ALCS: (3) Texas Rangers vs. (4) New York Yankees
mhs95_06Then Gardner complains on one that is a no doubt strike!
mhs95_06Garndner too fast for the deliberately played DP attempt.
NonWhat is Nelson Cruz's contract status? I was trying to look it up.
Free agent? -
mhs95_06Rangers bullpen has to get 6 outs without giving up more than one run of their own to save the Rangers win.
mhs95_06When the bullpen came in a HR by the Yanks and the Rangers are still ahead, but now they didn't get an out yet and walked two making a HR now put the Yanks up. Pathetic!
Crimson streakIt's sad to see the rangers bullpen about to blow this game after a great performance by Wilson
Non5-4 Rangers
ARod 2-run single
no outs -
LeonardoRangers up 5-4 in the top of the eighth. There is no outs with runners on first and second for Robinson Cano.
Clay Rapada is the fourth Texas pitcher of the inning. -
mhs95_06Young could have gotten in front of that A-Rod shot!
Nonbullet to center
tie game -
LeonardoWhat a comeback by New York! Still have runners on first and third with no outs
Nonwho else do they have in the bullpen?
Ron Washington trying everybody -
Nonjust bring in the closer to try and get out of this
mhs95_06Should Washington have taken Wilson out to start the inning to give the inept bullpen a 4 run lead to protect, or did he do right in trying to get more out of Wilson and failing to get an out and give the bullpen only a 2 run cushion?
NonI think this is just on the players, the pitchers in the bullpen.
The starter went as far as he could and they had a good lead.
It's up to the bullpen to be good. -
NonThames keeps it going
6-5 Yankees
still NO OUTS -
mhs95_06Looks like the Reds 8th inning bullpen woes of two years ago!
Crimson streakWhat a choke job by the Texas bullpen
Nonnot exactly household names, these guys out of the pen besides Oliver
LeonardoPosada nearly just capped it off but Cruz catches it at the wall
Nondamage may be done anyway
but this is really big
Gardner can up the lead to at least two
if he does that I think it's game over, one run still a chance -
Non6-5 Yankees
disastrous top of the 8th for the Rangers -
mhs95_06On the 5th pitcher they finally get one who gets the outs, but he also gives up a broken bat single that drives in the lead run for the Yanks!
Nonthe difference between one run and two is huge with Rivera looming
that was still a good job by Holland to get Granderson and Gardner