1) there are 50 million students compared to 1.5m servicemen, terrible comparison. Percentages matter
2) licensing wouldn’t have stopped this?
3) what about the millions of guns already not registered?
4) I don’t believe 60% of Americans support “assault weapons bans” which aren’t a real thing, nor do I think generation z are any more anti gun. I have seen articles stating both. Even if you “ban” assault weapons, which have already been proven to not reduce crime”, how do you get rid of the millions on the market?
5) I can’t wait for congressman to run in gun control in normal states so we can see what happens. I’m honestly curious.
You can say there are thing you can do, but none of them actually do anything. Statistics show school shootings on the decline since the 90s. Gun violence as a whole are down, and the majority are from inner cities. The epidemic you try to make out to be doesn’t exist. Is it fucked up, sure, but few and far between has there been laws not on the books that would have stopped them. In actuality laws were broken, and it didn’t stop shit. Not to mention states and the fbi not complying with laws already on the books. You can go into any city and find a gun to buy if you want. Literally no law will stop that with the amount of guns on the street.
Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s fucked up, but I honestly don’t see what can be done. And the gun advocates won’t give an inch bc Dems have admitted they want to take a mile. At the end of the day, Americans are raising fucked up kids. In Europe that have mass killings but it’s mostly religion (Muslim) based. I don’t know why we are fucking up our youth so much here.