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Tue, Apr 24, 2018 3:44 PM
posted by O-Trap

Yeah.  He's still a musical genius, and he's still batshit crazy.

posted by jmog

To be honest, I had never heard of this woman until this whole Kanye thing, I watched a few of her speeches and I kind of like her. She was a die hard liberal who said she finally starting thinking for herself at one point. She has been labeled a white supremacist...that's right, a black woman that has been labeled a white supremacist by the left because she doesn't fit the liberal group think mold......let that sink in..


I mean, it's not outlandish to consider a minority person aligning themselves with the majority group on racial issues.  It's just that we usually hear/use the term "Uncle Tom" to describe that in circumstances like these.

In any case, I've noticed more and more of my neighbors and community espousing certain platforms that do not align themselves with the contemporary black Democratic voter stereotype.  In particular, a lot of the black men and women are taking a more favorable view toward openly arming themselves (and being responsible gun owners), a general distrust of government, and even a more positive status symbol associated with getting off government assistance programs.  It's not widespread, but it's more so than it was 10 years ago, when I moved in.

I'm wondering if this is a shift nationwide, which I obviously can't know, but it's something I've noticed from time to time.

posted by Spock

The republicans are going to march her around for the next few years

Unfortunately, yes.  They will.  They'll walk her right into the narrative of being an 'Uncle Tom'.


Yea the racist narative that blacks use to keep racism alive.  Never heard a white person use that term to describe a well educated and law abiding minority


Senior Member

Tue, Apr 24, 2018 4:03 PM
posted by O-Trap

Yep.  I'm not even a big Carson fan, but the RNC did him no favors.


They did him no favors, but the fault is still the liberal left that called him racial epithets like Uncle Tom.


Senior Member

Tue, Apr 24, 2018 4:10 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

Here's a clip of Candace Owens that's just over a minute long, but pretty much gives you here style and ideology:


I watched that whole hour and a half long session. She gives her whole background and transition from being a liberal democrat to being a conservative. 


They then also do Q&A with mostly people who don't agree with them, they actually said numerous times for people that don't agree to jump to the front of the Question line.




Senior Member

Tue, Apr 24, 2018 4:13 PM
posted by O-Trap

Yep.  I'm not even a big Carson fan, but the RNC did him no favors.


I love Ben Carson as a person, humble, compassionate man that loves him mom, his wife, his whole family, loves God, and loves people. He is a self made man that dug himself out of poverty (obviously with his mom's help).


I don't think he was/is a very good politician and I disagreed with a lot of his policies.


However, to be 100% honest, I probably would have voted for him solely based on the fact that he was the best overall human being from both parties. I didn't agree with a lot of his policies, but maybe he would have got some 'smarter' politicians in there to help mold his political thinking.


I do know we wouldn't have had this crap storm we have now if he was in there, no talk of Stormy Daniels/Russia, or Email/Clinton Foundation/Uranium One if he was in office.


Senior Member

Tue, Apr 24, 2018 4:57 PM
posted by jmog

I do know we wouldn't have had this crap storm we have now if he was in there, no talk of Stormy Daniels/Russia, or Email/Clinton Foundation/Uranium One if he was in office.

I sincerely hope the first woman POTUS is a Republican, because it will expose liberals once and for all for what they are - shaming, bullying, brainwashing or whatever term you want to use for basically disenfranchising potential voters by taking away choice because of bullshit identity politics.


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Tue, Apr 24, 2018 4:59 PM
posted by gut

I sincerely hope the first woman POTUS is a Republican

Nicki Haley hopefully. The women the democrats would want to put up there are absolutely horrid (Harris specifically)


Senior Member

Tue, Apr 24, 2018 5:00 PM
posted by jmog

I watched that whole hour and a half long session. She gives her whole background and transition from being a liberal democrat to being a conservative. 





Wisdom attainment. 


Senior Member

Tue, Apr 24, 2018 5:24 PM

Could you imagine the liberal crap storm if the first woman POTUS was not only a republican but also black?


If it was Condoleezza Rice or this Candace Owens in a few cycles?

HOF on coattails

Junior Member

Tue, Apr 24, 2018 5:36 PM

Our POTUS believes executing political opponents with flame throwers and anti-aircraft guns makes you a "very honorable" dictator.


333 - I'm only half evil

Tue, Apr 24, 2018 6:02 PM
posted by iclfan2

Nicki Haley hopefully. The women the democrats would want to put up there are absolutely horrid (Harris specifically)

I'd vote for Haley. I honestly don't know much about Harris to have a very good opinion.

One thing I'd never do, though, is vote for a woman based on novelty. 


Senior Member

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Wed, Apr 25, 2018 10:33 AM
posted by QuakerOats

California now going to ban certain religious views, going all out in its radical assault on Christianity.  The sooner these jackasses are purged from the United States, the better. 








I agree that this is a stupid bill.  I don't agree with your characterizing it as banning certain religious beliefs.  My first suspicion is that when you google this bill, almost everything that comes up is right wing news and commentary sites.  When you look to get some straight facts on the bill, you see that prohibits providers from advertising and engaging in sexual orientation change therapy for a fee.  It adds this service to the existing ban on advertising fraudulent services. 


Now I agree that this bill is a waste of time considering the challenges that state faces.  But the fear mongering of it being a Big Brother thing is preposterous.  


Senior Member

Wed, Apr 25, 2018 11:53 AM

We are already on the slippery slope; this radical bill adds a ton of grease to the slide.  

The banning of any type of speech, expression, book etc... is totally outrageous. 

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Wed, Apr 25, 2018 12:17 PM
posted by QuakerOats

We are already on the slippery slope; this radical bill adds a ton of grease to the slide.  

The banning of any type of speech, expression, book etc... is totally outrageous. 

The bill is banning the promotion and sale of something they deem as fraudulent.  If there was a flier that advertised the services of a brothel, it would not technically be legal in CA either.  I don't know that you can make the leap from that to banning speech and expression.  Don't get me wrong, I  think the bill is stupid.  But it's not quite the terror you are projecting it to be.  


Son of the Sun

Wed, Apr 25, 2018 12:25 PM
posted by QuakerOats

We are already on the slippery slope; this radical bill adds a ton of grease to the slide.  

The banning of any type of speech, expression, book etc... is totally outrageous. 

Slippery slope is known as a logical fallacy. Thanks for admitting you're full of shit!


Senior Member

Wed, Apr 25, 2018 12:27 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

The bill is banning the promotion and sale of something they deem as fraudulent.  If there was a flier that advertised the services of a brothel, it would not technically be legal in CA either.  

I don't think a state legislature should be mandating treatment standards for gender dystopia.  That is best left to the certifying or governing board or association.  Accountability, then, is really for a jury to decide after listening to expert witnesses on both sides to determine if said service was misrepresented or fraudulent.

And while sexual orientation therapy would be, at best, controversial for a small minority of medical practitioners, I imagine there are doctors who legitimately believe in it and patients who legitimately seek out the service.  So it would appear what CA is actually doing here is attempting to ban valid, even if perhaps very alternative, treatments that don't align with certain social agendas.

Heck, psychiatry itself, and many of its treatments and drugs prescribed are controversial in terms of effectiveness and validity.  I don't think the state has any business meddling in that.  If a patient is not satisfied, much less harmed, they can sue for malpractice.  The market itself will quickly put these "frauds" out of business.


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Wed, Apr 25, 2018 2:16 PM
posted by jmog

They did him no favors, but the fault is still the liberal left that called him racial epithets like Uncle Tom.

Any namecalling is always the fault of the namecallers, sure.  I was merely speaking to how the RNC almost paraded him in the news for a bit.

I mean, it didn't last long (it never does), but parading the newest shiny pet doesn't help lend credibility to the pet.

posted by jmog

I love Ben Carson as a person, humble, compassionate man that loves him mom, his wife, his whole family, loves God, and loves people. He is a self made man that dug himself out of poverty (obviously with his mom's help).

I don't think he was/is a very good politician and I disagreed with a lot of his policies.

However, to be 100% honest, I probably would have voted for him solely based on the fact that he was the best overall human being from both parties. I didn't agree with a lot of his policies, but maybe he would have got some 'smarter' politicians in there to help mold his political thinking.

I do know we wouldn't have had this crap storm we have now if he was in there, no talk of Stormy Daniels/Russia, or Email/Clinton Foundation/Uranium One if he was in office.


Sure.  But we'd be making a bigger deal of this $11K dinner table or whatever.  Still, the scandals wouldn't be huge shots to him as a moral person.  The guy does seem to be a man of scruples.

posted by gut

I sincerely hope the first woman POTUS is a Republican, because it will expose liberals once and for all for what they are - shaming, bullying, brainwashing or whatever term you want to use for basically disenfranchising potential voters by taking away choice because of bullshit identity politics.


I do think it would demonstrate them as more blindly partisan than they would prefer to claim they are.  GOP is, too, but I think that's less of a secret.  This would "out" the DNC.

posted by Heretic

Slippery slope is known as a logical fallacy. Thanks for admitting you're full of shit!


I don't understand why people continue to try to use the notion of a "slippery slope" to make arguments.

posted by gut

Heck, psychiatry itself, and many of its treatments and drugs prescribed are controversial in terms of effectiveness and validity.  I don't think the state has any business meddling in that.  If a patient is not satisfied, much less harmed, they can sue for malpractice.  The market itself will quickly put these "frauds" out of business.

It's amazing how things like that would actually take care of themselves if they were left to.


Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Wed, Apr 25, 2018 2:44 PM
posted by gut

I don't think a state legislature should be mandating treatment standards for gender dystopia.  That is best left to the certifying or governing board or association.  Accountability, then, is really for a jury to decide after listening to expert witnesses on both sides to determine if said service was misrepresented or fraudulent.

And while sexual orientation therapy would be, at best, controversial for a small minority of medical practitioners, I imagine there are doctors who legitimately believe in it and patients who legitimately seek out the service.  So it would appear what CA is actually doing here is attempting to ban valid, even if perhaps very alternative, treatments that don't align with certain social agendas.

Heck, psychiatry itself, and many of its treatments and drugs prescribed are controversial in terms of effectiveness and validity.  I don't think the state has any business meddling in that.  If a patient is not satisfied, much less harmed, they can sue for malpractice.  The market itself will quickly put these "frauds" out of business.

I agree with all of your points.  I think the bill is horrible and should not have even been introduced.  I was just pointing out how right wingers have used it to promote fear by claiming it will outlaw Christian books.  


Senior Member

Wed, Apr 25, 2018 3:22 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

The bill is banning the promotion and sale of something they deem as fraudulent.  If there was a flier that advertised the services of a brothel, it would not technically be legal in CA either.  I don't know that you can make the leap from that to banning speech and expression.  Don't get me wrong, I  think the bill is stupid.  But it's not quite the terror you are projecting it to be.  

Not only ban such, but no doubt levy fines and worse.  I look forward to the beatdown on constitutional merits. 




Senior Member

Wed, Apr 25, 2018 4:22 PM
posted by QuakerOats

Not only ban such, but no doubt levy fines and worse.  I look forward to the beatdown on constitutional merits. 

I'm interested to see how many of these yahoos there are in CA with legal standing to be a plaintiff.


Senior Member

Fri, Apr 27, 2018 4:19 PM
posted by Heretic

Slippery slope is known as a logical fallacy. Thanks for admitting you're full of shit!

A slippery slope argument is not a per se fallacy like a strawman, appeal to authority, etc. It depends on the evidence.


Senior Member

Sun, Apr 29, 2018 12:05 PM

Did anyone else not find Michelle wolf’s “roasting” funny at all? Like I get that’s why she was there and peopl need to relax that she insulted Sarah hucklebee sanders because that was the whole point of her being there, I just didn’t find anything she said funny at all. And libs are literally on the floor laughing. 

I do find it funny that if the roles were reversed, and someone was up there saying those things to a democratic woman, there’d be OUTRAGE!


Senior Member

Sun, Apr 29, 2018 1:13 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

Did anyone else not find Michelle wolf’s “roasting” funny at all?...And libs are literally on the floor laughing. 

Didn't watch and have no intention of doing so.  But your point seems to hold with liberals in general - if you think someone is intolerant of something you believe, then it's ok to bully them.  A lot of political comedy these days seems aimed at stroking the liberal superiority complex, and not really jokes just angry personal attacks.  


Senior Member

Sun, Apr 29, 2018 1:18 PM
posted by gut

Didn't watch and have no intention of doing so.  But your point seems to hold with liberals in general - if you think someone is intolerant of something you believe, then it's ok to bully them.  A lot of political comedy these days seems aimed at stroking the liberal superiority complex, and not really jokes just angry personal attacks.  

Which is exactly what it was--calling her a liar and making fun of her name. And everyone was DYING. lol