
Have The Majority of American Men Become Wusses?

  • GoChiefs
    You're wrong..I'm not talking out of both sides of my mouth nothing about it..I gave you my thoughts..and I've made my thoughts very don't give facts b/c you don't have any. Your just stating your opinion. That's all it is. Which is fine and all..but don't try to present it to be a fact. Fact is. Unions suck. All Unions? No..probably not..but most of them are nothing but a bunch of greedy assholes..just care about how much money they can line there pockets with. They aren't for there 'Brothers' any more like they used to be. THAT'S a fact. Yes..I understand you got hurt..and they came to your aid. Which truly is great. But does that justify all the other Union brothers that were screwed before and after that? I say no. Helping out one guy when you screw 50 others just doesn't make it right at all. And how long do you think America has had 'better working conditions'? IMO...I'd say that OSHA being established has had a lot more to do with that than ANY Union. I said..if you can find facts..I'd love to look at them! Yes..I're not a history teacher...that's the excuse you always hear when someone can't provide the facts to back up there argument.
    there you go again talking out of both sides of your mouth. I'm not going to look it up, you look it up and learn it. I've already learned it. The unions helped shape what we have today. that is the fact. well I'm just glad your a vet and protected your own right to be an idiot at will.
  • GoChiefs
    Never once said I was a Vet..guess you should recheck your idiot comment. ;) I don't need to look it up..I've been a Union member for many years..for a few different Union..I know what it's all about. And THAT is indeed a fact.
  • sleeper
    GoChiefs wrote:
    sleeper wrote: WWII? That's the best you got? Japan bombed a small island off our western coast and you equate that to taking over the country? I can't remember who said it but it was something like invading the USA is impossible because there would be a gun behind every blade of grass(mine included). The military serves a purpose sure, but acting like if we didn't have one, or as big as one, we'd be speaking an entirely different language is pointless and utterly ignorant. And who cares? If I had to learn Japanese, Chinese, or German, instead of English I wouldn't mind.
    Maybe you should reread my post? I didn't say anything about Pearl Harbor..I'm talking about THE US of A..not the islands. Japan attempted MANY times to attack this great country...Pearl Harbor was a success..the other attempts..not so much..due to the MILITARY. I guess you should at least go thank a Veteran for being able to voice your asinine as some of them may be..they fought to give you THAT right too. And never know..we piss China off..we just might be speaking that language..if that would happen..say goodbye to your public opinions.
    Did they ever succeed? Do you honestly believe that a country could take over the United States if we had no military?

    It's impossible, you can't invade the United States. Sure, you could nuke it all to hell, but a land invasion is IMPOSSIBLE EVEN WITHOUT THE MILATARY!

    And like I said, so what? I don't care if I speak chinese, english, Japanese, etc...If it means I don't have to pay tax money to fund an imperial empire such as the United States military, then I'm all for it.
  • dwccrew
    MANAZE wrote: If you go back to the early 1900s and look at what the unions did to improve union and non union wages and work conditions you will see that they are in fact the reason pay and everything else we take for granted happend.
    Answer below.
    salto wrote: The union may have contributed to an overall increase in salary for the working "people" of this country, but they have equally contributed to the inflation of goods and services. For every raise an individual receives, a cost increase is applied to the consumer. It's called math.
    Accurate. I agree. +1
    So now the unions are to blame for the price of gas? ya I forgot about that, because when everything started to go up what caused it? gas prices not union wages.
  • dwccrew
    MANAZE wrote: So now the unions are to blame for the price of gas? ya I forgot about that, because when everything started to go up what caused it? gas prices not union wages.
    I think you can definitely blame jobs being shipped over seas to union wages. Why pay $30 an hour to a high school dropout to screw a bolt into a car when you can have someone overseas do it for way less?

    Of course Honda (non-union) keeps americans working.

    FYI, I am at a union job. I am not a big fan of unions. They have done nothing but hurt me. They haven't helped me any.

    As for your question, union's could contribute to the rise in gas prices. It's not the only factor (and not a majority factor), but if people that transport oil and gas are union workers i.e. railroads and truck drivers, most likely when they demand wage increases, the price of shipping goes up, causing the price of fuel to go up.

    Unions served their purposes back in the earlier 20th century. Now they are not helping, but hurting.

    I equate it to someone who has cancer, they get chemotherapy and it helps eradicate the problem. You don't then continue chemotherapy after the problem has been taken care of.

    The cancer of companies abusing their employees is over. No need for unions anymore. They cause more "us vs. them" now than anything. Less gets accomplished.
    If your so unhappy with unions why are you working a union job?
  • dwccrew
    MANAZE wrote: If your so unhappy with unions why are you working a union job?
    I don't plan on being in a union position within the company for very long. A friend of the family is a district manager for the company I work in and this was the only opening position they had. In a job market that doesn't give too many choices, I took it as it was decent pay and benefits.

    My ultimate goal is to progress and get promoted into management, thus leaving the union position and getting better pay and better hours.

    Seniority sucks. Guys that are lazy and not better at the job get to have better shifts because they've been there longer? It's not right that people get the better shifts because they have more time and not based on merit. Unions have allowed lazy workers to hold jobs over better qualified people.
  • dwccrew
    Like I said, unions were needed in the past, but now they are not. Leadership abuses their power and unions are no longer needed.
  • GoChiefs
    dwccrew wrote: Seniority sucks. Guys that are lazy and not better at the job get to have better shifts because they've been there longer? It's not right that people get the better shifts because they have more time and not based on merit. Unions have allowed lazy workers to hold jobs over better qualified people.
    This. And I have my Union job b/c it's just that..A JOB.
  • ernest_t_bass
    MANAZE wrote: So now the unions are to blame for the price of gas? ya I forgot about that, because when everything started to go up what caused it? gas prices not union wages.
    Supply and Demand

    I think that inflation has skyrocketed partially b/c of unions. Like I said in an earlier post... if unions never came around, we would not have seen such drastic increases in inflation b/c we would not have seen such drastic increases in wages. You raise wages like that, then the businesses have to make more money, so they raise prices.

    Same goes for gas... supply and demand. People are making more money, and are willing and able to pay higher prices for gas (not just on American soil), so you have increase in prices.
  • ernest_t_bass
    ttt... we can't let this thread die lol
  • GoChiefs
    Why yes..yes we can.
  • ernest_t_bass

    Crying :(

  • GoChiefs
    Cry all you want..Unions still suck. :p
    I would love for you to go to work and run your mouth there like you do here. If it wasn't for the union you wouldn't have your job. Were you upset when they cast someone else to play two face in the Batman The Dark Knight?
  • Strapping Young Lad
    Unions suck b/c they protect every lazy p.o.s. who does jack squat while ppl who really want to work can't get in....non-union co.'s suck b/c they want you to work yourself to the bone, beat your body all to hell, with shit medical benefits if any, while barely making enough money to live in today's world, let alone provide for a family....

    F*@% the world :P
  • ernest_t_bass
    I agree, unions suck. But they do protect me :D
  • GoChiefs
    MANAZE wrote: I would love for you to go to work and run your mouth there like you do here. If it wasn't for the union you wouldn't have your job. Were you upset when they cast someone else to play two face in the Batman The Dark Knight?
    Nothing two faced about think I go into work praising the Unions? Not hardly..I make my thoughts about the Union well known there as I do here..they know I'm anti Union..oh wait..just like everyone else that works there that agree the Union sucks. Go cry to them too. Everyone makes there thoughts well known about the Union where I work. I do my job..and I show up to work everyday..I'm not one of those lazy pos's that need protected by the Union..the Union is not needed on my part.

    I wouldn't have my job if it wasn't for the Union? The Union didn't fill out my resume and application..the Union didn't go to my interview for me..the Union didn't take the mechanical ability tests to get my job..the Union didn't pass my drug test..the Union did not get me my therefor..I'd still have my job without the Union.

    Maybe you could take your blinders off for just a second and see the Union cares nothing about the almighty dollar today. They don't give a shit about the workers. They do whatever they can to make a buck. The Union only cares about themselves..this isn't 30 years ago..if they can screw you and make a dime in the better believe that they will. I've seen it happen far too many times.
  • Websurfinbird
    MANAZE wrote: To many American men today are more worried about getting their nails done than doing real work.

    I'm confused by your thread as well. You lead off by implying that men are more into grooming than taking care of their families or "working hard."

    I'd venture to guess that the majority of the deadbeat dads out there aren't saying "hmm I think I'll get a mani/pedi instead of taking care of my kids." They are most likely addicted to drugs, in jail, etc.

    Also what do you mean by real work? You can provide for your family and not work manual labor. Think about all of the doctors, lawyers, teachers, accountants, journalists out there. They are making a living, and they are providing for their families.
  • Karl Childers
    Pretty good take on this very subject over at The Inside Handshake:

    Winning 3rd Place: The Wussification of America Continues

    Scroll down to read the blog.