
Tiger Woods Seriously Injured In Car Crash

  • RedRider1
    You think some of his sponsors (who love his clean cut image) may want (and deserve) an explanation?
  • Con_Alma
    Do you know if they have not or will not get one??

    That's not the same as the general public.
  • Manhattan Buckeye
    "The only story here is if he was injured and it impacted his profession. "

    Well, his profession has earned him about $100M, his reputation has earned him a multiple of that. He's a public figure, a voluntary public figure and a well-compensated public figure. We can let the local authorities handle any fines/investigation matters, but his public statement was absolute BS. He would have been better off not saying anything at all. There is no freaking way a Swedish supermodel courageously takes a golf club to his rear window to rescue a strong and heavy athlete from a casual driveway crash at 2:30 a.m. on Thanksgiving.

    Tiger just lied to us. He lied to his fans. He lied to his sponsors.
  • Con_Alma
    His sponsors will be the judge of whether he lied and if it impacts his marketability and then ultimately those who patronize said sponsors. I don't see it.
  • Timber
    Sorry if it has been stated, I have not followed this issue very close. Why is the Florida HP invoved in an accident within a private gated community? Would that not fall into a local police/sheriff's department(s.) jurisdiction? Early on I thought I heard he spoke to officers concerning the accident, either at the scene or at the hospital.
  • Manhattan Buckeye
    "His sponsors will be the judge of whether he lied"

    Dude, he lied. I've been married for same the length as Tiger, if I get up to go to the bathroom at 2:30 a.m. my wife goes bonkers. There is no way someone just casually decides to leave his house at 2:30 a.m. and for no reason at all runs over a fire hydrant and hits the neighbor's tree and his wife (still up) rescues him (with a golf club no less!). He's making fools out of people. If there are any potentially criminal issues here I can't blame him for not discussing them....but the story is ridiculous.
  • just_a_swimmer
    No doubt he is lying. I even think his wife is the one that was driving the car. She busted him with the club or whatever. He can lie to fans but he can not lie to the cops. Now that is not good. They think something was fishy too or they wouldn't be going after him. If he would have just spoke to them to begin with there would not have been a problem. Now if he is caught lying about who was behind the wheel that could get ugly.
  • Con_Alma
    Dude??? I am not a Dude.

    You say he lied. If so his sponsors will determine if they deem him to continue to be marketable after "he lied". Those who patronize those sponsors will determine if it matters to them that "he lied". I don't see it as being a differentiator at this point to people buying or not buying Nike, Buick or Titleist.

    Will it be in the future? Time will tell but I bet if he reels off several more majors it won't mean a thing.
  • Fab1b
    No snow we go! wrote: Sorry if it has been stated, I have not followed this issue very close. Why is the Florida HP invoved in an accident within a private gated community? Would that not fall into a local police/sheriff's department(s.) jurisdiction? Early on I thought I heard he spoke to officers concerning the accident, either at the scene or at the hospital.
    I could be wrong but I believe the State Highway Patrol has jurisdiction on every road way in the state public or private community.
  • Little Danny
    If Tiger "lied" to the police and filed a false police report, he is guilty of a crime. The police have every right to investigate
  • Con_Alma
    Of course they have a right and a duty.
  • Manhattan Buckeye
    My buddy that went to Stanford with Tiger just e-mailed me, I agree with all of it:

    "What I can't believe is how poorly Tiger's handlers have dealt with this. Shouldn't Tiger have people for this who at least remotely know what they're doing? It looks to me like Tiger, at some point, called up his agent Mark Steinberg, who at least at first, tried to deal with this himself. Steinberg might be great at getting Tiger 8-figure endorsement deals, but when it comes to crisis management and PR, well, apparently, not so much. And then to belatedly hire this guy Nejame, some criminal defense guy in Orlando.... It's as if they decided on the course of action designed to make Tiger looks as bad as possible."

    If this was (likely) just a domestic dispute that got out of hand, Tiger and Team Nike have handled this as bad as possible.
  • Manhattan Buckeye
    "I could be wrong but I believe the State Highway Patrol has jurisdiction on every road way in the state public or private community"

    Don't know about Florida, but in Ohio that is (or at least when I lived there) the case.
  • berry
    This whole mess is moving toward closure.

    Tiger met with the Highway Patrol at noon. He's meeting with Kobe's jeweler at two.
  • Con_Alma
    He'd be wise in my opinion to say nothing more than what he has released on his website.

    He was scheduled to play in the Chevron World Challenge which he hosts to benefit his charitable foundation. He was scheduled to have a press conference on Tuesday before the tournament. We'll see how that unfolds!
  • thedynasty1998
    Manhattan Buckeye wrote: "His sponsors will be the judge of whether he lied"

    Dude, he lied. I've been married for same the length as Tiger, if I get up to go to the bathroom at 2:30 a.m. my wife goes bonkers. There is no way someone just casually decides to leave his house at 2:30 a.m. and for no reason at all runs over a fire hydrant and hits the neighbor's tree and his wife (still up) rescues him (with a golf club no less!). He's making fools out of people. If there are any potentially criminal issues here I can't blame him for not discussing them....but the story is ridiculous.
    No offense, but you are not the same as Tiger. Don't try to put yourself in his shoes. This is a guy who makes hundreds of millions, travels for a living and has the stresses and pressure that most of us will never understand.
  • MrMcCluskie
    They were talking about this on Bob and Tom this morning and I agree that he will just do what Kobe did. Buy his wife a new ring for her finger or a "new house for her finger".
  • Manhattan Buckeye
    'No offense, but you are not the same as Tiger. "

    None taken. I'm actually a fan of Tiger....I also know he is a BILLIONAIRE, if he didn't want the scrutiny, he didn't have to take the money. But he did. He can't have everything, he can't accept his money, mansions, yachts, etc. that are paid by his endorsers and their consumers and still expect to get by with this shit.

    If he can't handle it he can retire now and move to any island he can purchase. Again I respect his play on the course but he is hardly a sympathetic figure, and I'd go so far to say if he was a basketball player with multiple tattoos and came from tougher circumstances, he wouldn't get the same free pass that some folks are giving him.
  • Con_Alma
    "...he can't accept his money, mansions, yachts, etc. that are paid by his endorsers and their consumers and still expect to get by with this shit. ..."

    As you can tell by my prior posts I bet he absolutely will get by with it.

    I think he can handle it, has handled it in the past and will continue to handle it.

    You may be right about the basketball player image but that's not who he is portrayed as which is why his endorsements deals have been what they were. He didn't come across as a bad boy and had massive multicultural appeal. He may not have gotten the same type of free pass if he were like them but that's not how he has presented himself so he is getting the "free pass" here. Maybe those basketball guys can learn something!
  • Manhattan Buckeye
    "I think he can handle it, has handled it in the past and will continue to handle it."

    Do you know something I don't know about the Florida Highway Patrol?

    At a minimum, this is a reckless driving to any average citizen. Hell, it is the definition of reckless driving.
  • Con_Alma
    I don't think I know any more about the FHP than you do. Why do you ask?

    When stating he will continue to handle it, it was in reference to you using "handle it" in the context of the following statement. "...If he can't handle it he can retire now and move to any island he can purchase."

    I don't know what my knowledge or lack thereof of the FHP has to do with my opinion on that.

    I would tend to agree that it seems like a reckless op. Maybe how he has presented himself in the past and who is has kept the FHP from issuing such a ticket. Life's not fair.
  • Manhattan Buckeye
    "Maybe how he has presented himself in the past and who is his kept the FHP from issuing such a ticket. Life's not fair. "

    Actually it probably has more to due with his lack of cooperation and the failure (according to some reports) to administer an alcohol test at the scene, but it appears (again to some reports) that there are now warrants being issued and if Tiger has a security camera, that could likely be part of the investigation.

    This isn't ending anytime soon for Tiger.
  • Con_Alma
    ...even more reason to keep his mouth shut right now.

    If the average citizen wasn't cooperative at the scene I don't think they would have been released if alcohol was suspected. Because of who he is had a lot to do with the police's method of procedure in my mind.

    Any idea what the warrants are for? Who they are for?
  • ernest_t_bass
    Any links with current news?
  • Manhattan Buckeye has info.