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kizer permanente

Senior Member

Tue, Oct 13, 2020 4:27 PM
posted by jmog

Quoted for irony...

I don’t think you understand irony unless you’re equating poor people to outdated industry. That’s an interesting take though. 


333 - I'm only half evil

Tue, Oct 13, 2020 4:56 PM
posted by kizer permanente

I mean.... we have little Trump Train parades what seems to be every weekend around here where they like to gather in downtown areas when they’re done and waive their confederate flags and call people with mask going into stores pussies and flicking people off and telling to go fuck theirselves with Biden stickers on cars.....

 I wouldn’t say these people aren’t deplorable? 

Is it smart to insult voters? Probably not. But Trumps base isn’t voting for anyone but Trump anyways. 


Did you know that, once again, there are Bernie Bros going to vote for Trump out of spite? They hate him and everything he says/does, but some of them would rather vote for him than to be told that they don't deserve to know what Biden is going to do or that they are Bernie "dead-enders". 

Democrats have a huge attitude problem, along with the messaging. That's a stand alone statement. I'm guilty of doing this a lot, but bringing up republicans as a qualifier every time something is said about democrats changes nothing. They have a problem, aren't doing anything to change it. 

kizer permanente

Senior Member

Tue, Oct 13, 2020 5:10 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan


Did you know that, once again, there are Bernie Bros going to vote for Trump out of spite? They hate him and everything he says/does, but some of them would rather vote for him than to be told that they don't deserve to know what Biden is going to do or that they are Bernie "dead-enders". 

Democrats have a huge attitude problem, along with the messaging. That's a stand alone statement. I'm guilty of doing this a lot, but bringing up republicans as a qualifier every time something is said about democrats changes nothing. They have a problem, aren't doing anything to change it. 

I find it hard to believe anyone who supports Bernie would vote Trump. But a large segment of his base is unhinged so I guess it makes sense. 

And I do agree with you to an extent, but I don’t think it’s a Democrat problem. It’s a societal problem. Both sides point out the failures of each other while ignoring their side does the same thing. Often on the same example they’re chastising the opposite for.  And all in the name of being right and they’re wrong. It’s basically ruined any chance for meaningful dialogue and just furthering the divide. I don’t see it getting better either. It’s just reinforcing the thought that we’re enemies. 


333 - I'm only half evil

Tue, Oct 13, 2020 5:37 PM
posted by kizer permanente

I find it hard to believe anyone who supports Bernie would vote Trump. But a large segment of his base is unhinged so I guess it makes sense. 

While I make the same sort of jokes about them being nuts, it's really not a fair thing. I do think that they are childishly idealistic. I say "childishly" because they're not stopping to realize that not all of the things that they'd like to see happen would last longer than somewhere around 2 years, maybe. I think it's the classic setup of the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Now, there are people within the Bernie bros that are flat out up to no good and all they want to do is burn everything and hurt people. In that same group of people are the ones who won't go burn anything down, assault/kill anybody - but they agree with the actions all the same. 

Purposefully or neglectfully, Bernie didn't do anything to those staffers calling for camps and mass murder except to have them lock their social media accounts. I think that just gave some sort of positive reinforcement to those people who are up to no good. Bernie being passive on that matter was a terrible response. What he should have done was toss them out onto their asses and make a public statement that he disavowed those ideas. 

Also, if you're not on twitter, go ahead and make an account there. You'll see all kinds of crazy stuff haha! You might not believe some Bernie Bros will vote for Trump, but they're out there!

kizer permanente

Senior Member

Tue, Oct 13, 2020 5:40 PM

I was referring more to the if I don’t get my way I’m gonna blow it all up attitude so many seem to have. 


333 - I'm only half evil

Wed, Oct 14, 2020 6:42 AM

So, if Joe Biden wins the senate race he's in, do you think that Pelosi will utilize the 25th amendment on him, is that why she's bringing it up right now?


1st Team All-PWN

Wed, Oct 14, 2020 6:55 AM
posted by CenterBHSFan

So, if Joe Biden wins the senate race he's in, do you think that Pelosi will utilize the 25th amendment on him, is that why she's bringing it up right now?

No, I don't see that happening. If anything Biden steps down after a couple years or doesn't run for a 2nd term. 


333 - I'm only half evil

Wed, Oct 14, 2020 6:55 AM

So this morning I've been catching up on some yt while drinking my coffee, and I watch a Jimmy Dore vid. I disagree with Dore a lot about several things. But there are also several things which I agree with him. This vid explains one of those things.


Senior Member

Wed, Oct 14, 2020 11:33 AM

I see the emails just released shred Joe Biden's statements about influence buying/peddling with the Ukrainians --- complete 100% lies.

As usual, no one will challenge him on it, except Trump.


Senior Member

Wed, Oct 14, 2020 1:47 PM
posted by Spock


A water soaked laptop shows up at a computer repair shop that has emails and raunchy videos of Hunter doing dirty stuff.

Why would an multi-millionaire take his water-damaged laptop in for repair?  Only because he needed to recover something....but then never pick it up?  Sounds a little suspect.

And, besides, a bipartisan Senate committee already looked at policy wrt Ukraine and found nothing unusual with anything Biden did.


1st Team All-PWN

Wed, Oct 14, 2020 4:20 PM

I think facebook and twitter trying to censor the story is going to make this a bigger story. 


Honorable Admin

Wed, Oct 14, 2020 4:21 PM
posted by like_that

I think facebook and twitter trying to censor the story is going to make this a bigger story. 



Senior Member

Wed, Oct 14, 2020 4:32 PM
posted by kizer permanente


What do you think ?

If they were that sloppy faking this, then I'd guess the sex pics are going to be equally bad "deep fakes".

On the other hand, it's the sort of thing Bannon would do - get the media to jump on the "fake news" bandwagon, and then hit them with authentic originals.

But like I said, the origin story itself is very suspect.  I can't imagine a wealthy person taking their laptop with sensitive personal info to some corner repair shop.  And for water damage, if the data is important you don't take it to some rinky-dink operation.


Senior Member

Wed, Oct 14, 2020 4:55 PM

Hardly matters --- Joe Biden is on videotape bragging about getting the Ukrainian official fired.  The criminality is as plain as day ............the left doesn't give a shit.

kizer permanente

Senior Member

Wed, Oct 14, 2020 5:00 PM
posted by QuakerOats

Hardly matters --- Joe Biden is on videotape bragging about getting the Ukrainian official fired.  The criminality is as plain as day ............the left doesn't give a shit.

Nor the right apparently since the senate committee seems to think you’re wrong too. 


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Thu, Oct 15, 2020 7:20 AM
posted by like_that

I think facebook and twitter trying to censor the story is going to make this a bigger story. 

Twitter going as far as blocking the link from being shared is a bad look. But they’ll get a pass per usual. 


1st Team All-PWN

Thu, Oct 15, 2020 8:10 AM
posted by iclfan2

Twitter going as far as blocking the link from being shared is a bad look. But they’ll get a pass per usual. 

This happened on the same day Webster's Dictionary casually changed the definition of "sexual preference" to line up up with the dems' attacks on ACB.  

Even if I don't agree with it as a consumer, a private business should be able to do what they want. The government getting involved or worse taking over will make it much worse.  

Although on the same note, you will notice the people with a weird fetish of wanting to live in a fascist state will go radio silent on these fascist like tactics.

kizer permanente

Senior Member

Thu, Oct 15, 2020 8:46 AM
posted by iclfan2

Twitter going as far as blocking the link from being shared is a bad look. But they’ll get a pass per usual. 

Didn’t both Facebook and Twitter make it their point to block false election news and Russian influence in 2020 election? 


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Thu, Oct 15, 2020 9:04 AM
posted by kizer permanente

Didn’t both Facebook and Twitter make it their point to block false election news and Russian influence in 2020 election? 

Do they know it's fake? Have they blocked all other "fake" news that's out there? There is another Hunter Biden story out there now too. If they don't block it does it make it real? It sets a horrible precedent for them to take, because they can't possibly censor all possible fake articles, and it will undoubtedly lean to one side. 

Where were they for the last 4 years of fake news about Russian collusion and whatever else? The Kavanaugh hearings? They also allow death threats and dictators on their platform. But this is where they decided to draw the line?


1st Team All-PWN

Thu, Oct 15, 2020 9:21 AM

Twitter now just locked the official trump campaign account, for posting an ad of Biden clips saying he never spoke to his son about his business dealings.  

kizer permanente

Senior Member

Thu, Oct 15, 2020 9:23 AM
posted by iclfan2

Do they know it's fake? Have they blocked all other "fake" news that's out there? There is another Hunter Biden story out there now too. If they don't block it does it make it real? It sets a horrible precedent for them to take, because they can't possibly censor all possible fake articles, and it will undoubtedly lean to one side. 

Where were they for the last 4 years of fake news about Russian collusion and whatever else? The Kavanaugh hearings? They also allow death threats and dictators on their platform. But this is where they decided to draw the line?

Because they look for content that’s being shared heavily by bot accounts and also user reported actions and that’s what their committee reviews for accuracy. If you’ve ever reported a Facebook post you’ll notice it doesn’t go away right away, it takes a few days. That’s what’s happening. It’s being reviewed. Once the content is determined fake then Facebooks own bots scan for that content and block it. 

kizer permanente

Senior Member

Thu, Oct 15, 2020 9:33 AM

So after a simple google search.... 

Facebook and twitter are blocking the content until they can verify it’s true.  ...Per their policy they rolled out for this election cycle. 

So if it’s true, you’ll be able to share your little heart away.  I’d imagine it got flagged by the type of sharing it was getting which is inevitably from “Jim” and “Dan” from “USA” with no profile info and only bot account friends.  


1st Team All-PWN

Thu, Oct 15, 2020 9:36 AM
posted by kizer permanente

So after a simple google search.... 

Facebook and twitter are blocking the content until they can verify it’s true.  ...Per their policy they rolled out for this election cycle. 

So if it’s true, you’ll be able to share your little heart away.  I’d imagine it got flagged by the type of sharing it was getting which is inevitably from “Jim” and “Dan” from “USA” with no profile info and only bot account friends.  

So I take it you believe Facebook and Twitter are applying the same set of rules for both sides?