2020 Presidential Election thread

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Senior Member

Wed, Mar 11, 2020 5:47 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

I don't think as bad as it looked 6 months ago no. 

In the first few debates he looked old. The last few he has looked and sounded better. His speeches are also better. 

It is a very valid question moving forward to ask about the mental state though, espeically if he starts to struggle as we move into the spring and summer.  

I saw where Biden made 3 speeches recently and the longest one was 7 minutes.  Thats not "better speeches"


Senior Member

Thu, Mar 12, 2020 7:25 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

I don't think as bad as it looked 6 months ago no. 

In the first few debates he looked old. The last few he has looked and sounded better. His speeches are also better. 

It is a very valid question moving forward to ask about the mental state though, espeically if he starts to struggle as we move into the spring and summer.  

He hasn’t got better. What are you watching?  He has definitely got worse overtime with the senile-like responses/speeches. 


Senior Member

Fri, Mar 13, 2020 9:50 AM

Saw a clip yesterday ….it was complete teleprompter read.


Gropey Joe is on lockdown.




Fri, Mar 13, 2020 9:58 AM
posted by jmog

He hasn’t got better. What are you watching?  He has definitely got worse overtime with the senile-like responses/speeches. 

I think he has. When you compare the speeches and addresses the last 10 days vs. before the Iowa Caucus, he is much better. 

I mean that could be a short term bump due to his campaign being revived from the dead, or maybe things weren't as bad as people thought, not sure. 

I think the debate on Sunday, if it happens, will be a good test on this. 

posted by QuakerOats

Saw a clip yesterday ….it was complete teleprompter read.


Gropey Joe is on lockdown.


His speech yesterday? That was 1000% better than Trump's on Wed night. It was also a stated speech, not an event. 

Finally, I think you may want to drop the gropey line as your dude actually bragged about groping women on tape.....


Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Fri, Mar 13, 2020 11:12 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

I think he has. When you compare the speeches and addresses the last 10 days vs. before the Iowa Caucus, he is much better. 

I mean that could be a short term bump due to his campaign being revived from the dead, or maybe things weren't as bad as people thought, not sure. 

I think the debate on Sunday, if it happens, will be a good test on this. 

posted by QuakerOats

Saw a clip yesterday ….it was complete teleprompter read.


Gropey Joe is on lockdown.


His speech yesterday? That was 1000% better than Trump's on Wed night. It was also a stated speech, not an event. 

Finally, I think you may want to drop the gropey line as your dude actually bragged about groping women on tape.....


He grabbed p***y and bagged porn stars for the good of The People. 


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Fri, Mar 13, 2020 12:23 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

His speech yesterday? That was 1000% better than Trump's on Wed night. It was also a stated speech, not an event. 

Yea, well then the dipshit tweeted that banning travel was a bad idea (from Europe or anywhere), when in fact all doctors agreed banning euorpeans was a good step, and banning China travel was one of the only things Trump has done right. Biden is an idiot.



Fri, Mar 13, 2020 12:34 PM
posted by iclfan2

Yea, well then the dipshit tweeted that banning travel was a bad idea (from Europe or anywhere), when in fact all doctors agreed banning euorpeans was a good step, and banning China travel was one of the only things Trump has done right. Biden is an idiot.

Fair. Yeah, I didn't get that tweet and thought it was dumb.

While yes, the Europe ban makes sense, the roll out was a clusterfuck. The fact they had to issue several corrections/ additions after the speech shows the speech sucked. 


Senior Member

Fri, Mar 13, 2020 12:35 PM

Trump has basically done such a good job with handling this he has the Dems are basically arguing for cornonavirus rights at this point.


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Fri, Mar 13, 2020 12:36 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

While yes, the Europe ban makes sense, the roll out was a clusterfuck. The fact they had to issue several corrections/ additions after the speech shows the speech sucked. 

I fully agree, and doubt today will go any better. Just can't believe anyone would ever think not banning travel into our country was a bad idea. 



Fri, Mar 13, 2020 12:40 PM
posted by Spock

Trump has basically done such a good job with handling this he has the Dems are basically arguing for cornonavirus rights at this point.

No man...

I don't even know what you talking about....

He has not. His Wed night speech was a disaster. He keeps saying the wrong and inaccurate shit too.

Also, Just watch how he talks about vs. how governors and other health experts talk about. 

I watched Gov. Hogan of Maryland yesterday and it is like holy shit, this is what an adult and leader sounds like. 


Senior Member

Fri, Mar 13, 2020 5:23 PM


Trump has done an excellent job.  His immediate decisiveness to shut down travel from China saved thousands of lives.  Today’s press briefing was also excellent and the assembled team is doing a great job.  Getting rid of regulatory burdens and barriers is exactly what is needed along with bringing in the private sector to solve the problem.  The market reacted accordingly as well:  +1,980.  We will get through this, despite the liberal panic promoters going off the deep end.  American people, American medical professional, and American businesses are solving the problem.  Thank God a massive government bureaucracy is not running all of health care; that would be a death knell.



1st Team All-PWN

Sat, Mar 14, 2020 5:57 AM

BuT TeH RePuBiLicAnS wOuLd Do/Do TeH SaMe ThInG!!!

Boogie biting on every post made my quaker and cc. 


Senior Member

Sat, Mar 14, 2020 9:14 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

I watched Gov. Hogan of Maryland yesterday and it is like holy shit, this is what an adult and leader sounds like. 



Senior Member

Sat, Mar 14, 2020 10:48 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1


I watched Gov. Hogan of Maryland yesterday and it is like holy shit, this is what an adult and leader sounds like. 

Yea....Joe Biden sounds like an old man stuttering his words about this stuff.




Senior Member

Sun, Mar 15, 2020 10:54 PM

After this debate:


1.  Bernie wont ever see 1600 Penn. Ave.

2.  Biden lied about 5 times about his former record.  Btw....see #1 also.


Senior Member

Mon, Mar 16, 2020 8:33 AM

My favorite clip from the debate was Biden confusing coronavirus with the swine flue and an AR-15 all at once.



Mon, Mar 16, 2020 8:49 AM
posted by QuakerOats


Trump has done an excellent job.  His immediate decisiveness to shut down travel from China saved thousands of lives.  Today’s press briefing was also excellent and the assembled team is doing a great job.  Getting rid of regulatory burdens and barriers is exactly what is needed along with bringing in the private sector to solve the problem.  The market reacted accordingly as well:  +1,980.  We will get through this, despite the liberal panic promoters going off the deep end.  American people, American medical professional, and American businesses are solving the problem.  Thank God a massive government bureaucracy is not running all of health care; that would be a death knell.


God, you sound very dear leader life praising Trump like he is the 2nd coming of Christ. 

I'll give Trump credit, he has gotten better at this. But, still, he contradicts shit the experts say and he is about 2-3 weeks late on some of this stuff. 


posted by Spock

Yea....Joe Biden sounds like an old man stuttering his words about this stuff.




I was referring to Governor Hogan, not Biden. But, I think Governors have replaced the President in terms of leadership on this. I've been impressed with Dewine as well. 

posted by Spock

After this debate:


1.  Bernie wont ever see 1600 Penn. Ave.

2.  Biden lied about 5 times about his former record.  Btw....see #1 also.


Agreed on 1. Given your lean and take on things...I'll take 2 with a grain of salt. 

posted by jmog

My favorite clip from the debate was Biden confusing coronavirus with the swine flue and an AR-15 all at once.

I caught a few mins of it. Biden was fine. He could have been better. He did seem old in some spots, no excuse there.  

Interesting he actually said he was going to pick a female VP. We all thought he was going to do that and then he said for sure he is. 

I'm guessing it is Amy Klobuchar.



Senior Member

Mon, Mar 16, 2020 10:10 AM
posted by jmog

My favorite clip from the debate was Biden confusing coronavirus with the swine flue and an AR-15 all at once.

I caught a few mins of it. Biden was fine. He could have been better. He did seem old in some spots, no excuse there.  

Interesting he actually said he was going to pick a female VP. We all thought he was going to do that and then he said for sure he is. 

I'm guessing it is Amy Klobuchar.


1. Biden's not "fine", no way to watch all of his speeches and believe he is "fine". 

2. I wouldn't be surprised if it isn't Warren, she may help him get the "Bernie Bros" back out to vote in the general this time. 


And with Biden's rather severe decline into dementia over the last few years, his VP maybe POTUS before 4 years anyway. Even if just acting POTUS while Biden is still the "face". 


I am sorry ptown, usually you are pretty level headed, but no way to believe Biden is "fine" when it comes to being "all there" over the last couple months. WAY too many times he is just mumbling over his words, completely messing up speeches/lines/etc.


I mean his "quote" of the Declaration of Independence a week or 2 ago was just plain awful. 


I watched my grandpa go through dementia, when he was at this point that Biden is now. He could still go out and do things (we still golfed every Saturday in the summer) but couldn't remember much, would mess up what he wanted to say, etc...he had about 2 years left to live (he passed last summer). Also, he went down hill pretty fast in the "all there" department. 


Having watched both my grandpa and his wife go through this, as well as my great-grandpa on my other side go through alzheimer's, I am sorry, but Biden is NOT "all there" and not "fine".


He is the least "fine" mentally of any of the democratic candidates that were running. 


Senior Member

Mon, Mar 16, 2020 10:56 AM

Biden is a 1 term president who is likely an empty suit the first term.  He is planted firmly in the swamp of special interest and his experience as VP is borderline criminal.


If I were Pete or Warren, I would announce that my campaign is back on today and go on the personal attack mode on the 2 old guys that were wearing suits last night



Mon, Mar 16, 2020 11:32 AM
posted by jmog

1. Biden's not "fine", no way to watch all of his speeches and believe he is "fine". 

2. I wouldn't be surprised if it isn't Warren, she may help him get the "Bernie Bros" back out to vote in the general this time. 


And with Biden's rather severe decline into dementia over the last few years, his VP maybe POTUS before 4 years anyway. Even if just acting POTUS while Biden is still the "face". 


I am sorry ptown, usually you are pretty level headed, but no way to believe Biden is "fine" when it comes to being "all there" over the last couple months. WAY too many times he is just mumbling over his words, completely messing up speeches/lines/etc.


I mean his "quote" of the Declaration of Independence a week or 2 ago was just plain awful. 


I watched my grandpa go through dementia, when he was at this point that Biden is now. He could still go out and do things (we still golfed every Saturday in the summer) but couldn't remember much, would mess up what he wanted to say, etc...he had about 2 years left to live (he passed last summer). Also, he went down hill pretty fast in the "all there" department. 


Having watched both my grandpa and his wife go through this, as well as my great-grandpa on my other side go through alzheimer's, I am sorry, but Biden is NOT "all there" and not "fine".


He is the least "fine" mentally of any of the democratic candidates that were running. 

Fair observation. My observation is he has just sounded better over the last 2 weeks compared to last year.  I'm more in the wait and see mode with him. I do acknowledge the age and his mental state is important to track and raise questions. I'm just not in the oh my God he is mentally unstable and drop out mode yet. 

posted by Spock

Biden is a 1 term president who is likely an empty suit the first term.  He is planted firmly in the swamp of special interest and his experience as VP is borderline criminal.


If I were Pete or Warren, I would announce that my campaign is back on today and go on the personal attack mode on the 2 old guys that were wearing suits last night

Cool conspiracy bro. 



Senior Member

Mon, Mar 16, 2020 12:13 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Fair observation. My observation is he has just sounded better over the last 2 weeks compared to last year.  I'm more in the wait and see mode with him. I do acknowledge the age and his mental state is important to track and raise questions. I'm just not in the oh my God he is mentally unstable and drop out mode yet.  

Mentally unstable is different than dementia. No one is saying he is crazy/nuts. They are saying his mental acuity/memory/etc is in a heavy decline since he was VP. Based on my non-medical opinion having seen multiple family members go through exactly this type of decline.


He is in the 2-7 years left window right now. 


If you look at the "stages" listed in this link, he is at least in stage 3, most likely stage 4.


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Mon, Mar 16, 2020 12:32 PM
posted by jmog

Mentally unstable is different than dementia. No one is saying he is crazy/nuts. They are saying his mental acuity/memory/etc is in a heavy decline since he was VP. Based on my non-medical opinion having seen multiple family members go through exactly this type of decline.


He is in the 2-7 years left window right now. 


If you look at the "stages" listed in this link, he is at least in stage 3, most likely stage 4.


Senior Member

Mon, Mar 16, 2020 12:35 PM
posted by jmog

He is in the 2-7 years left window right now.

I'm not a doctor, but I've also seen a few family members end-up with dementia/alzheimers, and 2-7 years is probably pretty accurate.

And, yes, there's a very noticeable difference between old age forgetfulness, or simply misspeaking, or confused because you're tired.  All those verbal miscues still have an underlying cogence.  While dementia is similar, it's miscues are usually nonsensical, and if you've seen someone go thru dementia you know what I'm talking about.  Joe has always been a gaffe machine, but a number of them recently have been nonsensical.