Reinstate assault weapons ban. Carve out exceptions for guns already purchased.
Raise age to 21 for most guns.
Toughen up existing red flag and background check laws. Properly fund existing background check agencies.
Move back waiting period to be able to purchase a weapon. No more same day.
Properly fund mental health, more to suicide prevention services.
Provide a more streamline way to look at if someone is borderline on violence and then connect those dots between law enforcement and making sure that person does not have access to a firearm.
Coordinate with local and state health services that focus on mental health and create public and private foundations to address mental health at the local level.
Require gun safety training for all new gun purchases before purchase. If you do not take it, you cannot buy it. The NRA was known for gun safety training classes. They should bring them back.
Some of these are long term, very hard solutions, but are feasible.