obamaKare: the destruction begins
justincredibleI picture her as one of these chicks.
Gblockserious question..anyone have any solutions?? im no expert on obamacare...sounds like its not good, but certainly the system we had wasnt good either. ive always had insurance thru work and mine isnt really changed much either way.
Get government the fuck out of the industry completely. Government intervention lowers quality and increases costs. Always.Gblock;1511870 wrote:serious question..anyone have any solutions?? im no expert on obamacare...sounds like its not good, but certainly the system we had wasnt good either. ive always had insurance thru work and mine isnt really changed much either way.
Becoming more involved is a disaster waiting to happen. -
Me?The medical system we've had has already been ruined by government intrusion. Medicine was much more affordable and efficient when it worked as a free market. It's been 4 or 5 decades since that. Now we're trying to fix the mistakes of government intrusion with more government. Which Harry Reid has already said is only designed to destroy the system so that people call for MORE government and we end up with single payer.
This.justincredible;1511877 wrote:Get government the fuck out of the industry completely. Government intervention lowers quality and increases costs. Always.
Becoming more involved is a disaster waiting to happen.
As Me? states however, it will never happen and government will own the whole enchilada... and our asses. Forever. -
QuakerOats"obamacare: hackers wet dream"
"So, I will predict the loss of income for the millions of Americans who are going to lose their identities. .. you can imagine some retired lady in Utah with $75 in the bank saving her whole life having it wiped out in one day because she signed up for ObamaCare. Believe me this is going to happen millions of times. This is a hackers wet dream."
Watched McAfee (anti-virus software founder) on Cavuto last night -- simply blasted the setup of these exchanges. I assume the taxpayers will have to pay for the damages suffered.
http://freepatriot.org/2013/10/03/mcafee-obamacare-hackers-wet-dream/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=mcafee-obamacare-hackers-wet-dream -
QuakerOatsjustincredible;1511877 wrote:Get government the fuck out of the industry completely. Government intervention lowers quality and increases costs. Always.
Thank you. -
Me?As long as we continue to have a welfare state, the dependent class will grow and dominate elections. The scope of government will just grow and grow--it becomes a Soviet style system and eventually it collapses. It isn't rocket science. You'd think liberals who are constantly talking about how "sustainable" things are could see it, but most of them are drunk on the progressive koolaid. The worst part about our welfare state is, we essentially have open borders. Two incredibly incompatible things. Just wait until you see the unintended consequences of the ACA. One thing that will happen for sure: entrepreneurship will die in the up and coming generation as long as this law is on the books. Essentially, it's a Ponzi scheme just like Social Security. The young people are going to be subsidizing the old people (and the poor). Many businesses will fail, many bright young minds won't even try to get ideas off the ground because of the overhead cost. I have no doubt that the market will find some way to correct some of this, the problem is the government will likely then just push down harder on us all. We're all screwed, a lot of us just don't realize it yet.
QuakerOatsAnd then there is this:
"The Cleveland Plain Dealer reports that Ohio will not have any trained Navigators as the Federally Facilitated Marketplace (FFM) opens for business today. The largest Ohio Navigator grantee is the Ohio Association of Food Banks which expects that 30-40 trained staff will start providing navigator services sometime between mid-October and November 1st."
Translation: Acorn community activists, getting paid by the taxpayers, will be authorized to expand the entitlement society, and sign up new voters (as an aside).
Change we can believe in ... -
AppleObamacare Hotline number is 1-800-FUC*YO.
You can't make this stuff up!
http://dailycaller.com/2013/10/03/need-health-care-coverage-just-dial-1-800-fuckyo-to-reach-obamacares-national-hotline/ -
The Cleveland Plain Dealer reports that Ohio will not have any trained Navigators as the Federally Facilitated Marketplace (FFM) opens for business today. The largest Ohio Navigator grantee is the Ohio Association of Food Banks which expects that 30-40 trained staff will start providing navigator services sometime between mid-October and November 1st.tk421;1511795 wrote:Still can't get access to the Ohio exchange site. Not surprised, our government has the uncanny ability to fuck up everything that it touches.
Translation: taxpayer-funded Acorn activists are getting tens of millions of dollars to expand the entitlement state (and register dem voters, on the side).
"fundamental transformation" rolls on.
Change we can believe in... -
IggyPride00Medical costs can't go down in a world in which 180 governments have price controls and we are the only "free" market.
What has been happening for decades now is that we (the American people) supplement the profit margins companies can't make anywhere else by paying 5 and 10 times the price for hte same thing as far as drugs or medical technology go. Since every other government in the world has price controls, we are the only market they can charge whatever they need to to meet a profit target. It is a form of world welfare.
When you can figure out how to solve that problem, you can begin to address lowering costs.
Getting government out of it will do exactly nothing to address that problem, but it is a bright shiny object to distract people. -
Me?LOL we haven't had a free market for a century....who are you kidding?
What will happen is pharma will cut even more costs. R&D is going to suffer. So to fix that, govt will have to step in to fund more and more research - effectively outsourcing the R&D that pharma doesn't get a handout to do.IggyPride00;1512038 wrote: When you can figure out how to solve that problem, you can begin to address lowering costs.
So your healthcare costs won't ultimately decrease, it will just look that way because a big chunk of it is simply going to be hidden within your other rising taxes as govt has to step-in to fund unprofitable lines that companies exit. -
QuakerOats"Minnesota insurance broker Jim Koester was looking for information about assisting with Obamacare implementation; instead, what landed in his inbox last month was a document filled with the names, Social Security numbers and other pieces of personal information belonging to his fellow Minnesotans.
In one of the first breaches of the new Obamacare online marketplaces, an employee of the Minnesota marketplace, called MNsure, accidentally emailed Koester a document containing personally identifying information for more than 2,400 insurance agents, the Minnesota Star Tribune reported. MNsure was able to quickly undo the damage because Koester cooperated with them, but the incident left him unnerved.
"The more I thought about it, the more troubled I was," Koester told the newspaper. "What if this had fallen into the wrong hands? It's scary. If this is happening now, how can clients of MNsure be confident their data is safe?"
http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-250_162-57605564/obamacare-marketplaces-raise-data-security-concerns/ -
I want some of what Barbara's smoking. -
She got it from BoatShoes, who makes similar claims on here. You know, Barry the austerity king. LMMFAObeliever;1512152 wrote:[video=youtube;8yzYGQrYF6A][/video]
I want some of what Barbara's smoking. -
QuakerOatsObama outsources healthcare implementation to Canada...
"The company is deeply embedded in Canada’s single-payer system"
"the subsidiary has been a darling of the Obama administration, which since 2009 has bestowed it with $1.4 billion in federal contracts" -
Medicare is the ultimate counterexample to this proposition. It is administered more efficiently than private health insurance companies are and dramatically improved the quality of life for seniors and their ability to obtain health care services. This was proven even more dramatically with the failure of Medicare Advantage to control costs as well as original medicare.justincredible;1511877 wrote:Get government the fuck out of the industry completely. Government intervention lowers quality and increases costs. Always.
Becoming more involved is a disaster waiting to happen. -
Or maybe she got that sort of thinking from Mitch McConnell? He said the following on Larry Kudlow the other night...BGFalcons82;1512165 wrote:She got it from BoatShoes, who makes similar claims on here. You know, Barry the austerity king. LMMFAO
SEN. MITCH MCCONNELL: Well, the shutdown will end. Nobody's in favor of a government shutdown. But these are important principles that we're fighting for, for the American people. We obviously want to continue the operation of the government.
But we want to keep it within the constraints of The Budget Control Act that were passed-- two years ago, which actually have reduced government spending for two years in a row for the first time since the Korean War. This is a-- story largely untold that the-- the bipartisan agreement called The Budget Control Act, two years ago, of which the sequester is a part, has actually reduced government spending for the first time since the Korean War for two years in a row.
Really? Medicare is solvent, right? :RpS_angry:BoatShoes;1512701 wrote:Medicare is the ultimate counterexample to this proposition. It is administered more efficiently than private health insurance companies are and dramatically improved the quality of life for seniors and their ability to obtain health care services. This was proven even more dramatically with the failure of Medicare Advantage to control costs as well as original medicare. -
I have to keep posting this video until we stop acting like questions of "solvency" even apply to the United States. It is about real assets and services, hospitals, doctors and nurses committed to old folks. Greenspan says....the question is about "real assets".sleeper;1512705 wrote:Really? Medicare is solvent, right? :RpS_angry:
There is no solvency question w/ regard to medicare. It is a non-sensical position. It is like saying the Browns aren't going to have tickets to give to Old people who want to go to the game. The question is whether we want to reserve so many seats for old people or if we'll have enough seats for all of the old people.
[video=youtube;GdOsybbBVEU][/video] -
sleeperI get it, we control our own currency so we will have enough money to cover any deficits. The question is, by doing this will our currency be worth anything and we all know the answer to that(hell even the dog knows the answer to that).