Impressed by the Trump administration part II

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Wed, Aug 5, 2020 1:02 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

Trump cut the department of the federal government that was in charge of pandemics  

That department was created, I believe, by GWB, and Obama added to the department  

LMAO.  More fake news.  Do you really thing SIX - fucking six - people would have made a difference?!?  Their roles and responsibilities were rolled into other departments. 

Next you're going to site the fuck-up in approving or coordinating testing.  I don't believe it was Fauci, but one of the FDA directors testified before Congress that the delay was literally a day or two, and not "weeks" as reported in the article you're citing.


Senior Member

Wed, Aug 5, 2020 1:04 PM
posted by Fab4Runner

Do you actually think the number of sick and/or dead people would be the same no matter the precautions that were taken? 

Sweden didn't shut anything down and their numbers are not that much different than ours on a per million population basis. Both in total cases and in deaths.

I'm not saying the lock downs did nothing, but the contries that did near nothing except tell people to social distance and wear masks when they couldn't are having VERY similar numbers to what we are.

The science and "experts" literally told us this from the beginning, that it was all to "flatten the curve". The total cases/deaths would not change at all over the long haul. 

Sweden's numbers bears this out.


Senior Member

Wed, Aug 5, 2020 1:10 PM
posted by gut

LMAO.  More fake news.  Do you really thing SIX - fucking six - people would have made a difference?!?  Their roles and responsibilities were rolled into other departments. 

Next you're going to site the fuck-up in approving or coordinating testing.  I don't believe it was Fauci, but one of the FDA directors testified before Congress that the delay was literally a day or two, and not "weeks" as reported in the article you're citing.

Don't let facts get in the way of SnL's opinion, he is about to call you (and probably me) a f'ing moron/idiot because facts don't align with his feelings.


Senior Member

Wed, Aug 5, 2020 1:27 PM
posted by gut

LMAO.  More fake news.  Do you really thing SIX - fucking six - people would have made a difference?!?  Their roles and responsibilities were rolled into other departments. 

Next you're going to site the fuck-up in approving or coordinating testing.  I don't believe it was Fauci, but one of the FDA directors testified before Congress that the delay was literally a day or two, and not "weeks" as reported in the article you're citing.

U mad?


Senior Member

Wed, Aug 5, 2020 2:52 PM

posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

What exactly is he supposed to be doing?  On a per capita basis, our death rate is similar to much of the developing world.  It's a a virus.  It's going to go where it will regardless of what human politicians say or do.  Lockdowns may delay the inevitable.  Other than that, all he can do is push hard for a vaccine and encourage people to carry on as much as they are personally able.  This idea that a political leader can dictate the outcome of this is fanciful.  I don't blame Trump for any of it any more than I blame democrat governors for the virus activity in their own state.  

You don't get it; it is Trump's fault that people have underlying conditions and co-morbidities.   Plus, orange man bad.


Senior Member

Wed, Aug 5, 2020 3:11 PM
posted by QuakerOats
You don't get it; it is Trump's fault that people have underlying conditions and co-morbidities.   Plus, orange man bad.

Well, stupid people believing stupid things Trump says HAS resulted in deaths.  Although, the whole "politics" of masks appears to be mostly a media/political creation, supported by some of the most rigged polls you'll find.

But I tend to agree a lot of blame is being shifted to the federal govt when it really belongs with state and local officials.

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Wed, Aug 5, 2020 3:23 PM
posted by gut

Well, stupid people believing stupid things Trump says HAS resulted in deaths.  Although, the whole "politics" of masks appears to be mostly a media/political creation, supported by some of the most rigged polls you'll find.

But I tend to agree a lot of blame is being shifted to the federal govt when it really belongs with state and local officials.

I don't understand why we're spending so much time blaming - whether it be Trump, state or local officials.  It was a viral pandemic.  It came out of no where and it is unprecedented in its science.  You can't plan for every eventuality.  We are counting on our elected officials at all levels way too much if we think they have much an effect on something like this.  Our reaction to it - in many ways - has improved as we've learned more and that's good.  If another COVID came next year, no doubt certain things would work smoother than they did this time around.  But the fact of the matter that we as humans can't control everything and this falls into that category.  Mother Nature served up a shit sandwich and that's just all there is to it.  Is it serious?  Hell yes, lives are lost and irreparably changed.  But at some level, there's not a lot we can do about that except take personal precautions.  Closing things down, not holding school - those things give a false sense that we are somehow "managing" this.  We aren't managing shit.  It's a virus that will lead wherever it's going to go.  Like every other sane human being, I hate the loss of life.  Unfortunately, that is something we have to endure until this thing runs its course, however that may be.  



Wed, Aug 5, 2020 5:18 PM

I can’t believe after watching that axios interview anyone would vote for that con artist 


Senior Member

Wed, Aug 5, 2020 5:30 PM

Why? It was probably doctored.


Senior Member

Wed, Aug 5, 2020 5:34 PM
posted by geeblock

I can’t believe after watching that axios interview anyone would vote for that con artist 

Well when the choice is him or a man with obvious dementia I can see it.

I would agree with your statement of the Dems had put up ANYONE that didn’t suck (Tulsi, Yang, etc) but here we are.

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Wed, Aug 5, 2020 8:32 PM
posted by queencitybuckeye

By now, tests should be available to anyone who wants one, or one every day. Not "needs", wants. We're not remotely where we should be.

The US is consistently testing more people per million than all but a few countries in the world.  And capacity is continuing to grow.  In many places and cases, if you want a test, you can  make it happen.


Senior Member

Wed, Aug 5, 2020 8:35 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

The US is consistently testing more people per million than all but a few countries in the world.  And capacity is continuing to grow.  In many places and cases, if you want a test, you can  make it happen.

There's no reason this country should be in an "all but a few" situation.


Senior Member

Wed, Aug 5, 2020 8:41 PM
posted by queencitybuckeye

There's no reason this country should be in an "all but a few" situation.

The global capacity for the testing components doesn't exist for what you're proposing.  No one sits around and says "hey, we need to maintain 100X capacity for the once in a century pandemic".

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Wed, Aug 5, 2020 9:40 PM
posted by queencitybuckeye

There's no reason this country should be in an "all but a few" situation.

Some countries with vastly smaller populations and inside a small footprint have an advantage. Our testing is strong and getting stronger.  It's not practical that every person in this or any other country is going to have enough tests available to get tested daily. That's not practical or necessary. 



Wed, Aug 5, 2020 9:49 PM

Many books and manuals say trump is doing great. Also many charts say we are the lowest 

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Wed, Aug 5, 2020 10:40 PM
posted by geeblock

Many books and manuals say trump is doing great. Also many charts say we are the lowest 

The lowest in what?  

I don't think Trump's done great or horrible. Same with the other pols. It's a viral pandemic. There's very little control they have over it. 


Senior Member

Thu, Aug 6, 2020 1:42 AM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie
I don't think Trump's done great or horrible. Same with the other pols. It's a viral pandemic. There's very little control they have over it. 

There's a lot of truth in that.  About a month ago, I saw a Politico(?) article praising Hawaii's response.  At the time, they were down to basically 0 cases per day.  Literally the day after that article posted they had 30 cases and began spiking.  They now head the CDC list as fastest increasing spread with 150-200 cases per day, or about 4X their previous high.

Same thing with Australia.  Articles praising how much better they handled this than Trump.  Melbourne just declared a state of emergency (granted, still only about 1/4 the cases per capita as Florida in its recent peak).

And, I'm still suspicious that what we have in the US isn't quite a bit more contagious than what Europe, much less Asia, got hit with.  A lot of data from Europe said there is no asymptomatic spread, and that doesn't line up with what we're seeing here.  Also, many Europe studies showed pre-teens don't get it and don't spread it....but in the US we have ample anecdotal evidence that they do catch it and spread it (just only about 1/3 as much as adults).


1st Team All-PWN

Thu, Aug 6, 2020 4:56 AM
posted by gut

There's a lot of truth in that.  About a month ago, I saw a Politico(?) article praising Hawaii's response.  At the time, they were down to basically 0 cases per day.  Literally the day after that article posted they had 30 cases and began spiking.  They now head the CDC list as fastest increasing spread with 150-200 cases per day, or about 4X their previous high.

Same thing with Australia.  Articles praising how much better they handled this than Trump.  Melbourne just declared a state of emergency (granted, still only about 1/4 the cases per capita as Florida in its recent peak).

And, I'm still suspicious that what we have in the US isn't quite a bit more contagious than what Europe, much less Asia, got hit with.  A lot of data from Europe said there is no asymptomatic spread, and that doesn't line up with what we're seeing here.  Also, many Europe studies showed pre-teens don't get it and don't spread it....but in the US we have ample anecdotal evidence that they do catch it and spread it (just only about 1/3 as much as adults).

I don't know why the COVID debate moved to this thread, but as I said in the COVID thread Europeans are not practicing safety measures well at all.  If you all came here, you would see the same shit people bitch about happening in the states.  It might be even worse.


Senior Member

Thu, Aug 6, 2020 7:48 AM

How can you say that Trump is doing horrible with this?  There is nothing to compare it to.  


Senior Member

Thu, Aug 6, 2020 2:02 PM
posted by geeblock

I can’t believe after watching that axios interview anyone would vote for that con artist 

When will Joe Biden give an interview? 


Senior Member

Thu, Aug 6, 2020 6:12 PM

Bible Thumpers rejoice!


Senior Member

Thu, Aug 6, 2020 6:19 PM
posted by Automatik

Bible Thumpers rejoice!

Say what you want about Trump, but he referenced God, guns and climate change within the span of a few seconds.  It often takes Joe longer just to stumble through a single word.


Senior Member

Thu, Aug 6, 2020 6:42 PM

I'm interested to see how Trump addresses Biden's speech impediment during the debates. I expect a lot of low blows. 



Thu, Aug 6, 2020 7:07 PM
posted by gut

Say what you want about Trump, but he referenced God, guns and climate change within the span of a few seconds.  It often takes Joe longer just to stumble through a single word.

You must have missed the Yo-Semite and the Thighland comment.....

Trump makes so many gafes on a daily basis.