posted by iclfan2
The funniest part is she looks at this as a win for her and tweeted it as such
I can't even understand how she would.
Is it just me, or does this feel like she's just trying to co-opt the popular sympathy associated with being a minority without having to deal with the struggles of it?
Talk about white privilege. The ability to do THAT is as much privilege as anything.
posted by ptown_trojans_1
Context bro.
The full quote: ‘The way we implement change in America is through elections. We change governments here at home in an orderly and formal way. In that orderly and formal way and lawful way, we need to overthrow the government of the United States under Donald Trump.’
Bad word choice, but he wasn't calling for coup man.
I'm not even sure it's the worst word choice. Within the context, it's fine. A little hyperbolic, but within the context, the intent was clearly benign from a legal or forceful standpoint.
Certainly no worse than claiming one could shoot someone in the middle of the street and get off.
posted by ptown_trojans_1
The Elizabeth Warren thing is funny. Both sides are claiming "victory" and using it to make their own points. I think it's a bad move and plays right into Trump's hand, but whatever. He loves this and knows now the name calling worked against her.
Warren is running in 2020 and if she gets the nomination (I doubt she will), but she will have nearly as much baggage as Clinton did against Trump. Outside of hardcore liberals, people just don't like Warren.
I just can't understand how she views (or positions) this as a win for her.
Having said that, for the other side to view this as a noteworthy victory, that would lead me to believe they had way too much emotion invested into it, as well. The bottom line is that a politician popped off about being Native American to a mentionable degree. Even if she was right, this doesn't really seem like a significant story, and it feels really childish to have anything invested in her being shown to be wrong.
posted by QuakerOats
Had anyone said that about obama they would have been summarily dealt with by the full force of federal officials, you can bet your ass.
I sincerely doubt it. David Perdue is still in office, despite making the joke about praying Obama's days are few.