Progressives, part 3...

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Son of the Sun

Fri, Aug 25, 2023 2:24 PM
posted by Automatik

X, Infowars, etc. continuing to rot brains. 

I have a “friend” predicting a COVID lockdown THEN climate change related lockdown. 

2nd one of course is right before the next rigged election. 

From X, I saw the "news" about the first of those two was broken by Alex Jones. With a lot of people immediately posting his report as fact BECAUSE Jones was reporting on it. And there I was, thinking that site had a lot of stupidity pre-Elon. Turns out there's always room for something to get worse.


Senior Member

Fri, Aug 25, 2023 3:05 PM
posted by Heretic

From X, I saw the "news" about the first of those two was broken by Alex Jones. With a lot of people immediately posting his report as fact BECAUSE Jones was reporting on it. And there I was, thinking that site had a lot of stupidity pre-Elon. Turns out there's always room for something to get worse.

I don't know, seems like maybe 5-10% of people on both sides are bat-shit.  And they're always going to find the crazy & dumb stories they consume.  IMO, better to have those people comfortably out in the open so we know who to avoid.

I think if there's one lesson the last 5-6 years, it's that censorship does little to stop the spread of misinformation, but does occasionally suppress the truth.  And I'd guess that's something they already knew 200+ years ago when they made freedom of speech frickin' #1 in the bill of rights.

Devils Advocate

Brudda o da bomber

Wed, Aug 30, 2023 4:15 PM

Back to the transgender stuff, I can relate to being a male stuck in a female body. 

that all ended when my mother gave birth to me.


Senior Member

Thu, Aug 31, 2023 11:47 AM

It is kind of funny how one day Biden can't even wipe his own ass, and the next day he's orchestrating all these indictments of Trump....


Senior Member

Thu, Aug 31, 2023 12:06 PM
posted by gut

It is kind of funny how one day Biden can't even wipe his own ass, and the next day he's orchestrating all these indictments of Trump....

They'll use/abuse him as long as they can, then he'll be deposited under the bus.  Of course, he's compromised, so just about everyone can have their way with him until he either resigns or is indicted, and then impeached and removed from office.  



Fri, Sep 1, 2023 6:39 AM

He is a rubber stamp for more money,  no way he falls on his own sword.  This thing is a weekend at Bernie’s situation


Senior Member

Sat, Sep 9, 2023 1:33 PM

I was reading an article on using the 14th amendment to keep Trump off state ballots.

It was amazing how many people believe Trump participated in an actual insurrection.  And people were saying the text doesn't require conviction, or apparently proof [because it was intended for banning Confederates].  So I guess, in a way, Trump really IS a threat to our democracy, indirectly.

Meanwhile, the Democratic media has gone from promoting the false narrative of "Russian disinformation" on the laptop, to Hunter had problems with addiction, to finally acknowledging he's a criminal.  But all those calls and dinners with the Big Guy had absolutely nothing to do with Hunter's shakedown racket.  So I guess Hunter is also a weatherman - wonder how many millions he got paid for that?


Senior Member

Mon, Sep 11, 2023 3:06 PM

Starting to sweat a bit - 3 words left after my second guess and I used them all

Wordle 814 5/6*



Reppin' the 330/216/843

Mon, Sep 11, 2023 4:40 PM
posted by QuakerOats

 "....parents could be charged with child abuse, a criminal penalty, if they object to their child’s “preferred pronouns.”

Essentially, the move will make it a crime for a parent to “misgender” their own kids.

Don’t call them groomers though. Virginia Dems big mad that Younkin pardoned a guy who was standing up for his daughter who was sexually assaulted by a tranny and then covered up by the school board. 


Senior Member

Mon, Sep 11, 2023 5:06 PM
posted by gut

Starting to sweat a bit - 3 words left after my second guess and I used them all

Wordle 814 5/6*




Senior Member

Mon, Sep 11, 2023 7:53 PM

Did anyone see clips of Biden today talking about going to bed?  Mumbling rambling incoherence.  If he wasn't POTUS, it'd probably go in the WTF? thread.

Starting to look like he's maxed out the meds and there's no masking his cognitive decline any more.


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Mon, Sep 11, 2023 7:55 PM
posted by gut

Did anyone see clips of Biden today talking about going to bed?  Mumbling rambling incoherence.  If he wasn't POTUS, it'd probably go in the WTF? thread.

Starting to look like he's maxed out the meds and there's no masking his cognitive decline any more.

A couple days ago he was talking incoherently and they just turned the music off and announced the press conference over. I’m also old enough to remember when everyone was complaining about how much vacation a president took.


Senior Member

Tue, Sep 12, 2023 10:36 AM

The family and his handlers should be arrested for elder abuse, but as long as they can use him to keep the radical leftist agenda going and the foreign payments coming they will. 


Senior Member

Tue, Sep 12, 2023 12:14 PM
posted by iclfan2

A couple days ago he was talking incoherently and they just turned the music off and announced the press conference over. I’m also old enough to remember when everyone was complaining about how much vacation a president took.

He's gotten noticeably worse the past few months, and I don't think he's really even ramped-up campaigning.

No way they can put him out on anything close to a normal campaign schedule.  And Kamala can't carry the weight.  I'll be shocked if they don't dump her for Gavin Newsome.  Will be interesting to see how they pull that off with the woke left, even if they don't even like her.

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Thu, Sep 14, 2023 8:11 PM

No way he’s up for a campaign schedule.  Imagine him in a debate.


Senior Member

Fri, Sep 22, 2023 12:30 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

You guys always claim Dems aren't subject to laws.  So why'd this guy get charged?

Had to be extraordinarily brazen and/or stupid.  I can't recall a single other federal congressperson getting indicted recently.  I'm sure it's happened, but I'm not aware of another case at least in the last 30 years

Like, I don't think Dementia Joe and his crackhead son were smart or careful, but clearly meeting the burden of proof has been very difficult there.

None of that really aligns with all the indictments at the state and local level.  I think once the DC swamp rats "admit you to the club", they teach you how to graft and avoid scrutiny, much less legal liability.  The Clintons were masters at going right up to the line and not crossing it (and complete opposite of the Bidens as far as intelligence and cleverness).


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Fri, Sep 22, 2023 1:25 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

You guys always claim Dems aren't subject to laws.  So why'd this guy get charged?

He must have pissed someone off. And I think it’s pretty obvious there are two justice systems. You got Jan 6er a getting 17 years, some old women getting 15 for standing in front of an abortion clinic, and then murders getting 5 years (guy that ran over a kid drunk said he thought he was alt right).

In other funny news, the guy who got his bicep blown off in Kenosha got hit by a car in a cross walk the other day.