike Pence is next in line.

So, do you believe Pence was the mastermind, or merely a puppet?

Stop your stupidity, acting like a coup in this country could only come from 2nd in line.  The definition of the word is broad enough even for your lack on knowledge.   We had a co equal branch of government and an outgoing administration weaponize the legal and justice departments in this country to go after an elected president.  For what reason?  To seize or turn over power.  THat is the definition of the word coup.


Senior Member

Thu, Apr 18, 2019 11:42 AM
posted by Spock

Stop your stupidity, acting like a coup in this country could only come from 2nd in line.  The definition of the word is broad enough even for your lack on knowledge.   We had a co equal branch of government and an outgoing administration weaponize the legal and justice departments in this country to go after an elected president.  For what reason?  To seize or turn over power.  THat is the definition of the word coup.

Oh, you're right....I forgot Obama changed the rules of succession before leaving office.


Senior Member

Thu, Apr 18, 2019 2:20 PM
posted by gut

Oh, you're right....I forgot Obama changed the rules of succession before leaving office.

Just stop....you do realize that you are losing to the town idiot in a debate of the semantics of a word that obviously dont know how to use?


So what does that make you?


Senior Member

Thu, Apr 18, 2019 3:16 PM
posted by Spock

Just stop....you do realize that you are losing to the town idiot in a debate of the semantics of a word that obviously dont know how to use?

LMAO....did you just refer to yourself in the fourth person, and then declare yourself the winner of a debate you're clearly not winning?

You are claiming Pence committed treason.  Fair enough.


Senior Member

Fri, Apr 19, 2019 11:22 AM



Kim Strassell says individuals within DoJ starting to turn on each other …….IG report imminent.  Going to be fun watching them eat their own and struggle to save themselves.  May be time to start pulling passports.


Senior Member

Fri, Apr 19, 2019 11:28 AM
posted by QuakerOats



Kim Strassell says individuals within DoJ starting to turn on each other …….IG report imminent.  Going to be fun watching them eat their own and struggle to save themselves.  May be time to start pulling passports.

we shall see how far it goes......there is a reason why the Clintons arent ever going to see a courtroom.  Their body count is too high


1st Team All-PWN

Fri, Apr 19, 2019 11:49 AM

Am I the only one who doesn't know who Kim Strassell is?


Senior Member

Fri, Apr 19, 2019 3:29 PM
posted by like_that

Am I the only one who doesn't know who Kim Strassell is?

Google said she's on the WSJ editorial board....I don't consider the WSJ Opinion page to offer quality journalism.


Senior Member

Fri, Apr 19, 2019 4:08 PM
posted by gut

Google said she's on the WSJ editorial board....I don't consider the WSJ Opinion page to offer quality journalism.

Good God.



Senior Member

Fri, Apr 19, 2019 4:14 PM
posted by QuakerOats

Good God.


That's usually my reaction to nearly every piece frequent contributor Karl Rove writes.


Senior Member

Mon, Apr 29, 2019 5:40 PM


Rosenstein submits resignation.


Senior Member

Mon, Apr 29, 2019 7:00 PM
posted by QuakerOats


Rosenstein submits resignation.

He will be the first one to take a deal to avoid jail


Senior Member

Tue, Apr 30, 2019 10:33 AM


You could be correct.


Senior Member

Thu, May 2, 2019 11:25 AM



Days away from the FISA court bombshells ……..no wonder the dems are going ape-shit in their distraction attempts.


Senior Member

Fri, May 3, 2019 9:01 AM


NY Times finally picking up the spying…..just a year late.


Also appearing that Mueller knew a year ago there was no collusion and sat on it, ostensibly to let the obstruction entrapment plan linger on.  Hopefully a lot of people are going to be headed to prison.



Senior Member

Fri, May 3, 2019 11:00 AM

I just want to see the raid on the Clintons and them being walked out in handcuffs......that will be good TV


Senior Member

Fri, May 3, 2019 11:15 AM
posted by Spock

I just want to see the raid on the Clintons and them being walked out in handcuffs......that will be good TV

Don't hold your breath....they are the 'Royal Family' of the United States and nothing sticks to them.


Senior Member

Fri, May 10, 2019 11:51 AM





Democrats, with help from the mainstream media, will spare no effort to tarnish Barr as a way of discrediting the investigative train that is rolling down the tracks.

Something has changed. Attorney General William Barr has become Public Enemy No. 1 for the Democrats and supportive mainstream media.

It started with Barr’s four-page summary of the Mueller Report’s conclusions, which punctured the almost three year narrative that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians. The conclusion of no conspiracy or coordination, accurately summarized in the Barr letter, was verified when the full Mueller Report was released three weeks later.

Barr’s letter also accurately set forth that Mueller did not find obstruction of justice, declining to reach any determination on that issue, instead laying out the arguments for and against. That no obstruction recommendation also was verified when the Mueller Report was released.

Lacking any substantive ground for attacking Barr, Democrats and the media seized on procedure — that Barr framed the media narrative in a way favorable to Trump during this three week period. Apparently, framing a narrative favorable to Trump was not permitted even though the narrative of the Mueller Report in Barr’s letter was accurate.

When Barr testified in Congress that “spying” on the Trump campaign did take place, the attacks on Barr took on a different and more vicious tone. 

That tone went into overdrive during Barr’s testimony earlier this week, when it was revealed that Mueller had expressed concern that Barr’s four-page letter did not include all the context of the full report. But Mueller, according to Barr, did not claim the four-page letter was inaccurate or misleading, rather, the media coverage was the problem.

These are all details, none of which paint Barr in a bad light. But Democrats, including Nancy Pelosi, have decided to accuse Barr of perjury and demand he resign. Barr didn’t commit perjury, not even close, but that’s besides the point to Democrats and the media.

What is going on here? Why are they going after Barr with such ferocity?

It has nothing to do with the Mueller Report, or the four-page summary, or the timing of the release of the full report.

It was Barr’s comments about spying on the Trump campaign, and his pledge to investigate that spying, that explains the frenzy to take down Barr. That spying, regardless of whether lawful, has the potential to be a scandal that could touch deep into the Obama administration, and some former officials who loom large in the anti-Trump resistance.

It also could reach deep into the media, with the involvement of Fusion GPS in feeding Russian-provided, Clinton/DNC paid-for, disinformation to the mainstream journalist community.

So the stakes are huge. The Russian collusion scandal may be a Democrat and media scandal. People may go to jail for that collusion, and if so, they may be the first people to go to jail over Russian collusion involving the 2016 election.

Barr is the single greatest threat to the Democrat-Media Russia Collusion Complex. That’s why Democrats, with help from the mainstream media, will spare no effort to tarnish Barr as a way of discrediting the investigative train that is rolling down the tracks.


Senior Member

Fri, May 10, 2019 12:27 PM

LegalInsurrection?   Sounds credible....


I think you'll be as disappointed as the collusion/obstruction loons.  Worst I think we'll see is "over-reach....out of an abundance of caution".  Abuse of power, perhaps.  But I think we'll be lacking actual criminal intent, which would seem very difficult to prove.

I'll be happy with understanding more about the unmasking, the declassifying of info and removing walls for that info being shared among agencies in the last minutes of the Obama Administration (ostensibly to facilitate leaking).  Then of course the various abuses and overreach of the DOJ.

It could all be a nothingburger - loosely predicated, and then people will be debating whether it was all justified or not (similar to the obstruction stuff).


333 - I'm only half evil

Tue, May 14, 2019 7:48 AM

So will anything come of this or will it be a huge waste of money and time - much like the Mueller investigation?

BREAKING: AP source: Barr appoints US attorney to examine Russia probe origins, determine if intelligence collection was lawful.

Could also be smoke for some mirrors?


1st Team All-PWN

Tue, May 14, 2019 10:00 AM

Waste of money like every investigation.