Disgusted with progressives, part 2...

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Thu, Aug 16, 2018 1:47 PM
posted by like_that

Fair.  Regardless, to legitimately believe that all racists vote for the GOP is a joke.  1. As I said earlier it's under the assumption that racism is exclusive to only white conservatives, which in itself is racist logic and 2. this is based on the left arbitrarily moving the goalposts and decided what is/isn't racism. 

All of this btw, and Trumps approval ratings with black people has gone from 17% a year a go to 36% now.  He has a lot of character issues, but hopefully this is a sign that black people are waking up and realizing that the democrats don't give a fuck about them, never will give a fuck about them, and will continue to do nothing for them. 

Who did that poll?


1st Team All-PWN

Thu, Aug 16, 2018 1:53 PM
posted by gut

I just don't think oppressing blacks is probably very high on the list of things that are important to your typical redneck racist.  And why would it be, if we're to believe all the arguments about white privilege? 

But the truth is, the instant black people stop blindly voting against "racist Repubs" then identity politics will be dead in the Democratic party because none of them will be able to win an election.


Really interesting comment I saw the other day was that BOTH parties have an interest in perpetuating these stereotypes, because if people would put the racial division aside and recognize the issue is more about WEALTH privilege, then poor people find unity and perhaps force a change to the status quo.  And the reality is Dems and Repubs aren't particularly interested in changing the status quo, but only about winning elections.


Dems know this and this is why they have slowly been moving away from pretending they  GAF about blacks and now playing with their new identity politics play book with illegals and muslims. 


1st Team All-PWN

Thu, Aug 16, 2018 6:07 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

Ok, so this is floating all over the news/social media right now. I honestly don't even


Before people get upset about the source, this is story is being reported by source (CBS, NY times, etc).  I can't comprehend their logic.  This story pretty much epitomzes modern day "progressive" thought.


Senior Member

Thu, Aug 16, 2018 6:11 PM
posted by like_that

Before people get upset about the source, this is story is being reported by source (CBS, NY times, etc).  I can't comprehend their logic.  This story pretty much epitomzes modern day "progressive" thought.

I really would have bet the story was fake.  Basically checks every box for the millenial stereotype (i.e. quitting the job to experience the world, vegan/vegetarian, naive stupidity, etc...)


"Central Asia is generally safe".....so is Chicago, until you find yourself in the wrong part of Chicago.


1st Team All-PWN

Thu, Aug 16, 2018 6:18 PM
posted by gut

I really would have bet the story was fake.  Basically checks every box for the millenial stereotype (i.e. quitting the job to experience the world, vegan/vegetarian, naive stupidity, etc...)

I thought it was too, especially considering the source. 



Thu, Aug 16, 2018 7:16 PM

I looked for white people who supported trump and it seems like the Uncle Tom tactic lost steam cause they caught equal or as much heat as the conservative blacks.. it might b biased considering it is Scott baio


333 - I'm only half evil

Fri, Aug 17, 2018 7:08 AM

So, I come across this vid earlier this morning. I watch Jimmy Dore a handful of times per week. I disagree with him about many, many things - but I always find him interesting. Now, Jimmy Dore is super progressive, spawned off by The Young Turks. In this video he pretty much is forced to defend Trump in some things, something of which I see a lot of left-leaning people doing on FB, YT, Twitter, etc. I have to wonder if this phenomenon comes from the intense dislike of Hillary only, or if it is just a combination of things. Personally, I can't even make it past Trump's twitter account... his character is repulsive to me and I can't get beyond it. I have given him fair chances to bring me over but I don't think he's interested in pulling to his side people like me. 

But anyway, here is Jimmy Dore explaining part of the reason why Hillary Clinton was not the lesser of two evils:



333 - I'm only half evil

Fri, Aug 17, 2018 1:31 PM
posted by justincredible


I wish more lefty celebrities had the balls to stand up for what they believe in. He knew he was going to get trouble because of it, but he is holding to the courage of his convictions. 

Now if we could just talk to him about that stache...


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Fri, Aug 17, 2018 3:00 PM
posted by justincredible


Yikes.  The responses actually illustrated his point.  He expresses a view that has differed from theirs, and they're practically ready to eat their own.  Pressure to place falling in line above personal conviction and independent thought.

Moreover, they sort of echoed GWB's false dichotomy when he tried to force people to either support his war effort or be labeled as in support with terrorists.


Senior Member

Fri, Aug 17, 2018 7:57 PM

So how about this Manafort trial?  It sounded to me like a slam-dunk, but jurors still have not reached a verdict after 2 days, and their questions indicate they may be leaning toward acquittal (although there are like 18 charges, so he could already be cooked while they struggle with the 17 other charges).

But now this was curious:  Judge denied a motion to release the names of the jurors to the public.  That request was from 7 liberal news organizations, which would appear to be a veiled threat that "if you don't convict, we're publishing your names and making your life miserable".

No matter how entertaining it would be to watch the liberal meltdown, Manafort needs to do some serious time.  I just don't understand how the case was supposedly(?) closed without the Russia investigation.



333 - I'm only half evil

Fri, Aug 17, 2018 9:02 PM
posted by O-Trap

Yikes.  The responses actually illustrated his point.  He expresses a view that has differed from theirs, and they're practically ready to eat their own.  Pressure to place falling in line above personal conviction and independent thought.

Very much like religious zealotry.


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Fri, Aug 17, 2018 9:18 PM
posted by gut

But now this was curious:  Judge denied a motion to release the names of the jurors to the public.  That request was from 7 liberal news organizations, which would appear to be a veiled threat that "if you don't convict, we're publishing your names and making your life miserable"

Yea, fucking CNN wanted names and addresses of the jurors. That’s insane, and would only be used to intimidate or insult. A joke.  


Senior Member

Fri, Aug 17, 2018 9:24 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

Very much like religious zealotry.

It's why I laugh every time I see someone call Trump a fascist.  I wonder if the anti-religion stance they've adopted isn't, in part, because religion would at times compete for and often oppose the agenda.

The left is very definitely moving toward fascism, to the point they even tacitly approve of physical violence to shutdown views they disagree with.  The identity politics hammer is the "softer" method thru which they quash debate.

I should say that's the "New" Democrats.  It's telling that the Democratic "establishment" is trying to marginalize and distance themselves from the movement, with a slight hint of panic.  But, DUHHHH!!!!!, when your platform makes radical appeals to emotion....then you end-up creating radicals!


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Sat, Aug 18, 2018 4:00 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

Very much like religious zealotry.


I'm certainly no Buddhist, but that's one thing I've always liked about the ideology.  The "radical" Buddhists (with notable exceptions) have been fairly nonviolent.


Senior Member

Sat, Aug 18, 2018 9:40 PM
posted by geeblock

So really the whole new Uncle Tom argument doesn’t exactly hold water. White people supporting trump get it as bad or even worse. 

I'm not sure it follows there's "no Uncle Tom argument" just because liberals also shame women and gays for being Republican


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Sun, Aug 19, 2018 7:29 AM

So yesterday on twitteralmost all of the liberal media posted an article about ICE detaining a man that was driving his pregnant wife to the hospital. Cue lefty outrage. One KEY piece of information they left out was that the man was wanted for MURDER! 


333 - I'm only half evil

Sun, Aug 19, 2018 9:25 AM

So as of right now, the democrat party is for:

1.) We're against anything Trump

2.) Identity politics

3.) Voter shaming

What else are they offering people that will reach out to voters? What are they actually offering? What are they offering middle America/rust belt? What are their plans to bolster the economy? Are they willing to cut corporate ties? 


Senior Member

Sun, Aug 19, 2018 10:01 AM
posted by CenterBHSFan

So as of right now, the democrat party is for:

1.) We're against anything Trump

2.) Identity politics

3.) Voter shaming

What else are they offering people that will reach out to voters? What are they actually offering? What are they offering middle America/rust belt? What are their plans to bolster the economy? Are they willing to cut corporate ties? 

you forgot victim blaming


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Sun, Aug 19, 2018 2:34 PM
posted by gut

I'm not sure it follows there's "no Uncle Tom argument" just because liberals also shame women and gays for being Republican

Have a friend who is a gay female immigrant (and also a Christian and Republican).  Went to the pride parade in Columbus and got the business in spades.  She and her wife had to leave, because they honestly thought there were a few people ready to assault her for not being a Democrat.

Don't get me wrong, she can't stand Trump, but that's apparently not good enough.


Senior Member

Sun, Aug 19, 2018 5:06 PM
posted by O-Trap

Don't get me wrong, she can't stand Trump, but that's apparently not good enough.

Thing is, liberals secretly LOVE Trump.  They need him.  Some on the left have a physiological need to be outraged, and Trump gives them that.

Boggles the mind with so much to dislike Trump for, people still need to make-up crap?   Or my personal favorite, the "hypothetical" where liberals become infuriated by a possible outcome of something Trump might do should a specific situation present itself.