Disgusted with progressives, part 2...

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1st Team All-PWN

Wed, Sep 5, 2018 1:30 PM
posted by O-Trap

I dunno, man.  In 2013 and 2014, he did pretty well.  Over his career, he was a 60% passer with a TD:INT ratio of 2.4:1.  His Y/A and Y/C are low, but none of his numbers look bad.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not picking him up in a fantasy league or anything.  He's not a stud QB, but he'd be a better-than-average QB2 on most teams, and possibly even a starter on a few teams some years.


LOL at the bolded.  The league figured him out and he turned into a trash QB.  During the SB run nobody had time to adjust to his style and that offense.  The following year the league started to adapt.  The main thing that made the niners tough that year was their offensive line, their running game, and their defense. A lot of people have short term memory.  Niners fans were yearning for Alex Smith during the season after their SB run. 

The dude lost his job to Blaine fucking Gabbert.  Think about that.  He might be able to be a QB2 on some NFL rosters, but is it worth the media headache and distraction for any team?  I don't think so.   As I have said many times, the NFL is more than willing to put up with off field bullshit as long as a player produces.  Plenty examples of these type of players in the entire history of the NFL.  


Senior Member

Wed, Sep 5, 2018 1:32 PM

Alex jones vs Marco Rubio was fun. 


1st Team All-PWN

Wed, Sep 5, 2018 1:38 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

Alex jones vs Marco Rubio was fun. 

That brought the lulz.  He apparently confronted @jack too.


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Wed, Sep 5, 2018 1:50 PM
posted by like_that

LOL at the bolded.  The league figured him out and he turned into a trash QB.  During the SB run nobody had time to adjust to his style and that offense.  The following year the league started to adapt.  The main thing that made the niners tough that year was their offensive line, their running game, and their defense. A lot of people have short term memory.  Niners fans were yearning for Alex Smith during the season after their SB run. 

The dude lost his job to Blaine fucking Gabbert.  Think about that.  He might be able to be a QB2 on some NFL rosters, but is it worth the media headache and distraction for any team?  I don't think so.   As I have said many times, the NFL is more than willing to put up with off field bullshit as long as a player produces.  Plenty examples of these type of players in the entire history of the NFL.  

I'm hardly saying he's the gangbuster he appeared to be that first year.  He's not.  His high completion percentage is the result of not stretching the field.  Dude plays dink-n-dunk.

But talent is a spectrum.  Even in the last year he played, when he started 11 games (10 of which they lost), his play itself wasn't what was costing them games.  He had 59% completions and a 4:1 TD:INT ratio.

What brings the lulz that same year was the Jets offense (sorry, Justin), with Fitzpatrick's slightly lower completion percentage (56.6%) and horribly lower TD:INT ratio (12:17).  The dude started/played three more games than Kaepernick, had four fewer TDs and 13 more INTs.

He was a STARTER in the NFL.  Don't get me wrong.  I love "Fitzmagic."  His intensity outpaces his talent, but it's endearing.  He wasn't/isn't as good as Kaepernick.

I'm not saying Kaep's good.  I'm saying his overall play put him on the border of bottom-dwelling starter (about where Blaine Gabbert is) and top-ranked backup.

Frankly, the dude should have taken the offer he got.  He's not going to get a better one.


Honorable Admin

Wed, Sep 5, 2018 1:54 PM

Fitzpatrick is a turd. Screw that guy.


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Wed, Sep 5, 2018 2:10 PM
posted by justincredible

Fitzpatrick is a turd. Screw that guy.


My favorite play in any NFL game over the last five years was by him.  It was like a 7-yard TD run.  He met the safety at the goalline and just lowered his head and popped the safety.  I loved it.  After that play, his eyes were all bugged out, and he wasn't walking straight, but still.  It was awesome.

EDIT: This one:



1st Team All-PWN

Wed, Sep 5, 2018 2:24 PM
posted by O-Trap

I'm hardly saying he's the gangbuster he appeared to be that first year.  He's not.  His high completion percentage is the result of not stretching the field.  Dude plays dink-n-dunk.

But talent is a spectrum.  Even in the last year he played, when he started 11 games (10 of which they lost), his play itself wasn't what was costing them games.  He had 59% completions and a 4:1 TD:INT ratio.

What brings the lulz that same year was the Jets offense (sorry, Justin), with Fitzpatrick's slightly lower completion percentage (56.6%) and horribly lower TD:INT ratio (12:17).  The dude started/played three more games than Kaepernick, had four fewer TDs and 13 more INTs.

He was a STARTER in the NFL.  Don't get me wrong.  I love "Fitzmagic."  His intensity outpaces his talent, but it's endearing.  He wasn't/isn't as good as Kaepernick.

I'm not saying Kaep's good.  I'm saying his overall play put him on the border of bottom-dwelling starter (about where Blaine Gabbert is) and top-ranked backup.

Frankly, the dude should have taken the offer he got.  He's not going to get a better one.

You bolded the incorrect word.  The key word is WAS a starter.  Did you watch him play?  You're trying wayyy to hard to make him look better than he actually is. Kaep wasn't a starting caliber QB anymore in the league and he sure as hell isn't now.  Start thinking about the bottom dweller teams that need a QB.  Would you rather have Kaep or take your chance at drafting a future franchise player?  Now look at the teams with a QB.  Would you want the headache for a backup.

It's really a no brainer on all fronts. 


Honorable Admin

Wed, Sep 5, 2018 2:36 PM
posted by O-Trap


My favorite play in any NFL game over the last five years was by him.  It was like a 7-yard TD run.  He met the safety at the goalline and just lowered his head and popped the safety.  I loved it.  After that play, his eyes were all bugged out, and he wasn't walking straight, but still.  It was awesome.

EDIT: This one:



Three (3!) INTs in the final 11 minutes in the final game of the season. A game in which a win gets you to the playoffs.


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Wed, Sep 5, 2018 2:50 PM
posted by like_that

You bolded the incorrect word.  The key word is WAS a starter.  Did you watch him play?  You're trying wayyy to hard to make him look better than he actually is. Kaep wasn't a starting caliber QB anymore in the league and he sure as hell isn't now.  Start thinking about the bottom dweller teams that need a QB.  Would you rather have Kaep or take your chance at drafting a future franchise player?  Now look at the teams with a QB.  Would you want the headache for a backup.

It's really a no brainer on all fronts. 

The "was" in that statement was the same year.  Those are Kaep's stats in his last year in the NFL (2016) compared to Fitzpatrick's numbers in that same year (2016).  So yeah, last we knew, he was borderline starter.

I'm not trying to make him look any which way.  I don't actually care about the Nike thing, or frankly his protest at all.  But his latest claim to fame is irrelevant to how good he was or wasn't when he played.  His first year, he and RG3 both looked awesome primarily with their feet.  After that, the league figured out how to bottle them in and found out that they were pedestrian passers.

I think you're giving too much credit to the bottom-tier starters in the NFL.  Some of them are really pretty bad (see Justin's link above).  Any evidence we have of Kaepernick's game indicates that he can be better than some of them, whether we're going by an eye test or actual numbers.

Now, who wants to deal with the headache?  Nobody.  That's why he's still a FA.  Nobody wants that shit show for a probably-backup talent.  You can find comparable talent in other guys who aren't bringing a circus with them.

posted by justincredible


Three (3!) INTs in the final 11 minutes in the final game of the season. A game in which a win gets you to the playoffs.

I remember that game.  That was ugly.

Then again, most of his career has been ugly.  How he's managed to have as long a career as he has is a mystery to me.



Son of the Sun

Wed, Sep 5, 2018 3:02 PM
posted by O-Trap
How he's managed to have as long a career as he has is a mystery to me.



As every announcer has excitedly babbled during every single NFL game he has appeared in during his career.


Honorable Admin

Wed, Sep 5, 2018 3:07 PM

It's a strange, but oft-recurring phenomenon:


Senior Member

Wed, Sep 5, 2018 3:40 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

It's a public hearing. Protests are a part of the process. Always have been and always will be. Let people have their say, even if it is staged. 



If the idiots keep disrupting the process, kick them all out, and air the hearings live on TV.  The idiots can then march up and down the streets with stupid pink hats, screaming and crying (cuz that’s how you win in the arena of ideas).   


Senior Member

Wed, Sep 5, 2018 3:48 PM

So you're implying that protesting is only ok only when it fits your agenda? NO WAIIII


Senior Member

Wed, Sep 5, 2018 5:00 PM

If I was a Senator and had to sit through this charade, I'd make bets on which obese unemployed loser gets up next.


Senior Member

Wed, Sep 5, 2018 5:12 PM

Protest outside all you want.  I think people who do it inside should be arrested and subject to a fine (maybe they are?).

You can't even make out what they're saying, you only know that they're unhinged idiots.  They should be grateful most of them get to remain completely anonymous.


Senior Member

Wed, Sep 5, 2018 10:14 PM

So who do we think the anonymous NYT op-ed writer is?


Senior Member

Wed, Sep 5, 2018 10:35 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

So who do we think the anonymous NYT op-ed writer is?

If you triangulate with other things that have been whispered....it sounds like Kelly.

Then again....the way he's been attacking Sessions - he's old school swamp.  That's how he gets even.  LOL, he'll probably even go on the record with similar after he's fired/quits.  Then Sessions confirms his own leak!



Thu, Sep 6, 2018 8:36 AM

Sessions is a good guess. I was also going to suggest maybe Dan Coats, the DNI. But, I doubt he would do that. 

It could be someone on the NSC staff. 

I was thinking it may be someone for the VP Office, not Pence himself, but a staffer from his staff. 

My favorite theory is Kellyanne Conway. 


Honorable Admin

Thu, Sep 6, 2018 8:39 AM

I saw a thread on twitter last night that keyed in on the word "lodestar" from the op-ed. Apparently Pence has frequently used that word in various speeches since 2011. It seemed a little too easy, though.


Senior Member

Thu, Sep 6, 2018 9:29 AM

Wouldn’t be at all surprised if it was Pence. Guy seems snakey enough to do that to be president. Prob say god told him to do it. 


Senior Member

Thu, Sep 6, 2018 11:00 AM

Hope it doesn't make me look like QQ to suggest that it could be a group of statements from various administration members in various contexts turned into a narrative that wouldn't fit the actual contexts.



Senior Member

Thu, Sep 6, 2018 11:35 AM
posted by queencitybuckeye

Hope it doesn't make me look like QQ to suggest that it could be a group of statements from various administration members in various contexts turned into a narrative that wouldn't fit the actual contexts.

That's maybe not a bad guess.  To some extent, it DOES seem to be a compilation of things we've heard before.

But all this effort to paint Trump as an authoritarian, and the way there's no apparent shortage of swamprats with a hero complex....The fact is we've seen the courts and Congress can be and ARE an effective check on what Trump can do.

The more you analyze it, the more this article really doesn't make sense.  OK, so you're afraid of Trump....but you've been able to positively influence him and have accomplished a lot of good things....so you're smearing him and in the process you - an alleged Republican - are handing the House to the Democrats?

Note also the timing of this article just a few days after the Woodward book comes out.  So Trump proclaims the book is inaccurate, but oh look, here's an anonymous op-ed from a high-level staffer validating it.  It all does seem a little contrived.  I'm not saying the article is fake, but while we mock the "deep state" conspiracy theorists this IS a perfect example of coordination of anti-Trump resistance.


Senior Member

Thu, Sep 6, 2018 11:44 AM

Not pence.  Politically if he wants yo2 be president he needs trump to be successful.  The only way he wins is running as trump 2.0


Senior Member

Thu, Sep 6, 2018 11:52 AM
posted by Spock

The only way he wins is running as trump 2.0

Say that outloud and tell me it doesn't make you laugh uncontrollably.


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Thu, Sep 6, 2018 11:54 AM

Booker and Harris taking turns seeing who can be the biggest dipshit during these hearings (beating our Feinstein and Blumenthal).  Both of them probably going to try and run for President in 2020, good luck. Booker did, or threatened to, release classified email documents from Kavanaugh. I hope they punish him as much as they can.