Covid-19 discussion, continued...


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Fri, Feb 4, 2022 6:51 PM

Covid related bc of Canada, but stop donating to people on these platforms. Also LOL about the left complaining about actual peaceful protests. And don’t forget, the current VP donated money to violent protestors to get them out of jail. 


Senior Member

Sat, Feb 5, 2022 11:45 AM

Uggh, whole family tested positive this morning. Fiancee has it the worst.



Sat, Feb 5, 2022 11:53 AM
posted by BR1986FB

Uggh, whole family tested positive this morning. Fiancee has it the worst.

Hope all goes ok


Senior Member

Sat, Feb 5, 2022 11:59 AM
posted by BR1986FB

Uggh, whole family tested positive this morning. Fiancee has it the worst.

Get better quick. 


Senior Member

Sat, Feb 5, 2022 2:10 PM
posted by Ironman92

Hope all goes ok

And now the 3 year old grandkid, who my fiancee and her daughter (both positive) babysat last week, has it. 

My symptoms are pretty mild (scratchy throat, fatigue, runny nose, coughing) but it's just getting started. Took a few days for my fiancees to ramp up. Hopefully all of these vitamins I've been shoving down my throat for years keep it to a minimum.



Sat, Feb 5, 2022 4:05 PM
posted by BR1986FB

And now the 3 year old grandkid, who my fiancee and her daughter (both positive) babysat last week, has it. 

My symptoms are pretty mild (scratchy throat, fatigue, runny nose, coughing) but it's just getting started. Took a few days for my fiancees to ramp up. Hopefully all of these vitamins I've been shoving down my throat for years keep it to a minimum.

Hopefully just tired for a few days and a sore throat and then start to mend back to normal.


Senior Member

Sun, Feb 6, 2022 1:34 AM
posted by BR1986FB

And now the 3 year old grandkid, who my fiancee and her daughter (both positive) babysat last week, has it. 

My symptoms are pretty mild (scratchy throat, fatigue, runny nose, coughing) but it's just getting started. Took a few days for my fiancees to ramp up. Hopefully all of these vitamins I've been shoving down my throat for years keep it to a minimum.

My wife and I are at the tail end of a 2 week battle with this shit.  Both of us being vaccinated not at all what we were expecting when testing positive.  My wife brought the plague into our home so she was about 3 days ahead of me.  Started out with a raw feeling in the chest then dry cough.  Scratchy then sore throat.

Day 3-5 turrable.  My wife was ahead of me and was telling me she feels like she has swallowed broken glass and coughing fire.  Then my turn.  With my dry cough I felt like I huffed a bag of fiberglass insulation.  Like the blow in kind.  Bad coughing fits for the both of us. But I am shooting blanks.

My wife ended up developing pneumonia.  She was treated at home with antibiotics.  I have not been in the office for 2 weeks nor has my wife.  We still have coughing spells though far less frequent.  If you feel like it is settling into your lungs keep them exercised.  My wife and I blew into straws in a glass of water.  My wife ordered a lung exercising device off amazon that we dubbed the crack pipe.  Pretty much shaped like a crack pipe with a metal ball in a bowl on the end.  You take a deep breath and exhale into it getting the metal ball to vibrate.  It vibrates back into your lungs then a coughing fit.  Just like the real thing.  If you want to add a little more humor to a shitty situation take your other hand and act like you are flicking a lighter.

Not to scare you my wife is the activities director at an elder care facility.  When someone tests positive the residents are quarantined in their rooms.  When this happens my wife helps out the nurses and aids with their duties and getting food delivered to individual rooms.  That is how she got it.  None of the people she likely got it from had anything other than the initial mild symptoms.  Hopefully this is as bad as it gets for you.



Sun, Feb 6, 2022 8:15 AM

And just think that if our government didn’t play politics with therapeutics,  you could have gotten some in the first few days and likely been done with this in 48 hours.  

I wonder if the vaccine is making it worse?


Senior Member

Sun, Feb 6, 2022 9:37 AM
posted by Fletch

I wonder if the vaccine is making it worse?

Two part answer: 1) No, and 2) you're a moron.



Sun, Feb 6, 2022 9:51 AM

Since I doubt you know how to read or understand clinical research:

These “vaccines” only replicate one part of the virus,  the damn spike protein that allows for binding to the ACE2 cell receptor,  it is causing an abnormally high response to allowing the virus into the cell.  

They literally aren’t vaccines at this point.  


Senior Member

Sun, Feb 6, 2022 10:34 AM

I was wondering if the vaccines were really vaccines. Then I thought, I'll ask a gym teacher.



Sun, Feb 6, 2022 11:28 AM
posted by queencitybuckeye

I was wondering if the vaccines were really vaccines. Then I thought, I'll ask a gym teacher.

You lose the conversation when you attack the others instead of adding substance

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Sun, Feb 6, 2022 11:36 AM
posted by Fletch

You lose the conversation when you attack the others instead of adding substance

You sound like an Imam in Africa - directing others not to take the polio vaccine because it required a booster and was therefore a plot by them US and UN to enrich themselves while ruining the health of innocent Nigerian children.

kizer permanente

Senior Member

Sun, Feb 6, 2022 12:42 PM
posted by BR1986FB

And now the 3 year old grandkid, who my fiancee and her daughter (both positive) babysat last week, has it. 

My symptoms are pretty mild (scratchy throat, fatigue, runny nose, coughing) but it's just getting started. Took a few days for my fiancees to ramp up. Hopefully all of these vitamins I've been shoving down my throat for years keep it to a minimum.

When was your booster? 

I had scratchy throat and nothing more than that.  maybe you’ll get lucky too  


12th Son of the Lama

Sun, Feb 6, 2022 12:43 PM

We should start a flu thread, a strep throat thread, a pneumonia thread, a bronchitis thread, a respiratory infection thread, etc.  Each of those, and you could list others, have some pretty severe and crappy cases.  When you get bronchitis, for example, does anyone really GAF?  I'm so sick of reading, "I got the VID!  My nose is running!!!!!!!!! Thus stuf sux!!!" 


Senior Member

Sun, Feb 6, 2022 12:51 PM

Guys stop going to ETB’s house and forcing him to read the Covid thread which - shockingly- people use to describe their experiences with Covid. 


Son of the Sun

Sun, Feb 6, 2022 1:34 PM
posted by friendfromlowry

Guys stop going to ETB’s house and forcing him to read the Covid thread which - shockingly- people use to describe their experiences with Covid. 

To be honest, it also contains CC's "I done heard me a podcast that says everything's a lie!" rebuttals to COVID-related stuff. And him getting regularly ratio'd because of that shit.


Senior Member

Sun, Feb 6, 2022 2:08 PM
posted by Fletch

You lose the conversation when you attack the others instead of adding substance

Here's the substance. 1. With rare exceptions, the vaccinated are not hospitalized from Covid. 2. The incidence of death among that group approaches zero. 3. You are an idiot.



Sun, Feb 6, 2022 2:15 PM
posted by queencitybuckeye

Here's the substance. 1. With rare exceptions, the vaccinated are not hospitalized from Covid. 2. The incidence of death among that group approaches zero. 3. You are an idiot.

1.  The variants have been proven to be less deadly,  hence less death.

2.  It’s a proven fact that antibody enhanced infections are real.

3.  I seem to be smarter then you.


Senior Member

Sun, Feb 6, 2022 2:22 PM

I think my favorite is when Spock mocks someone’s education while still messing up than/then and your/you’re. “I want people to think I’m smart and informed, but I screw up concepts they teach in middle school.” 



Sun, Feb 6, 2022 2:24 PM

I know a lot of people that are good at spelling,  they aren’t smart.  


Senior Member

Sun, Feb 6, 2022 3:01 PM
posted by kizer permanente

When was your booster? 

I had scratchy throat and nothing more than that.  maybe you’ll get lucky too  

Both myself & fiancee got our boosters a few months ago. Her issues started last Wednesday and she still has the cough, stuffiness and general body weakness. I just started showing symptoms when I woke up yesterday. This morning still have the scratchy throat,  headache and serious weakness. Told my lady it feels like if someone touched my knees or lower back that they'd shatter like glass.

She doesn't really have a sense of smell or taste. She said everything tastes "burnt" although I can taste everything. Had to "motivate" myself over a 3 hour period to get up the energy to pull the trash, for pickup tomorrow, out to the alley.

Her daughter, who has the first two Pfizers, hasn't had the booster. She seems the most mild of all three.

If this stays, as is, I'd expect to have it out of my system in a few days....knock wood. I live a bit healthier lifestyle than my fiancee, who is a long-time smoker, so her congestion/cough isn't a shock to me.


Senior Member

Sun, Feb 6, 2022 3:06 PM
posted by queencitybuckeye

Here's the substance. 1. With rare exceptions, the vaccinated are not hospitalized from Covid. 2. The incidence of death among that group approaches zero. 3. You are an idiot.

That's why I got all three shots. Don't think it's a "prevention" as much as it's a somewhat "protection."

On Christmas Day I hung up on my Tin Foil Hat sister who went off on me when I told her I had been fully vaccinated. Her batshit ass is of firm belief that only type A & B blood types (specifically she noted Native American Indians) are susceptible to death with this and I didn't need vaccinated because I'm type O.

Needless to say, since my mom died, I don't go out to visit my sister who lived with her.



Sun, Feb 6, 2022 3:18 PM

I’d rather have the flu THAN Covid-19.

I took some vitamins to hopefully help with my case of the flu, THEN I went and took a nap.



Senior Member

Sun, Feb 6, 2022 3:45 PM
posted by Fletch

1.  The variants have been proven to be less deadly,  hence less death.

2.  It’s a proven fact that antibody enhanced infections are real.

3.  I seem to be smarter then you.

1. The vastly lower death rate among the vaccinated has been true of all known variants. You are a liar.

2. Not remotely "proven", wouldn't change the facts of hospitalizations and deaths even if it were. Yet another lie.

3. No question about that. None.