
whats goin on in "the ville"?

  • fish82
    Several blogs have numerous Twitter screenshots with the names of those still playing, despite linking/forwarding the video. It's actually pretty mind-blowing.
  • fish82
    Nice to see Richmond's old man wasting no time tossing down the race card.
  • Rebel_ I.N.S.
    Don't lump every Big Red fan into the sweeping it under the rug crowd. I'm disgusted by the events myself.
  • killer_ewok
    fish82;1258031 wrote:Nice to see Richmond's old man wasting no time tossing down the race card.

  • Darkon
    Sykotyk;1255708 wrote:I've yet to meet these people you speak of.

    It is a shame what happened. It's also a shame that shortly after it happened, those outside Steubenville have done nothing but denigrate the city, fans, and the team for something a few screw-ups did at a party. What happened is unspeakable. But, I won't sit here and let me be cast into it with them.

    And comparing it to Penn State is a joke. JoePa/Sandusky/PSU took 13 _YEARS_ for it to come out because of an active cover up that was centered around a key figure in the higher-ups in the athletic department doing unspeakable things, PERPETUALLY all the while shielded from justice.

    Meanwhile, this happened AUGUST 14th, and it is less than two weeks later. Two are in custody, more may be. We've yet to have the evidence play out in a trial. Hopefully, assuming their participation in the act is true, they'll be punished to the fullest extent the law allows. If others are implicated and proven guilty, I'd feel the same way.

    But to get up in arms about something that happened less than two weeks ago, that resulted in arrests about a week later, is ridiculously impatient.
    Not enough brooms in Jefferson county for this one.
    We may here more about the month of April concerning one individual.
    Got this off the huddle it explains a lot. read it then comment

    There is nothing at all wrong with indefinitely suspending players until the investigation proves that they are not apart of the crime & stating so to protect the integrity of the program and everyone involved. I personally know one of the boys in attack (haven't seen him for two months) & am friends with the parents & he played last night.

    One of this coach's mottos is Faith, Family & Football in that order. Maybe that needs to be turned around so at least it is more accurate.

    You cannot tell me that you care about children knowing what happened to that girl & dress anyone that is allegedly involved until you know all the facts to clear that boy's name and for the sake of the girl & her family. Show some respect.

    I have a family member that did see the video & knows all the boys involved & knows the girl. As stated, in a post above they will understand what sodomy is from a different angle in a very short while. May God have mercy on their souls.

    He may have not seen the video but I will guarantee he knows as much as I do, it is so vile I want to puke. To degrade another human being like that is unreal.

    I have a daughter & by him allowing those boys to dress he's telling me that in ten years when she is in HS if this happened to her, Oh well no big deal.

    I didn't go last night & won't until the regime changes. Shame that the rest are hoodwinked. Shame for the players, cheerleaders, bandmembers, etc. whose names will forever be associated with this year.
  • killer_ewok
    GRAYWOLF;1258531 wrote:Got this off the huddle it explains a lot. read it then comment

    There is nothing at all wrong with indefinitely suspending players until the investigation proves that they are not apart of the crime & stating so to protect the integrity of the program and everyone involved. I personally know one of the boys in attack (haven't seen him for two months) & am friends with the parents & he played last night.

    One of this coach's mottos is Faith, Family & Football in that order. Maybe that needs to be turned around so at least it is more accurate.

    You cannot tell me that you care about children knowing what happened to that girl & dress anyone that is allegedly involved until you know all the facts to clear that boy's name and for the sake of the girl & her family. Show some respect.

    I have a family member that did see the video & knows all the boys involved & knows the girl. As stated, in a post above they will understand what sodomy is from a different angle in a very short while. May God have mercy on their souls.

    He may have not seen the video but I will guarantee he knows as much as I do, it is so vile I want to puke. To degrade another human being like that is unreal.

    I have a daughter & by him allowing those boys to dress he's telling me that in ten years when she is in HS if this happened to her, Oh well no big deal.

    I didn't go last night & won't until the regime changes. Shame that the rest are hoodwinked. Shame for the players, cheerleaders, bandmembers, etc. whose names will forever be associated with this year.

    Read that on there the other day. Kudos to him for having the balls to be honest. I've seen quite a few play the "you're just envious of our on the field accomplishments and education system" card. Can't pull that on him. Guess it's possible that some are outraged for reasons other than jealousy, envy, being a hater, etc.
  • ManO'War
    I know BYR personally..have known him since the 4th grade, and to put it politely he has never been a fan of the program or coach for that matter, so his response doesn't surprise me.

    But like a lot of people who never really liked the coach or program, it gives an easy out to criticize the football program.

    The football program had nothing to do with this incident...wasn't during school time, on school grounds, or even in the school district.

    Is there going to be this much outrage during wrestling and baseball season? I doubt it.

    The thing is that if there was enough evidence to kick them off the football team, then why would you be okay with them even being in the classroom with other kids?? If you feel that strongly about the issue then you should be pushing for expulsion.
    So you believe at the least that these people were not at a party where underage consumption of alcohol was taking place?
  • ManO'War
    If every player that was around underage consumption wasn't allowed to play then there wouldn't be hardly any high school or college sports.

    Even when I was in school there was players from EVERY area school that I saw drinking and getting high.

    If they have proof that they were drinking then give them the boot, but you can't just assume things.

    PS-the players that are in question are role players, not some big superstars, so I don't see why everyone thinks that Reno would not take action for the sake of football.
  • GoChiefs
    *Edit -- Nevermind. :)
  • fish82
    There are two players suiting up for Big Red tonight who would be kicked off any team with a shred of integrity. That's a fact.
  • fish82
    There are two players suiting up for Big Red tonight who would be kicked off any team with a shred of integrity. That's a fact.

    I'm laughing at MOW mentioning baseball season. Ironic. :cool:
  • GoChiefs
    Besides what happened to this???

    "After the students' arrests, Steubenville City Schools Superintendent Mike McVey released a statement, saying in part: "The district intends to fully cooperate with any criminal investigation that may ensue from this situation. Any student who is arrested is immediately suspended from all extracurricular activities including sports."

    It sounds like your Superintendent isn't a man of his word either.
  • killer_ewok
    The two that were charged (the 2 "primary" offenders) are still in custody and therefore not suiting up. There are others, however, who were allegedly involved (and unless the tweets have been "doctored", they appear to have been involved in whatever took place...allegedly) who are still suiting up and playing. But they have not been charged/arrested unless something has happened today that I have not hear about yet.
  • ManO'War
    GoChiefs;1258708 wrote:That is complete BS and you know it. It doesn't matter WHEN the incident occurred, they should be removed from the team and any other extracurricular activities they are involved in until the investigation is complete and charges are dropped. Not enough evidence to kick them off the team? If they have enough to press charges on them, there is more than enough to kick them off the team.

    All I hear about is how disciplined Reno is, how classy Reno is, how great of a coach Reno is, blah, blah, blah. After allowing the kids to remain on the team after raping someone just proves all that to be wrong. This will tarnish his and the rest of the coaching staff's image as long as they let the kids remain on the team. They were arrested, and have charges pressed against them for KIDNAPPING AND RAPE for god's sake. We aren't talking about a little dope or drinking here. These are VERY serious crimes these kids committed.

    Why should they be in class? Football is a privilege. Class is a requirement. Any other High School team in the Country with common sense would remove these kids from the team as soon as they were charged.

    5 players kicked off a team just because they COULD face charges for hazing.

    4 players suspended from the team for BULLYING

    3 suspended for vandalizing

    3 suspended for theft

    How many have been kicked off teams for drugs and/or alcohol? You hear about that on a weekly basis it seems like.

    I can go on and on and on and on with link of kids that were kicked off teams or at least suspended for FAR less than RAPE AND KIDNAPPING. Guess what? Some of the links had nothing to do with the football program. Some of the links didn't happen on school property. But the coaches are smart even to know that it STILL reflects on the football team. The fact that you are trying to even justify the coach's decision just proves that what everyone is saying about Steubenville is right. How dare a community put football ahead of young kids lives. How dare the coach tell the kids that what they did was OK. That is ALL he is doing by letting them continue to play. That is just completely absurd.

    There is VIDEO of it taking place. How much more evidence do you need? The kids screwed up, that's on them. They lost all rights to play football for Steubenville High School when they decided to kidnap and rape that girl. Bottom line, by allowing them to participate is putting a black eye on the coaches, the staff, the school district, everybody. The community is tarnishing themselves by rallying around and supporting these kids. They should be removed from the team, and if charges are dropped, then they can play again.
    You don't even know what you're talking about. The two kids that were arrested are still in jail.
  • GoChiefs
    killer_ewok;1258732 wrote:The two that were charged (the 2 "primary" offenders) are still in custody and therefore not suiting up. There are others, however, who were allegedly involved (and unless the tweets have been "doctored", they appear to have been involved in whatever took place...allegedly) who are still suiting up and playing. But they have not been charged/arrested unless something has happened today that I have not hear about yet.
    ManO'War;1258733 wrote:You don't even know what you're talking about. The two kids that were arrested are still in jail.
    You are correct. I misread what I read obviously. OK, so my post is hypothetically speaking of course. :D
    ManO'War;1258701 wrote:If every player that was around underage consumption wasn't allowed to play then there wouldn't be hardly any high school or college sports.

    Even when I was in school there was players from EVERY area school that I saw drinking and getting high.

    If they have proof that they were drinking then give them the boot, but you can't just assume things.

    PS-the players that are in question are role players, not some big superstars, so I don't see why everyone thinks that Reno would not take action for the sake of football.
    MOW you really can't believe alcohol was not the major cause of this horrible act. Did your school system even ask these kids what happen or are they letting a prosecutor that has recused herself ask all the questions.
  • ManO'War
    This happened during the summer, why would the school system be involved?? Once again..not a school function, not on school grounds, and not even in the school district.

    I haven't really heard anyone state with a fact that any of the accused were drinking, just that they were at a party. Besides, even if they were drinking, that is not an excuse for the alleged crime.
  • ThePatriot
    Im from Steubenville, attend the games, have family who are recent grads/former athletes, etc. Are all players from Big Red guilty of the crime? No, of course not. But recall the old saying: there is no I in team. For all the talk about how the guys you sweat and toil with at the practices and those you lean on in the trenches, etc. when you win it's a collective effort from the stars to the kids who don't see much playing time but are necessary to the success of a team bc of the practice situations etc. They all get rings when you win. So the team will all take the heat when a few do something negative.

    You can't have it both ways. When u are a member of a team, from sports, to work, to family, your actions reflect on those who associate with you.

    Secondly, the idea that the area is too obsessed with high school football and it's this mentality that allows things like this to be swept aside in the name of sports is true. But it's also a case of the pot calling the kettle black as many are delighting in the fact that Big Red is in a negative light bc they have pride in their own area football team and most around here despise SHS. You are just as strange, bc as much as you say this isnt about BigRed but rather about the victim, some of you are delighting in the negativity bc of the loyalty to your own area school. Some love to see Big Red fail. And Big Red did fail here, collectively and they deserve to be punished. In my opinion the team should not be playing football right now. It should be a punishment from within out of respect for the victim.

    Lastly, Fish82: every post of yours whether here on on another site is absolutely pretentious. I pity anyone who has to deal with you on a daily basis. You must be insufferable to be around, lhh.
  • ThePatriot
    Another thing, I love hs football as much as the next and think its greatly entertaining. But the more I'm around it the stranger it becomes. The way that many in the community here are willing to put a game played by 16 year old boys above all else, the way kids are bailed out from their crimes, the way winning has seem to. One before basic humanity in recent years is odd at best. And it happens at all schools. I've witnessed it at SHS, IC, CCHS. Modern football has become a monster in many many aspects.

    I've distanced myself from the sport in recent years bc of the the rabid actions su h as this one of players. Laches can and others involved. The people associated with high school sports often seem to have their heads buried in the asses and priorities all out of sorts.

    Edit: excuse the grammar and spelling. Typing on my phone and don't care to go back and correct as anyone with any basic reading comprehension can grasp the idea. Save yourself the trouble if you are policing grammar today. Nobody cares.
  • fish82
    ThePatriot;1258884 wrote:Im from Steubenville, attend the games, have family who are recent grads/former athletes, etc. Are all players from Big Red guilty of the crime? No, of course not. But recall the old saying: there is no I in team. For all the talk about how the guys you sweat and toil with at the practices and those you lean on in the trenches, etc. when you win it's a collective effort from the stars to the kids who don't see much playing time but are necessary to the success of a team bc of the practice situations etc. They all get rings when you win. So the team will all take the heat when a few do something negative.

    You can't have it both ways. When u are a member of a team, from sports, to work, to family, your actions reflect on those who associate with you.

    Secondly, the idea that the area is too obsessed with high school football and it's this mentality that allows things like this to be swept aside in the name of sports is true. But it's also a case of the pot calling the kettle black as many are delighting in the fact that Big Red is in a negative light bc they have pride in their own area football team and most around here despise SHS. You are just as strange, bc as much as you say this isnt about BigRed but rather about the victim, some of you are delighting in the negativity bc of the loyalty to your own area school. Some love to see Big Red fail. And Big Red did fail here, collectively and they deserve to be punished. In my opinion the team should not be playing football right now. It should be a punishment from within out of respect for the victim.

    Lastly, Fish82: every post of yours whether here on on another site is absolutely pretentious. I pity anyone who has to deal with you on a daily basis. You must be insufferable to be around, lhh.
    I'm only pretentious because I'm that farking awesome. Thanx for noticing. :cool:
  • Sykotyk
    Can I make one comment: I find it funny that people are railing on Steubenville for creating a 'culture of celebrity' with high school football WHILE talking on a message boards whose primary focus are talking all about high school football.
  • SUPER787
    ThePatriot;1258890 wrote:Another thing, I love hs football as much as the next and think its greatly entertaining. But the more I'm around it the stranger it becomes. The way that many in the community here are willing to put a game played by 16 year old boys above all else, the way kids are bailed out from their crimes, the way winning has seem to. One before basic humanity in recent years is odd at best. And it happens at all schools. I've witnessed it at SHS, IC, CCHS. Modern football has become a monster in many many aspects.
    I've distanced myself from the sport in recent years bc of the the rabid actions su h as this one of players. Laches can and others involved. The people associated with high school sports often seem to have their heads buried in the asses and priorities all out of sorts.

    Edit: excuse the grammar and spelling. Typing on my phone and don't care to go back and correct as anyone with any basic reading comprehension can grasp the idea. Save yourself the trouble if you are policing grammar today. Nobody cares.

    Wow, your first 2 posts and you said nothing. You should stay away from high school football if it upsets you that much. Try table tennis at the Y.M.C.A.; nothing much happens there.
