Impressed by the Trump administration part II

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Fri, Aug 31, 2018 4:56 PM
posted by O-Trap see campaigns swing more to emphasize the virtues of voting FOR a candidate as opposed to against the other candidate. 

Everyone has their pet policies.  While there is a party agenda that tend to get pushed and members strong-armed into supporting, there's never been a lack of individual ideas and policies on the campaign trail.  The "don't vote for him/her" is not the norm - most are trying to give voters a reason to vote for them, especially given the key is to turn out your base.

But I'm talking about actually legislating, not campaigning.  I see no evidence multi-party legislatures in other countries are any more effective at governing.  The more ideas at a table, and the more equal the leverage, the more a compromise is going to deviate from all the individual ideas....which is a good way to end-up with a mish-mash of mediocrity.  

There seems to be this idea that diversity of thought dies as soon as a politician decides to associate with one of the two parties.  I think that's patently false.  The parties filter their best ideas such that a bill starts off with close to majority support.  The two parties are not monolithic, nor are they the same.  That spineless politicians won't make tough spending choices is more about re-election than anything - more parties won't change that.



Senior Member

Wed, Sep 5, 2018 7:14 PM
posted by justincredible

Interesting read: NYT Opinion: I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration

So I read that article nodding my head "yep, believe it....not surprising....not surprising".  Then I get to the leftist talking point about cozying up to autocrats and dictators and distancing us from our allies.  That is a rather simple, partisan and misguided view.  And I think "ehhhh, I don't expect a senior official to be that naive or oblivious....unless maybe it's Ben Carson"


Senior Member

Wed, Sep 5, 2018 8:42 PM

I feel a night of the long knives coming soon


Senior Member

Thu, Sep 6, 2018 11:23 AM
posted by Spock

I feel a night of the long knives coming soon

LOL.....I think the dirty little secret is the "deep state" has more power and autonomy than ever before.  Trump is a big picture, hands-off guy.  While he's clowning around, the career staffers are running things with an unprecedented LACK of Presidential oversight.  And the media is too focused on Trump to pay any attention, either.


Senior Member

Thu, Sep 6, 2018 11:46 AM

Asleep at the wheel.....the media is working that narrative today.


Senior Member

Tue, Sep 11, 2018 3:46 PM



The well orchestrated attacks continue unabated……becoming quite laughable, particularly in light of all the winning that is occurring on a daily basis.  I guess the corruption at the DoJ and the FBI is so vast and historic that the attacks on Trump must continue in order to overwhelm what the media has been complicit in covering up.  Incredible times.


Senior Member

Wed, Sep 12, 2018 7:52 AM
posted by BoatShoes

Uncoincidentally this coincides with the 32% increase in the federal budget deficit which is now at $859 billion! 

Thank God for President Trump and Congress making our deficits great again! 

Funny how the Federal deficit was not an issue from 1.20.2009 - 1.19.2016.......



Wed, Sep 12, 2018 8:00 AM
posted by wkfan

Funny how the Federal deficit was not an issue from 1.20.2009 - 1.19.2016.......

Goes both ways. Funny, how the Rs don't give a shit about it now. 

Shows no one really cared about it then, and shows no one cares about it now. 


1st Team All-PWN

Wed, Sep 12, 2018 9:28 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Goes both ways. Funny, how the Rs don't give a shit about it now. 

Shows no one really cared about it then, and shows no one cares about it now. 

Pretty much why I gave up identifying as a republican years ago.  I was slowly realizing it from 2010-2012 (still somewhat in denial during this period), but right after the 2012 election I gave up on them.  They are 100% full of shit when it comes to fiscal responsibility and that's my #1 issue. I know many other "normal" or moderate conservatives who no longer identify as republican, because of this.  We have had many years of data to prove the GOP does not give a fuck about the debt.  

I am still waiting for the "normal"/moderate (not the bat shit crazy liberals who are overtaking the party as pew research has show) liberals to realize and admit the democrats are also full of shit.  Especially when it comes to pretending they care about minorities.  They only have 50+ years of the dems doing absolutely nothing for them, except win their votes. 


Senior Member

Wed, Sep 12, 2018 9:36 AM
posted by wkfan

Funny how the Federal deficit was not an issue from 1.20.2009 - 1.19.2016.......

My complaint during the Obama years was that the federal budget deficit was not large enough and that it was a terrible mistake for Obama to spend political capital trying to reduce the deficit as they did with the "Fiscal Cliff" after 2010. I have been wrong in voting for Democrats all of this time and should be voting for Republican presidents because conservatives will support any amount of deficit spending so long as the president is a Republican. 


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Wed, Sep 12, 2018 10:38 AM
posted by BoatShoes

... conservatives will support any amount of deficit spending so long as the president is a Republican. 

Image result for he's right you know


Senior Member

Wed, Sep 12, 2018 2:17 PM


Not me, we could and should cut spending by 30% tomorrow, hardly anyone would even know.  Of course, that would be a large part of draining the swamp, so while Trump would support doing so, the swamp which controls the votes to do so, will not.


Senior Member

Wed, Sep 12, 2018 2:28 PM

You are all correct, Rs don't care about deficits when an R is in office and Ds don't care when a D is in office.


However, the 32% increase in the deficit this time was the immediate after affect of tax cuts, not from an increase in spending. 

One of the biggest problems in the Federal Government is how much it spends, period. Social/Welfare programs, defense, all of it is bloated and could be cut by 1/3 each but no one has the balls to do it.


Senior Member

Wed, Sep 12, 2018 2:30 PM


A few of this week’s WINS:



GREAT AGAIN: Middle-class income hit all-time high of $61,372... 


USA Now Largest Global Crude Oil Producer...


Reuters (9/11, Mutikani) reports that “U.S. job openings surged to a record high in July and more Americans voluntarily quit their jobs, pointing to sustained labor market strength and confidence that could soon spur faster wage growth.”


The Wall Street Journal (9/11, Wei, Kubota, Subscription Publication) reports that China is ceasing its policy of threats and offering reassurance to US companies in order to keep foreign investment coming. China previously had threatened retaliation in return for US tariffs and said that US companies would suffer.


NAM’s Moutray: Manufacturing Job Openings Hit A New All-Time High. In a blog post for the Shopfloor (9/11), Chad Moutray, chief economist for the National Association of Manufacturers and the Director of the Center for Manufacturing Research for The Manufacturing Institute, wrote, “The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that manufacturing job openings hit a new all-time high in July. Manufacturers posted 506,000 job openings in July, up from 475,000 in June. That was the highest reading since the Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey (JOLTS) was introduced in December 2000.”


Nucor (NUE) Set to Expand Sheet Steel Plant in Kentucky -



2 days ago - The company's board has approved $650-million investment for the same. The move will enhance the production capability of the plant to ...




Stop, stop …..too much winning.


What a difference from having a capitalist vs a Marxist in the WH.


Senior Member

Wed, Sep 12, 2018 2:40 PM
posted by QuakerOats


Not me, we could and should cut spending by 30% tomorrow, hardly anyone would even know.  Of course, that would be a large part of draining the swamp, so while Trump would support doing so, the swamp which controls the votes to do so, will not.

everyone would know.  THe media would blow a gasket



Wed, Sep 12, 2018 2:49 PM
posted by QuakerOats


Not me, we could and should cut spending by 30% tomorrow, hardly anyone would even know.  Of course, that would be a large part of draining the swamp, so while Trump would support doing so, the swamp which controls the votes to do so, will not.

Well, that would be a new Trump position, because we all know Trump campaigned on keeping SS the way it is as well as not eliminating Medicare. He also loves Defense and would never cut it. 

Kinda hard to cut 30% when you don't touch the biggest portions of the budget...


Senior Member

Wed, Sep 12, 2018 2:55 PM



Believe in something

Sacrifice everything


Just do it


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Wed, Sep 12, 2018 4:22 PM
posted by QuakerOats

Believe in something

Sacrifice everything


Just do it



Chief Shenanigans Officer

Thu, Sep 13, 2018 3:21 PM
posted by QuakerOats

What a difference from having a capitalist vs a Marxist in the WH.

That sounds exciting.  I look forward to the day it happens.


posted by justincredible

Good Ben Carson.




Senior Member

Fri, Sep 14, 2018 3:52 PM


As always happens when tax rates are lowered – revenues increase




( - The federal government collected a record $1,521,589,000,000 in individual income taxes through the first eleven months of fiscal 2018 (October 2017 through August 2018), according to the Monthly Treasury Statement released today.



Have a great weekend.