
Tiger Woods Seriously Injured In Car Crash

  • OneBuckeye
    Let me google that for you.
  • ernest_t_bass
    OneBuckeye wrote: Let me google that for you.
    LOL... thanks.
  • Con_Alma
    "..."The public is expecting the state to do a thorough job here," Wallshein said. "Woods is in a Catch-22." Had he answered investigators questions, Woods would have given information that he regards as private to, in essence, the public. He also would have opened himself to possible perjury charges had he made untruthful statements. But by not answering investigators questions, he risks increasing their desire to dig deeper. The bottom line, though, is that there are no serious injuries and only minor physical damage. The legal upshot will likely be nothing more than a traffic ticket. ..."

    "...One lawyer said the whole issue is likely to fade away over time as long as Woods and Nordegren stay on the same page, meaning they say little and that their stories are consistent. That pre-supposes that there aren't other witnesses to the accident, or insiders who will talk publicly about the nature of the marriage...."

    ...from the site Manhattanbuckeye referenced.

    Seems to me Mr. Woods should continue his course of action.

    I didn't read anywhere that warrants are being issued. Can anyone shed light on this?
  • ernest_t_bass
    How did you make that screen capture vid?
  • thedynasty1998
    The police are seaking a warrant for the medical reports to determine if it is as a result of a domestic abuse case.

    If it is domestic abuse, it was Tiger who was abused. You think he's pressing charges against his wife? I don't understand the logic of pursuing this.

    As for the endorsement money. That's not paid by taxpayers, where we are entitled to know. It's payed by Nike and Buick and others, and if they want to know, you better believe he will tell them. They probably already know what went down by now. But they are not obligated to share it with the average citizen.

    I'm really surprised there is so much talk and media devotion to this.
  • OneBuckeye
    ernest_t_bass wrote: How did you make that screen capture vid?

    Go here type in what you want to search for and it will provide a link for the vid sequence. It is my favorite new site and will come in handy when being a smart ass on freehuddle.
  • Con_Alma
    I couldn't agree more the dynasty.

    "...What is clear is that Woods is taking a long-term view as he assesses the situation...."

    ....again from

    He gets it.
  • Manhattan Buckeye
    "If it is domestic abuse, it was Tiger who was abused. You think he's pressing charges against his wife? I don't understand the logic of pursuing this. "

    In some jurisdictions it doesn't matter (not sure if Florida is one of these juridictions), if it was the other way around and potentially Tiger beat his wife, you think it would make a difference if Elin said "no worries, I'm fine?"

    "where we are entitled to know."

    The accident is NOT a private matter, regardless of Team Tiger's efforts and his bootlickers. He ran over a public fire hydrant and likely committed a violation operating a motor vehicle. If this was you, me or whoever else I really doubt we'd get by telling the authorities "I'm busy, come back later" over and over again.

    Whatever issue he has with Elin I agree is private, unless it rises to criminal domestic abuse. At any rate, this has been a late-term abortion of a PR move by him and his handlers.
  • Con_Alma
    "...If this was you, me or whoever else I really doubt we'd get by telling the authorities "I'm busy, come back later" over and over again. ..."

    No doubt about it. ...then again it's not you, me or whoever else. Any disappointment should be steered to the police for allowing a difference in procedure if a violation of the law happened

    Were I Mr. Woods I would do the same thing. If they had something on me they should come and get me but I'm not going to come knocking at their door and agree to sit down and chat. If you really think you have something you better be rock solid with your details because it will cost if you are not.

    ...regarding a bad PR handling, Manhattan and I clearly disagree. We don't know what happened and if his wife flew off the handle because she though he was cheating and physically assaulted him he will look very good from a PR perspective by not having went public with any details so she might not be arrested.
  • thedynasty1998
    Him telling the cops to come back later was within his rights. According to the law, he's not obligated to speak any further to authorities. Will he get fined? Sure. If he got a speeding ticket he would get fined too, but we wouldnt' be hearing about that.

    As for the changing roles and if it were Tiger beating his wife. Well, if his wife wanted to keep it a a secret, it probably would. How are they going to pursue this if obviously neither one of them wants to talk, and obviously Tiger isn't pressing charges.

    It all seems so idiotic to me.
  • Manhattan Buckeye
    Yeah, and yahoo! front page and agrees with me (as does my buddy that played golf with Tiger at Stanford!).

    If this was a domestic matter, all Tiger had to do was say it was such, cooperate with authorities and his critics wouldn't have much to say - they'd be charlatans if they were overjudgmental...instead his silence is fanning the flames because of the perception that he (and possibly his wife) is getting preferential treatment.
  • Con_Alma
    ...silence is fanning the flames short-term yet shows his unwillingess to give in, in order to better position himself for the outcome he would like long-term. To judge short term would be short sighted in my opinion. In 10 years I still don't see this as being a big bust.

    He has never been willing to burp details to the press. Not doing so here is true to his past character.

    He like me doesn't care if or ex-teammates agree with his choices here. I know I wouldn't make my decisions based on what media outlets or others thought short-term. needs headlines today. Teammates don't know all the details and are most likely not billionaires from endorsements.

    There are bigger issues than letting people know a couple days afterwards what happened...issues that will be in place much longer than appeasing the public today.
  • thedynasty1998
    Of course Yahoo and every other media outlet agrees with you, because they want to make it newsworthy. Doesn't mean it should be.

    He doesn't want to say it's a domestic matter and that's up to him.
  • Manhattan Buckeye
    Apologize for the language, but this is another message I got from another buddy (very smart, was a Justice Kennedy clerk) about the situation...I agree with most of it, and he's a prosecutor in DC.

    "I don''t know the law in FL but a DA can press charges in domestic abuse cases, it doesn't have to be the spouse. I'm would guess that they had probably been in some knockdown-dragout for a period of time before Tiger said, "fuck this I'm getting out of here." And from the looks of it, I don't think Elin was done making her point.

    I also agree with those of you commenting on how bad the advice he's getting is. WTF are his people thinking... haven't they learned anything about how best to handle something like this when it is made public? Fuck, just be a man, step up and admit you had a fight and move on. Things happen, situations escalate, and then it's over.

    I do want to know what he was fading in and out of consciousness though? That's freaking' weird, don't you think? I heard someone say there wasn't any blood inside the SUV. If true, then she did all the damage but what's with the mental state?"

    The last point could be why Tiger is clamming up.
  • Fab1b
    Tiger has pulled out of his tournament this weekend:
  • Nate
    I don't think we will ever know the whole story.
  • thedynasty1998
    Yes, they can press charges, but based on what? A photo of tiger with a busted lip?

    I think it's pretty obvious what happened, but that doesn't mean Tiger has to talk about it.

    Honestly, I think Tiger is making the right decision with not talking. If he comes out and says that his wife beat him up, then even more questions are asked. And it's likely because of an affair and that's worse for his image than his wife busting his lip. When would the questions stop?

    There are already reports coming out of all the girls Tiger has on the side and different affairs he's had. Maybe his wife was okay with it as long as it didn't become public knowledge. Once it did, she got mad. Maybe she didn't know anything about it (which is hard for me to believe) and she just found out.

    Either way, Tiger screwed up and his wife hit him. If I'm Tiger, I don't say anything and let people speculate, and then I don't have to answer any questions and then any follow up questions.
  • Nate
    I think if he was having many affairs, this wouldn't be the first time we've heard about it.
  • Manhattan Buckeye
    "Yes, they can press charges, but based on what? A photo of tiger with a busted lip?"

    Well they likely have him on a reckless, as he's damned near admitted to it on his website. Typically that's a court appearance, at most a minor fine and unless it is extremely reckless no suspension of license. But that is typical. This ain't typical. If a DA wants to push this there is plenty of room to do so. I'm not sure it has risen to the level of obstruction, but this isn't doing him any favors with the authorities involved, and until he's candid they'll likely be involved.
  • thedynasty1998
    From the legal standpoint, this is over. He will get fined, and that's it.

    From a PR standpoint, speculation will go on until something else newsworthy breaks.

    Do you know how many girls there are out there that will sleep with these star athletes and stay quiet for a pretty penny? There are lots!
  • Con_Alma
    In 10 years Tiger will still be raking in the endorsement deals. This will be a blip on the radar ala Michael Jordan.
  • Manhattan Buckeye
    Tiger has already raked in the deals, he's probably more wealthy than Jordan now.

    Why are you gnawing on his nuts on this? I don't get it.
  • Manhattan Buckeye
    "We don't know what happened and if his wife flew off the handle because she though he was cheating and physically assaulted him he will look very good from a PR perspective by not having went public with any details so she might not be arrested. "

    Sorry to keep bringing this to the top, but how dumb is this statement? If a person is abused, they look better from a PR standpoint if they hide the abuse?

    What was it Tina Turner said, "Hit me again, Ike, this time put some stank in it!"
  • Con_Alma
    "Tiger has already raked in the deals, he's probably more wealthy than Jordan now.

    Why are you gnawing on his nuts on this? I don't get it."

    How much when compared to Jordan was not the point. The fact that jordan overcame a potentially bad pr scenario and still makes endorsement cash today was the reason I brought him up.

    I appreciate you declaring you don't get it.
  • Con_Alma
    "...Sorry to keep bringing this to the top, but how dumb is this statement? If a person is abused, they look better from a PR standpoint if they hide the abuse?"

    Nowhere was that stated on this thread. The words and context matter when it comes to determining, how dumb the statement truly is or is not.