Impressed by the Trump administration part II

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Fri, Jun 5, 2020 8:37 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1


posted by iclfan2

lol you’re such a homer. The data they used was from a garbage company. So no one did any research or fact checks whatsoever? That isn’t peer review, the source didn’t exist. C’mon man. 



posted by like_that

I don’t really care about the hydroxychloroquine debate. Well, I care only in the sense I just want to drug that will help everyone that gets Wuhan.


With that being said you definitely came on here to parade about the study and now you downplay it with a “lol classic premature publication.”  You don’t see an issue with this? If we can’t even trust our medical and science industry to act ethically, then our society is fucked.

If the paper was going to be published in the New England Journal of Medicine, one is to assume it has already passed benchmarks and review. Obviously, that was not the case. It is a very bad look for them and the paper. I assumed, wrongly in this case, that the paper had validity as it was from experts. Whoops there. I was touting it as experts have long claimed there is no evidence the drug works. 

I would chalk this up as another case in the long line of examples where expert sources and medical and scientific professionals rush and do not go through the proper procedures and peer review. That has lead to an erosion of trust in experts and the scientific community over the last 20 years. 

This virus and the work of the CDC, NIH and others have restored some faith in the view of scientistis and experts, but this report does do some damage to that credibility now. 


So in the future.....why dont you look at everything with a grain of salt?  Whatever the media narrative is on something.....go with the opposite.



Fri, Jun 5, 2020 8:46 AM
posted by Spock

So in the future.....why dont you look at everything with a grain of salt?  Whatever the media narrative is on something.....go with the opposite.

Cool. Will do. Can you do the same Mr. everything is a conspiracy? 


Senior Member

Fri, Jun 5, 2020 10:14 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Cool. Will do. Can you do the same Mr. everything is a conspiracy? 


Funny but the conspiracies have turned out to be true.



Fri, Jun 5, 2020 10:21 AM
posted by Spock


Funny but the conspiracies have turned out to be true.

LOL. Riiiight.

posted by Spock


Trump said it was coming back bigly.  This may be the start.  Despite the horrific financial incentive to stay at home by the dems in the relief bill (giving people more money then they deserve) unemployment rates fell to 13%.  All the so called experts predicted 20%+

Yeah, that was a surprise, and good one. To see economists flip their shit is kinda funny. Crazy libs are online saying the numbers are cooked., which is hilarious. 



Senior Member

Fri, Jun 5, 2020 10:24 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

LOL. Riiiight.

posted by Spock


Trump said it was coming back bigly.  This may be the start.  Despite the horrific financial incentive to stay at home by the dems in the relief bill (giving people more money then they deserve) unemployment rates fell to 13%.  All the so called experts predicted 20%+

Yeah, that was a surprise, and good one. To see economists flip their shit is kinda funny. Crazy libs are online saying the numbers are cooked., which is hilarious. 


THey may be....Obama got caught all the time throwing out fake numbers that were just revised weeks later.  But the headlines already did the damage.


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Fri, Jun 5, 2020 10:39 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Yeah, that was a surprise, and good one. To see economists flip their shit is kinda funny. Crazy libs are online saying the numbers are cooked., which is hilarious. 

Yea, people being mad about an economic recovery and somehow try to say BLS is infected by Trump is pretty ridiculous. Hopefully this isn’t just a blip due to the PPP having to keep employees on for a couple of months. Some of the numbers I saw look like it’s a lot of health industry coming back (Dentists and elective procedure type people). Gotta start opening everything up to not see the rate go back up after PPP wears off. 


Senior Member

Fri, Jun 5, 2020 10:51 AM
posted by Spock


Trump said it was coming back bigly.  This may be the start.  Despite the horrific financial incentive to stay at home by the dems in the relief bill (giving people more money then they deserve) unemployment rates fell to 13%.  All the so called experts predicted 20%+

I had my best income month, in 27 years as an executive recruiter, placing candidates in May. I don't need a crystal ball to see that when this (employment/hiring) starts coming back, it's going to explode. Hopefully right before the election.


Senior Member

Fri, Jun 5, 2020 11:41 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1


posted by iclfan2

lol you’re such a homer. The data they used was from a garbage company. So no one did any research or fact checks whatsoever? That isn’t peer review, the source didn’t exist. C’mon man. 



posted by like_that

I don’t really care about the hydroxychloroquine debate. Well, I care only in the sense I just want to drug that will help everyone that gets Wuhan.


With that being said you definitely came on here to parade about the study and now you downplay it with a “lol classic premature publication.”  You don’t see an issue with this? If we can’t even trust our medical and science industry to act ethically, then our society is fucked.

If the paper was going to be published in the New England Journal of Medicine, one is to assume it has already passed benchmarks and review. Obviously, that was not the case. It is a very bad look for them and the paper. I assumed, wrongly in this case, that the paper had validity as it was from experts. Whoops there. I was touting it as experts have long claimed there is no evidence the drug works. 

I would chalk this up as another case in the long line of examples where expert sources and medical and scientific professionals rush and do not go through the proper procedures and peer review. That has lead to an erosion of trust in experts and the scientific community over the last 20 years. 

This virus and the work of the CDC, NIH and others have restored some faith in the view of scientistis and experts, but this report does do some damage to that credibility now. 


You still ignored my comment, that the supposed "study" wasn't even studying something that anyone said or claimed. No one said that the drug prevented infection, so why study that? They said that the drug helped with the symptoms once you were already infected. 


Senior Member

Fri, Jun 5, 2020 3:27 PM

Donald Trump has said he hopes George Floyd is "looking down right now" and saying the decline in US unemployment announced on Friday is a "great thing that's happening for our country".

I'm a bit surprised he didn't "misspeak" and say looking up at us. Stay classy Donny.


Son of the Sun

Fri, Jun 5, 2020 4:11 PM
posted by Rotinaj

Donald Trump has said he hopes George Floyd is "looking down right now" and saying the decline in US unemployment announced on Friday is a "great thing that's happening for our country".

I'm a bit surprised he didn't "misspeak" and say looking up at us. Stay classy Donny.

I read about that. I have to admit that, even given how he's talked and acted over the past few years, this left me a bit "WTF!?!?" taken aback.

So, you have a black dude straight-up killed by cops for no reason. So, this leads to protests, riots, activism, tons of social media stuff, etc. to the degree that tensions have been really high. On a completely unrelated topic, there was good news on the economy and, with all the negativity going on, he felt it was a good idea to bring up something positive. So far, no complaints. Finding good news to announce in troubled times is cool.

And then he tries to tie those things together in the most clumsily stupid way possible. Yeah, I'm sure in hypothetical heaven afterlife magic land, dude is watching that speech and thinking, "Man, getting murdered and all sucked, but DAMN IT'S NICE TO HAVE GOOD ECONOMIC NEWS!!!!!! I mean, for the living and all. Won't do anything for me and has nothing to do with any moves being made to help prevent shit like that from happening to anyone else, but ECONOMY, PEOPLE!!!!!"

His impulse control when speaking is like mine with pizza. That isn't a good thing.


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Fri, Jun 5, 2020 4:45 PM

Sigh, Trump says a lot of stupid shit, we don’t have to make up more stuff he said. He said it’s a great day for equality. It is still stupid to even invoke Floyd, but he wasn’t talking about the jobs report. I’m sure I’ll be called a Trump defender, but it literally wasn’t what he said, it’s just what the media said he said.
“He continued, looking up from his notes: "We all saw what happened last week. We can't let that happen. Hopefully, George is looking down right now, and saying 'This is a great thing that's happening for our country.' This is a great day for him, it's a great day for everybody. … This is a great, great day in terms of equality.”

You can read the speech here.


Son of the Sun

Fri, Jun 5, 2020 4:55 PM

Huh, and I also a National Review article saying that a lot of reporters misrepresented his comments. I stand corrected. Seems from your link, the press conference was his usual show where he said what he wanted to say and then ignored any attempts to ask questions, but he didn't connect the two things.


Tits McGee

Fri, Jun 5, 2020 5:01 PM

I listened to the whole thing, didn't think he was saying George Floyd should be happy about the jobs numbers, but still thought it was a dumb thing to say. Still, I took more issue with his overall incoherence.


Senior Member

Fri, Jun 5, 2020 10:12 PM

Not including what he did or didn’t say today, it’s just hard to care anymore. He’s been saying stupid shit for years. People get pissed off or they don’t. It’s hard to stay mad or dwell because by the next day he’s already said something else. He never apologizes or clarifies or takes accountability. 


Senior Member

Fri, Jun 5, 2020 11:25 PM
posted by friendfromlowry

Not including what he did or didn’t say today, it’s just hard to care anymore. He’s been saying stupid shit for years. People get pissed off or they don’t. It’s hard to stay mad or dwell because by the next day he’s already said something else. He never apologizes or clarifies or takes accountability. 

True.  But, still, it's hard to believe there are absolutely no limits to his childishness and pettiness.  He could have won the election these last 3 months, and instead has probably lost it.  Surely even the biggest loser could have given a few inspiring and compassionate speeches the last couple of months.

His speech writers can't be that bad.  They have to have given up trying after he repeatedly turns their lemonade back into lemons.


Senior Member

Sat, Jun 6, 2020 9:41 AM
posted by friendfromlowry

Not including what he did or didn’t say today, it’s just hard to care anymore. He’s been saying stupid shit for years. People get pissed off or they don’t. It’s hard to stay mad or dwell because by the next day he’s already said something else. He never apologizes or clarifies or takes accountability. 

IMO he would do himself a world of good (perhaps too late now) if occasionally, just occasionally he wouldn't categorize everything his administration does as the greatest feats in the history of government. He already has the low-IQ sycophant vote from his side.


Senior Member

Sat, Jun 6, 2020 4:01 PM
posted by queencitybuckeye

IMO he would do himself a world of good (perhaps too late now) if occasionally, just occasionally he wouldn't categorize everything his administration does as the greatest feats in the history of government. He already has the low-IQ sycophant vote from his side.

He has one tool in his politics box - being a bully.  But a lot of people respond to that.  I first realized it after Biden got carved up by Paul Ryan in a VP debate, but "won" by being a bully.  People associate that with strength, and that confidence with command of the facts (whatever those are).

But that's the only leadership - and I use that term very loosely - trait that Trump has.  I'm sure he'd like to conjure up something else in various situations, but he's clearly incapable.


Son of the Sun

Sat, Jun 6, 2020 4:35 PM
posted by queencitybuckeye

IMO he would do himself a world of good (perhaps too late now) if occasionally, just occasionally he wouldn't categorize everything his administration does as the greatest feats in the history of government. He already has the low-IQ sycophant vote from his side.

That's the style he relies on. Self-praise and propping up stuff he/his administration says they've done, while claiming he's victimized whenever anyone disagrees with his statements or questions him too closely on something. I had to laugh a couple days ago when reading a transcript of an interview he had with Fox News' Brian Kilmeade. He was asked a question about how, currently, black people are far less trusting of police than white people are and how that problem can be resolved.

His response was to start with a "that's a very sad problem" line and then directly go into a spiel about how he's done great with African-Americans in polls and how their job numbers have been better under his administration. One of those "this is a tough I'll completely avoid it to praise myself in a rambling, semi-coherent fashion" responses. And then when Kilmeade actually followed up on the question due to the total non-answer, he started out with how the Floyd killing was terrible before immediately segueing into how he isn't given enough credit by the media for talking about it.

There's just something really sad about a supposed "leader" utterly whiffing when softballs are lobbed at him and all he has to do is offer some sort of vague "pull together and rise above adversity/hate and we're all in this together and need to be better to each other" sentiment where, even if you're not saying anything with actual substance, you look like a concerned leader who cares about trying to improve a bad situation.


Senior Member

Sat, Jun 6, 2020 4:47 PM
posted by Heretic

There's just something really sad about a supposed "leader" utterly whiffing when softballs are lobbed at him and all he has to do is offer some sort of vague "pull together and rise above adversity/hate and we're all in this together and need to be better to each other" sentiment where, even if you're not saying anything with actual substance, you look like a concerned leader who cares about trying to improve a bad situation.

The sad irony is that a LOT of people place a lot of value on empty words from empty suits.

Kind of like the DC mayor naming a street after BLM.   LOL, that will change things!


Senior Member

Mon, Jun 8, 2020 7:43 AM
posted by gut

He has one tool in his politics box - being a bully.  But a lot of people respond to that.  I first realized it after Biden got carved up by Paul Ryan in a VP debate, but "won" by being a bully.  People associate that with strength, and that confidence with command of the facts (whatever those are).

But that's the only leadership - and I use that term very loosely - trait that Trump has.  I'm sure he'd like to conjure up something else in various situations, but he's clearly incapable.

If he decided to conjure up things, he'd be the best ever at it.


Senior Member

Fri, Jun 19, 2020 4:38 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Very true. Who the fucks knows where we will be in 3 months...let alone by November. 

posted by BR1986FB

"Instead, he tries to divide us." Apparently Mattis wasn't around for the Obama years.

Man, yeah I remember that time Obama dispersed those Tea Party protests with gas and rubber bullets for a photo.

Also, can you provide one instance where the President actually tried to bring us together? 





Don’t recall the Tea Party disobeying repeated orders from the National Park Police, city police, and the national guard, or destroying property, looting, and assaulting.




Mon, Jun 22, 2020 8:39 AM
posted by QuakerOats

Don’t recall the Tea Party disobeying repeated orders from the National Park Police, city police, and the national guard, or destroying property, looting, and assaulting.


LOL. Keep telling yourself that. I bet you believe the protesters were the reason why the Trump rally had less than 7k people. 


Senior Member

Mon, Jun 22, 2020 9:51 AM

Keep believing the polls.