Why no school shooter thread?


Senior Member

Tue, Feb 20, 2018 10:21 AM
posted by Belly35

Yesterday a GlenOak, Louisville , Jackson and Marlington  and others was put on some type alert due to a threat on a website.

Sheriff made the announcement yesterday .... Police and Sheriff was at Glenoak this morning when my draughter drop off my three grand kids.

For those who have kids/grandkids on here, I hope they never have to deal with this shit.


Elderly Intellectual

Tue, Feb 20, 2018 11:01 AM
posted by BR1986FB

For those who have kids/grandkids on here, I hope they never have to deal with this shit.

The kid (self inflicted wound) at Jackson Middle school be taken to the hospital ( not sure if it was a life flight or not)  the school is being seach for bomb reports indicate.


Senior Member

Wed, Feb 21, 2018 7:30 AM
posted by vball10set

Looks like it's happening everywhere in our Great State...wtf is going on?!?





Guy I work with's wife is a teacher here at school on the East side of Cleveland and there were three threats yesterday. Gotta love the media sensationalizing this shit. It's gotten WAY out of hand.


Honorable Admin

Wed, Feb 21, 2018 8:47 AM


In the wake of the Florida school shooting, Americans are calling on the owners of assault-style rifles to surrender their weapons.

Do you own an AR-15 — and are you thinking of turning it in? Or do you know someone who owns an assault rifle — and think they need to give it up?

Mic wants to tell your story. Email us: opinion@mic.com

They are really trying to push this hard. Luckily most of the comments I read through were calling them on it.


1st Team All-PWN

Wed, Feb 21, 2018 10:27 AM
posted by justincredible


They are really trying to push this hard. Luckily most of the comments I read through were calling them on it.

lol yes and there are 2 videos of AR15 owners virtue signaling by sawing their AR15 into pieces.  Might as well chop off your penis to prevent rape while you are at it.



Honorable Admin

Wed, Feb 21, 2018 10:36 AM
posted by superman

Yeah there was a threat at a few schools here in Cincinnati. Scary stuff.

Wife's school was one of them last Friday.


Honorable Admin

Wed, Feb 21, 2018 10:41 AM
posted by like_that

lol yes and there are 2 videos of AR15 owners virtue signaling by sawing their AR15 into pieces.  Might as well chop off your penis to prevent rape while you are at it.

Indeed. I started to watch one of the videos where the dude apparently sawed the barrel off, making it into an (illegal) SBR. I couldn't get more than a few seconds in because it was so pathetic.

From the mic video:

Or do you know someone who owns an assault rifle — and think they need to give it up?

This kinda stuff makes me really angry. "Hey, tell us which friends/neighbors/relatives own an AR-15 so we can ask them why they feel the need to have it."

Grabbers also wonder why they get push back on stronger mental health screening when I've seen countless comments stating, essentially, that anyone that would ever want to own a gun is clearly mentally unstable. Ok, so the mentally unstable can't own guns. Also, the desire to own a gun makes you mentally unstable. Seems legit.




Wed, Feb 21, 2018 10:42 AM

The 7th grader at Massillon Jackson who shot himself in the restroom yesterday....CNN called and talked with my wife (she is secretary at district office for Jackson City Schools), she directed the woman the right way lol.


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Wed, Feb 21, 2018 11:08 AM
posted by justincredible

Grabbers also wonder why they get push back on stronger mental health screening when I've seen countless comments stating, essentially, that anyone that would ever want to own a gun is clearly mentally unstable. Ok, so the mentally unstable can't own guns. Also, the desire to own a gun makes you mentally unstable. Seems legit.

Same thing with their Nazi comments. Punching a Nazi is fine, if you lean right you are a Nazi. The guy cutting his AR was such a douche bag. It can't hurt anyone if you don't shoot someone with it you fuck.

The media has totally lost it. You have CNN Cuomo retweeting dumbass articles where a kid said he bought an AR with an expired license, except that he never went through the background process, you have them taking advantage of 15 year olds who, while good for them for having an opinion, no one should give a fuck bc they are children, and then you have the NRA being told they have blood on their hands and helped expand white supremacy.

I'm probably going to become an NRA member because of all of this. I bet they are having a huge spike in membership right now.


1st Team All-PWN

Wed, Feb 21, 2018 11:19 AM
posted by justincredible

Indeed. I started to watch one of the videos where the dude apparently sawed the barrel off, making it into an (illegal) SBR. I couldn't get more than a few seconds in because it was so pathetic.

From the mic video:

Or do you know someone who owns an assault rifle — and think they need to give it up?

This kinda stuff makes me really angry. "Hey, tell us which friends/neighbors/relatives own an AR-15 so we can ask them why they feel the need to have it."

Grabbers also wonder why they get push back on stronger mental health screening when I've seen countless comments stating, essentially, that anyone that would ever want to own a gun is clearly mentally unstable. Ok, so the mentally unstable can't own guns. Also, the desire to own a gun makes you mentally unstable. Seems legit.


As we all know facebook/twitter is where you can see the full extent of full retard.  I know a guy  who is pretty much long gone and drank the kool aid.  He posted the other day that anyone owning guns is a sign of mental instability, which is why we we need to repeal the 2nd amendment lmao. I don't know why I read my feed sometimes.


Honorable Admin

Wed, Feb 21, 2018 11:28 AM
posted by iclfan2

Same thing with their Nazi comments. Punching a Nazi is fine, if you lean right you are a Nazi. The guy cutting his AR was such a douche bag. It can't hurt anyone if you don't shoot someone with it you fuck.

The media has totally lost it. You have CNN Cuomo retweeting dumbass articles where a kid said he bought an AR with an expired license, except that he never went through the background process, you have them taking advantage of 15 year olds who, while good for them for having an opinion, no one should give a fuck bc they are children, and then you have the NRA being told they have blood on their hands and helped expand white supremacy.

I'm probably going to become an NRA member because of all of this. I bet they are having a huge spike in membership right now.

Yeah, the Nazi thing parallels pretty close with this. 

I'm not sure I'll end up joining the NRA, but I have considered it more recently. It is kinda nice to be able to counter the "you're just a GOP/NRA shill" with the fact that I am neither a Republican nor a member of the NRA. I do think I will be joining GOA.


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Wed, Feb 21, 2018 11:31 AM
posted by justincredible

I'm not sure I'll end up joining the NRA, but I have considered it more recently. It is kinda nice to be able to counter the "you're just a GOP/NRA shill" with the fact that I am neither a Republican nor a member of the NRA. I do think I will be joining GOA.

What I also get frustrated with is that people don't seem to grasp that the NRA is paid by members. The members pay the NRA to give money to candidates who agree with their positions. Marco Rubio isn't voting for gun rights bc he is being paid by the NRA, he is being paid by the NRA to get/stay elected because he believes in gun rights. They have it the wrong way. 


Senior Member

Wed, Feb 21, 2018 11:36 AM
posted by like_that

lol yes and there are 2 videos of AR15 owners virtue signaling by sawing their AR15 into pieces. 


I saw a few articles about that.  Made me wonder if those owners have other firearms just as lethal that they're hanging onto.  I have no idea if they do, but the thought did occur to me.  I must be turning cynical in my old age.


Senior Member

Wed, Feb 21, 2018 11:39 AM

Turning to government for answers, when it is big government that has led the destruction of families, traditional values and conscience formation, all of which has brought us to these shootings.  

The irony is immeasurable. 


Senior Member

Wed, Feb 21, 2018 11:46 AM

It's been less than a week and we've reached maximum retard. Crisis actors, hacking up guns on FB, Donald paying lip service with the bumpstock ban, etc.


Elderly Intellectual

Wed, Feb 21, 2018 1:03 PM

I like to inform the students that want to start banning guns that they need to take a look at facts. They may want to check themselves before they decide to check a nation legal gun owners and check the Second Amendment.

87% of the school student shooters have have a history of being bullied by the students body within that school. Over 80% of the student body deemed the individual socially unacceptable, 12% of the student Shooters have significant signs of suicide which is ignored not only by the students but by the counselors. A hundred percent of those students Shooters have dysfunctional families, dysfunctional parents, a history of suicide behavors, suicide attempts drug abuse substance abuse and most of all the refusal to take their medications for whatever psychological issues they may have.

Fix the problem in your own house, in your own school building,  in your own student body, with your counselors your own community awareness. 


Honorable Admin

Wed, Feb 21, 2018 1:06 PM

To your point, Belly, this was posted by the Superintendent of the school district I grew up in:

With yet another school massacre occurring yesterday, many of you may be wondering what we do here at Licking Valley to prepare for and try to deter such heinous acts in our schools. Let’s start by acknowledging that if someone with a weapon wants to come to the school and do harm it can be difficult, if not impossible, to stop. That doesn’t mean that we won’t do everything in our power to stop the individual and protect your child, but it will depend on the circumstances and each of these events is unique. If there is a form of prevention it is relationships. Of all of the safety and security measures we have undertaken and implemented here at Licking Valley over the last 8 years, none of them is as powerful as relationships, and I would argue that no school staff anywhere does a better job of focusing on and intentionally and actively building relationships with our students and families. We have to know our kids, we have to know their parents, we have to know when bad things have happened in their lives, we have to know when they are hurting and need to be loved, we have to know when they need help we may not be trained to provide them, we have to know when they need compassion before education: first and foremost, we have to know our kids, there is no other effective deterrent.

Those relationships build trust. Our kids have to trust us. They have to be willing to walk up to an adult in the school and tell them when they know something, saw something, heard something, fear something, sense something. I’ve remarked to many people in the 15 years that I’ve been at Licking Valley as an administrator that I am so proud of the fact that our kids do just that, all the time. You don’t know this, but over that 15-year period of time many a dangerous situation has been stopped in its tracks for ONLY this reason; a student trusted us enough to tell us about something that scared them. We can never take that trust for granted and we must actively foster and nurture that trust every day with every kid. The fact that we love our kids makes that a fairly natural thing for us to do.

Parents, this is where your role in school safety comes in: you have to help us foster and nurture that trust with your children. We need positive and productive relationships with you, and you have to trust us so that you will tell us when your child is experiencing some form of trauma, or depression, or mental illness. You have to trust us so that you will encourage your children to trust us; and yes, we have to earn and build that trust with you. We need you to actively and repeatedly encourage your children, when they see something or hear something, to say something to an adult in the school, or even to you so you can tell an adult at the school. This is the only effective deterrent.

We can train our staff and students in all of the latest best practices around school safety, and we have, and we can spend tens of thousands of dollars to install the latest, cutting-edge school security equipment, and we have, and we can do all of the necessary drills, and we do, and if we don’t have positive relationships and trust as a foundation for our school community, it can happen here. RELATIONSHIPS. TRUST. VIGILANCE. COMMUNICATION.

David Hile
Superintendent, LVLS


Senior Member

Wed, Feb 21, 2018 1:45 PM

If anyone has an AR that they feel guilty about opening, I'll give them my address. They can send it to me and I'll destroy it for them.


Senior Member

Wed, Feb 21, 2018 1:47 PM
posted by justincredible

To your point, Belly, this was posted by the Superintendent of the school district I grew up in:

But damn it, we want to ban something!.

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Wed, Feb 21, 2018 4:52 PM
posted by Belly35

I like to inform the students that want to start banning guns that they need to take a look at facts. They may want to check themselves before they decide to check a nation legal gun owners and check the Second Amendment.

87% of the school student shooters have have a history of being bullied by the students body within that school. Over 80% of the student body deemed the individual socially unacceptable, 12% of the student Shooters have significant signs of suicide which is ignored not only by the students but by the counselors. A hundred percent of those students Shooters have dysfunctional families, dysfunctional parents, a history of suicide behavors, suicide attempts drug abuse substance abuse and most of all the refusal to take their medications for whatever psychological issues they may have.

Fix the problem in your own house, in your own school building,  in your own student body, with your counselors your own community awareness. 

So school shootings are the fault of the other students at the school?


Senior Member

Wed, Feb 21, 2018 4:57 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

So school shootings are the fault of the other students at the school?

Fault isn't the point. The point is for everyone to be aware of what's going on around you and if something doesn't feel right, share your concerns. May not have helped in this case, definitely could have in others.


Senior Member

Wed, Feb 21, 2018 8:32 PM
posted by Belly35

I like to inform the students that want to start banning guns that they need to take a look at facts. They may want to check themselves before they decide to check a nation legal gun owners and check the Second Amendment.

87% of the school student shooters have have a history of being bullied by the students body within that school. Over 80% of the student body deemed the individual socially unacceptable, 12% of the student Shooters have significant signs of suicide which is ignored not only by the students but by the counselors. A hundred percent of those students Shooters have dysfunctional families, dysfunctional parents, a history of suicide behavors, suicide attempts drug abuse substance abuse and most of all the refusal to take their medications for whatever psychological issues they may have.

Fix the problem in your own house, in your own school building,  in your own student body, with your counselors your own community awareness. 


-50 for suggesting personal accountability

-100 for failing to suggest how govt intervention can fix the problem

-1000 for forgetting to blame the NRA and Republicans


Senior Member

Wed, Feb 21, 2018 10:05 PM

All school shootings happen at a school.  #banschools