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Wed, May 23, 2018 1:20 PM

How  am I not interested in free exchange? I have respectfully responded to every point replied to me with my opinion and response?

because I don’t think 15 iconic shows over 25 years is enough? Did you ever really think about what it would be like to watch only black people on tv growing up? I’m just playing devils advocate here with that point. 



Wed, May 23, 2018 1:38 PM
posted by wkfan

You can tell by his responses that he is aware of all of this, but it doesn't fit his victimhood narrative.

Just a troll and not really interested in free exchange of facts and opinions.

I'm out....

You are the one feeling victimized by a graduation ceremony. I haven’t claimed victim at all. Just explaining why these things exist 


Senior Member

Wed, May 23, 2018 1:42 PM
posted by geeblock

Most of that went to white people?


Let's say 20% of it went to blacks; that would be about $20,000, tax free, for every black man, woman and child.  Not a bad payday for people who were never enslaved.  Get over it.



Wed, May 23, 2018 1:53 PM
posted by QuakerOats


Let's say 20% of it went to blacks; that would be about $20,000, tax free, for every black man, woman and child.  Not a bad payday for people who were never enslaved.  Get over it.

I didn’t bring it up, or any of this subject matter just adding my 2 cents 


1st Team All-PWN

Wed, May 23, 2018 2:06 PM
posted by geeblock

If they attended the regular ceremony and had an extra ceremony im not sure what the outrage is.  If blacks had access to regular tv programming or colleges, or a myriad of other things then BET, or historically black colleges wouldn't have been necessary.  They had no choice but to create their own.  Is there similar outrage over the Italian festival or Irish festivals that are held every year? (which are awesome by the way)

I had to revive this quote.  This is a terrible comparison in reference to a segregated commencement ceremony for an non segregated school.  The bolded are inclusive festivals, where they share their own culture, food, etc with everyone else (which you admit are awesome).

It would be no different than an African American festival doing the same thing.  Then again, now a days if anyone outside of that group attended the festival it would be considered cultural appropriation.

posted by geeblock


because I don’t think 15 iconic shows over 25 years is enough? Did you ever really think about what it would be like to watch only black people on tv growing up? I’m just playing devils advocate here with that point. 

No, but neither did the 21-22 year old African American students graduating from Harvard.  I fail to see how bringing up a lack of shows from the 70s and 80s exempts these students from the irony of hosting a segregated event. 




Wed, May 23, 2018 2:11 PM
posted by like_that

I had to revive this quote.  This is a terrible comparison in reference to a segregated commencement ceremony for an non segregated school.  The bolded are inclusive festivals, where they share their own culture, food, etc with everyone else (which you admit are awesome).

It would be no different than an African American festival doing the same thing.  Then again, now a days if anyone outside of that group attended the festival it would be considered cultural appropriation.

posted by geeblock


because I don’t think 15 iconic shows over 25 years is enough? Did you ever really think about what it would be like to watch only black people on tv growing up? I’m just playing devils advocate here with that point. 

No, but neither did the 21-22 year old African American students graduating from Harvard.  I fail to see how bringing up a lack of shows from the 70s and 80s exempts these students from the irony of hosting a segregated event. 

Fair point.  when i said that about BET i was responding to a post that said why do blacks have things like black colleges, black beauty pagents, ect...if BET was a bad example i guess i take it back.  the rest of my examples ill stand by if that corrects my point




Wed, May 23, 2018 2:14 PM
posted by geeblock

I dont know how to work the site yet but my point was responding to someone asking why is it ok for blacks to have their own colleges, BET, Beauty Pagents etc... i was responding to that. If BET was a bad example I will remove it from my point.  I stand by the rest of my post.  As far as this grad ceremony, a black person graduating from harvard is very rare. I have no problem with an extra celebratory event on top of the regular graduation.


1st Team All-PWN

Wed, May 23, 2018 2:16 PM
posted by geeblock


That is fine, I am ok with that.  If a group of similar people want to do their own thing, nobody has any right to stop them if it isn't a public entity.  So, what is your take if non blacks do this? 



Wed, May 23, 2018 2:25 PM
posted by like_that

That is fine, I am ok with that.  If a group of similar people want to do their own thing, nobody has any right to stop them if it isn't a public entity.  So, what is your take if non blacks do this? 

Im sure that there are plenty of groups religious or certain nationalities that do but I don't feel like working that hard to find some.  I feel like this whole point is to point out some type of reverse racism of how its so awesome to be black and that how whites have some type of privilege or something.  Being black and white and growing up in the country i have seen both sides of this.  I have gotten scholarships for being black and also gotten scholarships for being from appalachia. I have also felt what its like to get pulled over when i was lost and had my car searched.  I agree we all need to come together but telling people to get over it isnt the answer



1st Team All-PWN

Wed, May 23, 2018 2:33 PM
posted by geeblock

Im sure that there are plenty of groups religious or certain nationalities that do but I don't feel like working that hard to find some.  I feel like this whole point is to point out some type of reverse racism of how its so awesome to be black and that how whites have some type of privilege or something.  Being black and white and growing up in the country i have seen both sides of this.  I have gotten scholarships for being black and also gotten scholarships for being from appalachia. I have also felt what its like to get pulled over when i was lost and had my car searched.  I agree we all need to come together but telling people to get over it isnt the answer


I could be missing something, but I don't think anyone here said get over it.  We are (at least I am)  just simply pointing out irony of these kids' grandparents/parents fighting against segregation only for their kids/grand kids to celebrate segregation 50+ years after the civil rights act. 

It's also hard to have a "discussion" when one side does one thing (i.e. this AA only ceremony), but then would cry if the other side did the same exact thing.



Wed, May 23, 2018 3:07 PM
posted by like_that

I could be missing something, but I don't think anyone here said get over it.  We are (at least I am)  just simply pointing out irony of these kids' grandparents/parents fighting against segregation only for their kids/grand kids to celebrate segregation 50+ years after the civil rights act. 

It's also hard to have a "discussion" when one side does one thing (i.e. this AA only ceremony), but then would cry if the other side did the same exact thing.

Quaker said get over it. I understand what you are saying. I think AA will always get a pass on this that others won’t because of history ie lynchings, Jim crowetc.... I think it will go away someday and overall I think it’s getting better despite social media. Cameras expose a lot of things that have been angering AA for years. Also I can see videos taken out of context that fan the flames. I think another video is gonna come out today from Milwaukee as a matter of fact that must be bad because the cops are already apologizing. That being said I still think all it will take is time 


Senior Member

Wed, May 23, 2018 3:31 PM
posted by QuakerOats



Just imagine the shitconniption liberals would have if Bush had done this to the incoming Obama.  It would make TDS look like perfectly normal, rational behavior.

I think the spying/entrapment thing is very real (despite some of the usual suspects trying to claim it's a rumor and Trump is lying)....because it's already being spun.  "Informant" isn't a big deal, but that's not really what it was.  It sounds like they had a few people actively soliciting information [i.e. entrapment], along with trying to embed someone in the organization.  I think that fits most people's definition of "spying", and would be considered a massive abuse of intelligence services for political purposes (which is nothing new to the Obama admin).

I knew Trump was going to provoke some strong reactions (and looked forward to it)....but I had absolutely no idea liberals - and their media - could be this irrationally unhinged.  2-3X worse, at least, than what those people believe Fox News to be.


Senior Member

Wed, May 23, 2018 3:37 PM
posted by geeblock

Quaker said get over it. I understand what you are saying. I think AA will always get a pass on this that others won’t because of history ie lynchings, Jim crowetc.... I think it will go away someday and overall I think it’s getting better despite social media. Cameras expose a lot of things that have been angering AA for years. Also I can see videos taken out of context that fan the flames. I think another video is gonna come out today from Milwaukee as a matter of fact that must be bad because the cops are already apologizing. That being said I still think all it will take is time 

Quaker is an old, racist dickbag with zero concept of reality. I'd ignore him.


333 - I'm only half evil

Wed, May 23, 2018 4:04 PM
posted by geeblock

Quaker said get over it. I understand what you are saying. I think AA will always get a pass on this that others won’t because of history ie lynchings etc.... I think it will go away someday and overall I think it’s getting better despite social media. Cameras expose a lot of things that have been angering AA for years. Also I can see videos taken out of context that fan the flames. I think another video is gonna come out today from Milwaukee as a matter of fact that must be bad because the cops are already apologizing. That being said I still think all it will take is time 

Getting a pass based on skin color is racism, not reverse racism. 


The popular questions going around now is "What do Asian people that were interred into camps during WW2 think? What do their descendants think now that they have to have drastically higher SAT's than whites, hispanics and blacks to gain admittance? 


A 2009 Princeton study showed Asian-Americans had to score 140 points higher on their SATs than whites, 270 points higher than Hispanics and 450 points higher than blacks to have the same chance of admission to leading universities.

Ultimately we'll have to deal with the question of do we want a meritocracy or do we want to base everything on race, gender, sexuality, religion? Is there a winner? If we go with merit, people will scream about the underprivileged. If we go with a supremacy class of people based on immutable characteristics, people will scream about bigotry. 

So maybe when you look at things that way, you could just very well be correct: Let's have segregated graduation ceremonies. Strom Thurmond and George Wallace would be excessively proud!



Wed, May 23, 2018 4:17 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

Getting a pass based on skin color is racism, not reverse racism. 


The popular questions going around now is "What do Asian people that were interred into camps during WW2 think? What do their descendants think now that they have to have drastically higher SAT's than whites, hispanics and blacks to gain admittance? 


A 2009 Princeton study showed Asian-Americans had to score 140 points higher on their SATs than whites, 270 points higher than Hispanics and 450 points higher than blacks to have the same chance of admission to leading universities.

Ultimately we'll have to deal with the question of do we want a meritocracy or do we want to base everything on race, gender, sexuality, religion? Is there a winner? If we go with merit, people will scream about the underprivileged. If we go with a supremacy class of people based on immutable characteristics, people will scream about bigotry. 

So maybe when you look at things that way, you could just very well be correct: Let's have segregated graduation ceremonies. Strom Thurmond and George Wallace would be excessively proud!

Did you read the article? 


333 - I'm only half evil

Wed, May 23, 2018 4:21 PM

Yes I did. It's an opinion piece that links to a study. 


333 - I'm only half evil

Wed, May 23, 2018 4:25 PM

As an aside, there is an investigation now that is trying to find out if Yale is discriminating against men lol!



Wed, May 23, 2018 4:27 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

Getting a pass based on skin color is racism, not reverse racism. 


The popular questions going around now is "What do Asian people that were interred into camps during WW2 think? What do their descendants think now that they have to have drastically higher SAT's than whites, hispanics and blacks to gain admittance? 


A 2009 Princeton study showed Asian-Americans had to score 140 points higher on their SATs than whites, 270 points higher than Hispanics and 450 points higher than blacks to have the same chance of admission to leading universities.

Ultimately we'll have to deal with the question of do we want a meritocracy or do we want to base everything on race, gender, sexuality, religion? Is there a winner? If we go with merit, people will scream about the underprivileged. If we go with a supremacy class of people based on immutable characteristics, people will scream about bigotry. 

So maybe when you look at things that way, you could just very well be correct: Let's have segregated graduation ceremonies. Strom Thurmond and George Wallace would be excessively proud!

Are you comparing the Asian experience to the black experience in this country? Any Asians get lynched? Separate schools for Asians? Separate fountains? Asians certainly have done a great job. I commend them. The black community has a lot to learn from their model. The difference is the sample size of the Asians who migrated here came by CHOICE.. they were a very select group of hard working people who no doubt instilled that in their children. But again that is a very small sample size of “asians”. You can find similar numbers if successful hardworking black families. Further no other groups have been blocked from assimilation as we have seen with blacks. Italians and Irish could change their name, hide their accent etc.. blacks can’t hide dark skin. Dark skin has always been more ill perceived than being Asian and had been met with more Barriers. When whites are on welfare or use Medicaid they are getting back on their feet, working to make ends meet. When blacks use the programs they are viewed as lazy and living off the government. That being said I am hopeful blacks will start supporting each other and support black business and schools etc 



Wed, May 23, 2018 4:28 PM
posted by geeblock

Did you read the article? 

White students make up 95% of all college students but please woe is me about admissions 



Wed, May 23, 2018 4:32 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

Yes I did. It's an opinion piece that links to a study. 

I was talking about the original post about the separate graduation.  Not the one where you are crying about admissions of whites who make up 95% of all college students


333 - I'm only half evil

Wed, May 23, 2018 4:41 PM

I'm not "crying". Why would you take it to that point? I've pointed things out. That is not crying. 

I've pointed things out because there is much to consider and different angles to look at things. I think it is worthy to do so. If you do not think it is worthy and consider that "crying: then maybe I'm not the person who you should try to have a decent exchange with.


Senior Member

Wed, May 23, 2018 4:44 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

Quaker is an old, racist dickbag with zero concept of reality. I'd ignore him.



Thank you.

I was commenting on the reparations comment only, not the larger debate.  Current blacks who have never been enslaved (except by BIG government liberal democrats) should not be expecting others, who never enslaved anyone, to send them money.  Hence, the "get over it" remark.  For some reason, I thought you to be of reasonable sense and would tend to agree.



Wed, May 23, 2018 4:48 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

I'm not "crying". Why would you take it to that point? I've pointed things out. That is not crying. 

I've pointed things out because there is much to consider and different angles to look at things. I think it is worthy to do so. If you do not think it is worthy and consider that "crying: then maybe I'm not the person who you should try to have a decent exchange with.

I thought you were going with the whites can’t get into college because of admissions policy discrimination which usually comes right before the what about Chicago train. My bad 


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Wed, May 23, 2018 5:04 PM
posted by geeblock

Cameras expose a lot of things that have been angering AA for years. Also I can see videos taken out of context that fan the flames. I think another video is gonna come out today from Milwaukee as a matter of fact that must be bad because the cops are already apologizing. 

I'm all for more cameras. It holds people on both sides accountable. Shows the country that blacks do go through some messed up shit (not necessarily by white cops, I think a lot of it is a power thing), and also holds the other side accountable when they make up claims.  Dumbass Shaun King spread numerous rumors within the last month of some woman who was "being held hostage" by a Texas cop in jail. Thousands (like 80,000 from all of the posts) of likes on his dumbass posts. The footage came out today and each claim was false. And I guarantee that the tweets admitting false (not from him bc he's a loser) won't get anywhere near the popularity.  

Twitter when you only follow one side is weird. A fake narrative can literally be pushed to hundreds of thousand of people, and when proven false those people never see it and go on believing all of this fake shit. It's crazy.