
GOP Healthcare plan

  • ppaw1999
    address the few issues that need attention.

    This should have been done before any bill was introduced. What they are working on now is no better and quite possibly worst than Obamacare.
  • CenterBHSFan
    I'm in the camp that the Republicans have sucked on this. Big time.


    And they've got crap that none of them can agree on. Absolutely horrible and asinine.
  • QuakerOats
    The plan is there ...........................balls are lacking.
  • sleeper
    QuakerOats;1856979 wrote:The plan is there ...........................balls are lacking.
    Otherwise known as THE PEOPLE liking their Obamacare and the politicians want to get re-elected by THE PEOPLE.
  • Wolves of Babylon
    QuakerOats;1856979 wrote:The plan is there ...........................balls are lacking.
    No it's not, they should have had a better plan not just a plan that sucks slightly less than Obamacare.

    Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk
  • ppaw1999

    I hope the state of Nevada is able to give this a try. At least someone is trying to come up with something different.
  • QuakerOats
    sleeper;1856983 wrote:Otherwise known as THE PEOPLE liking their Obamacare and the politicians want to get re-elected by THE PEOPLE.

    The People detest obamaKare, more than any other legislation in history. The 20 million who have faux insurance now, essentially had care anyhow. So the other 300 million got fucked, and no one is better off. This was predicted to happen; another liberal nightmare coming home to roost.

    OWN IT
  • sleeper
    QuakerOats;1857106 wrote:The People detest obamaKare, more than any other legislation in history. The 20 million who have faux insurance now, essentially had care anyhow. So the other 300 million got fucked, and no one is better off. This was predicted to happen; another liberal nightmare coming home to roost.

    OWN IT
    That's simply untrue. Stop lying.
  • Heretic
    sleeper;1857110 wrote:That's simply untrue. Stop lying.
    If he stopped lying, how would he be such an "effective" (LOL!) shill?
  • QuakerOats
    sleeper;1857110 wrote:That's simply untrue. Stop lying.

    Typical (non) reply.

    You can be part of the solution, or you can continue to defend the largest legislative and administrative disaster in history.
  • sleeper
    QuakerOats;1857135 wrote:Typical (non) reply.

    You can be part of the solution, or you can continue to defend the largest legislative and administrative disaster in history.
    Fifty-five percent of Americans now support the Affordable Care Act (ACA), a major turnaround from five months ago when 42% approved and 53% disapproved. This is the first time a majority of Americans have approved of the healthcare law, also known as Obamacare, since Gallup first asked about it in this format in November 2012.

    Highest approval rating ever, 55% in April 2017. People like their Obamacare, sorry you are in the minority.
  • rocketalum
    sleeper;1857140 wrote:

    Highest approval rating ever, 55% in April 2017. People like their Obamacare, sorry you are in the minority.
    I think this increase correlates to all the poor folks in deeply Red states (largest "takers" of government money btw) realized that Obamacare was actually the same thing as the ACA. And if their medicaid expansion from ACA went away so would their coverage. 'Obamacare' was a stroke of branding genius by the Republicans.
  • gut
    rocketalum;1857144 wrote:I think this increase correlates to all the poor folks in deeply Red states (largest "takers" of government money btw) realized that Obamacare was actually the same thing as the ACA. And if their medicaid expansion from ACA went away so would their coverage. 'Obamacare' was a stroke of branding genius by the Republicans.
    Yes, it's great insurance....until you have to use it, and can't afford the deductible.

    And did you notice how providers started dropping out like flies once the federal subsidies ended? It was a disaster and a scam. Obamacare was little more than an absolutely braindead and expensive way to expand Medicaid.
  • sleeper
    rocketalum;1857144 wrote:I think this increase correlates to all the poor folks in deeply Red states (largest "takers" of government money btw) realized that Obamacare was actually the same thing as the ACA. And if their medicaid expansion from ACA went away so would their coverage. 'Obamacare' was a stroke of branding genius by the Republicans.
    Also keep in mind, in a poll like this, I would vote against Obamacare because its not single payer. The 45% disapprove likely has a lot of people who think this way.

    However given the choice between Obamacare and GOPCare I'll take Obamacare any day of the week.
  • rocketalum
    gut;1857173 wrote:Yes, it's great insurance....until you have to use it, and can't afford the deductible.

    And did you notice how providers started dropping out like flies once the federal subsidies ended? It was a disaster and a scam. Obamacare was little more than an absolutely braindead and expensive way to expand Medicaid.
    I'm not arguing that this is likely true of those that had to buy insurance through the exchanges. What I'm referring to is the people who were able to now be covered under Medicare do the expansion that the ACA brought on. I agree it's probably terrible for people that had to buy coverage but, for the people that were now covered under Medicaid it's critical and probably no going back from that without major political repercussions. That's the point I was making. I'm not sure people really understood that they were now covered by Medicare because of Obamacare.
  • sleeper
    gut;1857173 wrote:Yes, it's great insurance....until you have to use it, and can't afford the deductible.

    And did you notice how providers started dropping out like flies once the federal subsidies ended? It was a disaster and a scam. Obamacare was little more than an absolutely braindead and expensive way to expand Medicaid.
    Single Payer fixes this. GOPCare does not.

  • QuakerOats
    Spiked kool-aid
  • gut
    sleeper;1857188 wrote:Single Payer fixes this. GOPCare does not.
    How exactly do you think Single Payer is going to accomplish that? Where do you think the savings comes from?
  • Dr Winston O'Boogie
    QuakerOats;1857217 wrote:Spiked kool-aid
    Yes, but how do you reconcile Obamacare's highest approval rating yet (48%-55% depending upon what poll I've seen) with your assertion that it's hated by "The People" and is the worst legislation in history?
  • sleeper
    gut;1857225 wrote:How exactly do you think Single Payer is going to accomplish that? Where do you think the savings comes from?
    Increased preventative care is a huge saver. Cutting the 10% profit and 30% overhead costs of individual insurers another. Spreading the pool of risks across a very large population reduces the cost per user. Having the government lower drug costs and procedures to that of Medicare reimbursement rates which are by far the lowest in the US.

    Just a start. But muh brainwashing and muh pull yourself up by the bootstraps!
  • QuakerOats
    Dr Winston O'Boogie;1857232 wrote:Yes, but how do you reconcile Obamacare's highest approval rating yet (48%-55% depending upon what poll I've seen) with your assertion that it's hated by "The People" and is the worst legislation in history?

  • gut
    rocketalum;1857187 wrote:That's the point I was making. I'm not sure people really understood that they were now covered by Medicare because of Obamacare.
    And that's the point I'm making - you didn't need Obamacare to expand Medicaid. Bush did it without turning healthcare on its head.
  • gut
    sleeper;1857233 wrote:Increased preventative care is a huge saver.
    Don't need Obamacare for that. People have to use their insurance, and that's generally not very widespread.
    sleeper;1857233 wrote:Cutting the 10% profit and 30% overhead costs of individual insurers another.
    I knew you'd start with that popularly ignorant meme (and, incidentally, averages are about half the percentages you cited). The overhead savings are minimal because you still need to administrate - the insurers are already large enough to have scale. And LOL at the govt doing it more efficiently (before you use Medicare as an example, realize that a lot of that administrative cost is offloaded to hospitals and other providers).
    sleeper;1857233 wrote:Spreading the pool of risks across a very large population reduces the cost per user. Having the government lower drug costs and procedures to that of Medicare reimbursement rates which are by far the lowest in the US.
    The risks are already spread across a very large population. And the costs of uninsureds is largely absorbed by the insured. There are some savings there, but not in total healthcare costs. Medicare pays less, to the point of questionable profitability (which is why some doctors/hospitals refuse any medicare patients, and nearly all limit how many they will take).

    You can only squeeze the turnip so much. Profits fund R&D and technological advances - you're health insurance will be lower, but then your taxes are going to need to be higher to fund more R&D from the federal govt.

    What does the above chart tell you? Admin costs are about $550 high (14%). Drugs are another $300 (8%). Ambulatory care (outpatient) is 40%, and Hospitalization/Nursing homes is about 38%. I'd point out a leading factor in admin costs is actually technology, and heck drugs could be explained by the American tendency to over-medicate.

    I just find it comical that everyone's favorite villain - insurance and drugs - is only a total of 22% of the problem (if we assume none of that is a structural or COL difference).

    I'll add that studies find Medicare/Medicaid is about 26% cheaper than private insurance....but the joke is that retirees who can afford it spend a significant amount on supplemental insurance. Don't let anyone fool you that medicaid/medicare is as good as more costly private insurance.
  • BoatShoes
    rocketalum;1857144 wrote:I think this increase correlates to all the poor folks in deeply Red states (largest "takers" of government money btw) realized that Obamacare was actually the same thing as the ACA. And if their medicaid expansion from ACA went away so would their coverage. 'Obamacare' was a stroke of branding genius by the Republicans.
    What is even better is that their own bill they introduced - the American Healthcare Act - has,the same administrative structure as Obamacare...just even shittier...
  • BoatShoes
    gut;1857173 wrote:Yes, it's great insurance....until you have to use it, and can't afford the deductible.

    And did you notice how providers started dropping out like flies once the federal subsidies ended? It was a disaster and a scam. Obamacare was little more than an absolutely braindead and expensive way to expand Medicaid.
    Of course because part of Obamacare is paying the health insurers who cover sick people.

    Not hard to understand if you want to keep private for-profit health insurance and demand they cover the least well off.