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Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Thu, Apr 2, 2020 2:48 PM
posted by QuakerOats


Coronavirus task force was established January 29th.



Whatever.  You know full well that until early March, Trump said the virus was another flu and was totally under control.  He's not alone in this, but don't try to act like establishing a task force is equal to him even acknowledging the problem.  There are task forces for everything.  As we can see, the task force for this didn't result in anything.


You've followed the right wing media personality playbook on this thing to a tee.  

Blame some Chinese lab

Compare it to colds and flu

Blame the media and democrats

Pivot 180 and embrace Trump's current status of taking it seriously and denying you or he had ever done anything but that.


Think for yourself for a change.  Trying to mimic all of Trump's crazy ass antics and make it look like it's all part of a logical plan isn't working.


1st Team All-PWN

Fri, Apr 3, 2020 10:12 AM

Is it me or has all this shit been hurting Biden's campaign (general election)?  It seems like his momentum has been shot.  He is nowhere to be found, and when he does appear on TV they have been subpar performances.   Meanwhile, somehow Trump's approval ratings are going up.  WTF?


Senior Member

Fri, Apr 3, 2020 10:17 AM
posted by QuakerOats


Coronavirus task force was established January 29th.




Keep bowing down. LOL


Senior Member

Fri, Apr 3, 2020 10:22 AM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

Whatever.  You know full well that until early March, Trump said the virus was another flu and was totally under control.  He's not alone in this, but don't try to act like establishing a task force is equal to him even acknowledging the problem.  There are task forces for everything.  As we can see, the task force for this didn't result in anything.


You've followed the right wing media personality playbook on this thing to a tee.  

Blame some Chinese lab

Compare it to colds and flu

Blame the media and democrats

Pivot 180 and embrace Trump's current status of taking it seriously and denying you or he had ever done anything but that.


Think for yourself for a change.  Trying to mimic all of Trump's crazy ass antics and make it look like it's all part of a logical plan isn't working.

You would post the same the exact same thing in the opposite form if he would have went on and declared Defcon 1 fear mongering the end of the world back in Feb. also.  So you dont win with people like you.


Senior Member

Fri, Apr 3, 2020 10:26 AM

That's a hell of a lot of assumption.



Son of the Sun

Fri, Apr 3, 2020 11:05 AM
posted by Automatik

That's a hell of a lot of assumption.


CC doesn't deal with facts; he deals with assumptions he makes that he pretends are facts.

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Fri, Apr 3, 2020 12:21 PM
posted by Spock

You would post the same the exact same thing in the opposite form if he would have went on and declared Defcon 1 fear mongering the end of the world back in Feb. also.  So you dont win with people like you.

I have said on here that neither Trump nor anyone else in our country was prepared for this.  That goes for most all of us.  I don't blame Trump for that and I think he has done well for the most part since acknowledging the reality.  My criticism of QO and other extreme right wingers is that they are trying to revise reality from what we have all experienced.  Radicals claim corona was a conspiracy between democrats, media and the Chinese government; that it is way overblown, etc.  Then Trump got serious about and they say with a straight face that he was way out ahead of it.  No one was way out ahead of it, democrat or republican.  No one was prepared.  No one was predicting this.  Instead of admitting this, the radicals change the truth daily to fit their needs.




Chief Shenanigans Officer

Fri, Apr 3, 2020 12:28 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

Instead of admitting this, the radicals change the truth daily to fit their feelings.



Senior Member

Sat, Apr 4, 2020 9:07 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

Radicals claim corona was a conspiracy between democrats, media and the Chinese government; that it is way overblown, etc.

There definitely has been criticism, often greatly exaggerated, of everything Trump does or doesn't do from the usual suspects.  That's the "hoax" I've seen, which of course happens to be very real.  Have not seen where the virus itself is a conspiracy between the media and Chinese came from...kind of sounds like the fake news of Trump calling the virus a hoax that continues to make the rounds.

I forget the source, but just the other day I saw a call to ban or sanction Fox for "spreading misinformation about Covid-19"....mind you, same folks that have been lying and deceiving about hydroxcholorquine simply because Trump cited it as a potential therapeutic.


Senior Member

Sun, Apr 5, 2020 5:10 AM
posted by gut

There definitely has been criticism, often greatly exaggerated, of everything Trump does or doesn't do from the usual suspects.  That's the "hoax" I've seen, which of course happens to be very real.  Have not seen where the virus itself is a conspiracy between the media and Chinese came from...kind of sounds like the fake news of Trump calling the virus a hoax that continues to make the rounds.

I forget the source, but just the other day I saw a call to ban or sanction Fox for "spreading misinformation about Covid-19"....mind you, same folks that have been lying and deceiving about hydroxcholorquine simply because Trump cited it as a potential therapeutic.

Not saying they should be banned but lets be real, Fox news was fucking terrible about this.



1st Team All-PWN

Sun, Apr 5, 2020 10:52 AM

Blaming anybody except China is exactly what China wants.  Well done to everyone who is falling for it. 

Btw, everyone was full of shit about the virus in the states.  Trump, dems, republicans, Cuomo, NYC health minister, the media (both sides), and if you want to extend it beyond the states throw in the WHO.   There are way too many receipts out there to legitimately point any fingers at anyone, other than China. 

The best lesson we can gain from this is to never rely on or trust the Government or our trash media.  Unfortunately, I see everyone doing the opposite.  

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Sun, Apr 5, 2020 11:47 AM

And another hopeful outcome is we start pulling our industry back from China. 

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Sun, Apr 5, 2020 11:49 AM
posted by like_that

Blaming anybody except China is exactly what China wants.  Well done to everyone who is falling for it. 

Btw, everyone was full of shit about the virus in the states.  Trump, dems, republicans, Cuomo, NYC health minister, the media (both sides), and if you want to extend it beyond the states throw in the WHO.   There are way too many receipts out there to legitimately point any fingers at anyone, other than China. 

The best lesson we can gain from this is to never rely on or trust the Government or our trash media.  Unfortunately, I see everyone doing the opposite.  

Totally agree on enough blame to go around. Regardless of attempts to revise history, leaders underestimated this and weren't ready. Our entire populace disregarded it. Watching our leaders point fingers is frustrating because it is a total waste of time. Just do shit, quit complaining and quit trying to play the hero. 


Senior Member

Sun, Apr 5, 2020 12:23 PM
posted by Rotinaj

Not saying they should be banned but lets be real, Fox news was fucking terrible about this.


And you could find left wing media doing the same thing:  How about Pelosi telling people to go out in public (because Trump put on travel bans)



How about the Mayor of New York telling people to go about your regular day, "this disease is like a common cold"  



Hundreds of sound bites of Left wing wackos using whatever is the opposite of Trump.  These videos are damning


1st Team All-PWN

Mon, Apr 6, 2020 7:55 AM

Any of you guys buying into these Cuomo/Biden swap rumors?


Senior Member

Mon, Apr 6, 2020 9:16 AM
posted by like_that

Any of you guys buying into these Cuomo/Biden swap rumors?



Chief Shenanigans Officer

Mon, Apr 6, 2020 10:08 AM


It's going to be Biden.


Senior Member

Mon, Apr 6, 2020 3:28 PM
posted by O-Trap


It's going to be Biden.

And he has no chance. Dems haven’t put much out in these last 2 elections. Really not looking forward to listening to trump for 4 more years. 



Mon, Apr 6, 2020 3:32 PM
posted by Rotinaj

And he has no chance. Dems haven’t put much out in these last 2 elections. Really not looking forward to listening to trump for 4 more years. 

I wouldn't say that. If you look at polling at like Real Clear Politics in the battleground states, it is neck and neck in PA, MI, WI, and even AZ. He is running at or better in spots than Clinton did in 2016, especially in areas that went to Trump in 2016.  I think it is a good bet to at least say Biden will do better than Clinton did in 2016, even if Trump does win reelection. 

Biden also does not have as high negative ratings as did Clinton in 2016. Whereas Trump, still has high negative ratings. Trump's approval rating is also barely near 50%, and for a sitting President, that is not good, especially in a downturned economy. 

Now. all that said...it is still April and given the crisis we are in, everything could change. 

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Mon, Apr 6, 2020 3:54 PM

This covid situation changes the whole dynamic. If we get back to normal life in a way most people can live with and we limit the problems on the medical system, Trump could come out of this very well and will likely win. If the quarantine goes on too long, or if the medical system gets overwhelmed, Biden's got a politician's perfect platform. 


Really sad that these are our two choices. Really sad. 


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Mon, Apr 6, 2020 4:16 PM
posted by Rotinaj

And he has no chance. Dems haven’t put much out in these last 2 elections. Really not looking forward to listening to trump for 4 more years. 

Eh, I wouldn't say Clinton was bad.  She did, after all, win the popular vote.  That's a pretty strong showing, even though she lost.

I think this year is a LOT weaker.  Despite Ptown's response, I think Biden is going to look much worse in the head-to-head debates with Trump.



Honorable Admin

Mon, Apr 6, 2020 4:21 PM

I remember a while back Trump questioning whether he would even participate in the debates. He's probably looking forward to sharing the stage with Biden. He'll eat his lunch.


Senior Member

Mon, Apr 6, 2020 4:26 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

I wouldn't say that. If you look at polling at like Real Clear Politics in the battleground states, it is neck and neck in PA, MI, WI, and even AZ. He is running at or better in spots than Clinton did in 2016, especially in areas that went to Trump in 2016.  I think it is a good bet to at least say Biden will do better than Clinton did in 2016, even if Trump does win reelection. 

Biden also does not have as high negative ratings as did Clinton in 2016. Whereas Trump, still has high negative ratings. Trump's approval rating is also barely near 50%, and for a sitting President, that is not good, especially in a downturned economy. 

Now. all that said...it is still April and given the crisis we are in, everything could change. 

LOL at anyone who looks at polls to make a decision.  They were off a million miles in 2016.    Also a "downturn" economy isnt good when its policy driven.  This is not the case.  



Tue, Apr 7, 2020 11:42 AM
posted by O-Trap

Eh, I wouldn't say Clinton was bad.  She did, after all, win the popular vote.  That's a pretty strong showing, even though she lost.

I think this year is a LOT weaker.  Despite Ptown's response, I think Biden is going to look much worse in the head-to-head debates with Trump.


While she did win the popular vote, she got crushed in those swing states of PA, WI, OH, and MI, which is really what I was referred to. In those states, Biden is doing better polling wise than she did. That all can change, but Trump is not getting any rally around the flag bump yet. His polling and favorable rating is still in the same ballpark as before all this craziness.  

I do see your point on any debate between Trump and Biden, Biden is more likely to look bad and stumble more than Trump. 

My overall point is I think people just like Biden more than Clinton. They also relate to him more than they did Clinton in those swing states. That may make the difference in November. 


1st Team All-PWN

Tue, Apr 7, 2020 12:03 PM
posted by justincredible

I remember a while back Trump questioning whether he would even participate in the debates. He's probably looking forward to sharing the stage with Biden. He'll eat his lunch.

Unless Biden is pulling the ultimate hustle on Trump.  If so, he deserves to win. 

It's actually legitimately uncomfortable watching Biden trying to speak right now.   You know how when we are all drunj and we think we sound fine, but in reality nobody knows wtf we are saying?  That's Biden right now.