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Honorable Admin

Thu, Jul 5, 2018 2:36 PM
posted by O-Trap

Wow.  Enjoy the big bowl of knocked-the-fuck-out.

I love how it takes 4-5 of his buddies to drag his limp body off the pavement.


333 - I'm only half evil

Sat, Jul 7, 2018 5:41 PM

So, apparently, Facebook flagged and removed a section of the Declaration of Independence that was posted by a Texas newspaper. It reinstated the section the next day. But what the algorithms pick up on was the section where it said "Indian savages", considering it hate speech.




Reppin' the 330/216/843

Sat, Jul 7, 2018 6:44 PM

So the people of Chicago shut down a portion of their highway to protest “gun violence”. Maybe you should get your shit together in your own city before you try protesting something nationally you morons.



Mon, Jul 9, 2018 11:54 AM
posted by iclfan2

So the people of Chicago shut down a portion of their highway to protest “gun violence”. Maybe you should get your shit together in your own city before you try protesting something nationally you morons.

Wait. I thought people are always saying what about Chicago? Why don’t they rally against gun violence? I’m not a fan of blocking highways, but this seems like an example of what people were asking for many times on this board



Mon, Jul 9, 2018 11:57 AM
posted by QuakerOats

I don't know that you can fix this kind of warpage.

I’m looking for the “what happened before the video?” Train. Where is the “well there must be more to it?” Funny how when a unarmed black gets assaulted or killed we need the whole video, but we take this at face value 



Mon, Jul 9, 2018 3:04 PM
posted by Spock

good for them.  You know the only group of people on the whole planet that cant march and demonstrate and protest are white males.  Its BS.  

What do white males have to protest? Serious question 


Honorable Admin

Mon, Jul 9, 2018 3:30 PM
posted by geeblock

What do white males have to protest? Serious question 

The inability to protest, obviously.


1st Team All-PWN

Mon, Jul 9, 2018 3:48 PM
posted by geeblock

What do (insert demographic) have to protest? Serious question 

FIFY for accuracy.  I am still waiting to hear what rights white males (citizens of the US to be specific) are afforded that nobody else is afforded in the USA in 2018. 



Mon, Jul 9, 2018 4:09 PM
posted by like_that

FIFY for accuracy.  I am still waiting to hear what rights white males (citizens of the US to be specific) are afforded that nobody else is afforded in the USA in 2018. 

I hear what your saying that is a whole other subject. On paper probably nothing. Certainly there are advantages in the justice system, obtaining credit, most certainly in getting housing especially in affluent areas but anywhere really. It has advantages in the job market I’m sure as well by having more access to connect with certain groups and families. The laws certainly are supposed to treat all as equal but we know there is always a human element. Prohibition outlawed drinking but that didn’t stop people from consuming alcohol. You can’t legislate out racism by passing laws, it takes time. I do find it weird that the very group that has made everything about race for the last 250 years, now wants to make nothing about race because they begin to lose their advantage. When used to a lifetime of privilege, equality can feel like oppression I’m sure. And i know no one in this board was handed anything and every one here pulled themselves up by the bootstraps. I’m just speaking in general terms of what I have seen in the twitter verse. There are zero disadvantages that’s for sure


1st Team All-PWN

Mon, Jul 9, 2018 5:41 PM
posted by geeblock

I hear what your saying that is a whole other subject. On paper probably nothing. Certainly there are advantages in the justice system, obtaining credit, most certainly in getting housing especially in affluent areas but anywhere really. It has advantages in the job market I’m sure as well by having more access to connect with certain groups and families. The laws certainly are supposed to treat all as equal but we know there is always a human element. Prohibition outlawed drinking but that didn’t stop people from consuming alcohol. You can’t legislate out racism by passing laws, it takes time. I do find it weird that the very group that has made everything about race for the last 250 years, now wants to make nothing about race because they begin to lose their advantage. When used to a lifetime of privilege, equality can feel like oppression I’m sure. And i know no one in this board was handed anything and every one here pulled themselves up by the bootstraps. I’m just speaking in general terms of what I have seen in the twitter verse. There are zero disadvantages that’s for sure

Soooo the answer is nothing.


Senior Member

Mon, Jul 9, 2018 5:41 PM
posted by geeblock

I hear what your saying that is a whole other subject. On paper probably nothing. Certainly there are advantages in the justice system, obtaining credit, most certainly in getting housing especially in affluent areas but anywhere really. It has advantages in the job market I’m sure as well by having more access to connect with certain groups and families. The laws certainly are supposed to treat all as equal but we know there is always a human element. Prohibition outlawed drinking but that didn’t stop people from consuming alcohol. You can’t legislate out racism by passing laws, it takes time. I do find it weird that the very group that has made everything about race for the last 250 years, now wants to make nothing about race because they begin to lose their advantage. When used to a lifetime of privilege, equality can feel like oppression I’m sure. And i know no one in this board was handed anything and every one here pulled themselves up by the bootstraps. I’m just speaking in general terms of what I have seen in the twitter verse. There are zero disadvantages that’s for sure

Zero disadvantages?


Today you are automatically guilty of white privilage, racism, sexism and many other isms if you are a white male.   I feel like a target for all the victimhood mentality and fake opression going around


Senior Member

Mon, Jul 9, 2018 5:57 PM
posted by geeblock

I hear what your saying that is a whole other subject. On paper probably nothing. Certainly there are advantages in the justice system, obtaining credit, most certainly in getting housing especially in affluent areas but anywhere really. It has advantages in the job market I’m sure as well by having more access to connect with certain groups and families. The laws certainly are supposed to treat all as equal but we know there is always a human element. Prohibition outlawed drinking but that didn’t stop people from consuming alcohol. You can’t legislate out racism by passing laws, it takes time. I do find it weird that the very group that has made everything about race for the last 250 years, now wants to make nothing about race because they begin to lose their advantage. When used to a lifetime of privilege, equality can feel like oppression I’m sure. And i know no one in this board was handed anything and every one here pulled themselves up by the bootstraps. I’m just speaking in general terms of what I have seen in the twitter verse. There are zero disadvantages that’s for sure

Sorry but the majority of this post is a load of crap. 



Mon, Jul 9, 2018 6:01 PM
posted by Spock

Zero disadvantages?


Today you are automatically guilty of white privilage, racism, sexism and many other isms if you are a white male.   I feel like a target for all the victimhood mentality and fake opression going around

Please list the disadvantages here. 



Mon, Jul 9, 2018 6:06 PM

The only white male protest I have ever seen is a white nationalist or a klan type protest. It catches backlash not because everyone is white but because they are also racist. I’m laughing because somehow you can’t see that. Or choose to ignore it 



Mon, Jul 9, 2018 6:11 PM
posted by Spock

Zero disadvantages?


Today you are automatically guilty of white privilage, racism, sexism and many other isms if you are a white male.   I feel like a target for all the victimhood mentality and fake opression going around

That’s just made up and not true. Even if it was it pales in comparison to what other races have to go thru. If hurt feels is all you have that ain’t much. Does that effect your life? Cost U financially? Or just hurt feelings and playing the victim card u accuse others of 


Son of the Sun

Mon, Jul 9, 2018 6:11 PM
posted by Spock

Zero disadvantages?


Today you are automatically guilty of white privilage, racism, sexism and many other isms if you are a white male.   I feel like a target for all the victimhood mentality and fake opression going around

No you aren't, you stupid fuck. Unless you're ONLY talking about in the minds of the 5-10% farthest left feminazi/white guilt bitch boy demographic. And if you are, I'd wonder why you're so concerned about their opinions to cry about them online. Especially since it'd be in your best interests for them to keep on doing what they're doing, since their over-the-top whining probably played a fairly large role in getting someone like Trump (asshole, not politically correct) into office.

Now if you're talking about you in particular, your combination of stupidity and being trash might elicit that response, but that has a lot more to do with who you are rather than skin color.


333 - I'm only half evil

Mon, Jul 9, 2018 6:13 PM
posted by geeblock

I hear what your saying that is a whole other subject. On paper probably nothing. Certainly there are advantages in the justice system, obtaining credit, most certainly in getting housing especially in affluent areas but anywhere really. It has advantages in the job market I’m sure as well by having more access to connect with certain groups and families. The laws certainly are supposed to treat all as equal but we know there is always a human element. Prohibition outlawed drinking but that didn’t stop people from consuming alcohol. You can’t legislate out racism by passing laws, it takes time. I do find it weird that the very group that has made everything about race for the last 250 years, now wants to make nothing about race because they begin to lose their advantage. When used to a lifetime of privilege, equality can feel like oppression I’m sure. And i know no one in this board was handed anything and every one here pulled themselves up by the bootstraps. I’m just speaking in general terms of what I have seen in the twitter verse. There are zero disadvantages that’s for sure

Justice system: I agree that the justice system can use some tweaks. The targeting of super predators, I mean blacks, was unfairly baked into the cake by democrats who claimed to friends to the working class, urban communities, the working poor, etc. I think if ever there is a laxation in drug crimes according to the definition of the law, this will certainly this eradicate this practice of targeting certain members of communities. 

Credit: Steps have been taken in the past 10 years or so to stop this practice, and in some instances, give PoC preferences for certain lines of credit. I don't believe this is an issue anymore as a whole. Where I think the problems now are is people not understanding how interest works on a credit line. Too many people paying the minimum payment only and getting strung out on the interest. Some self-teaching needs to happen. You can learn how to properly negotiate credit, mortages, etc. by reading a few free online articles. Or going to a library and doing some quick research. Even banks can advise for free. 

Housing: This one is confusing because many urban areas want better housing with better accommodations, but will later protest "gentrification" or demand expensive improvements without a change in cost to themselves. And there is no happy medium. All too often it is impossible to have a remodel done without a cost to reflect it somewhere. I don't know what the answer is. Probably not a "good" answer at any rate.

Job market: Affirmative Action is a racial discrimination program, already in place, to ensure that more PoC are hired than the dreaded WHITE PATRIARCHY/PRIVILEGE/whatever term you want to use. The major problem that is currently being exposed with AA is that it often discriminates one group of ethnic minorities in favor of another. You see this everywhere now - from colleges/universities to job markets. The only way to fix this is to remove ethnic questions from applications, which will essentially put an end to AA.

Oppression: This word is bandied about all too frequently until it has become a laughable term, much the same way that the word "nazi" has become desensitized. It has become a buzzword or dog whistle for people who want parity and not equality. Even PoC are starting to push back against terms like this because they don't want to be grouped into a collective of people who need to be condescended to and patronized. 




Mon, Jul 9, 2018 6:26 PM

Your assessment of th justice system is laughable. Tweaks? I love how you also got a jab at dems lol. Blacks are over prosecuted and overcharged and given longer sentences than whites for the same crimes. Blacks and Latinos are 50  percent more likely to have their car searched at a traffic stop. I could go on. 

As far as housing did you not see how hard it was for the black charger players who have millions of dollars to buy a house in la? I’m not taking gentrification I’m talking about white people not wanting blacks to move into their neu

All these issues are real things that affect peoples lives. Not fake perception that you are being targeted for being white when you aren’t. Your takes all come from an extremely conservative article 

Anyway my original questions still stand? What are the DISADVANTAGES of being white? 

What protests are white males not allowed to have? What is this protest that singles out white males? 

Also are you saying you would rather be black or Mexican right now? Cmon man be honest you working way to hard to just say things have gotten better but we have a way to go. It really is that easy 


Senior Member

Mon, Jul 9, 2018 7:20 PM
posted by geeblock

Wait. I thought people are always saying what about Chicago? Why don’t they rally against gun violence? I’m not a fan of blocking highways, but this seems like an example of what people were asking for many times on this board

Because there's no such thing as "gun violence", only violence.




Mon, Jul 9, 2018 7:42 PM
posted by queencitybuckeye

Because there's no such thing as "gun violence", only violence.


Seems like a nitty take. Really splitting hairs there my guy