
Is Rule #3 Being Followed?

  • dwccrew
    cats gone wild wrote:
    People came to this site because they didnt want to pay the 12 dollars. And besides, there is only 3 rules on this site, and rules are rules.
    Rules are rules. And the ones that enforce the rules feel they are being followed. You don't like it, don't read.
    cats gone wild wrote: As suspected, no one will answer my question about rule #3. Why have it a rule if 95% posters aint following it?
    Uhhh, you have had your question answered. Have you seen the poll you posted? 100% have voted that it is not bad as of 7:40 p.m. 12-11-09.
    HighRoller74 wrote: 3. Keep it safe for work. That means no nudity, no swearing in thread titles and limiting the swearing as much as possible in posts. Profanity isn't banned but keep it under control.

    Lets see. No Nudity, Check. No Swearing in thread titles, Check.

    Seems like the rule is being followed.

    Happy Holidays.
    Prayers from NW Ohio.

    LJ wrote:
    football71 wrote:
    LJ wrote:
    football71 wrote: I don't see the need for the language, as well. But I have the ability to get my point across without needing to resort to expletives, so I really don't need them.
    Ah yes, the good ole "I'm better than you because I don't cuss" argument.

    If you're happy displaying your linquistic inabilities on a public forum...God Bless.



    my linguistic abilities are quite fine thank you.

    LJ just owned Football71
  • LJ
    HeathAlum21 wrote: I'm not going to have this discussion, as I know 95 percent of those who post don't agree. I would say before poor business decisions, JJ was a legitmate "chat forum". Just an opinion.
    It was a legitimate HS forum because it had a major niche and was one of the first of it's kind.

    It had absolutely nothing to do with swearing, and swear filters did nothing to help it's legitimacy.
  • Heretic
    I'd say that in the grand scheme of things, Rule #3 is being followed pretty well. It says to not curse in thread titles, to not post pure nudity and to keep swearing under control.

    If you have a problem with it, you have a different definition of "under control" than I. I think a handful of people overdo it, but most people keep the profanity sporadic or don't curse at all.
  • GoChiefs
    HeathAlum21 wrote: I still stand by what I said when the site was first created. I don't have a problem with it, but it would bring a sense of legitimacy to the site if there weren't threads that basically showing women nude(all but).
    And that's your opinion..but what you want from this site and what you want this site to be is obviously pretty different from what the owner of this site wants it to be or become. 2,200 members in about a month? Yeah..I'd say that brings some legitimacy to the site.
  • HeathAlum21
    LJ wrote:
    HeathAlum21 wrote: I'm not going to have this discussion, as I know 95 percent of those who post don't agree. I would say before poor business decisions, JJ was a legitmate "chat forum". Just an opinion.
    It was a legitimate HS forum because it had a major niche and was one of the first of it's kind.

    It had absolutely nothing to do with swearing, and swear filters did nothing to help it's legitimacy.
    If you'll look, I didn't mention swearing in my post.
  • ts1227
    Then what made it "legitimate"?

    For the most part before the business decisions, it was just an online equivalent of a private club in a small town. A small chunk of middle aged men who have nothing better to do than drink and argue over nothing all day.

    It was still somewhat enjoyable (I was over there 6-7 years)... but to get the most out of it you had to be in that clique.

    Just because it was the first doesn't mean it was necessarily that good, in hindsight.
  • GoChiefs
    So JJ didn't have any 'hot women' threads and such? I guess they lost all credibility when they allowed that to happen.
  • september63
    $##&*))__+&*()*^&*++*&%$#### to you all.! I have said this a million times. If mild profanity bothers you, dont come here. When nudity bothers you, you dont have lunch at the strip bar, do ya?
  • Upper90
    I hate to play the "If you don't like it, leave" card. Because in most instances, I think it's unfair/usually wrong.

    But, I this case? you have so, SO many other options if it bothers you so much.
  • believer
    If Freehuddlers want to swear that's fine...just keep in mind that the swearing rarely adds any real substance to the conversation and usually serves to show how classless some folks can be.

    At first I was perplexed why some think that dropping the F-bomb at every opportunity makes their posts something special, and then it dawned on me that what we have here is a classic case of pent-up Freudian-style adolescent sexual frustration for having been denied the right to be tasteless and classless on JJ Huddle.

    Whatever floats your boats boys. Have at it.
  • TheRapist Sasquatch
    TheRapist says: why do we all need to be so vulgar? Let us join hands in peace, my Sasquatchean brothers and sisters.
  • Glory Days
    believer wrote: If Freehuddlers want to swear that's fine...just keep in mind that the swearing rarely adds any real substance to the conversation and usually serves to show how classless some folks can be.

    At first I was perplexed why some think that dropping the F-bomb at every opportunity makes their posts something special, and then it dawned on me that what we have here is a classic case of pent-up Freudian-style adolescent sexual frustration for having been denied the right to be tasteless and classless on JJ Huddle.

    Whatever floats your boats boys. Have at it.
  • Upper90
    Countdown until someone does the "clever" thing of responding to believer's post with a bunch of f words....
  • ts1227
    I don't think swearing has anything to do with class.

    They are words with an arbitrarily assigned stigma. If I'm classless for using them, does that make you weak for not seeing through them?
  • believer
    ts1227 wrote: I don't think swearing has anything to do with class.

    They are words with an arbitrarily assigned stigma. If I'm classless for using them, does that make you weak for not seeing through them?

    Words have meaning and some can be demeaning.

    Again if you believe the F-bomb is no big deal, then by all means let it fly.

    But then again if it's no big deal, then why do it? You must be attempting to "prove" something. I guess I'm just too uncool and stupid to figure it out.
  • Laley23
    I swear in my normal language. I see no reason why I shouldnt posting. I swear when I play sports all the time.

    Bob Knight and Dane Cook sum it up best.

    Bobby Knight:
    Dane Cook: and
  • ts1227
    believer wrote: But then again if it's no big deal, then why do it? You must be attempting to "prove" something. I guess I'm just too uncool and stupid to figure it out.
    I don't do it for a reason. As I said, I treat them as words just the same as any other, because that's all they are. It's not a cool or a stupid thing. It's people overthinking and making something out of nothing.

    Now, am I going to go spout off obscenities in an elementary school? No. But the audience here is primarily at an age where such terms can be used, and you are given warning at the top of each forum about it. Censorship is not necessary in this realm.
  • buckeyefalls
    I agree with above. YOu have the right, but do our kids really need this on a site like this too?

    I mean, some of the pics are borderline porn - sure they can get it elsewhere, but why promote it? We're just feeding into their culture by allowing it.

    You have a GREAT site and I think it could be better if you limited the f word and a lot of other minor things.

    Don't ruin it for yourself.
    GoChiefs wrote: Then go to those sites? If the worst to happen to those 12-16 yr olds that could see this site is that they read a few curse words..then good for them. If you don't want could always pony up $12.00 and go elsewhere. I'm sure you are in the minority that has a problem with swearing..justin isn't going to be able to please everyone. I know he doesn't want to be a dick like the ones that ran the other site were. The fact that you had a little more 'freedom' is what drew most people to this site. Plus..where did anyone say this is a sports site?? There is sports forums for those interested..but that doesn't mean this is a sports site.
  • buckeyefalls
    You obviously don't have kids. Kids go to these sites at school, library, friends' homes, etc. they can get to them there. A parent can't parent ALL day every day.
    GoChiefs wrote:
    ts1227 wrote: If parents don't like it, they can actually parent and start watching their child's online habits. It's not Justin's job.
    God forbid parents should actually have to..ya know..PARENT!!!
  • ts1227
    I know you can't parent 24/7, but we don't have to water everything down in society to cover the "gaps" in parenting to Walt Disney levels.

    Frankly, this message board's audience is not meant to be children of all ages. No message board other than those run by Nickelodeon are. Actually anyone under 13 has to have parent permission to sign up for anything on the internet by law, I believe.

    There is nothing said or seen on here that a child will not see or hear in JUNIOR HIGH. Trust me.
  • buckeyefalls
    Honestly, I'm sure you don't care about one person's advice; however, as a first-time visitor to this site, I can see where the first forum someone visits may be Serious Business. If they don't like that type of stuff they will leave and never use the site for what it should be used for - HS sports.

    Once they see some of these threads, the way people use the f word, etc. over and over, they are tuned off and go elsewhere.

    Why wouldn't you want to keep business?

    Instead, the answer is: You can go elsewhere? Why not listen to the concerns of more than just one person (there are more I'm sure) and try to take in their suggestions or meet them half-way.

    Is it that if you ban swear words like that the others won't stay? No. They'll stay because this is still a great site. On the flip side, you could lose people, etc. businesses who will ban this site because of some of the innappropriate content and then you lose clients.

    Just a suggestion. Justin - not trying to get into an argument, but I've learned from mistakes of running websites/forums/etc. and I honestly think you should listen to their concerns instead of just jumping on them and saying "if you don't like it leave." Just my 2 cents.
  • buckeyefalls
    ts1227, let me play devil's advocate?

    Why not? Why can't some people in society try to change society for the better?

    So, it's frowned upon people who try to limit the amount of places that negative language, etc. can be found and those are the people we trounce on.

    Forgive me for this example, but I sat in front of a HS girl last night at a game with a terrible mouth, pregnant and smoked at half-time.

    SUre, it would be "EASY" for me to just let it slide, but if we, as adults, don't kindly ask our youth to think about their language, etc. we allow for it.

    I'm not saying I don't swear, that they don't hear it or read it elsewhere, but why can't members of society try to make society a better place.

    So, you really want my 6 year old to hear the f-word in public and repeat it at church? lol. This is why I applaud those who kindly try to monitor things like this on message boards, in public, etc.

    ts1227 wrote: I know you can't parent 24/7, but we don't have to water everything down in society to cover the "gaps" in parenting to Walt Disney levels.

    Frankly, this message board's audience is not meant to be children of all ages. No message board other than those run by Nickelodeon are. Actually anyone under 13 has to have parent permission to sign up for anything on the internet by law, I believe.

    There is nothing said or seen on here that a child will not see or hear in JUNIOR HIGH. Trust me.
  • cats gone wild
    Thanks buckeyefalls........

    And Im sure there are others who agree with us, but they are probably afraid to post because they dont want to get bashed. Sports sites can run fine w/out swearing or borderline nudity.

    I have a suggestion though. Since so many people like the ability to swear and post obscene pics on this forum, then why cant we make the college sports and pro sports forums clean (like the HS sports forums)? Just a suggestion. I mean, is there any reason to use F-bombs when talking about college football?
  • ts1227
    There are times and places, agreed. As I said before, I'm not going to spout it off at an elementary school or anything ridiculous, or at a church.

    Sure, the girl was vulgar in an inappropriate place if there are very young people around and you have every right to say something (conversely, she has every right to ignore you).

    No, we don't need everyone of all ages running around swearing everywhere because too many people do make a big deal out if it, but THIS MESSAGE BOARD IS NOT THAT TIME OR THAT PLACE WHERE IT NEEDS TO BE ELIMINATED. This is a realm where the audience is mature enough to handle it, and advance warning to it is given. The youngest that SHOULD be on here without permission are older teenagers who either use it themselves or are fully capable of knowing what they are getting into. One thing I do believe in is treating young adults as young adults, and not 5 year olds.

    I would prefer to see the board continue to cater to its audience, and not the lowest common denominator of issues.

    Getting rid of the NSFW (porn) forum? good idea, probably not good considering the audience (there are minors, making it illegal, and it would crash the server)
    Getting rid of any language like that completely? Completely different.
  • buckeyefalls
    I don't think it needs to be eliminated but maybe a sports/trivia forum like was just mentioned above with stricter guidelines.

    Just a suggestion.

    When we allow our kids to see us as adults do it and say it, we give them the freedom to do so as well.

    You want to talk about parenting...why do we say we should be better parents but then do it ourselves. Let's start showing our kids that you can use better language and be creative instead of just saying f this and f that and they use the words wrong anyways.

    ts1227 wrote: There are times and places, agreed. As I said before, I'm not going to spout it off at an elementary school or anything ridiculous, or at a church.

    Sure, the girl was vulgar in an inappropriate place if there are very young people around and you have every right to say something (conversely, she has every right to ignore you).

    No, we don't need everyone of all ages running around swearing everywhere because too many people do make a big deal out if it, but THIS MESSAGE BOARD IS NOT THAT TIME OR THAT PLACE WHERE IT NEEDS TO BE ELIMINATED. This is a realm where the audience is mature enough to handle it, and advance warning to it is given. The youngest that SHOULD be on here without permission are older teenagers who either use it themselves or are fully capable of knowing what they are getting into. One thing I do believe in is treating young adults as young adults, and not 5 year olds.

    I would prefer to see the board continue to cater to its audience, and not the lowest common denominator of issues.