
coyotes22 ---> Worst Threadmaker Ever?

  • Sage
    I used to think this prestigious title belonged to osu45912812, but no... he has apparently been usurped by coyotes 22.

    Let's take a brief look at the threads coyotes22 is responsible for....which are all on the first page:

    The Alphabetical Hot Chicks Game - Sounds riveting. I mean... if there is something this site needs more of, it's definitely threads where people can post photoshopped and airbrushed pictures of women they've never met, seen, or talked to. I'm normally on this site from a computer in a school library, and half the time I'm concerned I'm going to end up wrapped up in a child porn sting operation. We get it. Chicks are hot. Why are you excited over internet pixels? I only get excited over chicks who are sucking my dick and giving me sex. In other words: I'm never excited about bitches.

    Connect the Post - I don't even know where to begin. What the fuck is the point of this thread? Did you decide we needed more elementary school games on here? This is the type of shit I'd have expected to play when I was still shitting in my pants like a boss. You guys are grown ass men and are on the internet wasting your time on threads like these. SMH.

    Word Association - Again ... what the fuck? Are we in grade school? Are you trying to build our vocabulary and critical thinking skills? What is your end game with a thread like this? WHAT NEURONS IN YOUR BRAIN INTERACTED AND DECIDED THIS THREAD WAS A GOOD FUCKING IDEA? I have to know. What does this add to the site? What is the fucking purpose?

    First Letter....Last Letter - I love how he said to "Bring it" in this thread -- as if he's throwing down the gauntlet to a duel or something. Are you fucking kidding me? WHY? At this point.... why? You have Word Association, First Letter Last Letter, and Connect the Post. Couldn't you have turned this into one game? Why three? Why at the same time? What the fuck is your motive here? Are you working with Al-Qaeda and attempting to dumb down America? I am pounding my head into my keyboard now.



    Folks, this is serious business. There was hijinks like this on the old Huddle--and I let it slide because it kept the idiots all in one place. Now, they're coming over here and they're trying to proliferate their ilk.. and we just can't have this.

    Coyotes22, what do you bring to this group? What are you adding to this community? As far as I can tell, you're a slightly retarded child who brings his daycare games home and posts them on the internet for your cyber buddies to play. Just because NCF and Society post here... don't get it twisted... retardation is frowned upon, as is autism. (Although we let CityBuckeyeQueen slide because his autism makes for highly awkward, yet funny moments on this board).

    Stop with the gay fucking games. I can't take it anymore. Especially the way you're spamming them. And for those of you who play them--shame on you too for being a fucking moron. Get off the Countdown thread and go examine your life. And people who are going to be like WHAT DO YOU ADD SAGE or OMG GET OFF COYOTES22 BACK HES JUST TRYING TO BE JOVIAL AND SOCIAL -- You guys can go get fucked too.
  • Sage
    He also just bumped "LAST ONE TO POST LOSES" back onto the main page.

  • coyotes22
  • alwaysafan
  • stroups
  • hoops23
  • Society
    coyotes22 wrote: LOL
    He's right. You do start some really dumb ass threads.
  • coyotes22
    Sage wrote:

    Folks, this is serious business. There was hijinks like this on the old Huddle--and I let it slide because it kept the idiots all in one place. Now, they're coming over here and they're trying to proliferate their ilk.. and we just can't have this.

    Coyotes22, what do you bring to this group?What are you adding to this community? As far as I can tell, you're a slightly retarded child who brings his daycare games home and posts them on the internet for your cyber buddies to play. Just because NCF and Society post here... don't get it twisted... retardation is frowned upon, as is autism. (Although we let CityBuckeyeQueen slide because his autism makes for highly awkward, yet funny moments on this board).

    Stop with the gay fucking games. I can't take it anymore. Especially the way you're spamming them. And for those of you who play them--shame on you too for being a fucking moron. Get off the Countdown thread and go examine your life. And people who are going to be like WHAT DO YOU ADD SAGE or OMG GET OFF COYOTES22 BACK HES JUST TRYING TO BE JOVIAL AND SOCIAL -- You guys can go get fucked too.
    I must ask, What does this thread bring to the "community"?

    90% of the threads started in this board, have no purpose. So, why single me out? Can I not have some place to go, to just get away from it all? I dont care what you think, really. I actually laughed at this thread, and do not take it personally. Hey, I got my name in the title of a thread, and may get some more publicity!!! Thank you!!!!
  • wes_mantooth
    Hey Sage.....

    Did you figure out what was in that Pasadena Punch?
  • hoops23

    This could be a good one.
  • coyotes22
    Now we just need GoChiefs to chime in with some more idiotic rhetoric, and it will be all good!!
  • Sage
    You complaining about being singled out about dumb threads is like Adolph Hitler being like, "OMG, WHY THESE GUYS SINGLING ME OUT LIKE THIS? WTF, HATERZ? I AINT NEVER KILLED NO JEW"

    Look at those threads. LOOK AT THEM DAMNIT. Look into their soul. If these souls were girls, they'd be the cheap, cesarean scarred (THEYRE UGLY, WHICH IS A FACT), drug addicted skanks with vaginas that looked like somebody threw a grenade into a deli. They have no souls. They have no family. Nobody (except you) loves them. THEY'RE DRIFTERS.

    Now, look, we need to reduce the DTI% (Dumb Thread Index Percentage, obvi) on this thread by about three fold. You're Public Enemy #1 right now, coyotes... and until you recant and I break you of your habits.... you will remain this way. Other offenders include: osu487381, NewarkCatholicFan, the guy who started the "would you rather?" thread, and anybody who makes dumb threads asking everybody some retarded fucking question. You know who you are.

    Read the fucking title of this forum. Serious god damn business. There is nothing serious about women. There is nothing serious about Connecting Posts. There most certainly isn't anything serious about counting down from 3,000. In fact, it's just moronic.

    What if this board served as a time capsule? Do you want future civilizations thinking we sat around connecting posts, counting down, and idolizing fantasy women? DO YOU!?!??!?!?!
  • Sage
    Wes, yes... they're also known as "Royal Flushes" and they are delicious.

    1 1/2 oz Crown Royal Canadian whiskey
    1 oz peach schnapps
    1/2 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur
    1 oz cranberry juice

    Obviously, just make that two handles of everything and a bottle of juice and you'll be set.
  • Society
    This guy is a fucking moron. Put this guy in a room with snottbubbles (wls_color) and sage wouldn't know who to quit yelling at.
  • alwaysafan
    And the winner of playa-hater of the year is... Sage!
  • coyotes22
    Sage wrote: You complaining about being singled out about dumb threads is like Adolph Hitler being like, "OMG, WHY THESE GUYS SINGLING ME OUT LIKE THIS? WTF, HATERZ? I AINT NEVER KILLED NO JEW"

    Look at those threads. LOOK AT THEM DAMNIT. Look into their soul. If these souls were girls, they'd be the cheap, cesarean scarred (THEYRE UGLY, WHICH IS A FACT), drug addicted skanks with vaginas that looked like somebody threw a grenade into a deli. They have no souls. They have no family. Nobody (except you) loves them. THEY'RE DRIFTERS.

    Now, look, we need to reduce the DTI% (Dumb Thread Index Percentage, obvi) on this thread by about three fold. You're Public Enemy #1 right now, coyotes... and until you recant and I break you of your habits.... you will remain this way. Other offenders include: osu487381, NewarkCatholicFan, the guy who started the "would you rather?" thread, and anybody who makes dumb threads asking everybody some retarded fucking question. You know who you are.

    Read the fucking title of this forum. Serious god damn business. There is nothing serious about women. There is nothing serious about Connecting Posts. There most certainly isn't anything serious about counting down from 3,000. In fact, it's just moronic.

    What if this board served as a time capsule? Do you want future civilizations thinking we sat around connecting posts, counting down, and idolizing fantasy women? DO YOU!?!??!?!?!
    No, I do not.

    I would much rather see future generations looking back, and seeing some grown ass man, whining and crying about stupid thread topics on an Internet Message board.

    The knowledge that you bring to this site, makes me strive to be a better person. I do not know how I have survived these last 27 years, without you telling me how dumb I am. In fact, you make me feel like my whole life has been a waste of time. Whatever will I do!! I suppose I could:

    Cook dinner for my kids
    Then clean up around the house alittle
    Then maybe watch a movie with my two boys
    Wait for my wife to get home from work
    Go to bed
    Wake up tomorrow mornin and work on my car
    Go to church Sunday
    Watch a little football
    Then wake up Monday morning and start my week off like I do every week, by going to work
    Then, when I get home from work Monday, maybe get on here, and start another stupid thread!!

    Just some ideas. :D
  • Glory Days
    maybe they should add a thread rating feature.
  • Sage
    Look, you can lead your cookie cutter life style and act like you enjoy spending time with your kids and your wife--when each day you know you die inside just a little bit more. That's fine with me. You do you.

    I just can't take the threads anymore, man. And I know 95% of the people on this forum can't either but they are content with a blind man walking towards a cliff. You see, I'm not. Just know that you're a terrible thread maker, think it over this weekend, change what needs to be changed, and come back after this Holiday with a new sense about you. Show me you're a worker and I'll remove this scarlet letter.

    Now go put that axe to the grind stone, and don't bring that weak shit around here no more.
  • coyotes22
    Sage, I will pray for you. I know this is all an act, just so no one thinks that you have gone soft. I understand you have to keep your badass internet tough guy status alive. Its ok. I will take the fall this time.

    Thanks again though, for getting my name in lights!! I never thought I would be famous on!!
  • Sage
    Think what you will, I don't give a fuck. Just cut it out with your pre-pubescent threads that deserve to be written in crayon and we won't have a problem.
  • coyotes22
    Thats fine.

    If Justin gets on this thread and tells me to stop, and then closes all my threads, so as not to be able to post on them anymore, I will stop.

    I just don't see the harm, or who it is really killing, besides you and Society.
  • Sage
    IQ points.

    You are killing America's IQ points.

    That is why I have a problem with you.
  • skank
    coyotes22 wrote: Sage, I will pray for you. I know this is all an act, just so no one thinks that you have gone soft. I understand you have to keep your badass internet tough guy status alive. Its ok. I will take the fall this time.

    Thanks again though, for getting my name in lights!! I never thought I would be famous on!!
    An act? Ha. Sage is a dick.
    skank wrote:
    coyotes22 wrote: Sage, I will pray for you. I know this is all an act, just so no one thinks that you have gone soft. I understand you have to keep your badass internet tough guy status alive. Its ok. I will take the fall this time.

    Thanks again though, for getting my name in lights!! I never thought I would be famous on!!
    An act? Ha. Sage is a dick.
    You'd be a dick too if you spent ur whole life in marion. I'd hate the world too. It's cool Sage, we understand kid.
  • Sage
    Bro, don't even try to turn this into a referendum on the City of Kings. That's like throwing a brick through somebody's window when that guy is sitting on a cache of automatic weapons.

    Marion's streets are paved in gold and lined with the blood and tears of the souls of our conquered.

    Think before you post, Zwick.